Allen-Uzawa Elasticity Domain
for the Noseparable Nested CES Cost Function
- Details.
- Green signifies the inner domain measured with a 0.25 tolerance.
2.0 | 68 70 73 78 83 88 93 100
1.6 | 71 70 69 76 77 76 75 75
1.2 | 55 49 56 66 70 70 72
0.8 | 45 37 41 46 50 58 72
0.4 | 30 35 38 41 46 50
0.0 | 24 32 38 42 43 46
-0.4 | 57 60 50 50
-0.8 | 67 56
-0.8 -0.4 0.0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0