convert6.gms : CONVERT test suite - hessian.gdx


Test to see if we wrote the dump.gdx file.

Contributor: Alex Meeraus, Steve Dirkse

Small Model of Type : GAMS

Category : GAMS Test library

Main file : convert6.gms

$title CONVERT test suite - dumpgdx (CONVERT6,SEQ=400)

Test to see if we wrote the dump.gdx file.

Contributor: Alex Meeraus, Steve Dirkse

$call gamslib -q chenery
$include chenery
$set dump dump.gdx
$call rm -f %dump%
$echo dumpgdx %dump% > convert.opt
option nlp=convert; chenrad.optfile=1;
Solve chenrad using nlp maximizing td ;
execute '=test -e %dump%';
abort$errorlevel 'we did not find %dump%';
* check for a valid GDX file, not just any file
execute 'gdxdump %dump% -Version > %system.nullfile%';
abort$errorlevel 'Invalid %dump%';