The GAMS Model Library

The models in the GAMS Model Library have been selected because they represent interesting and sometimes classic problems. Examples of problems included in the library are production and shipment by firms, investment planning, cropping patterns in agriculture, operation of oil refineries and petrochemical plants, macroeconomics stabilization, applied general equilibrium, international trade in aluminum and in copper, water distribution networks, and many more.

Another criterion for including a model in the library is that it illustrates the modeling capabilities GAMS offers. For example, the mathematical specification of cropping patterns can be represented handily in GAMS. A further example of the system 's capability is the style for specifying an initial solution as a starting point in the search for the optimal solution of dynamic nonlinear optimization problems.

Seq Name Description Type Subject
436 knapsack Binary Knapsack Problem MIP Mathematics
435 cvrp Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem MIP Management Science and OR
434 boxpacking Container Packing Problem MIP Management Science and OR
433 binpacking Bin packing problem with different ways to estimate number of bins MIP Management Science and OR
432 trussm Truss Toplogy Design with Multiple Loads QCP Engineering
431 springchain Equilibrium of System with Piecewise Linear Springs QCP Engineering
430 asyncincbi Asynchronous processing of incumbents reported by GAMS/CPLEX MIP GAMS Language Features
429 rcpsp Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling Problem MIP Management Science and OR
428 nurses A Nurse Scheduling Problem MIP Management Science and OR
427 scenmerge Combining scenario results in a directory tree with gdxmerge GAMS GAMS Language Features
426 waterld Design of a Water Distribution Network with Limited Domain of Variables DNLP Engineering
425 inscribedsquare Inscribed Square Problem DNLP Mathematics
424 obstacle An Obstacle Problem MCP Engineering
423 guss2dim Two dimensional scenario GUSS Example NLP Mathematics
422 spbenders5 Stochastic Benders - Parallel MPI with GAMSModelInstance LP Management Science and OR
421 spbenders4 Stochastic Benders - Parallel MPI LP Management Science and OR
420 spbenders3 Stochastic Benders - Sequential GamsModelInstance LP Management Science and OR
419 spbenders2 Stochastic Benders - Async Subsolve GAMS Loop LP Management Science and OR
418 spbenders1 Stochastic Benders - Sequential GAMS Loop LP Management Science and OR
417 embmiex1 Simple Embedded Code ModelInstance example LP Management Science and OR
416 robustlp Robust linear programming as an SOCP QCP Management Science and OR
415 cbenders Cplex Benders for a Simple Facility Location Problem MIP Management Science and OR
414 dqq Warm-starting quad-precision MINOS GAMS GAMS Language Features
413 timesteps Accessing previous (or next) time steps in an equation fast GAMS GAMS Language Features
412 trnsindic Fixed Charge Transportation Problem with Indicator Constraints MIP GAMS Language Features
411 asyncloop Transportation Problem with async loop body execution LP GAMS Language Features
410 dyncge A Recursive-Dynamic Standard CGE Model NLP Applied General Equilibrium
409 sgolfer Social Golfer Problem MINLP Management Science and OR
408 pmedian P-Median problem MINLP Management Science and OR
407 carseq Car Sequencing MINLP Management Science and OR
406 derivtst How to test derivatives of functions GAMS GAMS Language Features
405 qfilter Audio filter design using quad-precision MINOS GAMS GAMS Language Features
404 partssupply Parts Supply Problem NLP Contract Theory
403 asyncjobs Execute asynchronously several GAMS jobs and collect the fastest GAMS GAMS Language Features
402 tablelayout Configuring text layout in table cells to minimize table height MIP Engineering
401 circpack Pack circles in the smallest possible rectangle NLP Management Science and OR
400 gussgrid Simple GUSS Grid example LP Management Science and OR
399 gussrisk Simple investment example with varying weight for risk using GUSS NLP Management Science and OR
