dinam.gms : DINAMICO A Dynamic Multi-Sectoral Multi-Skill Model


Dinamico is multi-sector, multi-skill model of the Mexican economy. for
complete description of data and model consult the reference.

Large Model of Type : LP

Category : GAMS Model library

Main file : dinam.gms

$title Dinamico, Dynamic Multi-Sector, Multi-Skill Model (DINAM,SEQ=35)

$sTitle Introduction

Dinamico is multi-sector, multi-skill model of the Mexican economy. for
complete description of data and model consult the reference.

Manne, A S, Dinamico, A Multi-Sector, Multi-skill Model. In Goreaux,
L M, and Manne, A S, Eds, Multi-level Planning: Case Studies in Mexico.
North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1973.

Keywords: linear programming, economic development, Mexican economy, economic policy

$eolCom //

Set tm 'labels appearing in the transaction matrices and reports'
       / agri-ka     'agriculture - capital-labor substitution'
         agri        'agriculture'
         agri-total  'total annual investment in agriculture'
         mine        'mining'
         petrol      'petroleum'
         food        'food'
         text        'textiles'
         wood        'wood'
         chem        'chemicals'
         n-met       'non-metallics'
         b-met       'basic metals'
         mach        'machinery'
         const       'construction'
         elec        'electricity'
         comm        'commerce'
         trans       'transportation'
         serv        'services'
         imp         'imports'
         hc          'household consumption'
         gc          'government consumption'
         tc          'tourist consumption'
         exp         'exports'
         fi          'fixed investment'
         ii          'investment inventories'
         err         'errors and ommisions'
         va          'value added (gross)'
         gvp         'gross value of production'
         g-d-p       'gross domestic production'
         consumed    'aggregate consumption'
         savings     'aggregate domestic savings'
         r-gap       'resource gap'
         investment  'aggregate annual investment'
         gdp-gr      'annual growth rate of gdp'
         con-gr      'annual growth rate of consumption'
         sav-gr      'annual growth rate of savings'
         inv-gr      'annual growth rate of investment'
         inc-k-o     'incremental-capital-output ratio'
         mps         'marginal propensity to save (%)'
         aps         'average propensity to save (%)'
         ea+zt       'export earnings and tourism'
         rgap-fexch  'resource gap: imports - export earnings and tourism'
         fcl         'foreign concessional capital inflows'
         fdpl        'foreign direct capital inflows'
         infcl       'interest payments on concessional capital'
         infdpl      'interest payments on direct foreign capital'
         rgap-fgap   'resource gap: algebraic sum of capital inflows and outflows'
         for-exch    'dual variable ft: 1960 pesos worth of maximand per 1000 1960 pesos worth'
         trad-manu   'tradeable manufactures'
         ratio       'efficiency price of foreign exchange relative to price of tradeable manufactures'
         eff-sl1     'efficiency wages'
         dual        'dual variables for labor constraints'
         fc-infc     'concessional capital inflows less interest'
         res-gap     'resource gap'
         fexch-m     'efficiency price of foreign exchange'
         fgap-m      'efficiency price of foreign aid'
         relative    'efficiency price of foreign exchange relative to price of tradeable manufactures'
         export-e    'merchandize exports'
         high-cost   'exports of high-cost manufactures at producers prices'
         earnings    'foreign exchange earnings at market prices'
         gap         'resource gap: imports less merchandize exports and tourism'
         zm4         'exports of high-cost manufactures'
         za4         'merchandize exports'
         zt4         'tourism'
         eff-wages   'efficiency wages annual average centered on 1980'
         con4        'aggregate consumption in 1980'
         income      'labor income: employment x efficiency wages'
         income-t                                                                                       /;

$sTitle Set Definitions
   te        'plan horizon'         / 1968, 1971, 1974, 1977, 1980, 1983, 1986, 1989 /
   t(te)     'optimization horizon' / 1971, 1974, 1977, 1980, 1983, 1986             /
   jd(tm)    'sectors-of-destination used in data estimation'
             / agri , mine , petrol, food , text, wood, chem
               n-met, b-met, mach  , const, elec, comm, trans
               serv , hc   , gc    , tc   , exp , fi  , ii    /
   j(jd)     'input-output sectors of destination'
             / agri , mine, petrol, food , text
               wood , chem, n-met , b-met, mach
               const, elec, comm  , trans, serv /
   id(tm)    'sectors-of-origin used in data estimation'
             / agri , mine, petrol, food, text, wood , chem, n-met
               b-met, mach, const , elec, comm, trans, serv, imp   /
   i(id)     'input-output sectors of origin'
             / agri , mine, petrol, food , text
               wood , chem, n-met , b-met, mach
               const, elec, comm  , trans, serv /
   im(i)     'merchandize commodities'
             / agri, mine, petrol, food, text, wood, chem, n-met, b-met, mach /
   inc(id)   'foreign commodities - non-competitive' / imp /
   s         'labor skill categories'
             / eng     'engineers and scientists'
               tech    'other professional and technical workers'
               admin   'administrative and clerical workers'
               man     'manual and sales workers outside agriculture'
               unskill 'unskilled agriculture workers'                /
   sun(s)    'unskilled agricultural workers' / unskill /
   l         'lag structure for human capital formation' / 0*2 /
   eit       'education input types' / change, input /
   sst(te,s) 'skill  substitutions allowed during time periods'
             / (1971,1974).(eng,tech,admin)
               (1971,1974,1977,1980,1983,1986,1989).man /;

Alias (te,tep), (t,tp), (s,sp);

$sTitle Transactions Matrix Manipulations from 1960 Data
   ic1(tm) 'row labels for transactions matrix' / agri , mine, petrol, food , text
                                                  wood , chem, n-met , b-met, mach
                                                  const, elec, comm  , trans, serv
                                                  imp  , err ,  va   , gvp         /
   jdp(jd) 'jd sectors from 1 thru 21 but not 19';

Scalar interval 'time interval between optimization years' / 3 /;

jdp(jd)    = yes;
jdp("exp") =  no;
display jdp;

