scnred02.gms : Scenred2 test - tree reduction and zero values


Simple check of tree reduction in SCENRED-2

We first check that the obvious reduction is taken, first when
the node to be removed has nonzero random values and then all the cases where
one of the values is zero.

Contributor: Steve Dirkse

Small Model of Type : GAMS

Category : GAMS Test library

Main file : scnred02.gms

$TITLE Scenred2 test - tree reduction and zero values (SCNRED02,SEQ=434)

Simple check of tree reduction in SCENRED-2

We first check that the obvious reduction is taken, first when
the node to be removed has nonzero random values and then all the cases where
one of the values is zero.

Contributor: Steve Dirkse

  g  'goods' / g1, g2 /,
  n  'nodes' /
     n0     'root - stage 1',
    (n1*n5) 'stage 2'
  stage2(n) / (n1*n5) /,
  ancestor(n,n)  'input to scenred, in (child,parent) order'
  newAncestor(n,n)  'output from scenred'
  wantAnc(n,n) 'expected new tree' /
alias (n,n2);
  prob(n)   node probabilities /
    n0       1
    (n1*n4)  0.24
    n5       0.04
  newProb(n)  'node probabilities output from scenred'
  pErr(n)     'probability wanted - got'
  rData(g,n)  'random data' /
    g1.(n1,n2) .1
    g1.(n3,n4) 5
    g2.(n1,n3) .1
    g2.(n2,n4) 5
    g1.n5      0
    g2.n5      5

ancestor(stage2(n),'n0') = yes;

$set sr2prefix scnred02
$libinclude scenred2

scenRedParms('reduction_method') = 1;
scenRedParms('red_num_leaves')   = 4;

scalar tiny / 1e-3 /;

* test one: add node with parms [tiny,5], should merge with node n2
rData('g1','n5') = tiny;
rData('g2','n5') = 5;

$libinclude runscenred2 %sr2prefix% tree_con n ancestor prob newancestor newprob rData

ancDiff(n,n2) = wantAnc(n,n2) - newAncestor(n,n2);
abort$[card(ancDiff) or (card(wantAnc)-card(newAncestor))] 'bad newAncestor';
pErr(n) = prob(n);  pErr('n5') = 0;  pErr('n2') = .28;
pErr(n) = abs(pErr(n)-newProb(n));
abort$[smax{n, pErr(n)} > 1e-7] 'bad newProb';

* test two: add node with parms [5,tiny], should merge with node n3
rData('g1','n5') = 5;
rData('g2','n5') = tiny;

$libinclude runscenred2 %sr2prefix% tree_con n ancestor prob newancestor newprob rData

ancDiff(n,n2) = wantAnc(n,n2) - newAncestor(n,n2);
abort$[card(ancDiff) or (card(wantAnc)-card(newAncestor))] 'bad newAncestor';
pErr(n) = prob(n);  pErr('n5') = 0;  pErr('n3') = .28;
pErr(n) = abs(pErr(n)-newProb(n));
abort$[smax{n, pErr(n)} > 1e-7] 'bad newProb';

* test three: add node with parms [0,5], should merge with node n2
rData('g1','n5') = 0;
rData('g2','n5') = 5;

$libinclude runscenred2 %sr2prefix% tree_con n ancestor prob newancestor newprob rData

ancDiff(n,n2) = wantAnc(n,n2) - newAncestor(n,n2);
abort$[card(ancDiff) or (card(wantAnc)-card(newAncestor))] 'bad newAncestor';
pErr(n) = prob(n);  pErr('n5') = 0;  pErr('n2') = .28;
pErr(n) = abs(pErr(n)-newProb(n));
abort$[smax{n, pErr(n)} > 1e-7] 'bad newProb';

* test four: add node with parms [5,0], should merge with node n3
rData('g1','n5') = 5;
rData('g2','n5') = 0;

$libinclude runscenred2 %sr2prefix% tree_con n ancestor prob newancestor newprob rData

ancDiff(n,n2) = wantAnc(n,n2) - newAncestor(n,n2);
abort$[card(ancDiff) or (card(wantAnc)-card(newAncestor))] 'bad newAncestor';
pErr(n) = prob(n);  pErr('n5') = 0;  pErr('n3') = .28;
pErr(n) = abs(pErr(n)-newProb(n));
abort$[smax{n, pErr(n)} > 1e-7] 'bad newProb';