398 gussex1 Simple GUSS example LP Management Science and OR
397 clad Computation of Fairs extramarital affairs model estimates MIP Statistics
396 allbases Enumerate all Feasible Basic Solutions of the Transportation Problem MIP Micro Economics
395 tricp Triangular Graph Circle Packing QCP Micro Economics
394 solmpool Cplex Solution Pool for a Simple Facility Location Problem with Merged Solution File MIP Management Science and OR
393 cesam2 Cross Entropy SAM Estimation NLP Micro Economics
392 prisoner Prisoners dilemma as EMP and MCP EMP Applied General Equilibrium
391 tgridmix Grid Transportation Problem with Single Submit and Collect Loop LP Management Science and OR
390 srtree Simple Scenario Tree Construction Example GAMS Stochastic Programming
389 stablem Stable Marriage Problem MIP Management Science and OR
388 trigx Another Trigonometric Example NLP Mathematics
387 cpack Packing identical size circles in the unit circle QCP Mathematics
386 trnspwlx A Transportation Problem with Piecewise Linear Functions MIP Management Science and OR
385 bidpwl Bid Evaluation with Piecewise Linear Functions MIP Management Science and OR
384 epscmmip Improved version of eps-Constraint Method for Multiobjective Optimization MIP Mathematics
383 saras South African Regionalised Farm-level Resource Use and Output Supply Response (SARAS) model NLP Agricultural Economics
382 linearne Linearization techniques for extremal-Nash equilibria EMP Energy Economics
381 powerset PowerSetLeft and PowerSetRight examples GAMS GAMS Language Features
380 pmeanvar Mean-Variance models with variable upper and lower bounds MIQCP Finance
379 fdesign Linear Phase Lowpass Filter Design QCP Engineering
378 iobalance Updating and Projecting Coefficients: The RAS Approach NLP Statistics
377 ps5_s_mn Parts Supply Problem w/ 5 Types w/ Random p(i) NLP Contract Theory
376 flowshop Flow shop scheduling MIP Management Science and OR
375 pmelody Choose notes for melodic lines and chords with permutations GAMS GAMS Language Features
374 ptsp Traveling Salesman Problem Instance solved with explicit Permutation Enumeration GAMS GAMS Language Features
373 cclinpts Finding Optimal Breakpoints when linearizing a power utility function NLP Finance
372 sipres Global optimization of semi-infinite programs via restriction of the right-hand side NLP Mathematics
371 cubesoln Three-Dimensional Noughts and Crosses Multiple Solutions MIP Mathematics
370 ccoil Oil Pipeline Design Problem using concurrent MIP solves MIP Management Science and OR
369 ps10_s_mn Parts Supply Problem w/ 10 Types w/ Random p(i) NLP Contract Theory
368 ps10_s Parts Supply Problem w/ 10 Types and w/ Asymmetric Information NLP Contract Theory
367 ps3_s_scp Parts Supply Problem w/ 3 Types w/o and w/ SCP NLP Contract Theory
366 ps3_s_mn Parts Supply Problem w/ 3 Types w/ Monotonicity Constraint NLP Contract Theory
365 ps3_s_gic Parts Supply Problem w/ 3 Types w/ Global Incentive Comp. Const. NLP Contract Theory
364 ps3_s Parts Supply Problem w/ 3 Types w/ Asymmetric Information NLP Contract Theory
363 ps3_f Parts Supply Problem w/ 3 Types w/o Asymmetric Information NLP Contract Theory
362 ps2_s Parts Supply Problem w/ 2 Types w/ Asymmetric Information NLP Contract Theory
361 ps2_f_inf Parts Supply Problem w/ Inefficient Type w/o Asymmetric Information NLP Contract Theory
360 ps2_f_eff Parts Supply Problem w/ Efficient Type w/o Asymmetric Information NLP Contract Theory
359 ps2_f Parts Supply Problem w/ 2 Types w/o Asymmetric Information NLP Contract Theory
358 ps2_f_s Parts Supply Problem w/ 2 Types w/o and w/ Asymmetric Information NLP Contract Theory
357 sddp Multi-stage Stochastic Water Reservoir Model solved with SDDP LP Management Science and OR
356 prodplan A Production Planning Example MIP Management Science and OR
355 kqkpsdp SDP Convexifications of the Cardinality constraint Quadratic Knapsack Problem RMIQCP Management Science and OR
354 spatequ Spatial Equilibrium MCP Applied General Equilibrium
353 relief Relief Mission MIP Recreational Models
352 food Food Manufacturing Problem - Blending of oils MIP Management Science and OR
