knitro01.gms : KNITRO test suite - basic option reading test


Small Model of Type : GAMS

Category : GAMS Test library

Main file : knitro01.gms

$title 'KNITRO test suite - basic option reading test' (KNITRO01,SEQ=283)

$log GDXXRW test skipped for this platform

variable x, y, z;
equation f, g, h;

scalar a, xbar, ybar, zbar;

f..     exp(x) =E=  a;
g..     cos(y) =E= sqrt(x) - 2;
h..     log(z) =E= y;

x.lo = 1e-6;
x.up = 20;
y.lo = 0;
y.up = pi/2;
z.lo = 1e-6;

model m / f, g, h /;
* this is not a tough model but it will take a few iterations
* to get a solution

a = 1000;
xbar = log(a);
* older CMEX versions lack arccos
* ybar = arccos(sqrt(xbar)-2);
ybar = arctan(sqrt(1-sqr(sqrt(xbar)-2))/(sqrt(xbar)-2));
zbar = exp(ybar);

display a, xbar, ybar, zbar;

$onEcho > knitro.525
maxit   2

$onEcho > knitro.322
* crank down to get a precise solution
feastol   1e-8
opttol    1e-8

option nlp = knitro;

* this one will fail
m.optfile = 525;
solve m using nlp min x;
abort$(m.solvestat <> %solveStat.terminatedBySolver% or m.modelstat <> %modelStat.intermediateInfeasible%) 'unexpected KNITRO behavior';

m.optfile = 322;
solve m using nlp min x;
abort$(m.solvestat <> %solveStat.normalCompletion% or m.modelstat <> %modelStat.locallyOptimal%) 'unexpected KNITRO behavior';
abort$(abs(xbar-x.l) > 1e-7) 'bad x.l at solution';
abort$(abs(ybar-y.l) > 1e-7) 'bad y.l at solution';
abort$(abs(zbar-z.l) > 1e-7) 'bad z.l at solution';