dict1.gms : test new dictionary (starting with cmex 147)


Starting with CMEX 147 the dictionary contains only those labels
that are referenced by the model rim.  We test this by adding
set elements to sets that are not used.  We use convert to
create two dictionary files and compare to be equal.

Contributor: Alex Meeraus

Small Model of Type : GAMS

Category : GAMS Test library

Main file : dict1.gms

$title 'test new dictionary (starting with cmex 147)' (DICT1,SEQ=328)


Starting with CMEX 147 the dictionary contains only those labels
that are referenced by the model rim.  We test this by adding
set elements to sets that are not used.  We use convert to
create two dictionary files and compare to be equal.

Contributor: Alex Meeraus

$if not gamsversion 147 $terminate

$echo garbage > t1.gms
$onEchoV      > t1.gms
$if NOT set N $set N '0'
$set first '' set last  '' set jjfirst '' set jjlast ''
$if NOT '%N%' == '0' $set first 'f1*f%N%' set last  'l1*l%N%' set jjfirst 'jf1*jf%N%,' set jjlast ',jl1*jl%N%'
option profile=1;
set first(*) / %first% /;

       ii   canning plants   / seattle, san-diego /
       jj  markets           / %jjfirst% new-york, chicago, topeka %jjlast% /
       j(jj) markets         /           new-york, chicago, topeka  /
set last(*) / %last% /;


       a(i)  capacity of plant i in cases
         /    seattle     350
              san-diego   600  /

       b(j)  demand at market j in cases
         /    new-york    325
              chicago     300
              topeka      275  / ;

  Table d(i,j)  distance in thousands of miles
                    new-york       chicago      topeka
      seattle          2.5           1.7          1.8
      san-diego        2.5           1.8          1.4  ;

  Scalar f  freight in dollars per case per thousand miles  /90/ ;

  Parameter c(i,j)  transport cost in thousands of dollars per case ;

            c(i,j) = f * d(i,j) / 1000 ;

       x(ii,jj)  shipment quantities in cases
       z       total transportation costs in thousands of dollars ;

  Positive Variable x ;

       empty(jj,i)  empty equation
       supply(i)   observe supply limit at plant i
       cost        define objective function
       demand(jj)   satisfy demand at market j ;

  empty(jj,i)$no .. z =e= 0;

  cost ..        z  =e=  sum((i,j), c(i,j)*x(i,j)) ;

  supply(i) ..   sum(j, x(i,j))  =l=  a(i) ;

  demand(j) ..   sum(i, x(i,j))  =g=  b(j) ;

  Model transport /all/ ;

  Solve transport using lp minimizing z ;
*execute 'dir %gams.scrdir%'
* copy dictionary file to current directory
execute 'awk -v inum=%N% -f dict.awk "%gams.scrdir%gamscntr.%gams.scrext%"'

$call rm -f dict0.txt dict100.txt

* dictionary file name is located in line 24 in the control file
$echo 'NR==24 { system("cp \"" $0 "\"   dict" inum ".txt");}' > dict.awk

$call gams t1   --N=0    lp=convert lo=2
$call gams t1   --N=100  lp=convert lo=2

$if not exist dict0.txt   $abort 'missing dict0.txt'
$if not exist dict100.txt $abort 'missing dict100.txt'

* $call diff -q dict0.txt dict100.txt
$call diff dict0.txt dict100.txt > %system.nullfile%
$if errorlevel 1 $abort dictionaries are not equal