351 trnspwl A Transportation Problem with discretized economies of scale MIP Management Science and OR
350 tanksize Tank Size Design Problem MINLP Chemical Engineering
349 bchstock Cutting Stock - A Column Generation Approach with BCH MIP Branch and Cut and Heuristic
348 bchtsp Traveling Salesman Problem Instance with BCH MIP Branch and Cut and Heuristic
347 solveopt Option solveopt explained GAMS GAMS Language Features
346 bilinear Convexification of bilinear term binary times x MINLP Mathematics
345 tsp5 TSP solution with Miller et al subtour elimination MIP Special Integer Models
344 srpchase Scenario Tree Construction Example LP Stochastic Programming
343 secure Secure Work Files - Example 2 GAMS GAMS Language Features
342 poutil Portfolio Optimization for Electric Utilities MIP Energy Economics
341 two3mac Simple 2 x 2 x 2 General Equilibrium Model Using Macros MCP Applied General Equilibrium
339 gqapsdp SDP Convexifications of the Generalized Quadratic Assignment Problem RMIQCP Management Science and OR
338 maxcut Goemans/Williamson Randomized Approximation Algorithm for MaxCut MIP Mathematics
337 logmip4 LogMIP User's Manual Example 4 - Job Shop Scheduling EMP Disjunctive Programming
336 logmip3 LogMIP User's Manual Example 3 - Synthesis of 8 Processes EMP Disjunctive Programming
335 logmip2 LogMIP User's Manual Example 2 - Example to illustrate disjunctions EMP Disjunctive Programming
334 logmip1c LogMIP User's Manual Example 1c - Job Scheduling EMP Disjunctive Programming
333 logmip1b LogMIP User's Manual Example 1b - Job Scheduling EMP Disjunctive Programming
332 logmip1a LogMIP User's Manual Example 1a - Job Scheduling EMP Disjunctive Programming
331 mws Computation of Horowitz's work-trip mode choice model estimates MIP Econometrics
330 dicegrid MIP Decomposition and Parallel Grid Submission - DICE Example MIP Management Science and OR
329 jacobi Asynchronous Jacobi Methods MCP Mathematics
328 danwolfe Dantzig Wolfe Decomposition and Grid Computing LP Management Science and OR
327 qmeanvag Portfolio Modeling with Parallel Solutions MIQCP Finance
326 solnpool Cplex Solution Pool for a Simple Facility Location Problem MIP Management Science and OR
325 swath Mission Planning for Synthetic Aperture Radar Surveillance MIP Management Science and OR
324 tsp2ltx TSP tour plotting with LaTeX xy-pic environment MIP GAMS Tools
323 netgen Min Cost Flow with an Instance generated by NETGEN LP GAMS Tools
322 schulz Termination routine to ensure solvers stay with resource limit GAMS GAMS Language Features
321 knp Kissing Number Problem using Variable Neighborhood Search NLP Mathematics
320 version1 How to test for a GAMS version GAMS GAMS Language Features
319 epscm eps-Constraint Method for Multiobjective Optimization LP Mathematics
318 encrypt Input file encyption demo GAMS GAMS Language Features
317 cefiles Compressed Input Files GAMS GAMS Language Features
315 trnsgrid Grid Transportation Problem LP Management Science and OR
314 feasopt1 An Infeasible Transportation Problem analyzed with Cplex option FeasOpt LP Management Science and OR
313 chartdat Create an example GDX file for the IDE Charting facility GAMS GAMS Language Features
312 lrs Linear Recursive Sequence Optimization Model MIP Management Science and OR
311 gsolver Compare the actual system with the original solver database GAMS GAMS Language Features
310 cta Controlled Tabular Adjustments MIP Management Science and OR
309 openpit Dynamic open pit mining extraction MIP Management Science and OR
306 csp Closest String Problem MIP Management Science and OR
305 herves Herves (Transposable Element) Activity Calculations DNLP Engineering
304 decomphh A Successive Recalibration Algorithm for GE Models with Many Households MPSGE Applied General Equilibrium
303 mlgamma Maximum Likelihood estimation of parameters of the gamma distribution NLP Statistics
302 mlbeta Fitting of beta distribution through maximum likelihood NLP Statistics
301 procmean Optimal Process Mean NLP Statistics
300 quantum An application from quantum mechanics DNLP Statistics
299 mingamma Minimal y of GAMMA(x) DNLP Statistics
