This is a listing of the models available in the on-line model library (NOALIB) based on the book Nonlinear Optimization Applications Using the GAMS Technology by Neculai Andrei. The library contains a selection of 40 models from a wide spectrum of nonlinear optimization applications expressed in GAMS. The book and library emphasize the local solutions of the large-scale, complex, continuous nonlinear optimization applications, and the abundant examples in GAMS are highlighted by those involving ODEs, PDEs, and optimal control. The collection of these examples will be useful for software developers and testers.
Name | Chapter | FigureNr | Description |
Reservoir | Water Management in River Systems | 10.2 | Onstream and Offstream Optimal Reservoir Management |
Benz | Robust Stability Analysis | 11.4 | Robust Stability Analysis of Daimler-Benz 0305 Bus |
Fiat | Robust Stability Analysis | 11.5 | Analysis of Stability Margin of Spark Ignition Engine Fiat Dedra |
Ethanol | Optimal Control | 12.11 | Optimal Control of a Fed-Batch Bioreactor for the Production of Ethanol from the Anaerobic Glucose Fermentation by Saccharomyces Cerevisiae |
BatchReactor | Optimal Control | 12.15 | Optimal Control of a Batch Reactor. Find the Optimal Temperature Profile Which Gives Maximum Intermediate Product Concentration in a Batch Reactor with Two Consecutive Reactions |
Protein | Optimal Control | 12.23 | Optimal Production of Secreted Protein in a Fed-Batch Reactor |
Control3 | Optimal Control | 12.25 | Optimal Control Problem with a Nonlinear Dynamic Constraint and Boundary Conditions Solved as a General Nonlinear Programming Problem |
Surface | Some Mathematical Algorithms and Problems in GAMS Technology | 3.10 | Minimal-/Surface Problem |
Minsurf | Some Mathematical Algorithms and Problems in GAMS Technology | 3.12 | Finding the Surface with Minimal Area That Lies Above an Obstacle with Given Boundary Conditions |
Polygon | Some Mathematical Algorithms and Problems in GAMS Technology | 3.5 | Among All Polygons with nv Sides and Diameter d value at most one, Finding the One of Maximal Area |
Hexagon | Some Mathematical Algorithms and Problems in GAMS Technology | 3.8 | Maximizing the Area of a Hexagon in Which the Diameter Must Be Less Than or Equal to One |
CpaR | Nonlinear Systems of Equations | 4.4 | Combustion of Propane: Reduced Formulation |
Cpa | Nonlinear Systems of Equations | 4.5 | Combustion of Propane in Air |
Gtc | Applications of Mechanical Engineering | 5.11 | Optimal Gas Transmission Compressor Design |
Truss2 | Applications of Mechanical Engineering | 5.16 | Optimal Design of a Four-Bar Truss |
Lathe | Applications of Mechanical Engineering | 5.19 | Optimization of a Multi-spindle Automatic Lathe |
Speed | Applications of Mechanical Engineering | 5.2 | Optimal Design of a Speed Reducer of Minimal Weight for a Small Propeller-Type Aircraft Engine |
Htb | Applications of Mechanical Engineering | 5.21 | Design of a Hydrostatic Thrust Bearing |
Helical | Applications of Mechanical Engineering | 5.22 | Optimal Design of a Helical Spring |
Torsion | Applications of Mechanical Engineering | 5.24 | Elastic-Plastic Torsion |
Bearing | Applications of Mechanical Engineering | 5.26 | Pressure Distribution in a Journal Bearing |
Chain | Applications of Mechanical Engineering | 5.28 | Hanging Chain |
Rocket | Applications of Mechanical Engineering | 5.30 | Dynamic Optimization of a Rocket |
Camshape | Applications of Mechanical Engineering | 5.33 | Maximize the Area of the Valve |
Robot | Applications of Mechanical Engineering | 5.35 | Minimize the Time Taken for a Robot Arm to Travel Between Two Points |
Steering | Applications of Mechanical Engineering | 5.39 | Minimize the Time Taken for a Particle, Acted upon by a Thrust of Constant Magnitude, to Achieve a Given Altitude and Terminal Velocity |
Glider | Applications of Mechanical Engineering | 5.40 | Maximize the Final Horizontal Position of a Hang Glider While in the Presence of a Thermal Updraft |
Trafo | Applications in Electrical Engineering | 6.1 | Cost Minimization of a Transformer Design |
Circuit | Applications in Electrical Engineering | 6.2 | Optimal Design of an Electrical Circuit |
Static | Applications in Electrical Engineering | 6.4 | Static Power Scheduling |
Edc2 | Applications in Electrical Engineering | 6.7 | Economic Dispatch Calculation of a Total Power of 1,980 MW Using 15 Power Generating Units |
Pool2 | Applications in Chemical Engineering | 7.13 | Pooling: Blending. A Pooling System with Five Feeds, Three Pools and Five Products |
Separation2 | Applications in Chemical Engineering | 7.17 | Nonsharp Separation of Propane, Isobutane, n-Butane and Isopentane in Three Column Distillation |
Refrigeration | Applications in Chemical Engineering | 7.3 | Optimal Design of Industrial Refrigeration System |
HeatEx3 | Applications in Chemical Engineering | 7.31 | Optimal Design of Network of Heat Exchangers in Parallel (with Recirculation) with Two Hot Streams and One Cold Stream |
Netreactor | Applications in Chemical Engineering | 7.5 | Reactor Network Design Problem |
Flowobs | Heat Transfer and Fluid Dynamics | 8.12 | Stationary Flow of an Incompressible Fluid in a Rectangular Area |
Ramsey | Economic Development | 9.1 | An Elementary Ramsey Growth Model |
Macro | Economic Development | 9.3 | A Small Linear Dynamic Macroeconomic Model of the U.S. Economy in Which Both Monetary and Fiscal Policy Variables Are Used |