alum.gms : World Aluminum Model


This model focuses on the long-term trends in investment, production
and trade patterns in the world aluminum industry.

Large Model of Type : MIP

Category : GAMS Model library

Main file : alum.gms

$title World Aluminum Model (ALUM,SEQ=31)

$sTitle Introduction

This model focuses on the long-term trends in investment, production
and trade patterns in the world aluminum industry.

Brown, M, Dammert, A, Meeraus, A, and Stoutjesdijk, A, Worldwide
Investment Analysis - The Case of Aluminum. Tech. rep., The World
Bank, 1983.

Model Structure:

Section  1:  General set definitions
Section  2:  Demand characteristics for primary aluminum
Section  3:  Mine data
Section  4:  Technology
Section  5:  Capacities and deposits
Section  6:  Infrastructure and investment costs
Section  7:  Operating costs
Section  8:  Transport description
Section  9:  Prices, tariffs and levies
Section 10:  Model reduction
Section 11:  Cost calculations on data
Section 12:  Data checks
Section 13:  Model specification
Section 14:  Scenario
Section 15:  Report

In sections 2 through 8, set and parameter declarations are made
made first, followed by data, and finally structural link checks.

Throughout the model TONS means Metric Tons. And TPY = Tons per year.

Keywords: mixed integer linear programming, investment trends, aluminum industry,
          international trade

$eolCom //

* the following set called print order is used only to determine the
* display features of the report section.

Set po 'print order' / usa       , western-us, eastern-us, west-can
                       east-can  , wn-america, en-america, n-america
                       w-europe  , west-eur  , japan     , japan+oc
                       n-austral , w-austral , oceania   , oecd
                       c-amer+car, jamaica   , jamaica1  , jamaica2
                       haiti+dr  , guyana    , surinam   , brazil
                       venezuela , argentina , ws-america, es-america
                       s-amer+car, ghana     , ayek-guin , fria-guin
                       toug-guin , s-leone   , camer+oa  , n-africa
                       rest-guin , zaire     , rest-afric, s-africa
                       w-africa  , e-africa  , africa    , india
                       indonesia , china     , o-asia    , asean
                       korea+oea , mid-east  , rest-asia , asia-x
                       ldcs      , ee+ussr   , e-europe  , asian-ussr /;

$sTitle General Set Definitions
   i       'mining regions'
           / usa      , w-europe , n-austral, w-austral, jamaica1 , jamaica2
             haiti+dr , guyana   , surinam  ,  brazil  , venezuela, ghana
             ayek-guin, fria-guin, toug-guin, s-leone  , camer+oa , india
             indonesia, china    , o-asia   , ee+ussr                        /
   r       'producing regions'
           / western-us, eastern-us, west-can , east-can  , w-europe
             japan     , w-austral , oceania  , c-amer+car, jamaica
             guyana    , surinam   , brazil   , venezuela , argentina
             ghana     , ayek-guin , n-africa , rest-guin , zaire
             rest-afric, s-africa  , india    , china     , asean
             korea+oea , mid-east  , rest-asia, e-europe  , asian-ussr  /
   j       'marketing areas'
           / wn-america, en-america, w-europe , japan   , oceania  , c-amer+car
             ws-america, es-america, n-africa , s-africa, w-africa , e-africa
             china     , asean     , korea+oea, mid-east, rest-asia, ee+ussr    /
   g       'seven region groupings'
           / n-america, west-eur, japan+oc, s-amer+car, africa, asia-x, ee+ussr /
   f       'three way grouping'
           / oecd, ldcs, ee+ussr /
   gi(g,i) 'map of seven regional groups to mines'
           / n-america.usa
             asia-x.(india,indonesia,china,o-asia),                  /
   gr(g,r) 'map of seven regional groups to refineries and smelters'
           / n-america.(western-us,eastern-us,west-can,east-can)
             ee+ussr.(e-europe,asian-ussr)                                             /
   gj(g,j) 'map of seven regional groups to markets'
           / n-america.(wn-america,en-america)
             ee+ussr.(ee+ussr)                                 /
   fg(f,g) 'map of seven regional groups to three way grouping'
           / oecd.(n-america,west-eur, japan+oc)
             ldcs.(s-amer+car, africa, asia-x)
   fr(f,r) 'map of producing regions to three way grouping'
   fi(f,i) 'map of mining regions to three way grouping'
   fj(f,j) 'map of markets to three way grouping'
   c       'commodities'
           / tri-201    'trihydrate ba 2:1 si 4%'
             tri-221    'trihydrate ba 2.2:1 si 3%'
             tri-241    'trihydrate ba 2.4:1 si 3%'
             tri-341    'trihydrate ba 3.4:1 si 1.5%'
             tri-mo-271 'mixed      ba 2.7:1 si 1.5%'
             tri-mo-221 'mixed      ba 2.2:1 si 4%'
             mono       'monohydrate bauxite'
             highsi     'high silica bauxite'
             electr     'electricity'                /
   cf(c)   'final products' / aluminum /
   ci(c)   'intermediates'  / alumina  /
   cl(c)   'electricity'    / electr   /
   cm(c)   'bauxites'
           / tri-201, tri-221, tri-241, tri-341, tri-mo-271, tri-mo-221, mono, highsi /
   cmi     'miscellaneous inputs'
           / labor      'man-hours per ton'
             energy     'million btu per ton'
             soda-ash   'tons per ton'
             lime       'tons per ton'
             fuel-lub   'million btu per ton'
             therm-egy  'million btu per ton'
             coke       'tons per ton'
             fluorides  'kilograms per ton'
             pitch      'tons per ton'
             other      'in 1980 us$ per ton' /
   l       'commodity - electricity supply types'
           / el-actual  'electricity for plants in production'
             el-locost  'potential electricity supplies'
             el-hicost  'electricity from tradable fuels'      /
   p       'processes for refining and smelting'
           / ref-t201   'ref-trihydrates ba 2:1 si 4%'
             ref-t221   'ref-trihydrates ba 2.2:1 si 3%'
             ref-t241   'ref-trihydrates ba 2.4:1 si 3%'
             ref-t341   'ref-trihydrates ba 3.4:1 si 1.5%'
             ref-tm271  'ref tri-monohydrates ba 2.7:1 si1.5%'
             ref-tm221  'ref-tri-monohydrates ba 2.2:1 si 4%'
             ref-m      'ref-monohydrates high temp press'
             ref-hs     'ref-high silica soda sinter process'
             smelting   'smelting of alumina'                  /
   m       'productive units for refining and smelting'
           / refineryt  'refinery for trihydrates'
             refinerytm 'refinery for tri-monohydrates'
             refinerym  'refinery for monohydrates'
             refineryss 'refinery for high silica'
             smelter    'to process alumina into aluminum' /
    mr(m)  'productive units for refining'
           / refineryt, refinerytm, refinerym, refineryss /
    ms(m)  'productive units for smelting'/ smelter /
    seg    'investment segments'          / 1*4     /;

Alias (r,rp), (g,gp), (f,fp);

fr(f,r) = yes$sum(g, fg(f,g)*gr(g,r));
fi(f,i) = yes$sum(g, fg(f,g)*gi(g,i));
fj(f,j) = yes$sum(g, fg(f,g)*gj(g,j));

display fr, fi, fj;

Scalar interval 'time interval for mine resource constraint' / 20 /;

$sTitle Demand Characteristics for primary Aluminum
   d(j)        'aluminum demand in the year 2000      (1000 tpy)'
   nmaa2000(r) 'non-metal alumina demand in year 2000 (1000 tpy)'
   nmba2000(i) 'non-metal bauxite demand in year 2000 (1000 tpy)';

   nmba1980(i) 'non-metal grade bauxite production in 1980'
               / usa        272
                 guyana    1765
                 surinam    493
                 n-austral  230
                 china      200 /
   nmaa1980(r) 'non-metal grade alumina demand at smelters in 1980'
               / eastern-us 884
                 w-europe   857
                 japan      582 /;

* nonmetal bauxite consumption grows at the annual rate of 5% and
* nonmetal alumina consumption grows at the annual rate of 3.5%.
nmba2000(i) = nmba1980(i)*1.05**20;
nmaa2000(r) = nmaa1980(r)*1.035**20;

Table dem2000 'high and low demand forecasts for aluminum in the year 2000 and historical 1980'
               high    low   1980
   w-europe    8016   6398   3884
   ee+ussr     6099   4884   2776
   china       1575   1575    618
   c-amer+car   364    281     96
   oceania      376    328    243
   asean       1243    886     65
   korea+oea   1374   1120    240
   japan       4331   3762   1637
   rest-asia   1350    987    278
   mid-east     216    216     70
   n-africa      74     70     35
   s-africa     376    361     78
   wn-america  5750   4489   2382
   en-america  5750   4489   2382
   ws-america   340    263    117
   es-america  1549   1407    378
   w-africa      70     70     31
   e-africa      70     46     16;

d(j) = dem2000(j,"high");

$sTitle Mine Data
Parameter sratio(i,cm) 'strip ratios for mine locations and bauxite types'
                       / usa.highsi                                  1.5
                        (w-europe,ee+ussr).mono                      1.5
                         guyana.tri-201                              1.37
                         brazil.tri-221                              1.37
                        (venezuela,ghana).tri-221                    1.22
                         o-asia.tri-241                              1.22
                        (fria-guin,s-leone,indonesia).tri-221        1.
                        (jamaica1,surinam,camer+oa,india).tri-241    1.
                         w-austral.tri-341                           1.
                        (n-austral,ayek-guin,toug-guin).tri-mo-221   1.
                        (jamaica2,haiti+dr).tri-mo-271               1.
                         china.highsi                                1.    /;

$sTitle Technology
Set ar 'row labels for matrix a'
       / tri-201 , tri-221  , tri-241 , tri-341  , tri-mo-271, tri-mo-221, mono
         highsi  , alumina  , aluminum, labor    , energy    , soda-ash  , lime
         fuel-lub, therm-egy, coke    , fluorides, pitch     , other     , electr /;

   batoaa(cm) 'ratio of bauxite to alumina  (weight)'
   aatoal(ci) 'ratio of alumina to aluminum (weight)';

