Performance Results

Results created using the PAVER Server:

Date / Time: 09/27/02 10:16:10

This page is a summary of the performance tests, using the solver square, resource time, and performance profile utilities. The Performance Tools are described in detail in the Performance World webpage at

Trace files used:

Tracefile 1: b0
Tracefile 2: b2
Tracefile 3: b3
Tracefile 4: b4
Tracefile 5: b5
Tracefile 6: b6

For a list of model and solve status codes see the Status Codes Section.

Performance profile summary:

The profile utility compares solver outcomes of any number of given solvers (up to 8) over a model test set. The tool is described in detail at

All performance profile plots (compares objective values):

Performance profile (ignoring objective values):

Solver square summary:

The solver square utility compares solver outcomes of two given solvers over a model test set. The tool is described in detail at

b0 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6
b0 -- results results results results results
b2 -- -- results results results results
b3 -- -- -- results results results
b4 -- -- -- -- results results
b5 -- -- -- -- -- results
b6 -- -- -- -- -- --

Resource time summary:

The resource time utility compares solver resource times of two given solvers over a model test set. The tool is described in detail at

b0 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6
b0 -- resultsA | resultsB resultsA | resultsB resultsA | resultsB resultsA | resultsB resultsA | resultsB
b2 -- -- resultsA | resultsB resultsA | resultsB resultsA | resultsB resultsA | resultsB
b3 -- -- -- resultsA | resultsB resultsA | resultsB resultsA | resultsB
b4 -- -- -- -- resultsA | resultsB resultsA | resultsB
b5 -- -- -- -- -- resultsA | resultsB
b6 -- -- -- -- -- --