Download GAMS Release 49.0.0 BETA

Released February 02, 2025

This is a BETA version of the software and not the final product. Use it at your own risk.

Please consult the release notes before downloading a system. We also have detailed platform descriptions and installation notes. The GAMS distribution includes the documentation in electronic form.

MS Windows Desktop and Server Operating Systems1

  • x86_64 architecture
  • MD5 hash2 63182b397d25b9afe107dcf60440ee21

GNU/Linux Systems on AMD/Intel CPUs

  • x86_64 architecture
  • MD5 hash2 9acac4c420514c6431ad05cb3b127cb3

GNU/Linux Systems on ARM64 CPUs

  • aarch64 architecture
  • MD5 hash2 9036823a36db1e9f74785e4e865fd7dc

Package Installer for macOS on Intel CPUs3

  • x86_64 architecture
  • MD5 hash2 d205738b3c2d4947b44d22473cb33506

Package Installer for macOS on Apple M series CPUs3

  • arm64 architecture
  • MD5 hash2 26237a9bdc77ec1a10bb57ff040f9757

(1)The SmartScreen Filter on Microsoft Windows might give a warning during the installation. For more information please check our Documentation.

(2)Use a program like md5sum to verify. This should come preinstalled on most Linux systems. On Windows systems, open a powershell and enter Get-FileHash .\windows_x64_64.exe -Algorithm MD5. On macOS systems, you can use md5 in the terminal.

(3)For macOS, also a simple self-extracting archive is available, which you can download here (x86_64) and here (arm64). Note, that this archive does not contain GAMS Studio. The md5 hash for this download is 2b1d79e748f15604c7745fbe9e68be61 (x86_64) and e5b6a4cf1029a20ad5dee2b027d5f68a (arm64), respectively.

To deliver GAMS with the best performance we are using the Amazon CloudFront web service, a global network of edge locations for content delivery.

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