Table a 'input-output coefficients'
* The electrical energy requirement is based on the prebaked system. In 1980
* 13500 - 14300kwh was required. Assuming an energy productivity improvement
* of .5% per year approxiately 12600kwh is required in the period of 1995 - 2000.
               ref-t201  ref-t221  ref-t241  ref-t341  ref-tm271  ref-tm221   ref-m  ref-hs  smelting
   tri-201       -2.000
   tri-221                 -2.200
   tri-241                           -2.400
   tri-341                                     -3.400
   tri-mo-271                                             -2.700
   tri-mo-221                                                        -2.200
   mono                                                                      -2.500
   highsi                                                                            -2.300
   alumina        1.000     1.000     1.000     1.000      1.000      1.000   1.000   1.000    -1.930
   aluminum                                                                                     1.000
   labor         -1.800    -1.800    -1.800    -1.800     -2.000     -2.000  -2.000  -4.000    -8.600
   energy       -13.100   -13.100   -13.100   -13.100    -14.100    -14.100 -14.700 -43.000
   soda-ash       -.110     -.090     -.100     -.070      -.090      -.120   -.150   -.050
   lime           -.100     -.100     -.100     -.100      -.100      -.100   -.100  -1.750
   therm-egy                                                                                   -4.400
   coke                                                                                         -.375
   fluorides                                                                                  -30.000
   pitch                                                                                        -.1
   other        -30.0     -30.0     -30.0     -30.0      -30.0      -30.0   -30.0   -60.0    -220.0
   electr                                                                                     -12.6  ;

Table b(m,p) 'capacity utilization'
                ref-t201  ref-t221  ref-t241  ref-t341  ref-tm271  ref-tm221  ref-m  ref-hs  smelting
   refineryt         1.0       1.0       1.0       1.0
   refinerytm                                                 1.0        1.0
   refinerym                                                                    1.0
   refineryss                                                                           1.0
   smelter                                                                                        1.0;

batoaa(cm) = - smin(p, a(cm,p));
aatoal(ci) = - smin(p, a(ci,p));

display batoaa, aatoal;

$sTitle Capacities and Deposits
   cc          'column labels for initial capacity and reserves matrix'
               / initial, invest, reserves, initial-70, reserve-70
                 t-70   , tm-70 , m-70    , ss-70     , smelt-70   /
   ec1         'column labels for electrical energy resources matrix'
               / hydro, flaredgas, coal, lc /
   mapcc(m,cc) 'map data labels for 1970 to productive units'
               / refineryt.t-70
                 smelter.smelt-70 /;

   capm(i)   'existing and commited mine capacities (1000 tpy)'
   zmbar(i)  'maximum mine output level         (million tons)'
   capr(r,m) 'total refinery and smelter capacities (1000 tpy)'
   ubar(r,*) 'electricity supply     (gigawatt hours per year)'
   utm       'capacity utilization for mines'
   utr(m)    'capacity utilization for refineries';

Table capm1(i,*) 'mine capacities and reserves in 1980 and 1970'                     // comments:
                  initial      invest     reserves       initial-70     reserve-70
*               (1000 tpy)   (1000 tpy)  (million tpy)   (1000 tpy)    (million tpy)    capacities represent
                                                                                     // total material removed.
   usa               1945                       40             2300             59
   jamaica1          8420                     1050             8420           1140
   jamaica2          4350                      542             4350            590   // the "invest" column
   haiti+dr          1200                       50             2000             65   // refers to firm
   guyana            3720                      700             4800            140   // investment commitments.
   surinam           5260                      490             6500            540
   brazil            5150        1500         4070              550           2500
   venezuela                                   500                             500
   w-europe          8803                     1200             8400           1280
   ee+ussr          10126                      600            10100            700
   n-austral        16250                     3400             4560           3450
   w-austral        13500        4400         1200             5500           1250
   india             2150                      600             1500            250
   indonesia         1215                      700             1340            390
   china             1665                      200              650            210
   o-asia             605                      130             1200            140
   ghana              279                      500              420            250
   ayek-guin         9600                     1200                            1200
   fria-guin         1440                      300             2700            300
   toug-guin         2500                     4000                            2000
   s-leone            755                      280              490            120
   camer+oa                                   1020                            1020;

* maximum mine output levels and capacity.
zmbar(i) = capm1(i,"reserves")*1000;
capm(i)  = capm1(i,"initial") + capm1(i,"invest");

display capm, zmbar;

Table capr1(r,*) 'capacity in 1000 tpy dec. 1980'
                  refineryt refinerytm refinerym refineryss smelter  t-70 tm-70  m-70 ss-70 smelt-70
   western-us                                                  1725                             1621
   eastern-us          5060       2160                  800    3150  4350  1850         800     2613
   west-can                                                     268                              268
   east-can             670        560                          843   670   560                  672
   jamaica             1840       1000                               1840   500
   guyana               350                                           350
   surinam             1320                                      66  1320                         66
   brazil               500                                     258   130                        240
   argentina                                                    140
   venezuela                                                    400                              120
   w-europe             627       3551      2872               3946              2872           2557
   e-europe             350        910      4126               2000              3800           1325
   asian-ussr                                                  1200                             1135
   oceania                        3670                          527         1000                 280
   w-austral           3670                                          1400
   korea+oea            160                                      98    50                         35
   china                                                888     410                     380      200
   japan                790       1820                         1216   430    980                1216
   india                670                                     360   360                        244
   rest-asia            200                                      60
   mid-east                                                     265
   n-africa                                                     133
   ghana                                                        281                              255
   rest-guin           660                                            660
   rest-afric                                                                                     55
   s-africa                                                      89                                 ;

Table capr2(r,m) 'committed investments in 1000 tpy'
                  refineryt  refinerytm  refinerym  refineryss  smelter
   western-us                                                        59
   eastern-us                       130                             226
   east-can                                                         114
   c-amer+car                                                        45
   brazil              1350                                         406
   argentina                                                         35
   venezuela           1000                                          70
   w-europe                        1360        100                  533
   oceania                          310                            1025
   w-austral           1500
   asean                450                                         325
   japan                 20                                         -87
   india                 20                                          24
   rest-asia            200                                          60
   mid-east                                                         135
   n-africa                                                         173
   s-africa                                                          86;

* add initial capacity to committed investments
capr(r,m) = capr1(r,m) + capr2(r,m);

display capr;

Parameter ut 'capacity utilization coefficients' / refineryt   .92
                                                   refinerytm  .92
                                                   refinerym   .92
                                                   refineryss  .92
                                                   smelter     .95
                                                   mining      .90 /;

utm    = ut("mining");
utr(m) = ut(m);

display utm, utr;

Table egyres(r,*) 'energy resources'
                hydro  flaredgas  coal    lc    // comments:
   western-us                            1.0    // units: hydro and flared gas reserves are
   eastern-us                             .5    //        in thousand gigawatts.
   west-can       130                    1.0    //
   east-can         1                    1.0    // lc:    this is the fraction of the
   jamaica                                      //        electricity needed by the smelting
   c-amer+car      51         18         1.0    //        industry that is available from
   guyana          20                           //        existing cheap hydro power sources.
   surinam          4                    1.0
   brazil         250                    1.0
   argentina      250                    1.0
   venezuela       50         35         1.0
   w-europe                               .7
   e-europe                              1.2
   asian-ussr      50                     .9
   oceania        150              450   1.0    // oceania: coal reserves in million
   w-austral                                    //          gigawatt hours
   asean          120         15        -1.0    // negative lc:
   china           17                    1.0    //          in asean and korea+oea lc is
   japan                                  .2    //          negative indicating no currently
   india          160                     .6    //          existing cheap power is available
   rest-asia       40                    1.0    //          to the smelting industry.  minus
   mid-east                  320         1.1    //          1 is used in place of zero as it
   n-africa                   40         1.0    //          facilitates data checks.
   ghana          170         90         1.0
   rest-guin       56                    0.0
   zaire          110
   s-africa                              1.0
   korea+oea                            -1.0;

el-theory: theoretical electrical energy requirements for existing capacity:
(capacity of smelter) x (utilization factor) x (gigawatt hrs of electricity needed per 1000 tons of aluminum)

el-actual: actual energy resources available to the industry:   el-theory x lc

el-locost: potential low cost energy available from more expensive hydro, flared gas and coal supplies:
                 0.1 x hydro potential  +  0.25 x flared gas potential

el-hicost: potential energy supply from expensive coal and nuclear sources.

note: (a)  in australia (oceania) only 15000 gigawatt hrs per year generated from coal is considered;
      (b)  in zaire, despite 109000 gigawatt hrs per yr in potential hydro power, only 2450 gigawatt hrs
           per year is considered as practically available for aluminum smelting purposes;
      (c)  in c-amer+car although there is no smelting industry 607 gigawatt hrs per yr of electrical energy
           is available;
      (d)  most hydro-potential power available in eastern canada is not available.  but a small fraction,
           together with some from western canada, totaling 3000 gigawatt hrs is available.

ubar(r,"el-theory") = capr1(r,"smelter")*0.95*14.3;
ubar(r,"el-actual")$(egyres(r,"lc") > 0) = ubar(r,"el-theory")*egyres(r,"lc");
ubar("c-amer+car","el-actual") = 607;
ubar(r,"el-locost")            = (0.1*egyres(r,"hydro") + 0.25*egyres(r,"flaredgas"))*1000;
ubar("oceania","el-locost")    = ubar("oceania","el-locost") + 33.3*egyres("oceania","coal");
ubar("zaire","el-locost")      = .02247*egyres("zaire","hydro")*1000;
ubar("east-can","el-locost")   = 3000;

display egyres, ubar;

$sTitle Infrastructure and Investment Costs
   rhigh(r) 'refinery locations with high level infrastructure'
   rmid(r)  'refinery locations with medium level infrastructure'
   rlow(r)  'refinery locations with low level infrastructure'
   ihigh(i) 'mine locations with high level infrastructure'
   imid(i)  'mine locations with medium level infrastructure'
   ilow(i)  'mine locations with low level infrastructure'
   icc      'column labels for investment cost data tables'
            / fix-cost, prop-cost, scale, omegahat /
   sin1     'cost level escalators for investment at locations'
            / high, mid, low /
   sin2     'cost level escalation map for refinery location'
   sin3     'cost level escalation map for mine locations';

rhigh(r)$gr("n-america",r) = yes;
rhigh(r)$gr("west-eur",r)  = yes;
rlow(r)$gr("africa",r)     = yes;
rlow("asian-ussr")         = yes;
rlow("n-africa")           =  no;
rlow("s-africa")           =  no;

rmid(r) = yes$(not rhigh(r))$(not rlow(r));

sin2(rhigh,"high") = yes;
sin2(rmid,"mid")   = yes;
sin2(rlow,"low")   = yes;

display rhigh, rmid, rlow;

   life  'financial life time of productive unit (years)'
   rho   'riskless discount rate'
   sigma 'capital recovery factor';

   omegam(i,seg)   'fixed portion of investment cost: mines                    (us$ 1000 tpy)'
   omegar(m,seg,r) 'fixed portion of investment costs: refineries and smelters (us$ 1000 tpy)'
   sbm(i,seg)      'plant size at segments: mines                                  (1000 tpy)'
   sbr(m,seg,r)    'plant size at segments: refineries and smelters                (1000 tpy)'
   iem(i)          'miscellaneous investment costs: mines'
   ier(r)          'miscellaneous investment costs: refineries and smelters';

* to compensate for differences in existing infrastructure the parameter infac, below, is set to raise
* the effective investment costs for certain groupings.

