awkqap.gms : Input file generation with AWK for the Quadratic Assignment Problem


The model writes an AWK script on the fly to process the input file
format defined by the maintainers of the QAPLib. More input instances
are available from

Small Model of Type : MIQCP

Category : GAMS Model library

Main file : awkqap.gms   includes :

$title Input file generation with AWK for the Quadratic Assignment Problem (AWKQAP,SEQ=296)

The model writes an AWK script on the fly to process the input file
format defined by the maintainers of the QAPLib. More input instances
are available from

Burkard, R E, Karisch, S E, and Rendl, F, QAPLIB - A Quadratic Assignment
Problem Library. Journal of Global Optimization 10 (1997), 391-403.

Keywords: mixed integer quadratic constraint programming, quadratic assignment problem,
          QAPLib, awk script

$set fn
$if not exist %fn% $abort %fn% ist not present

$echoN "$setGlobal n " > %gams.scrdir%n.%gams.scrext%
$call head -n1 %fn%   >> "%gams.scrdir%n.%gams.scrext%"
$include %gams.scrdir%n.%gams.scrext%

$onEcho > %gams.scrdir%awkscript.%gams.scrext%
BEGIN { print "$onDelim" }
NF == 0 && cnter ==  0 { print "Table d(i,j)";
                         for (i=0; i <= %n%; i++) printf i " "; print }
NF == 0 && cnter == %n% { adj=%n%; print ";"; print "Table f(i,j)";
                          for (i=0; i <= %n%; i++) printf i " "; print }
NF == %n% { cnter++; print cnter-adj, $0; }
END { print ";"; print "$offDelim"; }
$call awk -f "%gams.scrdir%awkscript.%gams.scrext%" %fn% > "%gams.scrdir%data.%gams.scrext%"

Set i / 1*%n% /;

Alias (i,j,k,l);

$include %gams.scrdir%data.%gams.scrext%

* Let's do a trivial MIQCP model
Binary Variable x(i,j);

Variable z;

Equation defobj, assign1(i), assign2(j);

defobj..     z =e= sum((i,j,k,l)$(d(i,j)*f(k,l)), x(i,k)*d(i,j)*f(k,l)*x(j,l));

assign1(i).. sum(j,x(i,j)) =e= 1;

assign2(j).. sum(i,x(i,j)) =e= 1;

Model qap / all /;

* Starting Point
x.l(i,j) = 1/sqr(card(i));

option optCr = 0, optCa = 0.99;

solve qap minimizing z using miqcp;