Robert A Bosch, suggested in a recent Optima Newsletter an extension to the original DICE (SEQ=176) model: Each number on a face can appear only once. This has been formulated by adding the 0/1 variable fmap and equations eq4 (to define the mapping of values to faces) and eq5 (to make this mapping unique). Note the importance of the '=e=' type in equation eq1 and the power of eq3. Probabilistic dice - an example of a non-transitive relation. We want to design a set of dice with an integer number on each face such that on average dice1 beats dice2, and dice2 on average beats dice3 etc, but diceN has to beat dice1.
Large Model of Type : MIP
Category : GAMS Model library
Main file : dicex.gms
$title Non-transitive Dice Design - Enhanced (DICEX,SEQ=272)
Robert A Bosch, suggested in a recent Optima Newsletter an extension
to the original DICE (SEQ=176) model: Each number on a face can appear
only once. This has been formulated by adding the 0/1 variable fmap
and equations eq4 (to define the mapping of values to faces)
and eq5 (to make this mapping unique). Note the importance of the
'=e=' type in equation eq1 and the power of eq3.
Probabilistic dice - an example of a non-transitive relation.
We want to design a set of dice with an integer number on each face
such that on average dice1 beats dice2, and dice2 on average beats
dice3 etc, but diceN has to beat dice1.
Martin Gardner, The Colossal Book of Mathematics, WW Norton, New
York, NY, 2001.
Robert A Bosch, Mindsharpener, Optima, MP Society Newsletter, Vol 70,
June 2003, page 8-9
Robert A Bosch, Monochromatic Squares, Optima, MP Society Newsletter,
Vol 71, March 2004, page 6-7
Keywords: mixed integer linear programming, dice designment, mathematics,
nontransitive dice
f 'faces on a dice' / face1*face6 /
d 'number of dice' / dice1*dice3 /;
wn 'min wins needed'
fnum(d,f) 'assigned face values'
big 'big m';
wn = floor(0.5*sqr(card(f))) + 1;
fnum(d,f) = card(f)*(ord(d) - 1) + ord(f);
big = card(d)*card(f);
Alias (f,fp), (d,dp);
wnx 'number of wins'
fval(d,f) 'value of dice - will be integer'
comp(d,f,fp) 'one if f beats fp'
fmap(d,f,dp,fp) 'assigns values to dice faces';
Binary Variable comp, fmap;
fval.lo(d,f) = 1;
fval.up(d,f) = card(d)*card(f);
fval.fx(d,f)$(ord(d) = 1 and ord(f) = 1) = 1;
eq1(d) 'count the wins'
eq2(d,f,fp) 'definition of non-transitive relation'
eq3(d,f) 'different face values for a single dice'
eq4(d,f) 'assign values to faces'
eq5(d,f) 'make face assignment unique';
eq1(d).. sum((f,fp), comp(d,f,fp)) =e= wnx;
eq2(d,f,fp).. fval(d,f) + big*(1 - comp(d,f,fp)) =g= fval(d++1,fp) + 1;
eq3(d,f-1).. fval(d,f-1) + 1 =l= fval(d,f);
eq4(d,f).. sum((dp,fp), fnum(dp,fp)*fmap(d,f,dp,fp)) =e= fval(d,f);
eq5(dp,fp).. sum((d,f), fmap(d,f,dp,fp)) =e= 1;
Model diceU 'all faces are unique' / eq1, eq2, eq3, eq4, eq5 /;
$if set nosolve $exit
option resLim = 100, optCr = 0.0, optCa = 0.99;
solve diceU using mip maximizing wnx;
option fval:0;
display wn, fval.l;
$eval NN card(d)*card(f)
Set vals 'possible face values' / 1*%NN% /;
rep1 'chance of winning against next'
fv(d,f) 'computed face values';
if(diceU.modelStat = %modelStat.optimal% or diceU.modelStat = %modelStat.integerSolution%,
rep1(d,f) = 100*sum(fp, comp.l(d,f,fp))/card(f);
rep1(d,'chance') = sum(f, rep1(d,f))/card(f);
option rep1:0;
display rep1;
fv(d,f) = round(fval.l(d,f));
abort$(card(fv) <> card(vals)) 'inconsistent face values';
chk(vals) = 1;
loop((d,f)$fv(d,f), chk(vals)$[ord(vals) = fv(d,f)] = chk(vals) - 1;);
if(card(chk), execute_unload 'diceDebug';);
abort$(card(chk)) 'non-unique face values found', chk, fv;