Parameter infac(r) 'inaccess and infrastructure factor for refineries and smelters';
infac(rhigh) = 1.0;
infac(rmid)  = 1.1;
infac(rlow)  = 1.25;

Parameter infmi(i) 'factor for mine capital costs'
                   / (usa,ee+ussr,w-europe,china)            1.0
                      ayek-guin,fria-guin,s-leone)           1.1
                     (camer+oa,toug-guin)                    1.25 /;

* the following scalars are used temporarily due to a problem in gams.
   one1 / 1.05 /
   one2 / 1.1  /;

ihigh(i) = yes$(infmi(i) <= one1);
imid(i)  = yes$(infmi(i)  = one2);
ilow(i)  = yes$(infmi(i) >  one2);
sin3(ihigh,"high") = yes;
sin3(imid,"mid")   = yes;
sin3(ilow,"low")   = yes;

* investment costs
rho   = .1;
life  = 20;
sigma = rho*(1 + rho)**life/((1 + rho)**life - 1);

display rho, life, sigma;

* mining productive unit outputs are in tons of bauxite
Table inv(*,icc) 'investment costs and economies of scale'
                  fix-cost     prop-cost      scale
*                (us$mill) (us$mill/1000tpy) (1000 tpy)
   mining              30          .0275      16000
   refineryt          330         0.72         2000
   refinerytm         350         0.76         2000
   refinerym          370         0.81         2000
   refineryss         412         0.90         2000
   smelter            100         2.4           200;

Table ip(sin1,*)
          prop   hds-s  hds-r  max-s  max-r  hds-i  max-i   // hds: diseconomies of scale size
   high    1.2      10      5     20     10      4      6   // max: maximum size
   mid     1.2       4      2     15      4      3      5   // s  : smelters     r: refineries
   low     1.2       2      2     10      3      2      4;  // i  : mines

inv(m,"omegahat")        = inv(m,"fix-cost")        + inv(m,"prop-cost")*inv(m,"scale");
inv("mining","omegahat") = inv("mining","fix-cost") + inv("mining","prop-cost")*inv("mining","scale");

omegar(m,"1",r)  = inv(m,"fix-cost")*infac(r);
omegar(m,"2",r)  = inv(m,"omegahat")*infac(r);
omegar(mr,"3",r) = sum(sin1$sin2(r,sin1), omegar(mr,"2",r)*ip(sin1,"hds-r"));
omegar(ms,"3",r) = sum(sin1$sin2(r,sin1), omegar(ms,"2",r)*ip(sin1,"hds-s"));
omegar(mr,"4",r) = sum(sin1$sin2(r,sin1), omegar(mr,"2",r)*ip(sin1,"max-r")*ip(sin1,"prop"));
omegar(ms,"4",r) = sum(sin1$sin2(r,sin1), omegar(ms,"2",r)*ip(sin1,"max-s")*ip(sin1,"prop"));

sbr(m,"1",r)     = 0;
sbr(m,"2",r)     = inv(m,"scale");
sbr(mr,"3",r)    = sum(sin1$sin2(r,sin1), sbr(mr,"2",r)*ip(sin1,"hds-r"));
sbr(ms,"3",r)    = sum(sin1$sin2(r,sin1), sbr(ms,"2",r)*ip(sin1,"hds-s"));
sbr(mr,"4",r)    = sum(sin1$sin2(r,sin1), sbr(mr,"2",r)*ip(sin1,"max-r"));
sbr(ms,"4",r)    = sum(sin1$sin2(r,sin1), sbr(ms,"2",r)*ip(sin1,"max-s"));

iem(i)           = sum(cm, infmi(i)*sratio(i,cm));
omegam(i,"1")    = inv("mining","fix-cost")*iem(i);
omegam(i,"2")    = inv("mining","omegahat")*iem(i);
omegam(i,"3")    = sum(sin1$sin3(i,sin1), omegam(i,"2")*ip(sin1,"hds-i"));
omegam(i,"4")    = sum(sin1$sin3(i,sin1), omegam(i,"2")*ip(sin1,"max-i")*ip(sin1,"prop"));

sbm(i,"1")       = 0;
sbm(i,"2")       = inv("mining","scale");
sbm(i,"3")       = sum(sin1$sin3(i,sin1), sbm(i,"2")*ip(sin1,"hds-i"));
sbm(i,"4")       = sum(sin1$sin3(i,sin1), sbm(i,"2")*ip(sin1,"max-i"));

display inv, infac, infmi, iem, ip, omegar, omegam, sbr, sbm;

$sTitle Operating Costs
Set mcc 'column labels for mine operating costs data' / wdrying, nodrying /;

   obr(i,cm)  'overburden ratio'
   mdata(i,*) 'mine cost data';

* temporary*
   str1 / 1.5  /
   str2 / 1.37 /
   str3 / 1.22 /;

obr(i,cm)$sratio(i,cm)          = 1;
obr(i,cm)$(sratio(i,cm) = str1) = 4;
obr(i,cm)$(sratio(i,cm) = str2) = 3;
obr(i,cm)$(sratio(i,cm) = str3) = 2;

mdata(i,"lmm")                     =   .3;     // labor for maintenance
mdata(i,"lmm")$fi("ldcs",i)        =   .4;     // & mining: m-hr/ton
mdata(i,"lstrip")                  = sum(cm$obr(i,cm), mdata(i,"lmm")*0.33*obr(i,cm));
mdata(i,"ldry")                    =   .1;     // labor for drying
mdata(i,"ldry")$fi("ldcs",i)       =   .2;     // m-hr/ton
mdata(i,"l-m+dry")                 = mdata(i,"lmm") + mdata(i,"ldry");
mdata(i,"wage")                    = 11;       // wages: us$/m-hr
mdata(i,"wage")$gi("s-amer+car",i) =  6;
mdata(i,"wage")$gi("africa",i)     =  5;
mdata(i,"wage")$gi("asia-x",i)     =  2;
mdata(i,"wage")$gi("ee+ussr",i)    =  4;
mdata(i,"fdry")                    =  2.4;     // drying fuel: us-gal/ton
mdata("n-austral","fdry")          =  0;       // because of solar drying
mdata("w-austral","fdry")          =  0;       // due to low bauxite content
mdata(i,"fcost")$mdata(i,"fdry")   =   .8;     // fuel cost: us$/us-gal
mdata(i,"mf+lub")                  =  1.2;     // lubricant cost: us$
mdata(i,"other")                   =  3.5;     // miscellaneous cost

display sratio, obr, mdata;

   ors(r,p)   'operating costs at refineries and smelters (us$ per ton)'
   mlc(i)     'labor cost at mines                        (us$ per ton)'
   mfc(i,mcc) 'fuel cost at mines                         (us$ per ton)'
   om(i)      'operating cost at mines                    (us$ per ton)'
   orswl(cmi) 'refineries and smelter operating cost excluding labor'
              / soda-ash 170  , fuel-lub   1, therm-egy  7.5
                energy     4.5, pitch    250, other      1
                lime      40  , coke     675, fluorides   .8 /
   orsl(r)    'refinery and smelter labor cost d       (us$ per man-hr)'
              / (western-us, eastern-us, west-can, east-can , w-austral
                 oceania   , mid-east  , japan   , argentina, w-europe)  11
                (surinam , brazil , venezuela , c-amer+car, s-africa
                 zaire   , ghana  , ayek-guin , rest-guin , guyana
                 e-europe, jamaica, asian-ussr, rest-afric)               5
                (korea+oea, n-africa, india, china, asean, rest-asia)     3 /
   costrs(r,cmi) 'cost data for unit input at refineries and smelters';

costrs(r,cmi)     = orswl(cmi);
costrs(r,"labor") = orsl(r);

* refinery and smelter operating costs.
ors(r,p) = sum(cmi, abs(a(cmi,p)*costrs(r,cmi)));

display costrs, ors;

* min costs computation:
* step 1: labor costs
* step 2: fuel costs
* step 3: operating costs for locations with drying costs
* step 4: operating costs for locations without drying costs
* step 5: special cases

* step 1.
mlc(i) = (mdata(i,"l-m+dry") + mdata(i,"lstrip"))*mdata(i,"wage");

* step 2.
mfc(i,"nodrying")$(mdata(i,"fdry") <= 0) = mdata(i,"mf+lub");
mfc(i,"wdrying")$(mdata(i,"fdry")  >  0) = mdata(i,"fdry")*mdata(i,"fcost") + mdata(i,"mf+lub");

* step 3.
om(i)$(mdata(i,"fdry") >  0) = mlc(i) + mfc(i,"wdrying")  + mdata(i,"other");

* step 4.
om(i)$(mdata(i,"fdry") <= 0) = mlc(i) + mfc(i,"nodrying") + mdata(i,"other");

display ors, om;

$sTitle Transport Description
* this section describes the transport structure of the model. the port sets are defined first, followed by
* the set of "land" transport modes that exist between the mines and the ports. then land distances and sea
* distances between mines and ports, and between ports, respectively, are defined. the assumption is that
* only mines might be located away from ports, and that all refineries, smelters, and market centers are
* either located next to ports or are ports themselves.

   mur(i,r)  'transport cost (us$ per ton)'
   murs(i,r) 'transport cost (us$ per ton): sea'
   murl(i)   'transport cost (us$ per ton): land'
   mui(r,rp) 'transport cost (us$ per ton): interplant'
   muf(r,j)  'transport cost (us$ per ton): final';

   n           'ports'
               / accra    , albahrayn, alexandria, antalya  , banana
                 belawan  , belem    , bombay    , bunbury  , ciudad-guy
                 conakry  , douala   , freetown  , itea     , kamsar
                 kaohsiun , leningrad, linden    , miragoane, mobile
                 nacala   , new-york , panama    , paramarib, perth
                 pontianak, portland , p-alfred  , p-johore , p-madryn
                 p-rhoades, rich-bay , rio-de-jan, rotterdam, shanghai
                 sydney   , tokyo    , valparaiso, vancouver, veracruz
                 vishakap , vladivstk, weipa                             /
   nl(n)       'large ports'
   ns(n)       'small ports'
               / linden, paramarib, vishakap, douala, itea, freetown, p-johore, perth /
   modes       'modes of transportation between mines and ports'
               / rail, road, river-shal, river-deep, conveyor /
   cotc        'commodities for ocean transport cost determination'
               / bauxite, alumina, aluminum /
   freight     'freight categories' / f     'aluminuim freight carrier'
                                      fnl   'obo carriers -             60000 dwt'
                                      fns   'bauxite carriers -         25000 dwt'   /
   cotcf(cotc) 'freight commodities with bilevel freight charges' / bauxite, alumina /

