The GAMS Data Utilities Library

The GAMS Data Utilities library contains models that demonstrate various utilities to interface GAMS with other applications.

Name Description
CheckListbox Multiple ask popups for entering values through listboxes or checklistboxes
CHP Optimize combined heat and power generation in Excel, using vba API (opt) and GDXXRW
CHP2 Optimize combined heat and power generation in Excel, using vba API (opt and gdx)
Combobox Multiple ask popups for entering values through comboboxes
CompTimeWriteTrnsportGDX Writes data to GDX file during compile time
connect01 Complex Connect Example with Spreadsheets
connect02 Complex Connect Example with CSV Files
connect03 Simple Connect Example with CSV Files
connect04 Simple Connect Example for SQL
connect05 Simple Connect Example for Excel
csv2gdx1 Test gdxdump and csv2gdx
csv2gdx10 CSV2GDX Example 10 - Reading Set Elements with explanatory Text
csv2gdx2 CSV2GDX Example 2 - Reading CSV Files with CSV2GDX
csv2gdx3 CSV2GDX Example 3 - Reading Semicolon separated Data
csv2gdx4 CSV2GDX Example 4 - Dealing with missing Labels and Duplicates
csv2gdx5 CSV2GDX Example 5 - Reading more than one Parameter from a single Input File
csv2gdx6 CSV2GDX Example 6 - Reading economic Data from the World Bank Data Catalog
csv2gdx7 CSV2GDX Example 7 - Reading special Values with CSV2GDX
csv2gdx8 CSV2GDX Example 8 - Reading an compressed encrypted Input File
csv2gdx9 CSV2GDX Example 9 - Reading Options from an external File
datatest Driver for datalib tests of all sorts
dBASE Reads a dBASE table from United Nations Statistics Division
DBTimestamp1 Retrieves Data from Database once each Day
DBTimestamp2 Retrieves Data from Database once each Day
Distances1 MDB2GMS Example 1 - Reading a single valued Table
Distances2 SQL2GMS Example 1 - Reading a single valued Table
embeddedSort Sorting of numerical data using the embedded code facility
embeddedSplit Splitting of labels using the embedded code facility
EngineSolve Demonstrate how to submit just a solve statement to Engine
EngineSolveAsync Demonstrate how to asynchronously submit solve statements to Engine
Excel Reads Data from Excel through ODBC
ExecTimeReadTrnsportGDX Reads data from a GDX file during execution time
Fileopenbox Ask popup for opening a file
Filesavebox Ask popup for saving a file
GDX2ACCESSExample1 Dumping the Contents of trnsport.gdx
GDX2ACCESSExample2 Writing Explanatory Text to Database
GDX2ACCESSExample3 Dumping a large Table to Database
GDX2ACCESSExample4 Special Value Mapping
GDX2ACCESSExample5 Renaming Fields
GDXCOPYExample19 Copies a GDX file to a compressed format for version 6
GDXDIFFExample16 Compares two GDX files and writes the difference to a third GDX file
GDXDUMPExample1 GDXDUMP - Adding double Quotes to an user defined Header when writing to CSV
GDXDUMPExample15 Generates first a GDX file and then lists symbols in the GDX file
GDXExecute_unloadExample4 Writes data to GDX file during execution time
GDXINExample1 Illustrates use of demand data from an external source in compile phase
GDXINExample2 Illustrates use of demand and market data from an external source in compile phase
GDXINExample3 Lists all the symbols in Trnsport.gdx in the listing file in compile phase
GDXMERGEExample17 Merges a number of GDX files into one
GDXRANKExample18 Sorts a parameter, creates a sorted version and verifies that the sort works correctly
GDXViewerExample Illustrates conversion of GDX data into different formats
GDXXRWExample10 Reading Spreadsheet using the index Option
GDXXRWExample11a Writing Sets and Parameter to Spreadsheet at Compile Time
GDXXRWExample11b Writing Sets and Parameter to Spreadsheet at Execution Time
GDXXRWExample12 Writing to Spreadsheet using the merge and clear Option
GDXXRWExample13 Reads a Table from Spreadsheet, manipulates the Data and writes back to Spreadsheet
GDXXRWExample14 Reading Data from Spreadsheet and writing Data to Spreadsheet after Solve
GDXXRWExample15 Writing to Spreadsheet using a Filter
GDXXRWExample16 Writing to Spreadsheet adding Text and Hyperlinks
GDXXRWExample17 Reading several Scalars from Spreadsheet
GDXXRWExample18 Reading Sets from Spreadsheet
GDXXRWExample19 Writing Parameter to Spreadsheet including Zero Values
GDXXRWExample20 Reading empty Cells with colMerge and reading merged Excel Ranges with cMerge
GDXXRWExample21 Skipping empty Rows or Columns and Ignoring Rows or Columns
GDXXRWExample5 Reading Parameter from Spreadsheet
