gdxmrw01.gms : test the Matlab utility writegdx


This file contains code to call writegdx and check that the
files written are correct.

It's likely that these tests will also serve as the sole
(or an auxiliary) form of documentation for writegdx.

Small Model of Type : GAMS

Category : GAMS Test library

Main file : gdxmrw01.gms

$TITLE 'test the Matlab utility writegdx' (GDXMRW01,SEQ=247)


This file contains code to call writegdx and check that the
files written are correct.

It's likely that these tests will also serve as the sole
(or an auxiliary) form of documentation for writegdx.


$call =rm ex1.gdx ex1_lab.gdx
$call =rm write2a.gdx write2b.gdx
$call =rm exw3.gdx exw3_lab.gdx
$call =rm write4a.gdx write4b.gdx
$set WAIT
$if not %system.filesys% == UNIX $set WAIT /wait
$call =matlab -r wbatch -logfile wbatch.log -nosplash -nodisplay -nojvm %WAIT%

$label SKIPMAT

$if not exist  ex1.gdx         $error "ex1.gdx does not exist"
$call =gdxdiff ex1 ex1_
$if errorlevel 1               $error "bad content in ex1.gdx"

$if not exist  ex1_lab.gdx     $error "ex1_lab.gdx does not exist"
$call =gdxdiff ex1_lab ex1_lab_
$if errorlevel 1               $error "bad content in ex1_lab.gdx"

$if not exist  write2a.gdx     $error "write2a.gdx does not exist"
$call =gdxdiff write2a write2a_
$if errorlevel 1               $error "bad content in write2a.gdx"

$if not exist  write2b.gdx     $error "write2b.gdx does not exist"
$call =gdxdiff write2b write2b_
$if errorlevel 1               $error "bad content in write2b.gdx"

$if not exist  exw3.gdx        $error "exw3.gdx does not exist"
$call =gdxdiff exw3 exw3_
$if errorlevel 1               $error "bad content in exw3.gdx"

$if not exist  exw3_lab.gdx    $error "exw3_lab.gdx does not exist"
$call =gdxdiff exw3_lab exw3_lab_
$if errorlevel 1               $error "bad content in exw3_lab.gdx"

$if not exist  write4a.gdx     $error "write4a.gdx does not exist"
$call =gdxdiff write4a write4a_
$if errorlevel 1               $error "bad content in write4a.gdx"

$if not exist  write4b.gdx     $error "write4b.gdx does not exist"
$call =gdxdiff write4b write4b_
$if errorlevel 1               $error "bad content in write4b.gdx"

$if not errorfree $log There were errors: not all tests passed
$if not errorfree $exit

$log Normal completion: all tests passed