298 awktsp Traveling Salesman Problem Instance prepared with AWK MIP GAMS Tools
297 seders ERS Data Manipulations with SED GAMS GAMS Tools
296 awkqap Input file generation with AWK for the Quadratic Assignment Problem MIQCP GAMS Tools
295 mhw4dxx MHW4DX with multiple solutions NLP Mathematics
294 cutstock Cutting Stock - A Column Generation Approach MIP Management Science and OR
293 qabel Linear Quadratic Control Problem QCP Macro Economics
292 jdate Julian date test GAMS GAMS Language Features
291 qmeanvar Financial Optimization: Risk Management using MIQCP MIQCP Finance
290 badmip Rounding Problems in MIPs MIP Management Science and OR
289 bchmknap Multi knapsack problem using BCH Facility MIP Branch and Cut and Heuristic
288 bchoil Oil Pipeline Design Problem using BCH Facility MIP Branch and Cut and Heuristic
287 bchfcnet Fixed Cost Network Flow Problem with Cuts using BCH Facility MIP Branch and Cut and Heuristic
286 bchtlbas Trim Loss Minimization with Heuristic using BCH Facility MINLP Branch and Cut and Heuristic
285 qsambal Social Accounting Matrix Balancing Problem QCP QCP Statistics
284 qdemo7 Nonlinear Simple Agricultural Sector Model QCP QCP Agricultural Economics
283 qcp1 Standard QP Model QCP QCP Finance
282 qalan A Quadratic Programming Model for Portfolio Analysis QCP MIQCP Finance
281 irscge A CGE Model with Scale Economy NLP Applied General Equilibrium
280 quocge A CGE Model with Quotas NLP Applied General Equilibrium
279 moncge A Monopoly CGE Model NLP Applied General Equilibrium
278 twocge A Two Country CGE Model NLP Applied General Equilibrium
277 lrgcge A Large Country CGE Model NLP Applied General Equilibrium
276 stdcge A Standard CGE Model NLP Applied General Equilibrium
275 splcge A Simple CGE Model NLP Applied General Equilibrium
274 hhmax A Household Maximization Problem NLP Applied General Equilibrium
273 emfl Existing Multi Facility Location Problem - Cone Format QCP Management Science and OR
272 dicex Non-transitive Dice Design - Enhanced MIP Mathematics
271 qp7 Standard QP Model - conic programming formulation QCP Finance
270 kport Product Portfolio Optimization MINLP Chemical Engineering
269 nash A non-cooperative game: Nash and Stackelberg versions MPEC Applied General Equilibrium
268 fiveleap The Five Leaper Tour Problem MIP Management Science and OR
267 mhw4dx MHW4D with additional Tests NLP Mathematics
266 t1000 LGO Test t1000_10 NLP Mathematics
265 fct LGO Interface Example DNLP Mathematics
264 hs62 Hock - Schittkowski Problem 62 NLP Mathematics
263 maxmin Max Min Location of Points in Unit Square DNLP Mathematics
262 holiday US Holiday and Leave Chart GAMS GAMS Language Features
261 trig Simple Trigonometric Example NLP Mathematics
260 mathopt6 MathOptimizer Example 6 DNLP Mathematics
259 mathopt5 MathOptimizer Example 5 DNLP Mathematics
258 mathopt4 MathOptimizer Example 4 NLP Mathematics
257 mathopt3 MathOptimizer Example 3 NLP Mathematics
256 mathopt2 MathOptimizer Example 2 NLP Mathematics
255 mathopt1 MathOptimizer Example 1 NLP Mathematics
254 pool Pooling problem NLP Chemical Engineering
253 lmp3 Linear Multiplicative Model - Type 3 NLP Mathematics
252 lmp2 Linear Multiplicative Model - Type 2 NLP Mathematics
251 lmp1 Linear Multiplicative Model - Type 1 NLP Mathematics
250 jit Design of Just-in-Time Flowshops MINLP Management Science and OR
249 clearlak Scenario Reduction: ClearLake exercise LP Stochastic Programming
248 srkandw Stochastic Programming Scenario Reduction LP Stochastic Programming
247 tvcsched Flow Formulation of the ISCI Rotator Problem MIP Management Science and OR
246 qp1x Standard QP Model with GDX data input NLP Finance
245 minsurf Minimal surface with obstacle COPS 2.0 #17 NLP Engineering
244 jbearing Journal bearing COPS 2.0 #16 NLP Engineering
243 torsion Elastic-plastic torsion COPS 2.0 #15 NLP Engineering
242 catmix Catalyst Mixing COPS 2.0 #14 NLP Chemical Engineering
241 methanol Methanol to hydrocarbons COPS 2.0 #13 NLP Chemical Engineering
240 gasoil Catalytic cracking of gas oil COPS 2.0 #12 NLP Chemical Engineering
239 glider Hang glider COPS 2.0 #11 NLP Engineering
238 rocket Goddard rocket COPS 2.0 #10 NLP Engineering
