The GAMS Data Utilities library contains models that demonstrate various utilities to interface GAMS with other applications.
Name | Description |
CheckListbox | Multiple ask popups for entering values through listboxes or checklistboxes |
CHP | Optimize combined heat and power generation in Excel, using vba API (opt) and GDXXRW |
CHP2 | Optimize combined heat and power generation in Excel, using vba API (opt and gdx) |
Combobox | Multiple ask popups for entering values through comboboxes |
CompTimeWriteTrnsportGDX | Writes data to GDX file during compile time |
connect01 | Complex Connect Example with Spreadsheets |
connect02 | Complex Connect Example with CSV Files |
connect03 | Simple Connect Example with CSV Files |
connect04 | Simple Connect Example for SQL |
connect05 | Simple Connect Example for Excel |
csv2gdx1 | Test gdxdump and csvread |
csv2gdx10 | CSVRead Example 10 - Reading Set Elements with explanatory Text |
csv2gdx2 | CSVRead Example 2 - Reading CSV Files with CSVRead |
csv2gdx3 | CSVRead Example 3 - Reading Semicolon separated Data |
csv2gdx4 | CSVRead Example 4 - Dealing with missing Labels and Duplicates |
csv2gdx5 | CSVRead Example 5 - Reading more than one Parameter from a single Input File |
csv2gdx6 | CSVRead Example 6 - Reading economic Data from the World Bank Data Catalog |
csv2gdx7 | CSV2GDX Example 7 - Reading special Values with CSV2GDX |
csv2gdx8 | CSV2GDX Example 8 - Reading an compressed encrypted Input File |
csv2gdx9 | CSVRead Example 9 - Reading Options from an external File |
datatest | Driver for datalib tests of all sorts |
dBASE | Reads a dBASE table from United Nations Statistics Division |
DBTimestamp1 | Retrieves Data from Database once each Day |
DBTimestamp2 | Retrieves Data from Database once each Day |
Distances1 | MDB2GMS Example 1 - Reading a single valued Table |
Distances2 | SQL2GMS Example 1 - Reading a single valued Table |
embeddedSort | Sorting of numerical data using the embedded code facility |
embeddedSplit | Splitting of labels using the embedded code facility |
EngineSolve | Demonstrate how to submit just a solve statement to Engine |
EngineSolveAsync | Demonstrate how to asynchronously submit solve statements to Engine |
Excel | Reads Data from Excel through ODBC |
ExecTimeReadTrnsportGDX | Reads data from a GDX file during execution time |
Fileopenbox | Ask popup for opening a file |
Filesavebox | Ask popup for saving a file |
GDX2ACCESSExample1 | Dumping the Contents of trnsport.gdx |
GDX2ACCESSExample2 | Writing Explanatory Text to Database |
GDX2ACCESSExample3 | Dumping a large Table to Database |
GDX2ACCESSExample4 | Special Value Mapping |
GDX2ACCESSExample5 | Renaming Fields |
GDXCOPYExample19 | Copies a GDX file to a compressed format for version 6 |
GDXDIFFExample16 | Compares two GDX files and writes the difference to a third GDX file |
GDXDUMPExample1 | GDXDUMP - Adding double Quotes to an user defined Header when writing to CSV |
GDXDUMPExample15 | Generates first a GDX file and then lists symbols in the GDX file |
GDXExecute_unloadExample4 | Writes data to GDX file during execution time |
GDXINExample1 | Illustrates use of demand data from an external source in compile phase |
GDXINExample2 | Illustrates use of demand and market data from an external source in compile phase |
GDXINExample3 | Lists all the symbols in Trnsport.gdx in the listing file in compile phase |
GDXMERGEExample17 | Merges a number of GDX files into one |
GDXRANKExample18 | Sorts a parameter, creates a sorted version and verifies that the sort works correctly |
GDXViewerExample | Illustrates conversion of GDX data into different formats |
gdxxrw_autoopen | Tests that gdxxrw calls the auto_open macro facility |
GDXXRWExample10 | Reading Spreadsheet using the index Option |
GDXXRWExample11a | Writing Sets and Parameter to Spreadsheet at Compile Time |
GDXXRWExample11b | Writing Sets and Parameter to Spreadsheet at Execution Time |
GDXXRWExample12 | Writing to Spreadsheet using the merge and clear Option |
GDXXRWExample13 | Reads a Table from Spreadsheet, manipulates the Data and writes back to Spreadsheet |
GDXXRWExample14 | Reading Data from Spreadsheet and writing Data to Spreadsheet after Solve |
GDXXRWExample15 | Writing to Spreadsheet using a Filter |
GDXXRWExample16 | Writing to Spreadsheet adding Text and Hyperlinks |
GDXXRWExample17 | Reading several Scalars from Spreadsheet |
GDXXRWExample18 | Reading Sets from Spreadsheet |
GDXXRWExample19 | Writing Parameter to Spreadsheet including Zero Values |
GDXXRWExample20 | Reading empty Cells with colMerge and reading merged Excel Ranges with cMerge |
GDXXRWExample21 | Skipping empty Rows or Columns and Ignoring Rows or Columns |