* the following sets provide the various mappings between ports and mines, refineries, smelters and markets.
   in(i,n)     'mines to ports map'
               /        , jamaica1.p-rhoades  , jamaica2.p-rhoades
                 haiti+dr.miragoane, guyana.linden       , surinam.paramarib
                 brazil.belem      , venezuela.ciudad-guy, w-europe.itea
                 ee+ussr.leningrad , n-austral.weipa     , w-austral.bunbury
                 india.vishakap    , indonesia.pontianak , china.shanghai
                 o-asia.p-johore   , ghana.accra         , ayek-guin.kamsar
                 fria-guin.conakry , toug-guin.conakry   , s-leone.freetown
                 camer+oa.douala                                              /
   rn(r,n)     'production locations to ports map'
               / guyana.linden       , surinam.paramarib  , brazil.belem
                 venezuela.ciudad-guy, w-europe.rotterdam , e-europe.leningrad
                 w-austral.bunbury   , india.vishakap     , china.shanghai
                 ghana.accra         , ayek-guin.kamsar   , western-us.portland
          , west-can.vancouver , east-can.p-alfred
                 jamaica.p-rhoades   , c-amer+car.veracruz, argentina.p-madryn
                 asian-ussr.vladivstk, oceania.weipa      , asean.belawan
                 korea+oea.kaohsiun  ,        , rest-asia.antalya
                 mid-east.albahrayn  , n-africa.alexandria, rest-guin.conakry
                 zaire.banana        , rest-afric.nacala  ,   /
   jn(j,n)     'markets to ports map'
               / w-europe.rotterdam   , ee+ussr.leningrad  , china.shanghai
                 c-amer+car.panama    ,     , asean.belawan
                 korea+oea.kaohsiun   ,        , rest-asia.bombay
                 mid-east.albahrayn   , n-africa.alexandria,
                 wn-america.portland  ,, ws-america.valparaiso
       , w-africa.douala    , e-africa.nacala       /;

nl(n) = yes$(not ns(n));

Alias (n,np);

display n, ns, nl, modes, rp;

Table dmp(i,modes) 'distances in miles from mine to port by mode'
                    rail  road  river-shal  river-deep  conveyor
    usa                                            174
    jamaica1           4
    jamaica2           4
    haiti+dr                 4
    guyana                             140
    surinam           50               200
    brazil            14                           690
    venezuela         20               250
    w-europe                20
    ee+ussr           30
    n-austral         24
    w-austral                                                 30
    india            100
    indonesia         80
    china            170
    o-asia                              20
    ghana             50
    ayek-guin         75
    fria-guin         75
    toug-guin        200
    s-leone           34
    camer+oa         350                                        ;

Parameter mpc(modes) 'transport cost per ton per mile from i to n'
                     / rail       .05 , road     .4 , river-shal .016
                       river-deep .006, conveyor .03                  /;

Table otc(cotc,*) 'ocean transport cost'
                   fixed      f      fnl     fns
*             (1980 us$ per  (1980 us$ per metric ton
*                metric ton)        per nautical mile)
   bauxite           3.5          .0024   .0036
   alumina           3.5          .00288  .00432
   aluminum          4.0    .01                 ;

Table sd(n,np) 'sea distances (nautical miles)'
                accra albahrayn alexandria antalya banana belawan belem bombay bunbury ciudad-guy conakry douala freetown
   albahrayn     9590
   alexandria    6622      3296
   antalya       4283      3478        349
   banana        1067      7181       7755    8426
   belawan       6832      3598       4733    3243   6821
   belem         4271      8360       5107    5107   6592    9659
   bombay        6832      1700       3213    3394   6821    2154  9565
   bunbury       7374      5270       6460    6658   4600    9700 10688   4156
   ciudad-guy    3951      9696       6400    6400   5594   10034  1222   9784   10347
   conakry       1036      6800       3950    4576   2468    3080  2500   7900    8000       3050
   douala         671      7389       5649    6514    742    3674  4226   7102    6200       4600    1726
   freetown       955      7041       4073    3818   2070    8401  2600   7787    7900       2996     100   1626
   itea          3457      3895        600     500   5596    5644  4279   3648    7009       4397    4750   6249     4673
   kamsar        1130      6866       3898    4476   2245    8656  3316   7962    8050       2996      80   1600      175
   kaohsiun     10866      7389       7589    8426  11530    3035 10958   4848    4600      10059   11550   6710    11437
   leningrad     5123      7550       4582    4342   6214   10766  5243   5959   10361       7521    5265   6991     5365
   linden        4170     10968       5180    5180   7250   10998   896   9623   11570        419    3396   5122     3496
   miragoane     4622      8295       5327    5000   8204    8518  1866  10665    9200        681    3000   5293     3667
   mobile        5616      9776       6438    6317   9685    9208  3124  11667   10814       1963    4700   5997     4710
   nacala        4565      8226       3935    4981   3125    5372  6765   3461   11425       7391    5560   4785     5520
   new-york      6213      8251       5119    4998   9025   10504  2975  11398   11570       1939    5200   6723     5383
   panama        5016      9754       6294    6173   8712    9370  2757   9343    9444       1539    4200   5860     4234
   paramarib     4397     11113       7860    5097   7339    9474   747   9407    9400        646    5450   7540     5500
   perth         7374      6067       6486    6656   5550    2573  9221   3986      76       8976    8032   7293     7977
   pontianak     7865      3316       4852    5000   7515     800 11351   2109    2000      10885    8900   8205     8889
   portland      9920     13267      10163   10040  11018    7509  6307   7509    8850       5408    8950  11269     8953
   p-alfred      6552      8358       5390    4981   9364   12292  3680  11737   11425       2644    5560   7062     5600
   p-johore      7199      3652       5100    5446   7188     368 10026   2441    2473      10401    8900   8085     8769
   p-madryn      4351      8660       7112    7102   6689    8996  3274   8300    8951       4551    3780   4524     3712
   p-rhoades     4785      8276       5998    5097   8823    9964  2159  10875    9400       1103    5450   6328     3830
   rich-bay      2619      4957       5504    6000    795    5291  4368   4597    4755       5594    3300   2432     3190
   rio-de-jan    3200      8280       8827    6062   5547   10232  2174   7920    8078       3400    2640   4239     2613
   rotterdam     3628      6541       3245    3243   5163    8142  4214   6415    9700       4231    3080   5009     3127
   shanghai     10405      5859       7307    8244   9395    2574 11237   4648    4100      10338   10800   6249    10976
   sydney        8859      7874       9322    8654   8852    4593  9761   6023    2100       9213    9900   8264     9614
   tokyo         7647      6551       8081    8252  10087    4548 10555   4538    4410       9231   11668  10974    11768
   valparaiso    6870     10651       8910    8789   7918    9710  6142  10674    7705       4155    6160   8476     6850
   vancouver     7514     13630      10698   10160  11177    7445  6470  12292    9270       5571    9100  11203     9107
   veracruz      5838      9891       6923    6661   9800   12167  3925  12261   11294       2519    4900   6510     4883
   vishakap      7271      3813       5170    4931   7370    1281 10119   1670    3600      10576    8322   7472     8230
   vladivstk    11202      6656       8307    9214  11664    3371 11072   5445    5050       9879   11900  10950    11773
   weipa         9473      6120       7664    7846   3500    2836 10920   4849    2713      10139   11817  11000    11900

   +             itea kamsar kaohsiun leningrad linden miragoane mobile nacala new-york panama paramarib perth pontianak
   kamsar        3650
   kaohsiun      8680  11612
   leningrad     3469   3993    12410
   linden        4352   3215    10078      5199
   miragoane     6284   3287     9366      4544   1057
   mobile        5930   4661    10579      6103   2404      2770
   nacala        4396   5162     6449      4923   7061      7504   9038
   new-york      4185   5142    10528      4428   2217      1489   1874   8361
   panama        6773   5939     8510      6080   1558       776   1413   9991     2018
   paramarib     4269   3442    10211      5108    215      1272   2691   7445     2334   1691
   perth         7086   8132     4600     12095   9192     10263  10814   4300    11849   9487      9407
   pontianak     5919   8542     3130      9804  10687     11401  11900   3709    10505  10625     10604  2811
   portland      9214   8953     5156      9763   5427      4715   5405   9891     5887   3869      5560  8894      6028
   p-alfred      4155   5481    11724      4362   3077      2579   2991   8464     1460   3204      3150 11425     10572
   p-johore      5799   9023     2668      9704   9990     11281  11540   4080    10871  10505      9841  2391       420
   p-madryn      6700   2993    10158      7957   3954      5140   6645   6033     5871   5491      3813  8111      9699
   p-rhoades     4885   3830     9114      5360   1334       430   1108   8539     1474    594      1549 10081     11220
   rich-bay      6079   3365     9306      7420   5026      5948   7461   1797     6801   8194      5980  4755      6100
   rio-de-jan    6602   2613    11309      6806   2853      4367   5133   5653     4770   4484      2713  8034      9266
   rotterdam     2417   2980    11052      1102   4097      4039   4850   6604     3376   4842      4056  9731      8097
   shanghai      8498  11151      369     11643  10357      9645  10061   6249    10584   8648     10490  4000      2075
   sydney        8908   9989     5178     13926   9192      8520   9210   6400     9692   7674     10735  2157      4600
   tokyo         8506   8777      838     12603   9059      8538   9105   6931     9700   7692      9274  4340      2767
   valparaiso    9389   6163    10500      8510   4174      3392   4026   8015     4634   2616      4307  7748     10903
   vancouver     9334   9107     5100      9926   5590      4878   5568  11158     6050   4032      5723  9265      5960
   veracruz      5835   4883     9983      6140   2429      2239   2876   9100     1989   1463      2578 10950     12388
   vishakap      5625   8401     4314      9752  10415     10980  12661   2706     8673  11805     11266  3600      1700
   vladivstk     9468  11948      726     13197   9315      9480  10693   7076     9775   7757     10325  5022      2872
   weipa         8199  11900     3500     12172  10618     10160  10013   6548    10618   8600     10291  2600      2000