Table tm1960(tm,tm) 'transactions matrix for 1960 (billions of 1960 pesos)'
              agri   mine   petrol   food   text  wood   chem  n-met  b-met  mach   const  elec   comm  trans   serv
   agri      2.028   .014     .001  8.049  1.091  .521   .55    .001   .002  .028    .003         .004          .018
   mine       .001  1.007     .128   .025   .004  .008   .093   .109   .455  .143    .216  .005   .01    .007   .006
   petrol     .621   .154    2.944   .445   .185  .097   .126   .218   .275  .173    .124  .216   .163  1.022   .094
   food      1.66    .012     .011  4.697   .054  .033   .13    .005   .021  .026    .041  .002   .056   .028   .109
   text      .522    .012     .015   .094  2.565  .038   .094   .012   .025  .081    .038  .005   .09    .012   .084
   wood      .123    .035     .074   .438   .1   1.038   .246   .092   .043  .182    .613  .013   .428   .048   .357
   chem      .741    .099     .054   .134   .661  .134  1.018   .049   .043  .43     .191  .011   .078   .304   .318
   n-met     .003    .012     .007   .252   .008  .013   .056   .18    .063  .051   1.428  .001   .02    .002   .017
   b-met     .048    .068     .025   .144   .058  .039   .066   .033   .873 1.249   1.166  .013   .132   .027   .149
   mach      .224    .05      .048   .317   .114  .051   .095   .043   .057  .904    .867  .052   .206   .097   .463
   const     .14     .024     .026   .045   .038  .016   .02    .025   .022  .011    .06   .043   .083   .072   .367
   elec      .073    .106     .003   .165   .122  .062   .075   .075   .062  .063    .049  .08    .25    .03    .156
   comm     1.199    .165     .197  2.632  1.527  .483   .869   .249   .314  .544   1.66   .093   .351   .619  1.28
   trans     .001    .009     .012   .057   .032  .021   .03    .008   .007  .046    .02   .012  2.943   .024   .13
   serv      .159    .152     .227   .681   .337  .241   .347   .078   .239  .312    .348  .043  1.61    .243  5.439
   imp       .548    .061     .704   .567   .599  .44   1.664   .156   .366 1.934    .921  .107   .119   .482   .429
   err       .105    .025     .023   .093   .028  .021  0.057   .013   .046  .047    .088  .007   .116   .027   .344
   va       23.97   2.306    5.128 10.62   5.434 2.347  3.245  1.182  1.786 4.278   6.105 1.502  46.88  4.996 30.732

   +           hc     gc     tc     exp     fi      ii
   agri    14.846   .013   .073   2.88    .943   1.101      // the submatrix consisting of the 15 input-output
   mine      .002   .001          2.007   .024    .06       // sectors (and import on the row) represents the
   petrol   2.257   .116           .173   .002    .222      // interindustry flows.  from this we obtain the
   food    19.711   .042   .083   2.3     .04     .394      // interindustry input-output coefficients.
   text     7.835   .023   .19     .651   .027    .544      // the column vectors "hc" (household consumption)
   wood     1.242   .117   .035    .13    .05     .199      // "gc" (government consumption), "tc" (tourists
   chem     3.635   .217           .221   .073    .379      // consumption), "exp" (exports), "fi" (fixed
   n-met     .099   .117           .072   .026    .101      // investment), "ii" (inventory investment) are
   b-met            .024           .092   .222    .262      // final demand vectors - of these sectors for
   mach     3.28    .281   .094    .114  2.529    .616      // goods from the 16 row sectors.
   const            .028                12.787    .131
   elec      .54    .179                  .115
   comm    35.835   .222   .336   1.125  3.625    .214
   trans    4.309   .18    .111    .001   .087
   serv    20.58   7.501  1.166    .217   .572
   imp      1.313   .231           .055  3.84     .479
   err     -.036  -1.009           .01                ;

Table t1968(tm,tm) independently estimated data for 1968 (billions of 1960 pesos)
              exp      gvp       // the "exp" column represents the
   agri     3.860   44.775       // export column vector in the trans-
   mine     2.360    5.074       // actions matrix in 1968.
   petrol    .450   17.001
   food     2.880   48.689       // the "gvp" column is the gross value
   text      .580   22.671       // of production for 1968 - the row and
   wood      .310    9.827       // column totals for the inter-industry
   chem      .660   17.913       // transactions matrix in 1968.
   n-met     .120    5.351
   b-met     .230   10.768
   mach      .560   27.231
   const            26.774
   elec              5.669
   comm     1.560   89.838
   trans            12.598
   serv      .300   72.242
   hc              191.1
   gc               17.7
   tc               4.22
   exp              13.870
   imp              21.0
   fi              49.5
   ii               5.5
   va      13.870         ;

   xj60(jd)     'gross production in sector j in 1960 (column totals - billions of 1960 pesos)'
   ax60(id,jd)  'transaction flows in 1960                            (billions of 1960 pesos)'
   aij60(id,jd) 'i-o coefficient matrix for transactions in 1960'
   xj68(jd)     'gross output in sector j in 1968     (column totals - billions of 1960 pesos)'
   yi68(id)     'row totals for 1968                                  (billions of 1960 pesos)'
   ax19(id)     'export vector for 1968                               (billions of 1960 pesos)'
   aij68(tm,tm) 'i-o coefficient matrix for transactions in 1968'
   ax68         'transaction flows in 1968                            (billions of 1960 pesos)'
   rho(id)      'annual technological rate of change between 1960 and 1968                 (%)';

* initialize 1960 parameters
xj60(jd)              = sum(ic1, tm1960(ic1,jd));
ax60(id,jd)           = tm1960(id,jd);
aij60(id,jd)$xj60(jd) = tm1960(id,jd)/xj60(jd);

* initialize the column and row totals and the export column in the transactions matrix for 1968
* from the known data in table t1968
xj68(jdp) = t1968(jdp,"gvp");
yi68(id)  = t1968(id,"gvp");
ax19(id)  = t1968(id,"exp");