GDXXRWExample6 Reading Parameter from Spreadsheet with Duplication
GDXXRWExample7 Reading Multi-dimensional Parameter from Spreadsheet
GDXXRWExample8 Reading Special Values from Spreadsheet and writing to Spreadsheet
GDXXRWExample9 Reading Set Elements associated with Data or Text using the values Option
gdxxrw_autoopen Tests that gdxxrw calls the auto_open macro facility
GMSPythonCheck Consistency check for GMSPython
GMSPythonLib GMSPYTHONLIB compatibility check
gtmvn Demonstrate the use of numpy.multivariate_normal on stock return data using Transfer
IndexMapping1 MDB2GMS Example 6 - Index Mapping done in GAMS
IndexMapping2 MDB2GMS Example 6 - Index mapping done in Database
IndexMapping3 SQL2GMS Example 6 - Index Mapping done in GAMS
IndexMapping4 SQL2GMS Example 6 - Index mapping done in Database
LeastSquares Demonstrate the use of numpy.linalg.lstsq on the diabetes test problem using linalg ols
Loadpoint Illustrates use of "execute_loadpoint" command
MDB2GDX1 Creates a GDX File using MDB2GMS at execution Time and displays it in GDXVIEWER
MDB2GDX2 Creates a GDX File using MDB2GMS at compile Time
MDB2GMS Runs MDB2GMS interactively
mdbReadingSets MDB2GMS Example 3,4,5 - Reading Sets from Database using MDB2GMS
MDBSr5 Sequence of GAMS Models using the save/restart Facility
moo01 Solve scalable multi-objective knapsack model
moo02 Solve multi-objective power generation model
moo03 Solve Bensolvehedron model
MultipleAsk Multiple ask popups for entering various data types
pickstock Stock selection problem with MIRO
PopulateV Creates MS Access database
Portfolio Determines an efficient frontier in Excel, using the GDX DLL (vba API) and the GAMS executable
RadioButton Multiple ask popups for entering values through radio buttons
rank01 Rank a vector, and display the data in sorted order
rank02 Generate percentiles for a random vector
rank03 Use libinclude rank to report multisectoral Monte Carlo results
rank04 Repeated computation of percentiles within a loop
rank05 Percentile ranking of household expenditure data with heterogenous household size
readdata Read data from .inc, .xlsx, .accdb and .csv file
ReadingSets SQL2GMS Example 3,4,5 - Reading Sets from Database using SQL2GMS
ReadMultiDimPar Reads a multidimensional parameter
ReadMultiRange Reads a multi-area range and does post processing to eliminate invalid entries
ReadSet Reads set data
ReadTrnsportData1 Reads set data and the table of the transportation model in several calls
ReadTrnsportData2 Reads set data and the table of the transportation model in one call
SalesProfitDB1 MDB2GMS Example 2 - Reading a multi valued Table using separate Queries and Parameters
SalesProfitDB2c MDB2GMS Example 2 - Reading a multi valued Table using a Parameter with an extra Index Position
SalesProfitDB2m MDB2GMS Example 2 - Reading a multi valued Table (mute Version)
SalesProfitDB3 MDB2GMS Example 7 - Multi-Query Batch Example (Output: Several include Files)
SalesProfitDB4 MDB2GMS Example 7 - Multi-Query Batch Example (Output: A single GDX File)
SalesProfitDB5 SQL2GMS Example 2 - Reading a multi valued Table
SalesProfitDB6 SQL2GMS Example 7 - Multi-Query Batch Example (Output: Several include Files)
SalesProfitDB7 SQL2GMS Example 7 - Multi-Query Batch Example (Output: A single GDX File)
Samurai Solve a Samurai Sudoku in Excel, using the GDX DLL (vba API) and the GAMS executable
Savepoint Saves solution to a log or GDX file
SingleAsk Single ask popup for entering an integer value
SpawnGAMSAccess Spawn GAMS from Access
SpawnGAMSExcel Spawn an arbitrary GAMS model from Excel
SQL2GDX1 Creates a GDX File using SQL2GMS at execution Time and displays it in GDXVIEWER
SQL2GDX2 Creates a GDX File using SQL2GMS at compile Time
SQL2GMS Runs SQL2GMS interactively
SQLServer Test timeouts against SQL Server
SQLSr5 Sequence of GAMS Models using the save/restart Facility
Sudoku Solve a Sudoku in Excel, using the GDX DLL (vba API) and the GAMS executable
Text Reads Table from a Text File using the ODBC Text Driver
tompivot Little GAMS Program from Tom Rutherford that Illustrates Report Generation with Excel
transport Classical transportation problem with MIRO
transxls Solve classical transportation problem in Excel, using vba API (opt and gdx)
triobal Tommasino-Rao Input Output Balance Software
TrnsxcllStarter Excel Spreadsheet in Charge of GAMS
tsvngdx Integrate gdxdiff with TortoiseSVN
Wiring Use of wiring Option to read multi-data Column Tables