237 lnts Particle steering COPS 2.0 #9 NLP Engineering
236 robot Robot arm COPS 2.0 #8 NLP Engineering
235 flowchan Flow in a channel COPS 2.0 #7 NLP Engineering
234 popdynm Marine population dynamics COPS 2.0 #6 NLP Mathematics
233 pinene Isometrization of alpha-pinene COPS 2.0 #5 NLP Chemical Engineering
232 camshape Shape optimization of a cam COPS 2.0 #4 NLP Engineering
231 chain Hanging Chain COPS 2.0 #3 NLP Engineering
230 elec Distribution of electrons on a sphere COPS 2.0 #2 NLP Engineering
229 polygon Largest small polygon COPS 2.0 #1 NLP Mathematics
228 cesam Cross Entropy SAM Estimation MCP Micro Economics
227 minlphix Heat Integrated Distillation Sequences MINLP Chemical Engineering
226 nsharpx Synthesis of General Distillation Sequences MINLP Chemical Engineering
225 stockcc Minimizing Total Average Cycle Stock MIP Management Science and OR
224 windfac Winding Factor of Electrical Machines MINLP Engineering
223 gasnet Optimal Design of a Gas Transmission Network MINLP Engineering
222 csched Cyclic Scheduling of Continuous Parallel Units MINLP Chemical Engineering
221 lop Line Optimization MIP Management Science and OR
220 railcirc Minimum Circulation of Railway Stock MIP Management Science and OR
219 coex Peacefully Coexisting Armies of Queens MIP Recreational Models
218 coexx Peacefully Coexisting Armies of Queens - tight MIP Recreational Models
217 gastrans Gas Transmission Problem - Belgium NLP Engineering
216 slvtest Solver combination test GAMS GAMS Language Features
215 gamshtm HTML generation of model library GAMS GAMS Language Features
214 haverly Haverly's pooling problem example NLP Chemical Engineering
213 tsp42 TSP solution with subtour elimination MIP Recreational Models
212 korcns General Equilibrium Model for Korea - CNS CNS Applied General Equilibrium
211 gancnsx Macro-Economic Framework for India - Tracking CNS CNS Applied General Equilibrium
210 gancns Macro-Economic Framework for India - CNS CNS Applied General Equilibrium
209 camcns Cameroon General Equilibrium Model Using CNS CNS Applied General Equilibrium
208 absmip Discontinous functions abs() min() max() sign() as MIPs MIP Mathematics
207 mrp2 Materials Requirement Planning (MRP) Formulations MIP Management Science and OR
206 spring Coil Compression String Design MINLP Engineering
205 pump Pump Network Synthesis MINLP Engineering
204 trimloss Trim Loss Minimization MINLP Engineering
203 gear Gear Train Design MINLP Engineering
202 bearing Hydrostatic Thrust Bearing Design for a Turbogenerator NLP Engineering
201 circle Circle Enclosing Points - SNOPT Example NLP Mathematics
200 prodsp2 Stochastic Programming Example - reformulated for DECIS DECIS Stochastic Programming
199 farm The Farmer's Problem formulated for DECIS DECIS Stochastic Programming
198 apl1pca Stochastic Programming Example for DECIS DECIS Stochastic Programming
197 apl1p Stochastic Programming Example for DECIS DECIS Stochastic Programming
196 airsp2 Aircraft Allocation - stochastic optimization with DECIS DECIS Stochastic Programming
195 gmstest Test sript for library models GAMS GAMS Language Features
194 nemhaus Scheduling to Minimize Interaction Cost MIP Management Science and OR
193 marilyn Numerical Puzzle MIP Recreational Models
192 dea Data Envelopment Analysis - DEA LP Statistics
191 cross Alcuin's River Crossing MIP Recreational Models
190 gamsutil Generates some useful files from the Model Library GAMS GAMS Language Features
189 airsp Aircraft Allocation LP Stochastic Programming
188 lands Optimal Investment LP Stochastic Programming
187 kand Stochastic Programming LP Stochastic Programming
186 prodsp Stochastic Programming Example LP Stochastic Programming
185 rotdk Robust Optimization MIP Management Science and OR
184 qp6 Standard QP Model - LCP formulation of QP4 MCP Finance
183 calendar Calendar Function Examples GAMS GAMS Language Features
182 gapmin Lagrangian Relaxation of Assignment Problem MIP Management Science and OR
181 indus89 Indus Basin Water Resource Model LP Agricultural Economics
180 tsp4 Traveling Salesman Problem - Four MIP Recreational Models