* obtain the technological rate of change.                         // the only available information are the detailed                                                                       matrix for 1960 and the aggregate demand and
Parameter temp1(id) 'row totals';                                  // production for 1968.  therefore assume there
temp1(id) = sum(jdp, aij60(id,jdp)*xj68(jdp));                     // exists an annual rate of technological change
rho(id)$temp1(id) = ((yi68(id) - ax19(id))/temp1(id))**(1/8) - 1;  // in the coefficients for row i, rho(i).  this
                                                                   // is applied in the row correction procedure
display xj60, ax60, aij60, xj68, yi68, ax19, temp1, rho;           // (in place of ras) to project the detailed
                                                                   // transactions matrix for 1968.
aij68(id,jdp)  = ((1 + rho(id))**8)*aij60(id,jdp);
ax68(id,jdp)   = aij68(id,jdp)*xj68(jdp);
ax68(id,"exp") = ax19(id);

display aij68, ax68;

   rho2(id) 'corrected rho - after subjective corrections to computed rho'
   rhotp    'rho for plan horizon';

rho2(id)     = rho(id);     // to project beyond 1968, the values of rho(i)
rho2("mach") = .03;         // obtained above are adjusted subjectively in
rho2("elec") = .03;         // certain cases.  it is assumed the historical
rho2("mine") = -.03;        // rates cannot possibly be maintained in the
rho2("imp")  = -.03;        // future.
rhotp(id,te) = (1 + rho2(id))**(interval*(ord(te) - 1));

display rho, rho2, rhotp;

$sTitle i-o and Consumption Coefficients
   x0(j)       'base (1968) year output of sector j               (billions of 1960 pesos)'
   a0(id,j)    'i-o matrix for base year of optimization period                     (1968)'
   a(id,tm,te) 'i-o matrix for optimization horizon'
   apc0(id)    'average propensity to consume in base year (1968) - household & government'
   apc(id,te)  'average propensity to consume in year t - household and government'
   apz0(id)    'average propensity to consume item i by tourists in base year       (1968)'
   apz(id,te)  'average propensity to consume item i by tourists in year t'
   muc(te)     'column correction factor for apc'
   muz(te)     'column correction factor for apz';

* i-o matrices and output levels
x0(j)             = t1968(j,"gvp");
a0(id,j)          = aij68(id,j);
a(id,j,te)        = rhotp(id,te)*a0(id,j);
a(id,id,te)$t(te) = a(id,id,te) - 1;

display x0, a0, a;

* consumption coefficients
Scalar total 'gross consumption by households and government in base year (1968)';

total      = sum(id, ax68(id,"hc") + ax68(id,"gc"));   // the consumption expenditure coefficient for
                                                       // good i by domestic consumers (government &
apc0(id)   = (ax68(id,"gc") + ax68(id,"hc"))/total;    // household) is the gross 1968 expenditure
muc(te)    = 1/sum(id, (apc0(id)*rhotp(id,te)));       // divided by total consumption outlay in 1968.
apc(id,te) = apc0(id)*rhotp(id,te)*muc(te);            // to project these coefficients into the future
                                                       // we multiply by rho(i) (above) and mu(t) - mu(t)
apz0(id)   = aij68(id,"tc");                           // ensures that the coefficients sum to 1.
muz(te)    = 1/sum(id, (apz0(id)*rhotp(id,te)));
apz(id,te) = apz0(id)*rhotp(id,te)*muz(te);            // similarly for tourists.

display apc0, muc, apc, apz0, muz, apz, total;

$sTitle Capital-Output Coefficients
Table b0(id,j) 'capital-output ratios for base year (1968) in billions of 1960 pesos'
                agri  mine  petrol  food  text  wood  chem  n-met  b-met  mach  const  elec  comm  trans  serv
   agri         .934
   mine               .124
   petrol                     .004
   food                             .048
   text                                   .047
   wood                                         .154
   chem                                               .102
   n-met                                                     .088
   b-met                                                            .352
   mach         .207  .261    .395  .197  .155  .3    .203   .319   .263  .176   .085  .886  .189  1.634  .273
   const        .588  .331    .615  .299  .145  .296  .232   .447   .275  .235   .015 2.109  .169  5.173 2.328
   elec                                                                                .462
   comm         .224  .204    .378  .193  .194  .307  .294   .279   .348  .234   .070  .707  .126  1.363  .199
   trans                                                                                            .159
   serv         .039                                                                                .196  .154
   imp          .262  .100    .339  .183  .264  .316  .455   .202   .497  .336   .042  .369  .011   .835  .055;

   b(id,j,te)  'ratio of capital originating in sector i per unit of gross output in sector j'
   k(j,te)     'capital coefficients of sector j'
   bk(id,j,te) 'sector of origin ratios';

b(id,j,te)  = rhotp(id,te)*b0(id,j);
k(j,te)     = sum(id, b(id,j,te));
bk(id,j,te) = b(id,j,te)/k(j,te);

display b, k, bk;

$sTitle Labor Data
   lreq0(s,j)     'input requirement for labor skill s per unit output in sector j'
   lreq(s,j,te)   'input requirement for labor skill s per unit output in sector j year t'
   sigt(s,j,te)   'time trend factor for reduction of labor input s in sector j year t'
   alr(te)        'agricultural labor released per unit of cumulative capital'
   pvv            'producers price value';

   wage1960       'wage of unskilled agri labor in 1960 - assumed to be marginal productivity'   / 2400 /
   mpc            'annual marginal productivity of capital in agriculture - assume constant (%)' /   16 /
   mrs            'marginal rate of substitution - pesos of capital per man-year';

Parameter csm(id) 'commerce and service margins' / comm  .1125
                                                   serv  .0217 /;

pvv = 1 - sum(id, csm(id));
display pvv;

