Utilities | GDXDIFF

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Parameters used to call the GDXDIFF utility.


GDXDIFF compares two GDX files and creates a third GDX file indicating the differences between the two files. After executing the program, the log will be shown, and the difference file will be shown in the data viewer.


The parameters used are stored with the current project.


GDX files and the GDXDIFF program are described in a separate document.




Input file one

The full path name of the first GDX file. Click the button next to this field to use an Explorer dialog to locate the file.


Input file two

The full path name of the second GDX file. Click the button next to this field to use an Explorer dialog to locate the file.


Difference file

The full path name of the difference file. When this field is empty, the file 'diffile.gdx' will be written in the current project directory. Click the button next to this field to use an Explorer dialog to locate the file.



Two values are considered equal when their absolute difference is smaller than the Eps value.



Two values are considered equal when their relative difference is smaller than the RelEps value.


Ignore set text

When enabled, difference in explanatory texts for set tuples is ignored.


Field to compare

Specifies the field(s) to compare for variables and equations.



Used in combination with the Field option; all variables and equations will be written as parameters using the value of the field specified. This option cannot be used in combination with the DiffOnly option.


Differences for Variables and Equations will be written as parameters; each parameter will have an additional index which is used to store the field name. Only fields that are different will be written. This option cannot be used in combination with the FldOnly option.