   +         portland p-alfred p-johore p-madryn p-rhoades rich-bay rio-de-jan rotterdam shanghai sydney tokyo
   p-alfred      7073
   p-johore      7142    12659
   p-madryn      8471     6455     8996
   p-rhoades     4463     2744    11242     5224
   rich-bay      7561     7134     5658     3720      7586
   rio-de-jan    8353     5354     8846     1151      4194     3323
   rotterdam     8711     3310     8509     6358      4308     6505       5300
   shanghai      5445    11852     2207    12267      9393     9585      11109     10591
   sydney        6737    10878     4222     6810      8268     6624       9455     12516     4636
   tokyo         4328    10896     2899    10697      8286     8478      11513     10768     1117   4330
   valparaiso    5764     5820    10483     2852      3120     6050       3670      7458    10148   6294  9280
   vancouver      371     7236     7078     8100      4626     7932       9797      8874     5379   7108  4272
   veracruz      5332     3540    11968     6375      1210     7576       4079      5088     9463   8157  9155
   vishakap     10726    12230     1300     9203     11354     5040       8363     10793     3856   5760  4199
   vladivstk     4278    12568     3004    12338      9228     8457      11780     12599      998   5105   962
   weipa         6294    11804     2468     8611     10291     7217       9605     10805     3000   1900  3500

   +        valparaiso vancouver veracruz vishakap vladivstk
   vancouver      6135
   veracruz       4079      5495
   vishakap      10734     10813     9736
   vladivstk      9606      4396    10097     4304
   weipa          8165      6614    10064     3970      4150;

   seacost(n,np,cotc)     'port to port transport cost (us$ per ton)'
   fcp(n,np,cotc,freight) 'freight charge possibilities';

sd(n,np) = max(sd(n,np),sd(np,n));

* note:
* this construction may cause problems of double counting or zero distances. this is the result of the format of
* the distance matrix: which is a lower triangular matrix plus an irregular block

* set allowed combinations of fcp to 1 as follows:
* for aluminum shipments, the freight charge is incurred if sea distances exist between any two ports.
fcp(n,np,"aluminum","f")$sd(n,np) = 1;

* bauxite and alumina incur lower freight charge levels if the two
* ports are large ports - transporting by obo carriers of 60,000 dwt.
fcp(n,np,cotcf,"fnl")$(nl(n)$nl(np)$sd(n,np)) = 1;

* bauxite and alumina incur the higher freight charge levels if at least
* one port is a small port - transporting by bauxite carriers of 25,000 dwt.
fcp(n,np,cotcf,"fns")$((not(nl(n)*nl(np)))$sd(n,np)) = 1;

seacost(n,np,cotc)$sd(n,np) = otc(cotc,"fixed") + sum(freight$(fcp(n,np,cotc,freight) <> 0), otc(cotc,freight)*sd(n,np));

* murs(i,i) = sum((n,np)$(in(i,n)*rn(i,np)),seacost(n,np,"bauxite"));
* mui(i,ip) = sum((n,np)$(rn(i,n)*rn(ip,np)),seacost(n,np,"alumina"));
* muf(i,j)  = sum((n,np)$(jn(j,n)*rn(i,np)),seacost(n,np,"aluminum"));
* note:
* the assignments written this way take too much time to execute. until further improvements in gams we use the
* following formulation using some extra parameters.

   mursx 'intermediate transport cost calculations: bauxite'
   muix  'intermediate transport cost calculations: alumina'
   mufx  'intermediate transport cost calculations: aluminum';

mursx(i,np) = sum(n$in(i,n), seacost(n,np,"bauxite"));
murs(i,r)   = sum(np$rn(r,np), mursx(i,np));
muix(r,np)  = sum(n$rn(r,n), seacost(n,np,"alumina"));
mui(r,rp)   = sum(np$rn(rp,np), muix(r,np));
mufx(r,np)  = sum(n$rn(r,n), seacost(n,np,"aluminum"));
muf(r,j)    = sum(np$jn(j,np), mufx(r,np));
murl(i)     = sum( modes, dmp(i,modes)*mpc(modes));
mur (i,r)   = murs(i,r) + murl(i);

display fcp, otc, sd, murs, murl, mur, mui, muf, seacost;

$sTitle Prices, Tariffs and Levies
* define mappings for levies

   nir(i,r) 'regional clusters having no levies from i to r'
            / usa.(western-us,eastern-us)
             (ayek-guin,fria-guin,toug-guin).(ayek-guin,rest-guin) /
   rr(r,r)  'production clusters having no levies on alumina'
             (ayek-guin,rest-guin).(ayek-guin,rest-guin)           /;

rr(r,r) = yes;

* define mappings for tariffs
   frtrade(j,r) 'no tariff on aluminum shipments to from'
                / w-europe.(w-europe,jamaica,guyana,surinam,ghana,zaire,rest-afric,ayek-guin,rest-guin)
                  ee+ussr.(e-europe, asian-ussr)
                  oceania.(oceania, w-austral)
                  w-africa.(ghana,ayek-guin)                                                            /
   fraa(rp,r)   'no tariff on alumina shipments to from'
                / jamaica.jamaica
                  zaire.zaire                                                                           /
   l80          'labels for electricity cost in 1980' / ela-1980, ell-1980, elh-1980  /
   ll80(l,l80)  'map from 1980 price labelsto electricity types' / el-actual.ela-1980
                                                                   el-hicost.elh-1980 /
   nftrade(j,r) 'mapping of regions and plants with tariff on shipments'
   nfaa(rp,r)   'mapping of regions with tariffs on alumina';

nftrade(j,r) = yes$(not frtrade(j,r));
nfaa(rp,r)   = yes$(not fraa(rp,r));

display nftrade, nfaa;

   alphaa(rp)  'alumina tariffs in us$ per ton'
   prelec(r,l) 'electrcity price in usmils per kwh or us$ per mwh';

Table pelec(r,*) 'us mils per kwh or us$ per mwh'
                  el-actual  el-locost  el-hicost  ela-1980  ell-1980  elh-1980
    western-us         20                     50          5         5        28   // el-locost:
    eastern-us         24                     50          5         5        28   //   electricity generated
    west-can            4           30        50          5         5        28   //   with flared gas is
    east-can            4           30        50          5         5        28   //   considered at us$20
    jamaica                                   50                             28   //   per mwh, hydro power
    c-amer+car         20           20        50          3         3        24   //   is priced at us$20
    guyana                          20        50         13        13        28   //   per mwh for high head
    surinam             4.5         30        50          7         7        29   //   rivers and us$30 per
    brazil             20           20        50          7         7        29   //   mwh for low head
    argentina           8           30        50          7         7        29   //   rivers.
    venezuela          26           30        50          3         3        24
    w-europe           20                     50          5         5        28   // el-hicost
    e-europe           20                     50          4         4        23   //   refers to coal fired
    asian-ussr         20           20        50         30        30        30   //   or nuclear plants.
    oceania            12           20        50          4         4        28
    w-austral                                 50         28        28        28
    asean                           20        50         20        20        28
    korea+oea                                 50         28        28        28
    china              20           20        50         28        28        28
    japan              30                     50         28        28        28
    india              20           30        50          7         7        28
    rest-asia          20           30        50          4         4        28
    mid-east            3           20        50          4         4        28
    n-africa           20           20        50          7         7        29
    ghana               4.8         20        50          7         7        29
    ayek-guin                                 50         29        29        29
    rest-guin                       20        50          7         7        29
    zaire                            6        50          7         7        29
    rest-afric                                50          7         7        29
    s-africa           20                     50          7         7        29;

prelec(r,l) = pelec(r,l);
display prelec;

   pa    'market price for alumina (us$ per ton)' / 330 /
   gamma 'complement of actual trade flow'        /   1 /;

* units for tariff data tariff values are given as fractions of import prices.
   tariffaa(r) 'tariff on imported alumina'  / jamaica     .12
                                               guyana      .15
                                               surinam     .05
                                               brazil      .15
                                               venezuela   .05
                                               w-europe    .056
                                               e-europe    .05
                                               asian-ussr  .05
                                               asean       .10
                                               china       .05
                                               india       .40
                                               rest-asia   .40
                                               n-africa    .05
                                               ghana       .50
                                               ayek-guin   .35
                                               rest-guin   .35
                                               zaire       .05  /
   alphal(j)   'tariff on imported aluminum' / wn-america  .00
                                               en-america  .00
                                               c-amer+car  .059
                                               ws-america  .50
                                               es-america  .45
                                               w-europe    .058
                                               ee+ussr     .05
                                               oceania     .00
                                               asean       .10
                                               korea+oea   .10
                                               china       .20
                                               japan       .09
                                               rest-asia   .40
                                               mid-east    .00
                                               n-africa    .05
                                               w-africa    .06
                                               e-africa    .00
                                               s-africa    .00 /;

* convert tariffs from percentages to us $.
alphaa(rp) = pa*tariffaa(rp);
display alphaa;

* note: units for levy data levies on alumina and bauxite are expressed as fractions per ton of aluminum content.
   betab(i) 'levies on bauxite'  / jamaica1   .026
                                   jamaica2   .026
                                   haiti+dr   .073
                                   surinam    .049
                                   indonesia  .003
                                   ghana      .005
                                   ayek-guin  .021
                                   fria-guin  .021
                                   toug-guin  .021 /
   betaa(r) 'levies on alumnina' / surinam    .020
                                   asean      .003
                                   ghana      .005
                                   ayek-guin  .021
                                   rest-guin  .021 /;

* convert the bauxite and alumina levies to a per ton of aluminum basis
betab(i) = sum(cm$sratio(i,cm), betab(i)/(sum(ci, aatoal(ci))*batoaa(cm)));
betaa(r) = betaa(r)/(sum(ci, aatoal(ci)));

display alphal, betab, betaa;

$sTitle Model Reduction
   cpospi 'commodity production possibilities at mines'
   cnir   'regional clusters with levies on bauxite shipments from i to r';

cpospi(i,cm)$sratio(i,cm)            = yes;
cnir(cm,i,r)$(cpospi(i,cm)-nir(i,r)) = yes;

Scalar pl 'world market price of aluminum (us$ per ton aluminum)';
pl = na;

display cpospi, cnir;