GDXXRWExample5 | Reading Parameter from Spreadsheet |
GDXXRWExample6 | Reading Parameter from Spreadsheet with Duplication |
GDXXRWExample7 | Reading Multi-dimensional Parameter from Spreadsheet |
GDXXRWExample8 | Reading Special Values from Spreadsheet and writing to Spreadsheet |
GDXXRWExample9 | Reading Set Elements associated with Data or Text using the values Option |
GMSPythonCheck | Consistency check for GMSPython |
GMSPythonLib | GMSPYTHONLIB compatibility check |
gtmvn | Demonstrate the use of numpy.multivariate_normal on stock return data using Transfer |
IndexMapping1 | MDB2GMS Example 6 - Index Mapping done in GAMS |
IndexMapping2 | MDB2GMS Example 6 - Index mapping done in Database |
IndexMapping3 | SQL2GMS Example 6 - Index Mapping done in GAMS |
IndexMapping4 | SQL2GMS Example 6 - Index mapping done in Database |
LeastSquares | Demonstrate the use of numpy.linalg.lstsq on the diabetes test problem using linalg ols |
Loadpoint | Illustrates use of "execute_loadpoint" command |
MDB2GDX1 | Creates a GDX File using MDB2GMS at execution Time and displays it in GDXVIEWER |
MDB2GDX2 | Creates a GDX File using MDB2GMS at compile Time |
MDB2GMS | Runs MDB2GMS interactively |
mdbReadingSets | MDB2GMS Example 3,4,5 - Reading Sets from Database using MDB2GMS |
MDBSr5 | Sequence of GAMS Models using the save/restart Facility |
moo01 | Solve scalable multi-objective knapsack model |
moo02 | Solve multi-objective power generation model |
moo03 | Solve Bensolvehedron model |
MultipleAsk | Multiple ask popups for entering various data types |
pickstock | Stock selection problem with MIRO |
PopulateV | Creates MS Access database |
Portfolio | Determines an efficient frontier in Excel, using the GDX DLL (vba API) and the GAMS executable |
RadioButton | Multiple ask popups for entering values through radio buttons |
rank01 | Rank a vector, and display the data in sorted order |
rank02 | Generate percentiles for a random vector |
rank03 | Use libinclude rank to report multisectoral Monte Carlo results |
rank04 | Repeated computation of percentiles within a loop |
rank05 | Percentile ranking of household expenditure data with heterogenous household size |
readdata | Read data from .inc, .xlsx, .accdb and .csv file |
ReadingSets | SQL2GMS Example 3,4,5 - Reading Sets from Database using SQL2GMS |
ReadMultiDimPar | Reads a multidimensional parameter |
ReadMultiRange | Reads a multi-area range and does post processing to eliminate invalid entries |
ReadSet | Reads set data |
ReadTrnsportData1 | Reads set data and the table of the transportation model in several calls |
ReadTrnsportData2 | Reads set data and the table of the transportation model in one call |
SalesProfitDB1 | MDB2GMS Example 2 - Reading a multi valued Table using separate Queries and Parameters |
SalesProfitDB2c | MDB2GMS Example 2 - Reading a multi valued Table using a Parameter with an extra Index Position |
SalesProfitDB2m | MDB2GMS Example 2 - Reading a multi valued Table (mute Version) |
SalesProfitDB3 | MDB2GMS Example 7 - Multi-Query Batch Example (Output: Several include Files) |
SalesProfitDB4 | MDB2GMS Example 7 - Multi-Query Batch Example (Output: A single GDX File) |
SalesProfitDB5 | SQL2GMS Example 2 - Reading a multi valued Table |
SalesProfitDB6 | SQL2GMS Example 7 - Multi-Query Batch Example (Output: Several include Files) |
SalesProfitDB7 | SQL2GMS Example 7 - Multi-Query Batch Example (Output: A single GDX File) |
Samurai | Solve a Samurai Sudoku in Excel, using the GDX DLL (vba API) and the GAMS executable |
Savepoint | Saves solution to a log or GDX file |
SingleAsk | Single ask popup for entering an integer value |
SpawnGAMSAccess | Spawn GAMS from Access |
SpawnGAMSExcel | Spawn an arbitrary GAMS model from Excel |
SQL2GDX1 | Creates a GDX File using SQL2GMS at execution Time and displays it in GDXVIEWER |
SQL2GDX2 | Creates a GDX File using SQL2GMS at compile Time |
SQL2GMS | Runs SQL2GMS interactively |
SQLServer | Test timeouts against SQL Server |
SQLSr5 | Sequence of GAMS Models using the save/restart Facility |
Sudoku | Solve a Sudoku in Excel, using the GDX DLL (vba API) and the GAMS executable |
Text | Reads Table from a Text File using the ODBC Text Driver |
tompivot | Little GAMS Program from Tom Rutherford that Illustrates Report Generation with Excel |
transport | Classical transportation problem with MIRO |
transxls | Solve classical transportation problem in Excel, using vba API (opt and gdx) |
triobal | Tommasino-Rao Input Output Balance Software |
TrnsxcllStarter | Excel Spreadsheet in Charge of GAMS |
tsvngdx | Integrate gdxdiff with TortoiseSVN |
Wiring | Use of wiring Option to read multi-data Column Tables |