Table labor(j,s) '1968 employment in millions'
                  eng    tech   admin      man  unskill
   agri        .00541  .02705  .06222           7.02400
   mine        .00376  .00376  .00730   .09249
   petrol      .00437  .00611  .01746   .05937
   food        .00238  .00510  .03742   .29528
   text        .00189  .00631  .02650   .59632
   wood        .00143  .01061  .02122   .25344
   chem        .00585  .00704  .03629   .07020
   n-met       .00105  .00210  .00876   .10484
   b-met       .00152  .00228  .00718   .07347
   mach        .01857  .02837  .07831   .49140
   const       .00916  .02185  .07332   .60063
   elec        .00394  .00258  .02523   .04402
   comm        .00220  .03002  .29730  1.13501
   trans       .00182  .00684  .10212   .34511
   serv        .01365  .48598  .58137  1.28942         ;

Table ls(te,s)  'labor supply projection by year and skill (thousands of persons)'
                 eng   tech  admin     man  unskill
   1968         .077   .646  1.382   5.451    7.024
   1971         .097   .791  1.623   6.125    7.389
   1974         .117   .936  1.864   6.906    7.841
   1977         .137  1.081  2.105   7.827    8.321
   1980         .157  1.226  2.346   8.966    8.830
   1983         .177  1.371  2.587  10.291    9.370
   1986         .197  1.516  2.828  11.746    9.943
   1989         .217  1.661  3.069  13.416   10.552;

Table sigma(j,s) 'labor productivity changes (% per year)'
                  eng  tech  admin  man  unskill
   agri           1.0   1.0    1.5  2.0      2.0
   mine           1.0   1.0    1.5  1.5      1.5
   petrol         1.0   1.0    1.5  3.5      3.5
   food           1.0   1.0    1.5  3.5      3.5
   text           1.0   1.0    1.5  3.5      3.5
   wood           1.0   1.0    1.5  3.5      3.5
   chem           1.0   1.0    1.5  3.5      3.5
   n-met          1.0   1.0    1.5  3.5      3.5
   b-met          1.0   1.0    1.5  3.5      3.5
   mach           1.0   1.0    1.5  3.5      3.5
   const          1.0   1.0    1.5  1.5      1.5
   elec           1.0   1.0    1.5  3.5      3.5
   comm           1.0   1.0    1.5  3.5      3.5
   trans          1.0   1.0    1.5  1.5      1.5
   serv           1.0   1.0    1.5  1.5      1.5;

Table sf(eit,s,l,s) 'coefficients for human capital formation activities'
* view the columns as processes.  for example, the engineering education
* process two years before an engineer is "produced" would require certain
* inputs.  there are 2 types of inputs - "input" which are short-term - only in
* that period as support - and "change" which is transformed permenantly into
* into a new kind of labor or reverts to its old classification.  in the
* model these permenant changes ("flows") are then summed up (a "stock").
                  2.eng  1.eng  0.eng  1.tech  0.tech  1.admin  0.admin
   change.eng                     1.0
   change.tech                     .3             1.0
   change.admin   -2.0     .6      .1   -1.9       .9               1.0
   change.man                                            -2.0       1.0
   input.eng       -.17   -.14           -.02
   input.tech      -.09                  -.18             -.16
   input.admin                                            -.04         ;

* the labor downgrading and upgrading mechanisms are only for short-term (annual) adjustments.
Table ldg(s,s) 'labor downgrading coefficients'
* labor downgrading can occur throughout the model horizon and is a one-to-one replacement.
              eng  tech  admin   man
   eng       -1.0
   tech       1.0  -1.0
   admin            1.0   -1.0
   man                     1.0  -1.0
   unskill                       1.0;

Table lug(s,s) 'labor upgrading coefficients'
* labor upgrading on the other hand is costly to the economy (eg. to replace 1 engineer requires
* 1 technician, .5 administrators and 4 manuals) and is applicable in the first 2 periods only
* (after when the endogenous educational activities come on stream).  the exception is the
* movement of unskilled rural labor into the urban labor force which can occur through the
* entire model horizon.  the cost to the economy is reflected in the requirement of inputs by
* the service sector (parameter ssr and material balance constraint).  the time nature of labor
* upgrading is set in the parameter lugt below.
              eng  tech  admin   man
   eng        1.0
   tech      -1.0   1.0
   admin     -0.5  -1.0   1.0
   man       -4.0  -2.0  -3.0    1.0
   unskill                      -1.0;

Parameter lugt(s,sp,te) 'time allowed labor upgrading coefficients';

lugt(s,sp,te)             = lug(s,sp)$sst(te,sp);
lreq0(s,j)$t1968(j,"gvp") = labor(j,s)/t1968(j,"gvp");
sigt(s,j,te)              = (1/(1 + sigma(j,s)/100))**(interval*(ord(te) - 1));
lreq(s,j,te)              = sigt(s,j,te)*lreq0(s,j);
mrs                       = wage1960/(mpc/100);
alr(te)                   = 1/((mrs/1000)*(1 + sigma("agri","unskill")/100)**(8 + (interval*(ord(te) - 1))));

display lugt, lreq0, lreq, sigt, mrs, alr;

Parameter length;
length(s) = max(0, smax((sp,l)$sf("change",sp,l,s), ord(l)));

display length;

$sTitle Trade and Capital Data
Set rsfdp(te)  'reset limits on capital inflows in case 7 for following periods'
               / 1974, 1977, 1980, 1983 /;

   pfc(te)     'foreign concessional capital inflows    (billions of 1960 pesos)'
               / 1968 2.1, 1971 4.3, 1974 4.7, 1977 4.3, 1980 3.1, 1983 1.5, 1986 -.5 /
   infc(te)    'interest on fc                          (billions of 1960 pesos)'
               / 1968 -1.4, 1971 -1.9, 1974 -2.7, 1977 -3.4, 1980 -4.0, 1983 -4.4, 1986 -4.2 /
   es(i)       'export share of subsidized high-cost export manufactures in 1986'
               / food .409, text .064, wood .044, chem .183, n-met .022, b-met .064, mach .214 /
   fdpup(t)    'upper bound on direct foreign capital inflows during each period'
               / 1971 5, 1974 5.5, 1977 5.5, 1980 5.5, 1983 5.5, 1986 5.0 /
   zmi(te,tep) 'linear decreasing factor for nominal implicit protection rate';

   dpc  'cost level of high cost manufacture relative to foreign exch earnings  (1)' /  1.3 /
   rcd  'rate of change of cost differential from 30% to 0 (% points each interval)'
   cfdp 'upper bound on cumulative foreign direct inflows'                           / 30   /;

rcd       = (dpc - 1)/card(t);
zmi(t,tp) =  dpc - rcd*(ord(t) - ord(tp));

display rcd, zmi;

