csv2gdx3.gms : CSV2GDX - Testing the Behavior of quoted Field Separators


CSV2GDX is tested on data where the field separators are mixed up with
single and double quotes inside the UELs.

Note: While "'someString'" is interpreted equally by CSV2GDX and GAMS,
      CSV2GDX will fail when reading the reverse '"someString"'. However,
      besides the message "Bad Uel Count", no error is reported.
      This issue is not included in the example below!

Contributor: Jan-Erik Justkowiak, March 2018

Small Model of Type : GAMS

Category : GAMS Test library

Main file : csv2gdx3.gms

$title CSV2GDX - Testing the Behavior of quoted Field Separators (CSV2GDX3,SEQ=747)

CSV2GDX is tested on data where the field separators are mixed up with
single and double quotes inside the UELs.

Note: While "'someString'" is interpreted equally by CSV2GDX and GAMS,
      CSV2GDX will fail when reading the reverse '"someString"'. However,
      besides the message "Bad Uel Count", no error is reported.
      This issue is not included in the example below!

Contributor: Jan-Erik Justkowiak, March 2018

$onEcho > data.csv
"'x,y'", 'y,z', "x, z', a", d', "e, ", f"

Set label;
Parameter a;

$call csv2gdx data.csv id=x useHeader=y values=1..lastCol trace=0
$ifE errorLevel<>0 $abort Problems reading data with CSV2GDX!
$gdxIn data.gdx
$load label = dim1
$load a     = x

Set labelc / "'x,y'", "'y", "z'", "x, z', a", "d'", "e, ", 'f"' /;

Alias (u,*);

display label, labelc, u;

Parameter ac
"'x,y'" 1
"'y" 2
"z'" 3
"x, z', a" 4
"d'"  5
"e, " 6
'f"'  7

display a, ac;

Set difflabel;
Parameter diffa;

difflabel(u) = (label(u) - labelc(u)) or (labelc(u) - label(u));
diffa(u)     = ac(u) - a(u);

display difflabel, diffa;

abort$(card(difflabel) + card(diffa)) "Something went wrong with CSV2GDX!";