$sTitle Cost Calculations on Data
   clab  'labels'
         / bauxite    'bauxite costs'     , alumina    'alumina costs'
           aluminum   'aluminum costs'    , net-levy
           transport  'cost by sea'       , del-cost   'delivered cost'
           naoh       'caustic soda'      , cao        'lime'
           power      'electricity costs' , mc2        'energy'
           labour                         , thermal    'energy'
           coke-1     'coke inputs'       , mfp        'fluorides'
           pit        'pitch'             , other-in   'other input costs'
           operating  'costs'             , capital    'costs'
           inland     'transport costs'   , levy
           tariff                         , tot-exp    'total export cost'
           less-tax   'tax savings'       , less-dry   'savings on drying'
           tot-local  'local process cost', tot-f-o-b  'export cost'       /
   case  'case identification numbers'    / 1*23 /
   comb1(case,i,r)  'combinations: case-mines-refineries'
                    /  1.jamaica1.eastern-us,    2.jamaica2.eastern-us,   3.brazil.eastern-us
                       4.ayek-guin.eastern-us,   5.w-europe.w-europe,     6.ayek-guin.w-europe
                       7.n-austral.w-europe,     8.w-austral.w-austral,   9.w-austral.w-austral
                      10.brazil.brazil,         11.ayek-guin.ayek-guin,   12.ayek-guin.ayek-guin
                      13.surinam.surinam,       14.ghana.ghana,           15.ghana.mid-east
                      16.indonesia.asean,       17.indonesia.asean,       18.indonesia.japan
                      19.indonesia.korea+oea,   20.jamaica2.jamaica,      21.jamaica2.jamaica
                      22.jamaica2.jamaica,      23.surinam.surinam                               /
   comb2(case,rp,j) 'combinations: cases-smelters-markets'
                    /  1.eastern-us.en-america,  2.eastern-us.en-america,  3.eastern-us.en-america
                       4.eastern-us.en-america,  5.w-europe.w-europe,      6.w-europe.w-europe
                       7.w-europe.w-europe,      8.eastern-us.en-america,  9.w-europe.w-europe
                      10.eastern-us.en-america, 11.eastern-us.en-america, 12.w-europe.w-europe
                      13.eastern-us.en-america, 14.ghana.w-europe,        15.surinam.w-europe
                      16.japan.japan,           17.asean.japan,           18.japan.japan
                      19.western-us.en-america, 20.jamaica.en-america,    21.jamaica.en-america
                      22.eastern-us.en-america, 23.surinam.en-america                              /;

   x1 'cost components at mines'
   x2 'cost components at refineries'
   x3 'cost components at smelters'
   x4 'cost components at markets';

* compute income tax savings for local processing
* logic: if the ore mined at i is processed at r (same location) then a percentage of the total
*        investment cost can be deducted from production or export levy imposed at i

pl = 2000;

   betabp   'convert production or export levy at i from rate to dollar'
   tax1a    'tax savings from refineries'
   tax1b    'tax savings from smelters'
   taxs2    'total tax savings'
   lts(i,r) 'tax deductions as a percentage of investment cost' / jamaica1.jamaica    .02
                                                                  jamaica2.jamaica    .02
                                                                  surinam.surinam     .02
                                                                  haiti+dr.c-amer+car .02 /;

betabp(i) = pl*betab(i);

Parameter bbb,aaa; aaa(i,r) = 1$nir(i,r);
bbb(i,r)$((aaa(i,r) = 1) and (lts(i,r) <> 0)) = betabp(i);

tax1a(i,r) = -sum((cm,p,mr)$(sratio(i,cm) > 0 and a(cm,p) < 0 and b(mr,p) > 0),
tax1b(i,r) = (1000*lts(i,r)*omegar("smelter","2",r)/sbr("smelter","2",r))
             /sum(cm$sratio(i,cm), aatoal("alumina")*batoaa(cm));
taxs2(i)   =  sum((r,rp)$(nir(i,r)*rr(r,rp)), tax1a(i,r) + tax1b(i,rp));
taxs2(i)$((betabp(i) - taxs2(i)) < 0) = betabp(i);

display aaa, bbb, tax1a, tax1b, taxs2;

* select electricity cost level
   celcost(r) 'electriciy cost at smelter';

* option 1: cheapest electricity
* cel1(r,l)                  = -a("electr","smelting")*prelec(r,l)$(ubar(r,l) < 0);
* cel1(r,l)$(cel1(r,l) eq 0) = 12.6*50;
* celcost(r)                 = smin(l, cel1(r,l));

* option 2: select the minimum between locost and expensive
celcost(r)                  = 12.6*prelec(r,"el-locost")$ubar(r,"el-locost");
celcost(r)$(celcost(r) = 0) = 12.6*50;

* option 3: all locations have most expensive
* celcost(r) = 12.6*50;
display celcost;

* main section

loop((case,i,r)$comb1(case,i,r), loop((rp,j)$comb2(case,rp,j),
   cmm(cm) = yes$sratio(i,cm);
   proc(p) = yes$sum(cmm, a(cmm,p) < 0);
   mmm(m)  = yes$sum(proc, b(m,proc));

   display cmm, proc, mmm;

      x1("operating",case) = om(i);
      x1("capital",case)   = (sigma*1000*omegam(i,"2")/sbm(i,"2"))/ut("mining");
      x1("inland",case)    = murl(i);
      x1("levy",case)      = betabp(i)$( (aaa(i,r) = 0) or (aaa(i,r) <> 0 and lts(i,r) <> 0));
      x1("tot-exp",case)   = sum(clab, x1(clab,case));
      x1("less-tax",case)  = taxs2(i)$(bbb(i,r) <> 0);
      x1("tot-local",case) = x1("tot-exp",case) - x1("less-tax",case);

      x2("bauxite",case)   = - a(cm,p)*(x1("operating",case) + x1("capital",case) + x1("inland",case));
      x2("transport",case) = - a(cm,p)*murs(i,r);
      x2("net-levy",case)  = - a(cm,p)*pl*betab(i)$(not nir(i,r));
      x2("del-cost",case)  = sum(clab, x2(clab,case));
      x2("naoh",case)      = - a("soda-ash",p)*costrs(r,"soda-ash");
      x2("cao",case)       = - a("lime",p)*costrs(r,"lime");
      x2("mc2",case)       = - a("energy",p)*costrs(r,"energy");
      x2("labour",case)    = - a("labor",p)*costrs(r,"labor");
      x2("other-in",case)  = - a("other",p)*costrs(r,"other");
      x2("operating",case) = x2("naoh",case) + x2("cao",case) + x2("mc2",case) + x2("labour",case) + x2("other-in",case);
      x2("capital",case)   = (1000*sigma*omegar(m,"2",r)/sbr(m,"2",r))/ut(m);
      x2("tot-f-o-b",case) = x2("del-cost",case) + x2("operating",case) + x2("capital",case);

      x3("alumina",case)   = - a("alumina","smelting")*x2("tot-f-o-b",case);
      x3("net-levy",case)  = - a("alumina","smelting")*(pl*betaa(r)$(not rr(r,rp)) + alphaa(rp)$nfaa(rp,r));
      x3("transport",case) = - a("alumina","smelting")*mui(r,rp);
      x3("del-cost",case)  = sum(clab, x3(clab,case));
      x3("power",case)     = celcost(rp);
      x3("labour",case)    = - a("labor","smelting")*costrs(rp,"labor");
      x3("thermal",case)   = - a("therm-egy","smelting")*costrs(rp,"therm-egy");
      x3("coke-1",case)    = - a("coke","smelting")*costrs(rp,"coke");
      x3("mfp",case)       = - a("fluorides","smelting")*costrs(rp,"fluorides");
      x3("pit",case)       = - a("pitch","smelting")*costrs(rp,"pitch");
      x3("other-in",case)  = - a("other","smelting")*costrs(rp,"other");
      x3("operating",case) =   x3("power",case) + x3("labour",case) + x3("thermal",case) + x3("coke-1",case)
                             + x3("mfp",case)   + x3("pit",case)    + x3("other-in",case);
      x3("capital",case)   = (1000*sigma*omegar("smelter","2",rp)/sbr("smelter","2",rp))/ut("smelter");
      x3("tot-f-o-b",case) = x3("del-cost",case) + x3("operating",case) + x3("capital",case);

      x4("aluminum",case)  = x3("tot-f-o-b",case);
      x4("transport",case) = muf(rp,j);
      x4("levy",case)      = (pl*alphal(j)$nftrade(j,rp));
      x4("del-cost",case)  = sum(clab, x4(clab,case)));

display x1, x2, x3, x4;

$sTitle Data Checks
   dc1(i)        'inconsistency between mine capacities and reserves'
   dc3(r,m)      'productive unit with capacity but no process to operate'
   dc4(r,p)      'productive unit having capacity and process mapping but no input commodities'
   dc5(r)        'location with nonzero smelter capacity but with zero electricity availability'
   dc6(r)        'location with nonzero smelter capacity but negative electricity availability'
   dc7(i)        'mines with capacity but no infrastructure factor'
   dc8(r,cmi)    'refineries and smelters with nonzero capacity but zero operating cost'
   dc9(i)        'mines with capacity but with no labor cost or fuel cost or operating costs'
   dc10(i)       'unmapped mines to ports'
   dc11(r)       'unmapped production centers to ports'
   dc12(j)       'unmapped markets to ports'
   dc13(i,modes) 'mines having nonzero distances to ports but zero cost'
   dc14(r)       'existing cheap electricity available at no cost'
   dc15(r)       'refineries and smelters with low cost future power sources but at no cost'
   dc16(j)       'markets having a nonzero tariff on imported aluminum but zero demand'
   dc17(j)       'inconsistency between the world price of aluminum  and aluminum demand level'
   dc18(i,r)     'bauxite levy and port mapping but no sea transport cost'
   dc19(rp,r)    'alumina levy between refiners with port mapping but no sea transport cost'
   dc20(rp,r)    'alumina tariffs between refiners with port mapping but no sea transport cost'
   dc21(j,r)     'aluminum tariff between smelters and markets with port mapping but no sea cost';

dc1(i)$((capm(i) <> 0)     and (zmbar(i) = 0))                  = yes;
dc3(r,m)$((capr(r,m) <> 0) and (sum(p, b(m,p)) = 0))            = yes;
dc4(r,p)$(((sum(m, capr(r,m)) <> 0) and (sum(m, b(m,p))  <> 0))
                                    and (sum(ar, a(ar,p)) = 0)) = yes;

