This model demonstrates how to tests the first and second order derivatives of a given function by comparing the (exact/analytical) derivatives with derivatives calculated by finite differences. GAMS provides through the function suffix .grad/.hess the (exact) derivatives and the finite difference derivatives through function suffix gradn/.hessn. These facilities work for intrinisc and extrinsic functions. Keywords: GAMS language features, accuracy test, analytical derivatives, finite difference
Small Model of Type : GAMS
Category : GAMS Model library
Main file : derivtst.gms
$title How to test Derivatives of Functions (DERIVTST,SEQ=406)
This model demonstrates how to tests the first and second order derivatives
of a given function by comparing the (exact/analytical) derivatives with
derivatives calculated by finite differences.
GAMS provides through the function suffix .grad/.hess the (exact) derivatives
and the finite difference derivatives through function suffix gradn/.hessn.
These facilities work for intrinisc and extrinsic functions.
Keywords: GAMS language features, accuracy test, analytical derivatives,
finite difference
$if not set sampleSize $set sampleSize 100
$if not set tol $set tol 1e-6
$if not set func $set func power
s 'sample' / s1*s%sampleSize% /
ai 'argument info' / lo, up, int, endo /;
* Function data
$ifThenI %func%==pdfnormal
$ funcLibIn mylib stodclib
function %func% / mylib.%func% /;
$ set args sp(s,'a1'),sp(s,'a2'),sp(s,'a3')
Set a 'function arguments' / a1*a3 /;
Table fi(a,ai) 'function argument information'
lo up int endo
a1 -10 10 1
a2 -5 5
a3 0.5 1;
$elseIfI %func%==power
$ set args sp(s,'a1'),sp(s,'a2')
Set a 'function arguments' / a1*a2 /;
Table fi(a,ai) 'function argument information'
lo up int endo
a1 -100 100 1
a2 -5 5 1;
$ abort 'no function data for %func%
sp(s,a) 'sample points for argument'
grad(s,a) 'exact gradient'
gradn(s,a) 'numerical gradient'
hess(s,a,a) 'exact gradient'
hessn(s,a,a) 'numerical gradient';
ae(a) 'endogenos arguments'
badsp(s) 'sample points that trigger an execerror';
Alias (ae,aep);
ae(a) = fi(a,'endo');
sp(s,a) = uniformInt(fi(a,'lo'),fi(a,'up'))$(fi(a,'int'))
+ uniform(fi(a,'lo'),fi(a,'up'))$(not fi(a,'int'));
grad (s,ae) = %func%.grad (ae.pos:%args%);
gradn(s,ae) = %func%.gradn(ae.pos:%args%);
hess (s,ae,aep) = %func%.hess (ae.pos:aep.pos:%args%);
hessn(s,ae,aep) = %func%.hessn(ae.pos:aep.pos:%args%);
badsp(s) = yes;
execError = 0;
* Compare gradient and hessian
Set csp(s) 'sample points to compare';
badargs(s,a) 'sample points that triggered an execution error'
gradError(s,a) 'error in gradient calculation'
HessError(s,a,a) 'error in hessian calculation';
csp(s) = not badsp(s);
badargs(badsp,a) = sp(badsp,a);
$macro Error(a,b) abs(a-b)/abs(a+1)
gradError(csp,ae) = Error(grad(csp,ae),gradn(csp,ae));
hessError(csp,ae,aep) = Error(hess(csp,ae,aep),hessn(csp,ae,aep));
gradError(csp,ae )$(gradError(csp,ae) < %tol%) = 0;
hessError(csp,ae,aep)$(hessError(csp,ae,aep) < %tol%) = 0;
abort$(card(badsp) + card(gradError) + card(hessError)) badargs, gradError, hessError;