alkyl.gms : Simplified Alkylation Process


This model describes a simplified alkylation process. Note the
modeling of error bounds on the estimated equations. This formulation
is very efficient in terms of problem comprehension and solution. The
additional nonlinearities are bounded in a narrow range and
introduce no additional computational burden.

Small Model of Type : NLP

Category : GAMS Model library

Main file : alkyl.gms

$title Simplified Alkylation Process (ALKYL,SEQ=165)

This model describes a simplified alkylation process. Note the
modeling of error bounds on the estimated equations. This formulation
is very efficient in terms of problem comprehension and solution. The
additional nonlinearities are bounded in a narrow range and
introduce no additional computational burden.

Berna, T, Locke, M, and Westerberg, A, Simplified Alkylation Process.
AIChE Journal 26 (1980), 37.

Keywords: nonlinear programming, chemical engineering, alkylation process

   F          'objective variable'
   OlefinFeed 'Olefins feed'
   IsobutRec  'Isobutane recycle'
   AcidFeed   'Acid feed'
   AlkylYld   'Alkylate yield'
   IsobutMak  'Isobutane makeup'
   AcidStren  'Acid strength'
   Octane     'Octane number'
   Ratio      'iC4 Olefin ratio'
   AcidDilut  'Acid dilution factor'
   F4Perf     'F4 performance number'

   Objective  'objective function'
   AlkylShrnk 'Alkylate volumetric shrinkage equation'
   AcidBal    'Acid material balance'
   IsobutBal  'Isobutane component balance'

Objective..  F =e= - 6.3*AlkylYld*Octane + 5.04*OlefinFeed + 0.35*IsobutRec + AcidFeed + 3.36*IsobutMak;

AlkylShrnk.. AlkylYld =e= (OlefinFeed+IsobutMak)/1.22;

AcidBal..    0.98*AcidFeed =e= AcidStren*((AlkylYld*AcidDilut)/100.0 + AcidFeed);

IsoButBal..  10.0*IsobutRec + IsobutMak =e= OlefinFeed*Ratio;

AlkylDef..   AlkylYld*AlkErr   =e= OlefinFeed*(1.12 + 0.13167*Ratio - 0.0067*Ratio*Ratio);

OctDef..     Octane*OctErr     =e= 0.8635+(1.098*Ratio - 0.038*Ratio*Ratio)/100 + 0.325*(AcidStren - 0.89);

AcidDef..    AcidDilut*AcidErr =e= 35.82 - 22.2*F4Perf;

F4Def..      F4Perf*F4Err      =e= -1.33 + 3*Octane;

alkerr.lo  = .99; alkerr.up  = 1/.99; alkerr.l  = 1;
octerr.lo  = .99; octerr.up  = 1/.99; octerr.l  = 1;
aciderr.lo = .90; aciderr.up = 1/.90; aciderr.l = 1;
F4err.lo   = .99; F4err.up   = 1/.99; F4err.l   = 1;

F.l = -0.90;

OlefinFeed.lo = 0;    OlefinFeed.up = 2.00; OlefinFeed.l = 1.745;
IsobutRec.lo  = 0;    IsobutRec.up  = 1.60; IsobutRec.l  = 1.2;
AcidFeed.lo   = 0;    AcidFeed.up   = 1.20; AcidFeed.l   = 1.10;
AlkylYld.lo   = 0;    AlkylYld.up   = 5.00; AlkylYld.l   = 3.048;
IsobutMak.lo  = 0;    IsobutMak.up  = 2.00; IsobutMak.l  = 1.974;
AcidStren.lo  = 0.85; AcidStren.up  = 0.93; AcidStren.l  = 0.893;
Octane.lo     = 0.90; Octane.up     = 0.95; Octane.l     = 0.928;
Ratio.lo      = 3;    Ratio.up      = 12;   Ratio.l      = 8;
AcidDilut.lo  = 1.2;  AcidDilut.up  = 4;    AcidDilut.l  = 3.6;
F4Perf.lo     = 1.45; F4Perf.up     = 1.62; F4Perf.l     = 1.45;

Model m / all /;

$onText optimal solutions
OlefinFeed.fx =  1.70368;
IsobutRec.fx  =  1.58449;
AcidFeed.fx   =   .543165;
AlkylYld.fx   =  3.03581;
IsobutMak.fx  =  2.0;
AcidStren.fx  =   .90133;
Octane.fx     =   .950;
Ratio.fx      = 10.4743;
AcidDilut.fx  =  1.56164;
F4Perf.fx     =  1.53535;
m.holdFixed   =  1;

solve m using nlp minimizing f;