dc5(r)$((capr(r,"smelter") <> 0) and (egyres(r,"lc") = 0))      = yes;
dc6(r)$((capr(r,"smelter") <> 0) and (egyres(r,"lc") < 0)
                                 and (ubar(r,"el-actual") < 0)) = yes;

dc7(i)$((infmi(i) = 0) and (capm(i) <> 0))                    = yes;
dc8(r,cmi)$((sum(m, capr(r,m)) <> 0) and (costrs(r,cmi) = 0)) = yes;
dc9(i)$((capm(i) <> 0) and ((sum(mcc, mlc(i))   = 0)
                       or (sum(mcc, mfc(i,mcc)) = 0)
                       or (om(i) = 0)))                       = yes;

dc10(i) = yes$(sum(n$in(i,n), 1) <> 1);
dc11(r) = yes$(sum(n$rn(r,n), 1) <> 1);
dc12(j) = yes$(sum(n$jn(j,n), 1) <> 1);
dc13(i,modes)$((dmp(i,modes) <> 0) and (mpc(modes) = 0)) = yes;

dc14(r)$((prelec(r,"el-actual") = 0) and (egyres(r,"lc") > 0))                         = yes;
dc15(r)$((prelec(r,"el-locost") = 0) and ((egyres(r,"hydro") + egyres(r,"flaredgas")
                                                             + egyres(r,"coal")) > 0)) = yes;
dc16(j)$((alphal(j) <> 0) and (d(j) = 0))                                              = yes;

dc18(i,r)$((murs(i,r)  = 0) and (sum(cm$cnir(cm,i,r), betab(i)) <> 0)) = yes;
dc19(rp,r)$((mui(r,rp) = 0) and (betaa(r) <> 0)$nfaa(rp,r))            = yes;
dc20(rp,r)$((mui(r,rp) = 0) and (tariffaa(rp) <> 0)$nfaa(rp,r))        = yes;
dc21(j,r)$((muf(r,j)   = 0) and (alphal(j) <> 0)$nftrade(j,r))         = yes;

$sTitle Data Check and Program Abort
* the following procedure will test if the data checks made earlier are non-zero, and if they are it will display a
* message followed by the data where the error possibly occurs.  the job will then be aborted.

abort$sum(i,dc1(i))"inconsistency between mine capacities and zmbar", dc1, capm, zmbar
abort$sum((r,m),dc3(r,m))"following locations have prod. units which have capacity but no process", dc3, capr, b
abort$sum((r,p),dc4(r,p))"these locations have prod units with cap and process mapping but no comm data", dc4, b, a
abort$sum(r,dc5(r))"smelter locations with smelter capacity but zero electricity availability", dc5, capr, egyres
abort$sum(r,dc6(r))"locations with nonzero smelter capacity but negative electricity requirements", dc6, capr, egyres, ubar
abort$sum(i,dc7(i))"mines with capacity but no infrastructure factor data", dc7, capm, infmi
abort$sum((r,cmi),dc8(r,cmi))"refineries and smelters having nonzero capacity but zero operating costs", dc8, capr, costrs
abort$sum(i,dc9(i))"mines with capacity but with no labor cost or fuel cost or operating costs", dc9, capm, mlc, mfc, om
abort$sum(i,dc10(i))"mines without a map to ports", dc10, i, n, in
abort$sum(r,dc11(r))"production regions without map to ports", dc11, r, n, rn
abort$sum(j,dc12(j))"marketing regions without a map to ports", dc12, j, n, jn
abort$sum((i,modes),dc13(i,modes))"mines having nonzero distances to ports but at zero cost", dc13, dmp, mpc
abort$sum(r,dc14(r))"smelters with electricity from existing cheap power sources but at no cost", dc14, prelec, egyres
abort$sum(r,dc15(r))"refineries and smelters with low cost future power sources but at no cost", dc15, prelec, egyres
abort$sum(j,dc16(j))"markets with a nonzero tariff on imported aluminum but with no demand", dc16, alphal, d
abort$sum((i,r),dc18(i,r))"levy between bauxite producer and user with port map but no sea transport cost", dc18, betab, murs
abort$sum((rp,r),dc19(rp,r))"alumina levy between refiners with port map but at no sea transport cost", dc19, betaa, mui
abort$sum((rp,r),dc20(rp,r))"alumina tariff between refiner and smelter with port map but no sea trans cost", dc20, tariffaa, mui
abort$sum((j,r),dc21(j,r))"aluminum tariff between smelters and markets with port mapping but no sea cost", dc21, alphal, muf;

$sTitle Model Specification
   xf(r,j)     'shipment: final products                                          (1000 tpy)'
   xi(r,rp)    'shipment: intermediates                                           (1000 tpy)'
   xm(c,i,r)   'shipment: bauxites                                                (1000 tpy)'
   z(p,r)      'process level                                                     (1000 tpy)'
   zm(cm,i)    'mining output level                                               (1000 tpy)'
   u(l,r)      'electricity supply                                 (gigawatt hours per year)'
   hm(i)       'expansions (linear): mines                (million tons per annual capacity)'
   hr(r,m)     'expansions (linear): refinery and smelter (million tons per annual capacity)'
   sm(seg,i)   'expansions (fixed): mines                 (million tons per annual capacity)'
   sr(m,seg,r) 'expansions (fixed): refinery and smelter  (million tons per annual capacity)'
   ym(i)       'binary expansion variable: mines'
   yr(r,m)     'binary expansion variable: refineries and smelters'
   phikm       'investment cost: mines                                         (us$ million)'
   phikr       'investment cost: refineries and smelters                       (us$ million)'
   phiom       'operating cost: mines                                          (us$ million)'
   phior       'operating cost: refineries and smelters                        (us$ million)'
   phit        'cost: transport                                                (us$ million)'
   phitf       'cost: tariffs                                                  (us$ million)'
   phil        'cost: royalties and levies                                     (us$ million)'
   phi1        'cost: total                                                    (us$ million)'
   phi2        'cost: total cost without tariffs                               (us$ million)'
   phi3        'cost: total cost without levies                                (us$ million)'
   phi4        'cost: total cost without levies or tariffs                     (us$ million)';

Positive Variable xf, xi, xm, z, zm, u, hm, hr, sm, sr;
Binary   Variable ym, yr;

   mbm(cm,i)   'material balance: mines                                         (1000 units)'
   mbr(c,r)    'material balance: refineries and smelters                       (1000 units)'
   fdb(j)      'final demand balance                                            (1000 units)'
   ccm(i)      'capacity constraint: mines                                     (million typ)'
   ccr(r,m)    'capacity constraint: refineries and smelters                   (million typ)'
   i1m(i)      'definition of h: mines'
   i1r(r,m)    'definition of h: refineries and smelters'
   i2m(i)      'convex combination and 0-1 constraint: mines'
   i2r(r,m)    'convex combination and 0-1 constraint: refineries and smelters'
   res(cm,i)   'bauxite reserve constraint                                       (1000 tons)'
   tba(f)      'trade restrictions: bauxite'
   taa(f)      'trade restrictions: alumina'
   tal(f)      'trade restrictions: aluminum'
   akm         'accounting: mine investments                                   (us$ million)'
   akr         'accounting: refinery and smelter investments                   (us$ million)'
   aom         'accounting: mine operating costs                               (us$ million)'
   aor         'accounting: refineries and smelters operating costs            (us$ million)'
   at          'accounting: transport cost                                     (us$ million)'
   atf         'accounting: tariffs                                            (us$ million)'
   al          'accounting: royalties and levies                               (us$ million)'
   a1          'accounting: total cost                                         (us$ million)'
   a2          'accounting: total cost without tariffs                         (us$ million)'
   a3          'accounting: total cost without levies                          (us$ million)'
   a4          'accounting: total cost with no levies or tariffs               (us$ million)';

mbm(cm,i)$cpospi(i,cm).. zm(cm,i) =g= sum(r, xm(cm,i,r)) + nmba2000(i);

mbr(c,r)..     sum(p, a(c,p)*z(p,r))   + sum(i, xm(c,i,r)$(cm(c)$cpospi(i,c)))
            +  sum(rp, xi(rp,r)$ci(c)) + sum(l$prelec(r,l), u(l,r)$cl(c))
           =g= sum(j, xf(r,j)$cf(c))   + sum(rp, xi(r,rp)$ci(c)) + nmaa2000(r)$ci(c);

fdb(j)..   sum(r, xf(r,j)) =g= d(j);

res(cm,i)$cpospi(i,cm).. interval*zm(cm,i) =l= zmbar(i);

ccm(i)..   sum(cm$cpospi(i,cm), zm(cm,i))  =l= utm*(capm(i) + hm(i));

ccr(r,m).. sum(p, b(m,p)*z(p,r)) =l= utr(m)*(capr(r,m) + hr(r,m));

i1m(i)..   hm(i)   =e= sum(seg, sbm(i,seg)*sm(seg,i));

i1r(r,m).. hr(r,m) =e= sum(seg, sbr(m,seg,r)*sr(m,seg,r));

i2m(i)..   ym(i)   =e= sum(seg, sm(seg,i));

i2r(r,m).. yr(r,m) =e= sum(seg, sr(m,seg,r));

tba(f)..   sum((cm,i,r)$(fr(f,r)*cpospi(i,cm)), xm(cm,i,r)$fi(f,i) - gamma*xm(cm,i,r)) =g= 0;

taa(f)..       (1 - gamma)*sum((ci,r)$fr(f,r), -a(ci,"smelting")*z("smelting",r))
           =g= sum((r,rp)$fr(f,rp), xi(r,rp)$(not fr(f,r)));

tal(f)..   sum((r,j)$fj(f,j), xf(r,j)$fr(f,r) - gamma*xf(r,j)) =g= 0;

aom..      phiom =e= sum((cm,i)$cpospi(i,cm),om(i)*zm(cm,i))/1000;

aor..      phior =e= (sum((r,p), ors(r,p)*z(p,r)) + sum((r,l), prelec(r,l)*u(l,r)))/1000;

at..       phit  =e= sum(r, sum(j, muf(r,j)*xf(r,j)) + sum(rp, mui(r,rp)*xi(r,rp))
                  +  sum((cm,i)$cpospi(i,cm), mur(i,r)*xm(cm,i,r)))/1000;

akm..      phikm =e= sigma*sum((seg,i), omegam(i,seg)*sm(seg,i));

akr..      phikr =e= sigma*sum((seg,r,m), omegar(m,seg,r)*sr(m,seg,r));

atf..      phitf =e= (sum(j, pl*alphal(j)*sum(r$nftrade(j,r), xf(r,j)))
                  +   sum(rp, alphaa(rp) *sum(r$nfaa(rp,r), xi(r,rp))))/1000;

al..       phil  =e= pl*(sum((cm,i,r)$cnir(cm,i,r), betab(i)*xm(cm,i,r))
                  +  sum((r,rp)$(not rr(r,rp)), betaa(r)*xi(r,rp)))/1000;

a1..       phi1  =e= phit + phiom + phior + phikm + phikr + phitf + phil;

a2..       phi2  =e= phit + phiom + phior + phikm + phikr  + phil;

a3..       phi3  =e= phit + phiom + phior + phikm + phikr + phitf;

a4..       phi4  =e= phit + phiom + phior + phikm + phikr;

