gdxmrw_qp1_starter.gms : Portfolio Analysis with Matlab and GAMS


This program is mainly a placeholder for the files:
gdxmrw_qp1.gms   (GAMS program)
gdxmrw_qp1_run.m (Matlab program)

See gdxmrw_qp1.gms for more information.

Intended use: interactive Matlab session

Contributor: Steve

Category : GAMS Data Utilities library

Main file : gdxmrw_qp1_starter.gms   includes :  gdxmrw_qp1_starter.gms  gdxmrw_qp1.gms  gdxmrw_qp1_run.m

$Title Portfolio Analysis with Matlab & GAMS (starter)

This program is mainly a placeholder for the files:
gdxmrw_qp1.gms   (GAMS program)
gdxmrw_qp1_run.m (Matlab program)

See gdxmrw_qp1.gms for more information.

Intended use: interactive Matlab session

Contributor: Steve


$log You can run the driver interactively from Matlab:
$log >> gdxmrw_qp1_run
$log >>

*Run Matlab program gdxmrw_qp1_run.m
$set WHICH which
$if not %system.filesys% == UNIX $set WHICH where
$call %WHICH% matlab
$ifThen errorLevel 1
$abort.noerror 'Matlab is not available!';
$call.Async matlab -r "cd %GAMS.cdir%;gdxmrw_qp1_run" -nosplash -nodisplay