As new features are added to the gams system, one may want to write GAMS code that adjusts to what version it is running under. The GAMS language processor has an integer version ID, whereas the GAMS releases are numbered with a string that can interpreted as a floating point number. GAMS release GAMS version 22.7 227 2008-05-08 22.6 149 2007-12-24 22.5 148 2007-04-01 22.4 147 2007-02-14 22.3 146 2006-11-27 22.2 145 2006-04-21 22.1 144 2006-03-15 22.0 143 2005-08-01 .... 1. 1995-09-28 the following features were introduced (GAMS version 86): $version nnn will issue a compilation error if nnn is greater than the current GAMS version %system.version% will be replace with 'GAMS Rev nnn' where nnn is the current GAMS version system.version can be used on put without %% and '' 2. 2006-04-21 GAMS release 22.2 (GAMS version 145) added the following features: %system.GamsVersion% will be replace with the current GAMS version 'nnn' GamsVersion is a new function that will return nnn $if GamsVersion mmm command will execute command if the current GAMS version is greater or equal to nnn, this is similar to the $if errorlevel nnn 3. 2007-04-1 GAMS release 22.5 (GAMS version 148) added access to the GAMS release number: %system.GamsRelease% will be replace with the current GAMS release 'mm.n' GamsRelease is a new function that will return mm.n 3. 2013-01-15 GAMS release 24.1 (GAMS version 241) added access to the GAMS release number including the maintenance digit: %system.GamsReleaseMaint% will be replace with the current GAMS release 'xx.y.z' Keywords: GAMS language features, GAMS version ID
Small Model of Type : GAMS
Category : GAMS Model library
Main file : version1.gms
$title How to test for a GAMS version (VERSION1,SEQ=320)
As new features are added to the gams system, one may want
to write GAMS code that adjusts to what version it is running
under. The GAMS language processor has an integer version ID,
whereas the GAMS releases are numbered with a string that can
interpreted as a floating point number.
GAMS release GAMS version
22.7 227 2008-05-08
22.6 149 2007-12-24
22.5 148 2007-04-01
22.4 147 2007-02-14
22.3 146 2006-11-27
22.2 145 2006-04-21
22.1 144 2006-03-15
22.0 143 2005-08-01
1. 1995-09-28 the following features were introduced (GAMS version 86):
$version nnn will issue a compilation error if nnn is greater than the
current GAMS version
%system.version% will be replace with 'GAMS Rev nnn' where nnn is the
current GAMS version
system.version can be used on put without %% and ''
2. 2006-04-21 GAMS release 22.2 (GAMS version 145) added the following features:
%system.GamsVersion% will be replace with the current GAMS version 'nnn'
GamsVersion is a new function that will return nnn
$if GamsVersion mmm command will execute command if the current GAMS version
is greater or equal to nnn, this is similar to
the $if errorlevel nnn
3. 2007-04-1 GAMS release 22.5 (GAMS version 148) added access to the GAMS release number:
%system.GamsRelease% will be replace with the current GAMS release 'mm.n'
GamsRelease is a new function that will return mm.n
3. 2013-01-15 GAMS release 24.1 (GAMS version 241) added access to the GAMS release number
including the maintenance digit:
%system.GamsReleaseMaint% will be replace with the current GAMS release 'xx.y.z'
Keywords: GAMS language features, GAMS version ID
$eolCom //
$version 0 // this will always work
$version 999 // this will fail
$if not errorfree $clearError
$if gamsversion 0 * will never be true
$if not gamsversion 999 * will be true
Scalar ver, rel;
ver = gamsversion;
rel = gamsrelease;
display ver, rel;
abort$(%system.gamsversion% <> gamsversion) 'system error for gamsversion';
abort$(%system.gamsrelease% <> gamsrelease) 'system error for gamsrelease';
File tmp;
put tmp 'system.version=' system.version
/ 'system.gamsversion=' '%system.gamsversion%'
/ 'system.gamsrelease=' '%system.gamsrelease%'
/ 'system.gamsreleasemaint=' '%system.gamsreleasemaint%'
/ 'gamsversion =' gamsversion
/ 'gamsrelease =' gamsrelease;