$sTitle Scenario and Model
pl    = 2000;
d(j)  = dem2000(j,"low");
gamma = 0;

u.up(l,r)           = ubar(r,l);
u.up("el-hicost",r) = +inf;

Model gam 'global aluminum model' / all /;

solve gam minimizing phi4 using mip;

abort$(gam.modelStat <> %modelStat.optimal% and
       gam.modelStat <> %modelStat.integerSolution%) 'no solution';

$sTitle Report
   rcol   'report columns'
          / ncap-exist, ncap-com, ncap-new
            ncap-tot  , ecap-tot, production
            shipped   , non-ind , ecap-ut    /
   rcolel 'column labels for electricity reporting'
          / el-actual, el-locost
            el-hicost, el-total
            el-cost  , av-cost   /;

   repb   'bauxite production and consumption   (1000 tpy)'
   arepb  'bauxite production and consumption   (1000 tpy)'
   brepb  'bauxite production and consumption   (1000 tpy)'
   repaa  'alumina production and consumption   (1000 tpy)'
   arepaa 'alumina production and consumption   (1000 tpy)'
   brepaa 'alumina production and consumption   (1000 tpy)'
   repam  'aluminium production and consumption (1000 tpy)'
   arepam 'aluminium production and consumption (1000 tpy)'
   brepam 'aluminium production and consumption (1000 tpy)'
   repel  'electricity report by plants'
   arepel 'electricity report by regions'
   brepel 'electricity report by blocks';

repb(i,r)            = sum(cm, xm.l(cm,i,r));
repb("**total**",r)  = sum(i, repb(i,r));
repb(i,"shipped")    = sum(r, repb(i,r));
repb(i,"non-ind")    = nmba2000(i);
repb(i,"production") = sum(cm, zm.l(cm,i));
repb(i,"ecap-tot")   = ut("mining")*(capm(i)+hm.l(i));
repb(i,"ncap-tot")   = capm(i)+hm.l(i);
repb(i,"ncap-exist") = capm1(i,"initial");
repb(i,"ncap-com")   = capm1(i,"invest");
repb(i,"ncap-new")   = hm.l(i);
repb(i,"ecap-ut")$repb(i,"ecap-tot") = repb(i,"production")/repb(i,"ecap-tot");
repb("**total**",rcol)               = sum(i,repb(i,rcol));
repb("**total**","ecap-ut")          = repb("**total**","production")/repb("**total**","ecap-tot");

arepb(g,rcol)           = sum(i$gi(g,i),repb(i,rcol));
arepb(g,gp)             = sum((i,r)$(gi(g,i)*gr(gp,r)), repb(i,r));
arepb("**total**",g)    = sum(gp, arepb(gp,g));
arepb("**total**",rcol) = repb("**total**",rcol);
arepb(g,"ecap-ut")$arepb(g,"ecap-tot") = arepb(g,"production")/arepb(g,"ecap-tot");

brepb(f,rcol)           = sum(g$fg(f,g),arepb(g,rcol));
brepb(f,fp)             = sum((g,gp)$(fg(f,g)*fg(fp,gp)), arepb(g,gp));
brepb("**total**",f)    = sum(fp, brepb(fp,f));
brepb("**total**",rcol) = arepb("**total**",rcol);
brepb(f,"ecap-ut")$brepb(f,"ecap-tot") = brepb(f,"production")/brepb(f,"ecap-tot");

Set smelt / smelter /;

repaa(r,rp)           = xi.l(r,rp);
repaa(r,"non-ind")    = nmaa2000(r);
repaa(r,"production") = sum(p$(a("alumina",p) >= 0), a("alumina",p)*z.l(p,r));
repaa(r,r)            = repaa(r,"production") - sum(rp, repaa(r,rp)) - repaa(r,"non-ind");
repaa(r,"shipped")    = repaa(r,"production") - repaa(r,"non-ind");
repaa("**total**",rp) = sum(r, repaa(r,rp));
repaa(r,"ecap-tot")   = sum(m$(not smelt(m)), ut(m)*(capr(r,m)+hr.l(r,m)));
repaa(r,"ncap-tot")   = sum(m$(not smelt(m)), capr(r,m)+hr.l(r,m));
repaa(r,"ncap-exist") = sum(m$(not smelt(m)), capr1(r,m));
repaa(r,"ncap-com")   = sum(m$(not smelt(m)), capr2(r,m));
repaa(r,"ncap-new")   = sum(m$(not smelt(m)), hr.l(r,m));
repaa(r,"ecap-ut")$repaa(r,"ecap-tot") = sum((p,m)$(not smelt(m)), b(m,p)*z.l(p,r))/repaa(r,"ecap-tot");
repaa("**total**",rcol)                = sum(r, repaa(r,rcol));
repaa("**total**","ecap-ut")           = repaa("**total**","production")/repaa("**total**","ecap-tot");

arepaa(g,rcol)           = sum(r$gr(g,r),repaa(r,rcol));
arepaa(g,gp)             = sum((r,rp)$(gr(g,r)*gr(gp,rp)), repaa(r,rp));
arepaa("**total**",g)    = sum(gp, arepaa(gp,g));
arepaa("**total**",rcol) = repaa("**total**",rcol);
arepaa(g,"ecap-ut")$arepaa(g,"ecap-tot") = arepaa(g,"production")/arepaa(g,"ecap-tot");

brepaa(f,rcol)           = sum(g$fg(f,g),arepaa(g,rcol));
brepaa(f,fp)             = sum((g,gp)$(fg(f,g)*fg(fp,gp)), arepaa(g,gp));
brepaa("**total**",f)    = sum(fp, brepaa(fp,f));
brepaa("**total**",rcol) = arepaa("**total**",rcol);
brepaa(f,"ecap-ut")$brepaa(f,"ecap-tot") = brepaa(f,"production")/brepaa(f,"ecap-tot");

repam(r,j)            = xf.l(r,j);
repam("**total**",j)  = sum(r, repam(r,j));
repam(r,"shipped")    = sum(j, repam(r,j));
repam(r,"production") = a("aluminum","smelting")*z.l("smelting",r);
repam(r,"ecap-tot")   = ut("smelter")*(capr(r,"smelter")+hr.l(r,"smelter"));
repam(r,"ncap-tot")   = (capr(r,"smelter")+hr.l(r,"smelter"));
repam(r,"ncap-exist") = capr1(r,"smelter");
repam(r,"ncap-com")   = capr2(r,"smelter");
repam(r,"ncap-new")   = hr.l(r,"smelter");
repam(r,"ecap-ut")$repam(r,"ecap-tot") = b("smelter","smelting")*z.l("smelting",r)/repam(r,"ecap-tot");
repam("**total**",rcol)                = sum(r, repam(r,rcol));
repam("**total**","ecap-ut")           = repam("**total**","production")/repam("**total**","ecap-tot");

arepam(g,rcol)           = sum(r$gr(g,r),repam(r,rcol));
arepam(g,gp)             = sum((r,j)$(gr(g,r)*gj(gp,j)), repam(r,j));
arepam("**total**",g)    = sum(gp, arepam(gp,g));
arepam("**total**",rcol) = repam("**total**",rcol);
arepam(g,"ecap-ut")$arepam(g,"ecap-tot") = arepam(g,"production")/arepam(g,"ecap-tot");

brepam(f,rcol)           = sum(g$fg(f,g),arepam(g,rcol));
brepam(f,fp)             = sum((g,gp)$(fg(f,g)*fg(fp,gp)), arepam(g,gp));
brepam("**total**",f)    = sum(fp, brepam(fp,f));
brepam("**total**",rcol) = arepam("**total**",rcol);
brepam(f,"ecap-ut")$brepam(f,"ecap-tot") = brepam(f,"production")/brepam(f,"ecap-tot");

display brepb, brepaa, brepam, arepb, arepaa, arepam, repb, repaa, repam;

repel(r,l)          = u.l(l,r);
repel(r,"el-total") = sum(l, repel(r,l));
repel(r,"el-cost")  = sum(l, repel(r,l)*prelec(r,l))/1000;
repel(r,"av-cost")$repel(r,"el-total")    = (repel(r,"el-cost")/repel(r,"el-total"))*1000;
repel("**total**",rcolel)                 = sum(r, repel(r,rcolel));
repel("**total**","av-cost")              = (repel("**total**","el-cost")/repel("**total**","el-total"))*1000;
repel(r,"cost/ton")$repam(r,"production") = (repel(r,"el-cost")/repam(r,"production"))*1000;

arepel(g,rcolel)           = sum(r$gr(g,r), repel(r,rcolel));
arepel("**total**",rcolel) = repel("**total**",rcolel);
arepel(g,"av-cost")$arepel(g,"el-total")    = (arepel(g,"el-cost")/arepel(g,"el-total"))*1000;
arepel("**total**","av-cost")               = repel("**total**","av-cost");
arepel(g,"cost/ton")$arepam(g,"production") = (arepel(g,"el-cost")/arepam(g,"production"))*1000;

brepel(f,rcolel)           = sum(g$fg(f,g), arepel(g,rcolel));
brepel("**total**",rcolel) = arepel("**total**",rcolel);
brepel(f,"av-cost")$brepel(f,"el-total")    = (brepel(f,"el-cost")/brepel(f,"el-total"))*1000;
brepel("**total**","av-cost")               = arepel("**total**","av-cost");
brepel(f,"cost/ton")$brepam(f,"production") = (brepel(f,"el-cost")/brepam(f,"production"))*1000;

repel("**total**","cost/ton")  = (repel("**total**","el-cost")/repam("**total**","production"))*1000;
arepel("**total**","cost/ton") = repel("**total**","cost/ton");
brepel("**total**","cost/ton") = repel("**total**","cost/ton");

display repel, arepel, brepel;
display phikm.l, phikr.l, phiom.l, phior.l, phit.l, phitf.l, phil.l, phi1.l, phi2.l, phi3.l, phi4.l;