Table begr(*,*) 'bounds on export growth rates'
                 lower  upper
   agri            2.0    6.0
   mine                   4.0
   petrol                 1.5
   food                   6.0
   text                   4.5
   wood                   6.0
   chem                  10.0
   n-met                  7.5
   b-met                 10.0
   mach                  12.0
   tourism         8.0   13.0;

   e0(i)     'base year (1968) export levels         (billions of 1960 pesos)'
   elo(i,te) 'lower bound on export levels           (billions of 1960 pesos)'
   eup(i,te) 'upper bound on export levels           (billions of 1960 pesos)'
   z0        'base year (1968) earnings from tourism (billions of 1960 pesos)'
   zlo(te)   'lower bound on earnings from tourism   (billions of 1960 pesos)'
   zup(te)   'upper bound on earnings from tourism   (billions of 1960 pesos)';

e0(i)     = ax68(i,"exp");
elo(i,te) = e0(i)*(1 + begr(i,"lower")/100)**(interval*(ord(te) - 1));
eup(i,te) = e0(i)*(1 + begr(i,"upper")/100)**(interval*(ord(te) - 1));
z0        = sum(i, ax68(i,"tc"));
zlo(te)   = z0*(1 + begr("tourism","lower")/100)**(interval*(ord(te) - 1));
zup(te)   = z0*(1 + begr("tourism","upper")/100)**(interval*(ord(te) - 1));

display e0, elo, eup, z0, zlo, zup;

$sTitle "special" initial and terminal Conditions
   deltae  'post-terminal year increment in exports              (billions of 1960 pesos)'
   deltaz  'post-terminal year increment in tourist expenditures (billions of 1960 pesos)';

   con68   'aggregate consumption  in 1968'                                  / 208.8 /
   inv68   'aggregate investment in 1968'                                    /  55   /
   sav68   'aggregate savings in 1968'                                       /  52.1 /
   gdp68   'gross domestic product in 1968'                                  / 260.9 /
   infdpt  'interest & profit remitaances on capital borrowed prior to plan' /   4.9 /
   rgap68  'resource gap in 1968'                                            /   2.9 /
   eazt68  'foreign exchange earned from exports and tourism in 1968'        / -18.1 /
   fc68    'concessional capital inflow in 1968'                             /   2.1 /
   fdp68   'direct foreign capital inflow in 1968'                           /   6.0 /
   infdp68 'interest & profit remittances in 1968 on foreign direct capital' /  -3.8 /;

deltae(im)       = eup(im,"1989") - eup(im,"1986");
deltae("total")  = sum(im, deltae(im));
deltae(i)$csm(i) = csm(i)*deltae("total");
deltaz(id)       = zlo("1989")*apz(id,"1989") - zlo("1986")*apz(id,"1986");

display deltae, deltaz;

$sTitle Model Parameterizations
   mps     'marginal propensity to save'                                       /  .3  /
   g       'growth rate - annual'                                              /  .07 /
   r       'discount rate'                                                     /  .15 /
   beta    'present value'
   betatr  'present value for year 7 in discounted maximand'
   gamma   'growth factor - three year period'
   gv3     'growth rate - three year period for incremental capacity variable'
   acc     'annual cost of capital - for private foreign capital          (%)' /  .15 /
   pci     'income payments for capital inflows within the horizon'
   initial 'initial period in model'                                           / 1    /
   last    'last period of optimization horizon'                               / 7    /;

   ts(te,tep)  'time summation matrix'
   ts2(te,tep) 'time summation matrix - for tau from t equal 1 to t-1'
   ssr(i,s)    'service sector requirements to convert rural to urban labor'
   betat(te)   'present value'
   w1(te)      'weight for objective function 1'
   w2a(te)     'weight for first component of objective function 2'
   w2b(te)     'weight for second component of objective function 2'
   w3(te)      'weight for objective function 3';

gamma             = (1 + g)**interval;
gv3               = gamma - 1;
pci               = (1 + acc)**interval - 1;
beta              = (1 + r)**(-interval);
betat(te)         = (1 + r)**(-(interval*(ord(te) - 1)));
betatr            = betat("1989")/(1 - beta*gamma);
ssr("serv","man") = 2.4;
ts(te,tep)        = 1$(ord(te) >= ord(tep));
ts2(te,tep)       = 1$(ord(te) >  ord(tep));

w1(te)      = 0;
w1("1971")  = 1;
w2a(te)     = 0;
w2a(t)      = betat(t);
w2b(te)     = 0;
w2b("1989") = betatr;
w3(te)      = 0;
w3("1989")  = 1;

display ts, ts2, mps, g, r, beta, betat, betatr, gamma, gv3, acc, pci, ssr, w1, w2a, w2b, w3;