179 tsp3 Traveling Salesman Problem - Three MIP Recreational Models
178 tsp2 Traveling Salesman Problem - Two MIP Recreational Models
177 tsp1 Traveling Salesman Problem - One MIP Recreational Models
176 dice Non-transitive Dice Design MIP Mathematics
175 qp5 Standard QP Model - linear approximation LP Finance
174 qp4 Standard QP Model - no covariance matrix NLP Finance
173 qp3 Standard QP Model - intermediate variables NLP Finance
172 qp2 Standard QP Model - symmetry exploitations NLP Finance
171 qp1 Standard QP Model NLP Finance
170 alphamet Alphametics - a Mathematical Puzzle MIP Recreational Models
169 traffic Traffic Equilibrium Problem MCP Management Science and OR
168 fuel Fuel Scheduling and Unit Commitment Problem MINLP Engineering
167 hydro Hydrothermal Scheduling Problem NLP Engineering
166 dispatch Economic Load Dispatch Including Transmission Losses NLP Engineering
165 alkyl Simplified Alkylation Process NLP Chemical Engineering
164 decomp Decomposition Principle - Animated LP Management Science and OR
163 bidsos Bid Evaluation with SOS2 Sets MIP Micro Economics
162 pentium Pentium Error Test GAMS Mathematics
161 launch Launch Vehicle Design and Costing NLP Energy Economics
160 icut Integer Cut Example MIP Mathematics
159 latin The Orthogonal Latin-Square Problem MIP Mathematics
158 knights Maximum Knights Problem MIP Mathematics
157 prime Prime Number Generation GAMS Mathematics
156 vonthmge A General Equilibrium Version of the von Thunen Model MPSGE Applied General Equilibrium
155 unstmge Globally Unstable Equilibria MPSGE Applied General Equilibrium
154 threemge Three Approaches to Differential Tax Policy Analysis MPSGE Applied General Equilibrium
153 shovmge The economic effects of UK membership in the EC MPSGE Applied General Equilibrium
152 scarfmge Tax distortions in a small activity analysis model MPSGE Applied General Equilibrium
151 sammge Carbon taxes with exemptions for heavy industry MPSGE Applied General Equilibrium
150 nsmge North-South trade and capital flows MPSGE International Trade
149 kehomge Multiple equilibria in a simple GE model MPSGE Applied General Equilibrium
148 harmge Increasing returns with average cost pricing MPSGE Applied General Equilibrium
147 hansmge Hansen's Activity Analysis Example - MPSGE MPSGE Applied General Equilibrium
146 gemmge GEMTAP: A general equilibrium model for tax policy MPSGE Applied General Equilibrium
145 finmge A General Equilibrium Model for Finland MPSGE Applied General Equilibrium
144 etamge ETA-MACRO Energy Model for the USA - MPSGE Format MPSGE Energy Economics
143 dmcmge Accounting for economic growth with new inputs MPSGE Economic Development
142 co2mge Carbon-related trade model (static) MPSGE International Trade
141 cirimge Increasing returns in intermediate inputs MPSGE Applied General Equilibrium
140 cammge Cameroon General Equilibrium Model Using MPSGE MPSGE Applied General Equilibrium
139 cafemge Corporate average fuel economy standards MPSGE Applied General Equilibrium
138 ers82mcp USDA-ERS CGE Model of the US MCP Applied General Equilibrium
137 gemmcp GEMTAP: A general equilibrium model for tax policy MCP Applied General Equilibrium
136 vonthmcp General Equilibrium Variant of the von Thunen Model MCP Applied General Equilibrium
135 hansmcp Hansen's Activity Analysis Example - MCP MCP Applied General Equilibrium
134 mr5mcp Multi-Region Growth Model Based on Global 2100 MCP Applied General Equilibrium
133 oligomcp Oligopolistic Competition - Examples from MP MCP Applied General Equilibrium
132 scarfmcp Scarf's Activity Analysis Example MCP Applied General Equilibrium
131 two3mcp Simple 2 x 2 x 2 General Equilibrium Model MCP Applied General Equilibrium
130 kormcp General Equilibrium Model for Korea - MCP MCP Applied General Equilibrium
129 cammcp Cameroon General Equilibrium Model Using MCP MCP Applied General Equilibrium
128 harkmcp Models of Spatial Competition in MCP Form MCP Management Science and OR
127 wallmcp Chemical Equilibrium Problem as MCP MCP Chemical Engineering
126 transmcp Transportation Model as Equilibrium Problem MCP Management Science and OR
