execerr1.gms : Test for execerr option


Contributor: Michael Bussieck, February 2014

Small Model of Type : GAMS

Category : GAMS Test library

Main file : execerr1.gms

$title 'Test for execerr option' (execerr1,SEQ=640)

Contributor: Michael Bussieck, February 2014

$                           setGlobal b ''
$if %system.filesys%==UNIX $setGlobal b \

$onEchoV > ee1.gms
variable x; equation e; e.. x =e= 0; x.lo = %lo%; x.up = %up%;
model m /e/; x.l = 1/%div%; %ifb%solve m min x us lp%ife%;
execerror = 0;
* Execution error triggered during model generation
* No way to recover, execerror=0 won't be executed
$call gams ee1 --lo=1 --up=0 --div=1 --ifb=%b%"%b%" --ife=%b%"%b%" lo=%gams.lo% execerr=0
$if not errorlevel 1 $abort unexpected behavior

* No way to recover even when inside an if, execerror=0 won't be executed
$call gams ee1 --lo=1 --up=0 --div=1 --ifb=%b%"if%b%(1,%b%" --ife=%b%"%b%)%b%" lo=%gams.lo% execerr=0
$if not errorlevel 1 $abort unexpected behavior

* We recover (execerror=0 will be executed) because we increase error limit
$call gams ee1 --lo=1 --up=0 --div=1 --ifb=%b%"%b%" --ife=%b%"%b%" lo=%gams.lo% execerr=1
$if errorlevel 1 $abort unexpected behavior

* We recover (execerror=0 will be executed) because we increase error limit
$call gams ee1 --lo=1 --up=0 --div=1 --ifb=%b%"if%b%(1,%b%" --ife=%b%"%b%)%b%" lo=%gams.lo% execerr=1
$if errorlevel 1 $abort unexpected behavior

* Execution error before solve
* The solve gets aborted and hence we stop execution, execerror=0 won't be executed
$call gams ee1 --lo=0 --up=1 --div=0 --ifb=%b%"%b%" --ife=%b%"%b%" lo=%gams.lo% execerr=0
$if not errorlevel 1 $abort unexpected behavior

* The in-if-solve will be skipped even though limit is reached and we continue execution
$call gams ee1 --lo=0 --up=1 --div=0 --ifb=%b%"if%b%(1,%b%" --ife=%b%"%b%)%b%" lo=%gams.lo% execerr=0
$if errorlevel 1 $abort unexpected behavior