$sTitle Model Definition
   mb(i,te)   'material balance constraint                                       (10e9 pesos)'
   cap(j,te)  'capacity constraint                                               (10e9 pesos)'
   tic(i,te)  'terminal year investment constraint                               (10e9 pesos)'
   ldsc(s,te) 'labor demand and supply constraint                                (10e6 man y)'
   drql(s,te) 'definition of labor requirements                                  (10e6 man y)'
   trql(s,te) 'terminal year labor requirements                                  (10e6 man y)'
   exdef(te)  'exports definition                                                (10e9 pesos)'
   fexch(te)  'foreign exchange constraint                                       (10e9 pesos)'
   fgap(te)   'resource gap definition                                           (10e9 pesos)'
   ffdp       'bound on cumulative direct private capital inflows                (10e9 pesos)'
   ginv(te)   'aggregate investment definition                                   (10e9 pesos)'
   gsav(te)   'gross savings definition                                          (10e9 pesos)'
   ggdp(te)   'gross domestic product definition                                 (10e9 pesos)'
   h(te)      'gradualist consumption path                                       (10e9 pesos)'
   tcc(te)    'terminal conditions on consumption - in place of h                (10e9 pesos)'
   dsc(te)    'domestic savings constraint                                       (10e9 pesos)'
   obj1       'objective function: base case - maximize initial consumption      (10e9 pesos)'
   obj2       'objective function: case 3 - maximize discounted consumption      (10e9 pesos)'
   obj3       'objective function: case 4 - maximize terminal consumption        (10e9 pesos)';

   rgap(te)   'resource gap in year t                                            (10e9 pesos)'
   max1       'maximand: maximization of initial consumption                     (10e9 pesos)'
   max2       'maximand: maximization of discounted consumption                  (10e9 pesos)'
   max3       'maximand: maximization of terminal consumption                    (10e9 pesos)';

Positive Variable
   x(jd,te)   'gross output of sector j in year t                                (10e9 pesos)'
   v(jd,te)   'one-year increase in cap of sector - investment resources expended(10e9 pesos)'
   ld(s,te)   'labor downgraded from category s in year t                        (10e6 man y)'
   ul(s,te)   'labor upgraded into category s in year t                          (10e6 man y)'
   ka(te)     'capital added to agriculture in substitution for unskilled labor  (10e9 pesos)'
   ed(s,te)   'education processes for human capital - skill s first available   (10e6 man y)'
   rql(s,te)  'requirements for labor skill s in year t                          (10e6 man y)'
   e(i,te)    'exports of item i in year t                                       (10e9 pesos)'
   em(te)     'exports of high-cost manufactures - first exported in year t      (10e9 pesos)'
   ea(te)     'aggregate merchandize exports in year t                           (10e9 pesos)'
   zt(te)     'earning from tourism in year t                                    (10e9 pesos)'
   fdp(te)    'foreign direct private capital inflows net of amortization        (10e9 pesos)'
   inv(te)    'gross domestic investment in year t                               (10e9 pesos)'
   sav(te)    'gross domestic savings in year t                                  (10e9 pesos)'
   con(te)    'aggregate consumption expenditures - household & government       (10e9 pesos)'
   gdp(te)    'gross domestic product in year t                                  (10e9 pesos)'
   infdp      'interest & profit remittances on foreign direct capital- prior    (10e9 pesos)'
   fc(te)     'concessional foreign capital inflows - net of amortization        (10e9 pesos)';

       sum(j, a(i,j,t)*x(j,t) + b(i,j,t)*v(j,t))
    +  bk(i,"agri",t)*ka(t) + apc(i,t)*con(t) + apz(i,t)*zt(t)
    +  es(i)*sum(tep$ts(t,tep), zmi(t,tep)*em(tep)) + e(i,t)$im(i)
    +  csm(i)*ea(t) + sum(s, ssr(i,s)*ul(s,t))
   =l= 0;

   x(j,t) =l= x0(j) + interval*sum(te$ts2(t,te), v(j,te));

tic(i,te)$(ord(te) > last)..
       apc(i,te-1)*(con(te) - con(te-1))
    +  gv3*sum(j, b(i,j,te-1)*v(j,te-1)) + deltae(i) + deltaz(i)
   =l= interval*sum(j, -a(i,j,te-1)*v(j,te-1));

       sum(j, lreq(s,j,t)*x(j,t)) - alr(t)*(ka(t)
    +  interval*sum(te$ts2(t,te), ka(te)))$sun(s)
   =e= rql(s,t);

trql(s,te)$(ord(te) > last)..
       sum(j, lreq(s,j,te)*(x(j,te-1) + interval*v(j,te-1)))
    -  interval*alr(te)*sum(tep$ts2(te,tep), ka(tep))$sun(s)
   =e= rql(s,te);

ldsc(s,te)$(ord(te) > initial)..
   rql(s,te) =l= ls(te,s)                                                         // requirement of s is less than or equal to supply of s
              +  sum(sp, ldg(s,sp)*ld(sp,te) + lugt(s,sp,te)*ul(sp,te))           // plus labor downgraded out of s
                                                                                  // plus labor upgraded out of s
              +  sum((tep,sp,l)$(((ord(tep)+(ord(l)-1)) > length(sp))$ts(te,tep)),// plus the sum of the net change in s due to
                      sf("change",s,l,sp)*ed(sp,tep+(ord(l)-1)))                  // education over the sets tep(years), sp
                                                                                  // (other labor groups) and l (lag) such
                                                                                  // that these activities are possible in t
              +  sum((sp,l)$((ord(te)+(ord(l)-1)) > length(sp)),                  // plus the sum of the inputs of s required for
                      sf("input",s,l,sp)*ed(sp,te+(ord(l)-1)));                   // education over the sets sp (other labor)
                                                                                  // and l such that these actvities are
                                                                                  // possible in year t.

exdef(t)..      pvv*ea(t) =e= sum(im, e(im,t)) + sum(tp$ts(t,tp), em(tp));

fexch(t)..      sum(inc, apc(inc,t)*con(t) + bk(inc,"agri",t)*ka(t)
                       + sum(j, a(inc,j,t)*x(j,t) + b(inc,j,t)*v(j,t))) =e= ea(t) + zt(t) + rgap(t);

fgap(t)..       rgap(t) - fc(t) - fdp(t) + infdp + pci*sum(tp$ts2(t,tp), fdp(tp)) =e= infc(t);

ffdp..          sum(t, fdp(t)) =l= cfdp;

ginv(te)$(ord(te) <= last).. sum(j, k(j,te)*v(j,te)) + ka(te) =e= inv(te);

gsav(t)..       inv(t) =e= sav(t) + rgap(t);

ggdp(t)..       con(t) + sav(t) =e= gdp(t);

dsc(te)$t(te).. sav(te) - sav(te-1) =l= mps*(gdp(te) - gdp(te-1));

h(te)$t(te)..   con(te+1) - con(te) =e= gamma*(con(te) - con(te-1));

tcc(te)$(ord(te) > last).. con(te)  =e= gamma*con(te-1);

obj1..          max1 =e= sum(te, w1(te)*con(te));

obj2..          max2 =e= sum(te, (w2a(te) + w2b(te))*con(te));

obj3..          max3 =e= sum(te, w3(te)*con(te));