125 waterx Design of a Water Distribution Network (MINLP) MINLP Engineering
124 alan A Quadratic Programming Model for Portfolio Analysis MINLP Finance
123 hda Synthesis: Hydrodealkylation of Toluene MINLP Chemical Engineering
122 feedtray Optimum Feed Plate Location MINLP Chemical Engineering
121 reaction Logical Inference for Reaction path synthesis MIP Chemical Engineering
120 nonsharp Synthesis of General Distillation Sequences MIP Chemical Engineering
119 batchdes Optimal Design for Chemical Batch Processing MINLP Chemical Engineering
118 minlphi Heat Integrated Distillation Sequences NLP Chemical Engineering
117 synheat Simultaneous Optimization for Hen Synthesis MINLP Chemical Engineering
116 procsel Structural Optimization of Process Flowsheets MINLP Chemical Engineering
115 tba Financial Optimization: Financial Engineering MIP Finance
114 cmo Financial Optimization: Financial Engineering MIP Finance
113 meanvarx Financial Optimization: Risk Management MINLP Finance
112 meanvar Financial Optimization: Risk Management NLP Finance
111 worst Financial Optimization: Risk Management NLP Finance
110 immun Financial Optimization: Risk Management QCP Finance
109 prodschx Production Scheduling Model using SOS1 and SOS2 MIP Management Science and OR
108 sparta Military Manpower Planning from Wagner LP Management Science and OR
107 gangesx Economic Framework for India - Tracking NLP Applied General Equilibrium
106 senstran Sensitivity analysis using LOOPS LP Management Science and OR
105 thaix Thai Navy Problem Extended MIP Management Science and OR
104 mpstrans MPS file for transportation problem GAMS Management Science and OR
103 queens Maximum Queens Chess Problem MIP Management Science and OR
102 paperco Vertically Integrated Company LP Management Science and OR
101 gamsrep The GAMS Model Library GAMS Management Science and OR
100 korcge General Equilibrium Model for Korea - NLP NLP Applied General Equilibrium
99 house House Plan Design NLP Mathematics
98 thai Thai Navy Problem MIP Management Science and OR
97 ganges Macroeconomic Framework for India NLP Applied General Equilibrium
96 pollut Industrial Pollution Control NLP Energy Economics
95 himmel11 Himmelblau Test Problem Number 11 QCP Mathematics
94 mst Minimum Spanning Tree GAMS Management Science and OR
93 sroutex Shortest Route Algorithm GAMS Management Science and OR
92 demo7 Nonlinear Simple Agricultural Sector Model NLP Agricultural Economics
91 demo1 Simple Farm Level Model LP Agricultural Economics
90 indus Indus Agricultural Model LP Agricultural Economics
89 iswnm Indus Surface Water Network Submodule LP Agricultural Economics
88 agreste Agricultural Farm Level Model of NE Brazil LP Agricultural Economics
87 nebrazil North-East Brazil Regional Agricultural Model LP Agricultural Economics
86 turkey Turkey Agricultural Model with Risk NLP Agricultural Economics
85 harker Models of Spatial Competition NLP Micro Economics
84 mhw4d Nonlinear Test Problem NLP Mathematics
83 rbrock Rosenbrock Test Function NLP Mathematics
82 markov Strategic Petroleum Reserve LP Energy Economics
81 camcge Cameroon General Equilibrium Model Using NLP NLP Applied General Equilibrium
80 etamac ETA-MACRO Energy Model for the USA NLP Energy Economics
79 ibm1 Aluminum Alloy Smelter Sample Problem LP Management Science and OR
78 phosdis Sea Distances for World Phosphate Model LP Micro Economics
77 sambal Social Accounting Matrix Balancing Problem NLP Statistics
76 wall Chemical Equilibrium Problem NLP Chemical Engineering
75 egypt Egypt Agricultural Model LP Agricultural Economics
74 ampl AMPL Sample Problem LP Management Science and OR
73 great Great Circle Distances GAMS Mathematics
72 repay Repayment Factors for Loans GAMS Finance
71 gauss Matrix Inversion with Full Pivoting GAMS Mathematics
70 pivot Simple Gaussian Elimination GAMS Mathematics
69 hhfair Household Optimization Problem by Fair NLP Macro Economics
68 water Design of a Water Distribution Network DNLP Engineering
67 crazy Examples of Extended Arithmetic GAMS Mathematics
66 msm Morocco Fertilizer Distribution - Mode Selection LP Micro Economics
