GDXXRWExample5.gms : Reading Parameter from Spreadsheet


This model illustrates reading a table from an Excel spreadsheet with row and
column dimension of magnitude 1. In addition, reading the same data using a
named Excel range is demonstrated.

This model is referenced in "Reading Parameter from Spreadsheet" and "Reading
Parameter from Spreadsheet using pre-defined Excel Named Ranges" from the
GDXXRW Documentation.

Category : GAMS Data Utilities library

Main file : GDXXRWExample5.gms   includes :  Test1.xlsx  GDXXRWExample5.gms

$title Reading Parameter from Spreadsheet (GDXXRWExample5,SEQ=016)

This model illustrates reading a table from an Excel spreadsheet with row and
column dimension of magnitude 1. In addition, reading the same data using a
named Excel range is demonstrated.

This model is referenced in "Reading Parameter from Spreadsheet" and "Reading
Parameter from Spreadsheet using pre-defined Excel Named Ranges" from the
GDXXRW Documentation.

$callTool win32.msappavail Excel
$if errorlevel 1 $abort.noError "No Excel available"

   i 'row entries'    / i1, i2     /
   a 'column entries' / a1, a2, a3 /;

   data1(i,a) 'parameter values are read using the block range specification'
   data4(i,a) 'parameter values are read using the named range specification';

* use an option file to increase readability
$onEcho > howToRead.txt
* read data1 using the block range specification
par=data1 rng=A1:D3    cDim=1 rDim=1
* read data4 using the named range specification (cell range name: 'parRange')
par=data4 rng=parRange cDim=1 rDim=1

$call gdxxrw Test1.xlsx @howToRead.txt trace=0
$ifE errorLevel<>0 $abort Error reading parameter from spreadsheet!

* load the data
$gdxIn Test1.gdx
$load data1 data4

display data1, data4;

* Data Validation
Table exp_data1(i,a) 'expected_data1'
        a1   a2   a3
   i1    1    2    3
   i2    4    5    6;

Set error01(i,a) 'unexpected value';
error01(i,a) = exp_data1(i,a)<>data1(i,a) or exp_data1(i,a)<>data4(i,a);
abort$card(error01) error01;