compile8.gms : Test for a mapping error


contributed by
Foy Teuton
Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Co.
Marietta, GA  30063

the gams compiler accepts j(a(j)) but the code generator raises an assert

Small Model of Type : GAMS

Category : GAMS Test library

Main file : compile8.gms

$title Test for a mapping error (COMPILE8,SEQ=444)

contributed by
Foy Teuton
Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Co.
Marietta, GA  30063

the gams compiler accepts j(a(j)) but the code generator raises an assert

set i / 1*5 /, p / a,b,c /; alias(i,j,k);

parameter limit_cap(i,j,p);
parameters range / 5 /, npiece_cap / 3 /;
set a(j) / 2*4 /, b(i) / 2*5 /;;

loop(i ,
*  following raises an assertion
*  following was intended
*   loop(j$(a(j)),
*  following without $
*   loop(a(j),
      if(not sameas(j,i),
           limit_cap(i,j,p) = (ord(p)*(range/(npiece_cap-1)))**2 ))));

display limit_cap;

$if errorfree $abort should have an error