65 fawley Platoform Example Refinery LP Management Science and OR
64 abel Linear Quadratic Control Problem NLP Macro Economics
63 ramsey Savings Model by Ramsey NLP Economic Development
62 tfordy Antalya Forestry Model - Dynamic LP Forestry
61 tforss Antalya Forestry Model - Steady State LP Forestry
60 ajax Ajax Paper Company Production Schedule LP Management Science and OR
59 imsl Piecewise Linear Approximation LP Mathematics
58 westmip Economies of Scale and Investment over Time MIP Micro Economics
57 tabora Tabora Rural Development - Fuelwood Production LP Energy Economics
56 china Organic Fertilizer Use in Intensive Farming LP Agricultural Economics
55 paklive Pakistan Punjab Livestock Model LP Agricultural Economics
54 turkpow Turkey Power Planning Model LP Energy Economics
53 gtm International Gas Trade Model NLP Energy Economics
52 srcpm Single-Region Contingency Planning Model NLP Energy Economics
51 yemcem Yemen Cement Model MIP Micro Economics
50 port Simple Portfolio Model LP Finance
49 sarf Farm Credit and Income Distribution Model LP Agricultural Economics
48 korpet Investment Planning in the Korean Oil-Petro Industry MIP Energy Economics
47 otpop OPEC Trade and Production NLP Energy Economics
46 shale Investment Planning in the Oil Shale Industry LP Energy Economics
45 copper Modeling Investment in the World Copper Industry MIP International Trade
44 andean Andean Fertilizer Model MIP Micro Economics
43 chakra Optimal Growth Model NLP Macro Economics
42 cube Three-Dimensional Noughts and Crosses MIP Mathematics
41 prolog Market Equilibrium and Activity Analysis NLP Economic Development
40 orani A Miniature Version of Orani 78 LP Macro Economics
39 mine Opencast Mining LP Management Science and OR
38 rdata Sample Database of the US Economy MIP Micro Economics
37 robert Elementary Production and Inventory Model LP Management Science and OR
36 himmel16 Area of Hexagon Test Problem NLP Mathematics
35 dinam DINAMICO A Dynamic Multi-Sectoral Multi-Skill Model LP Economic Development
34 pak Optimal Patterns of Growth and Aid LP Economic Development
33 chenery Substitution and Structural Change NLP Economic Development
32 marco Mini Oil Refining Model LP Micro Economics
31 alum World Aluminum Model MIP International Trade
30 vietman Vietoriscz Manne Fertilizer Model 1961 MIP Micro Economics
29 zloof Relational Database Example GAMS Management Science and OR
28 pindyck Optimal Pricing and Extraction for OPEC NLP Energy Economics
27 sample Stratified Sample Design NLP Statistics
26 chance Chance Constrained Feed Mix Problem NLP Agricultural Economics
25 like Maximum Likelihood Estimation NLP Econometrics
24 least Nonlinear Regression Problem NLP Econometrics
23 linear Linear Regression with Various Criteria DNLP Econometrics
22 ship Structural Optimization NLP Engineering
21 chem Chemical Equilibrium Problem NLP Chemical Engineering
20 process Alkylation Process Optimization NLP Chemical Engineering
19 bid Bid Evaluation MIP Micro Economics
18 weapons Weapons Assignment NLP Management Science and OR
17 mexls Mexico Steel - Large Static LP Micro Economics
16 mexsd Mexico Steel - Small Dynamic MIP Micro Economics
15 mexss Mexico Steel - Small Static LP Micro Economics
14 fertd Egypt - Dynamic Fertilizer Model MIP Micro Economics
13 ferts Egypt - Static Fertilizer Model LP Micro Economics
12 magic Magic Power Scheduling Problem MIP Management Science and OR
11 uimp UIMP - Production Scheduling Problem LP Management Science and OR
10 pdi ARCNET - Production Distribution and Inventory LP Management Science and OR
9 prodsch APEX - Production Scheduling Model MIP Management Science and OR
8 aircraft Aircraft Allocation Under Uncertain Demand LP Management Science and OR
7 diet Stigler's Nutrition Model LP Micro Economics
6 sroute The Shortest Route Problem LP Management Science and OR
5 jobt On-the-Job Training LP Management Science and OR
4 whouse Simple Warehouse Problem LP Management Science and OR
3 prodmix A Production Mix Problem LP Management Science and OR
2 blend Blending Problem I LP Management Science and OR
1 trnsport A Transportation Problem LP Management Science and OR