$sTitle Model Definitions and Bounds
*initial conditions:
con.fx("1968") = con68;
inv.fx("1968") = inv68;
sav.fx("1968") = sav68;
gdp.fx("1968") = gdp68;
fdp.up(t)      = fdpup(t);
infdp.fx       = infdpt;
fc.fx(t)       = pfc(t);
e.lo(im,t)     = elo(im,t);
e.up(im,t)     = eup(im,t);
zt.lo(t)       = zlo(t);
zt.up(t)       = zup(t);

   din0  'dinamico base case modeland manne cases 6 and 8'
         / mb, cap, tic, ldsc, drql, trql, exdef, fexch, fgap, ffdp, ginv, gsav, ggdp, dsc, h  , obj1, obj2, obj3 /
   din1  'dinamico model for manne cases 3 and 4'
         / mb, cap, tic, ldsc, drql, trql, exdef, fexch, fgap, ffdp, ginv, gsav, ggdp, dsc, tcc, obj1, obj2, obj3 /
   din2  'dinamico model for manne case 7'
         / mb, cap, tic,                   exdef, fexch, fgap, ffdp, ginv, gsav, ggdp, dsc, h  , obj1, obj2, obj3 /;

$sTitle d i n a m i c o - Report for Macro Model of Mexico: Declarations
   t1(te)      / 1968, 1971, 1974, 1977, 1980, 1983, 1986 /
   ji          / agri-ka, agri-total, agri, mine , petrol, food, text , wood, chem
                 n-met  , b-met     , mach, const, elec  , comm, trans, serv        /
   sm1         / g-d-p, consumed, savings, r-gap, investment, gdp-gr, con-gr, sav-gr, inv-gr /
   sm2         / g-d-p, consumed, savings, r-gap, investment /
   sm3         / gdp-gr, con-gr, sav-gr, inv-gr /
   sf1         / imports, ea+zt, rgap-fexch,fcl,fdpl,infcl,infdpl,rgap-fgap /
   sf2         / imports, ea+zt, fcl, fdpl, infcl, infdpl /
   mm(sm2,sm3) / g-d-p.gdp-gr, consumed.con-gr, savings.sav-gr, investment.inv-gr /
   tb          / 1968-71, 1971-74, 1974-77, 1977-80, 1980-83, 1983-86 /
   mtb(tb,t1)  / 1968-71.1971, 1971-74.1974, 1974-77.1977, 1977-80.1980, 1980-83.1983, 1983-86.1986 /
   sl1         / employed, eff-sl1, dual, ori-74-80 /
   runset      / gradualist, discounted, terminal, alternate6, alternate7, alternate8 /
   y74(te)     / 1974 /
   y80(te)     / 1980 /
   y7480(te)   / 1974, 1980 /
   mac11       / g-d-p, consumed, savings, investment /;

   macroecon1 'macroeconomic results            (billions of 1960 pesos) - (table 6 pg 134)'
   macroecon2 'growth rates of macroeconomic variables                   - (table 6 pg 134)'
   forexch    'foreign exchange                 (billions of 1960 pesos) - (table 7 pg 136)'
   production 'levels                           (billions of 1960 pesos) - (table 8 pg 138)'
   investment 'percentage composition of net investment by sector of destination - (pg 139)'
   effprices  'efficiency prices of foreign exchange and tradeable manufactures  - (pg 141)'
   laborc     'efficiency wages & dual variables for labor constraint ldsc       - (pg 143)'
   macrorun   'macroeconomic results                      (billions of 1960 pesos) - pg 153'
   resource   'resource gap - financial flows             (billions of 1960 pesos) - pg 155'
   epfe       'efficiency prices of foreign exchange and foreign aid               - pg 158'
   fep80      'foreign exchange projections for 1980      (billions of 1960 pesos) - pg 157'
   gpl80      'gross production levels in 1980            (billions of 1960 pesos) - pg 159'
   efw80      'employment and income                                               - pg 160';

$sTitle Solution Scenario and Report Definition: number 1
run(runset)       =  no;
run("gradualist") = yes;

solve din0 maximizing max1 using lp;

* detailed scenario report
macroecon1("g-d-p",t1)      = gdp.l(t1);
macroecon1("consumed",t1)   = con.l(t1);
macroecon1("savings",t1)    = sav.l(t1);
macroecon1("r-gap",t1)      = rgap.l(t1);
macroecon1("investment",t1) = inv.l(t1);
macroecon1("r-gap","1968")  = rgap68;
macroecon1("aps",t1)        = round(100*sav.l(t1)/gdp.l(t1),1);
macroecon1(sm2,t1)          = round( macroecon1(sm2,t1),1);

macroecon2(sm3,tb)          = sum((sm2,t1)$(mtb(tb,t1)*mm(sm2,sm3)), 100*((macroecon1(sm2,t1)/macroecon1(sm2,t1-1))**(1/3) - 1));
macroecon2(sm3,"1968-86")   = sum(sm2$mm(sm2,sm3), 100*((macroecon1(sm2,"1986")/macroecon1(sm2,"1968"))**(1/18) -1));
macroecon2(sm3,tb)          = round(macroecon2(sm3,tb),1);
macroecon2("inc-k-o",tb)    = round(100*sum(t1$mtb(tb,t1), (inv.l(t1) - inv.l(t1-1))/sum(j,x.l(j,t1) - x.l(j,t1-1))), 1);
macroecon2("mps",tb)        = round(100*sum(t1$mtb(tb,t1), (sav.l(t1) - sav.l(t1-1))/(gdp.l(t1) - gdp.l(t1-1))), 1);

