tsp2ltx.gms : TSP tour plotting with LaTeX xy-pic environment


This model demonstrates how to make quality graphics using LaTeX and
XY-pic. As an example we will plot the different TSP tours found by
the model TSP42 from the GAMS Model Library.

The result of a LaTeX run on the file generated can be found at


Keywords: mixed integer linear programming, travelling salesman problem, tour
          plotting, LaTeX

Large Model of Type : MIP

Category : GAMS Model library

Main file : tsp2ltx.gms

$title TSP Tour plotting with LaTeX xy-pic Environment (TSP2LTX,SEQ=324)

This model demonstrates how to make quality graphics using LaTeX and
XY-pic. As an example we will plot the different TSP tours found by
the model TSP42 from the GAMS Model Library.

The result of a LaTeX run on the file generated can be found at


Keywords: mixed integer linear programming, travelling salesman problem, tour
          plotting, LaTeX

$call gamslib -q tsp42
$echo File fx / plotcycles.gms /; loop(cycle$results(cycle+1,'obj'), put fx '$batInclude plottour ' cycle.tl /); >> tsp42.gms
$set mip mip=%gams.mip%
$if '%mip%' == 'mip=' $set mip
$call gams tsp42 lo=%gams.lo% %mip% gdx=tsp42
$ifE errorLevel<>0 $abort 'Could solve run tsp42'

   i    'cities'
   hdr / relaxed, cycle1*cycle20, optimal /;

Alias (i,j);

Parameter solutions(hdr,i,j);

$gdxIn tsp42
$load i solutions

Table xy(*,i) 'coordinates'
      c1  c2  c3  c4  c5  c6  c7  c8  c9 c10 c11 c12 c13 c14 c15 c16 c17 c18 c19 c20 c21
   x 170 166 133 140 142 126 125 119 117  99  73  72  37   6   3  21  33   4   3  27  52
   y  85  88  73  70  55  53  60  68  74  83  79  91  94 106  97  82  67  66  42  33  41

   + c22 c23 c24 c25 c26 c27 c28 c29 c30 c31 c32 c33 c34 c35 c36 c37 c38 c39 c40 c41 c42
   x  57  58  88  99  95  89  83  85 104 112 112 113 125 135 147 147 154 157 158 172 174
   y  59  66  65  67  55  55  38  25  35  37  24  13  30  32  18  36  45  54  61  82  87;

File f / tsp2ltx.tex /;
put  f;


$set plottour
$onEchoV > plottour.gms
put '\begin{figure}[ht]' / '\[\begin{xy} 0;<0.5mm,0mm>:' /;
loop(i, put$(ord(i) > 1) ','; put '(', xy('x',i), ',' xy('y',i), ')*{\bullet}'/);
loop((i,j)$(solutions('%1',i,j) > 0.5), put$(ord(i) > 1) ',';
   put '(', xy('x',i), ',' xy('y',i), ');(', xy('x',j), ',' xy('y',j), ')**@{-}'/);
put '\end{xy}\]' / '\caption{%1 solution}' / '\end{figure}' /;

$batInclude plottour Relaxed
$include plotcycles
$batInclude plottour Optimal

put '\end{document}'/;