Oligopolistic Competition - Examples from MP.
Small Model of Type : MCP
Category : GAMS Model library
Main file : oligomcp.gms
$title Oligopolistic Competition - Examples from MP (OLIGOMCP,SEQ=133)
Oligopolistic Competition - Examples from MP.
Murphy, F H, Sherali, H D, and Soyster, A L, A mathematical programming
approach for determining oligopolistic market equilibrium. Mathematical
Programming 24 (1982), 92-106.
Harker, P T, Oligopolistic equilibrium. Mathematical Programming 30
(1984), 105-111.
Keywords: mixed complementarity problem, oligopoly, general equilibrium model,
Nash equilibria
Set f 'firms' / f1*f5 /;
* f (q) = c q + beta/(beta+1) l^(-1/beta) q^(beta+1)/beta
* f'(q) = c + (q/l)^(1/beta)
Table data(f,*) 'cost function data'
c l beta
f1 10 5 1.2
f2 8 5 1.1
f3 6 5 1.0
f4 4 5 0.9
f5 2 5 0.8;
c(f) = data(f,"c");
l(f) = data(f,"l");
beta(f) = data(f,"beta");
Positive Variable
p 'price'
q(f) 'supply';
demand 'supply - demand balance'
profit(f) 'Nash first order condition';
demand.. sum(f, q(f)) =g= 5000*p**(-1.1);
profit(f).. c(f) + (q(f)/l(f))**(1/beta(f)) =g= p - q(f)*p**2.1/5500;
Model oligop / demand.p, profit.q /;
* initial guess:
q.l(f) = 10;
p.l = (5000/sum(f, q.l(f)))**(1/1.1);
solve oligop using mcp;