forexch("imports",t1)       = sum(inc, apc(inc,t1)*con.l(t1)
                                     + sum(j, a(inc,j,t1)*x.l(j,t1) + b(inc,j,t1)*v.l(j,t1)) + bk(inc,"agri",t1)*ka.l(t1));
forexch("ea+zt",t1)         = -ea.l(t1) - zt.l(t1);
forexch("imports","1968")   = t1968("imp","gvp");
forexch("ea+zt","1968")     = eazt68;
forexch("rgap-fexch",t1)    = forexch("imports",t1) + forexch("ea+zt",t1);
forexch("fcl",t1)           = fc.l(t1);
forexch("fdpl",t1)          = fdp.l(t1);
forexch("infcl",t1)         = infc(t1);
forexch("infdpl",t1)        = -(infdp.l + pci*sum(tep$ts2(t1,tep), fdp.l(tep)));
forexch("fcl","1968")       = fc68;
forexch("fdpl","1968")      = fdp68;
forexch("infcl","1968")     = infc("1968");
forexch("infdpl","1968")    = infdp68;
forexch("rgap-fgap",t1)     = forexch("fcl",t1) + forexch("fdpl",t1) + forexch("infcl",t1) + forexch("infdpl",t1);
forexch(sf1,t1)             = round(forexch(sf1,t1),1);

production(j,t1)            = round( x.l(j,t1), 1);
production(j,"1968")        = t1968(j,"gvp");
production(j,"1960-68")     = round( 100*((t1968(j,"gvp")/xj60(j))**(1/8)-1),1);
production(j,"1968-80")     = round( 100*((production(j,"1980")/production(j,"1968"))**(1/12)-1),1);

investment("agri-ka",t1)    = 100*ka.l(t1)/inv.l(t1);
investment(j,t1)            = 100*(k(j,t1)*v.l(j,t1))/inv.l(t1);
investment("agri-total",t1) = investment("agri-ka",t1) + investment("agri",t1);
investment("**total**",t1)  = sum(j, investment(j,t1)) + investment("agri-ka",t1);
investment(ji,t1)           = round(investment(ji,t1),1);

effprices("for-exch",t)            = - round(fexch.m(t)*1000,2);
effprices("trad-manu",t)           = - round(sum(i, 1000*mb.m(i,t)*es(i)),2);
effprices("ratio",t)               =   round(effprices("for-exch",t)/effprices("trad-manu",t),2);
effprices("for-exch","ori-74-80")  =   round(100*((effprices("for-exch","1974")/effprices("for-exch","1980"))**(1/6) - 1),1);
effprices("trad-manu","ori-74-80") =   round(100*((effprices("trad-manu","1974")/effprices("trad-manu","1980"))**(1/6) - 1),1);

laborc(s,t,"eff-sl1")           = - round(ldsc.m(s,t),3);
laborc(s,t,"dual")              =   round(ldsc.m(s,t)/(sum(i, apc(i,t)*mb.m(i,t)) + apc("imp",t)*fexch.m(t)),1);
laborc(s,"ori-74-80","eff-sl1") =   round(100*((laborc(s,"1974","eff-sl1")/laborc(s,"1980","eff-sl1"))**(1/6) - 1));

* comparative report
macrorun(run,y7480,mac11)          = macroecon1(mac11,y7480);
macrorun(run,"1968-80","mps")      = round(100*(sav.l("1980") - sav.l("1968"))/(gdp.l("1980") - gdp.l("1968")),1);
macrorun(run,"1968-80","gdp-gr")   = round(100*((gdp.l("1980")/gdp.l("1968"))**(1/12) - 1),1);
resource(run,t,"fdpl")             = fdp.l(t);
resource(run,t,"infdpl")           = forexch("infdpl",t);
resource(run,t,"fc-infc")          = fc.l(t) + infc(t);
resource(run,t,"res-gap")          = forexch("rgap-fgap",t);
epfe(run,y7480,"fexch-m")          = -round(1000*fexch.m(y7480),2);
epfe(run,y7480,"fgap-m")           = -round(1000*fgap.m(y7480),2);
epfe(run,y7480,"relative")         = effprices("ratio",y7480);
fep80(run,"imports","imports")     = round(forexch("imports","1980"),2);
fep80(run,im,"export-e")           = round(e.l(im,"1980"),2);
fep80(run,"zm4","high-cost")       = round( em.l("1971") + em.l("1974") + em.l("1977") + em.l("1980"), 2);
fep80(run,"za4","earnings")        = ea.l("1980");
fep80(run,"zt4","earnings")        = zt.l("1980");
fep80(run,"resource","gap")        = forexch("rgap-fexch","1980");
fep80("lower-bd",im,"export-e")    = e.lo(im,"1980");
fep80("upper-bd",im,"export-e")    = e.up(im,"1980");
fep80("lower-bd","zt4","earnings") = zt.lo("1980");
fep80("upper-bd","zt4","earnings") = zt.up("1980");

gpl80(run,j) = round(x.l(j,"1980"),1);

efw80(run,s,"employed")           = rql.l(s,"1980");
efw80(run,"total-1-4","employed") = sum(s$(not sun(s)), rql.l(s,"1980"));
efw80(run,"total-1-5","employed") = sum(s, rql.l(s,"1980"));
efw80(run,s,"eff-wages")          = round((ldsc.m(s,"1977") + ldsc.m(s,"1980")+ldsc.m(s,"1983"))
                                  /(3*(sum(i, apc(i,"1980")*mb.m(i,"1980"))
                                  + apc("imp","1980")*fexch.m("1980"))),1);
efw80(run,s,"income")             = round(rql.l(s,"1980")*efw80(run,s,"eff-wages"),1);
efw80(run,"total-1-5","income")   = sum(s, efw80(run,s,"income"));
efw80(run,"con4","aggregate")     = con.l("1980");
efw80(run,"con4","income-t")      = round(100*efw80(run,"total-1-5","income")/efw80(run,"con4","aggregate"));

display macroecon1, macroecon2, forexch, production, investment, effprices, laborc, macrorun, resource, epfe, fep80, gpl80, efw80;