Set definitions and input data for 1983 version of gemtap.
Large Model of Type : MCP
Category : GAMS Model library
Main file : gemmcp.gms
$title The 1983 GEMTAB Model as MCP (GEMMCP,SEQ=137)
Set definitions and input data for 1983 version of gemtap.
Rutherford, T F, GEMTAP: A General Equilibrium Model for Tax Policy.
Keywords: mixed complementarity problem, general equilibrium model, tax policy
s 'sectors (producer goods)'
/ agri, mines, crude, const, food, textl, paper
refin, chem, lumbr, metls, equip, vehcl, trnsp
trade, fnanc, realt, srvcs, govt /
g 'consumer goods'
/ food, alchl, tobac, util, housg, frnsh, appl
clth, trnsp, vehcl, servc, bnkng, readg, n_dur
petrl, hlth, educ, savng /;
Alias (s,ss);
hh 'all households' / h1*h14, hh2*hh14 /
h(hh) 'aggregated households' / hh2*hh14 /
dh(hh) 'disaggregated households' / h1*h14 /;
* the following assignment omits h1 which appears to be
* a residual account in this data set:
Set hmap(dh,h) 'mapping from disaggregated households'
/ h2.hh2, h3.hh3, h4.hh4, h5.hh5, h6.hh6, h7.hh7, h8.hh8
h9.hh9, h10.hh10, h11.hh11, h12.hh12, h13.hh13, h14.hh14 /;
gdk 'government capital purchases. (p. 118)' / 1.65084e+05 /
gsk 'government capital ownership. (table 6.3)' / 1.13409e+05 /
gdl 'government labor demand. (p. 107)' / 2.72392e+05 /
gtl 'labor tax payments by government.(p. 107)' / 4.41080e+04 /;
count(hh) 'population count' / h1 0.347, h2 1.183
h3 3.753, h4 8.457
h5 13.328, h6 13.988
h7 12.876, h8 11.523
h9 18.538, h10 13.362
h11 16.565, h12 4.501
h13 2.725, h14 0.573 /
dk(s) 'capital payments by sector. (table 4.7)'
/ agri 1.50670e+04, mines 9.14909e+02, crude 2.99886e+03, const 4.99169e+03
food 6.71724e+03, textl 2.97874e+03, paper 4.31363e+03, refin 1.39132e+04
chem 4.78283e+03, lumbr 2.57358e+03, metls 2.78550e+03, equip 1.43345e+03
vehcl 2.49335e+02, trnsp 3.31062e+04, trade 2.77352e+04, fnanc 2.91767e+03
realt 1.57818e+05, srvcs 2.90328e+04, govt 1.23209e+04 /
sk(hh) 'capital ownership by household. (table 6.2)'
/ h1 -1.15989e+04, h2 1.32289e+02, h3 1.40763e+03, h4 5.82356e+03
h5 1.51394e+04, h6 2.17343e+04, h7 2.44363e+04, h8 2.57096e+04
h9 4.68859e+04, h10 4.02364e+04, h11 6.74481e+04, h12 3.33326e+04
h13 4.47871e+04, h14 6.28510e+04 /
dl(s) 'labor demand by sector. (table 4.1)'
/ agri 1.92060e+04, mines 1.18360e+04, crude 1.92690e+04, const 1.12095e+05
food 3.57680e+04, textl 2.79840e+04, paper 4.39730e+04, refin 6.36500e+03
chem 4.58740e+04, lumbr 2.59050e+04, metls 1.82051e+05, equip 3.12680e+04
vehcl 2.51430e+04, trnsp 1.46020e+05, trade 3.13381e+05, fnanc 1.02262e+05
realt 1.68840e+04, srvcs 3.73269e+05, govt 3.07730e+04 /
sl(hh) 'labor supply by household. (table 6.1)'
/ h1 -4.07035e+02, h2 9.72331e+02, h3 4.94308e+03, h4 2.55985e+04
h5 8.32951e+04, h6 1.27887e+05, h7 1.53337e+05, h8 1.72699e+05
h9 3.26104e+05, h10 2.86196e+05, h11 3.83643e+05, h12 1.19378e+05
h13 1.02400e+05, h14 5.56721e+04 /
zta(hh) 'labor endowment: supply ratios by household.'
/ h1 1.26791e+00, h2 1.27168e+00, h3 1.33304e+00, h4 1.40639e+00
h5 1.48221e+00, h6 1.53994e+00, h7 1.58088e+00, h8 1.61328e+00
h9 1.64773e+00, h10 1.68873e+00, h11 1.71083e+00, h12 1.69191e+00
h13 1.63084e+00, h14 1.34709e+00 /;
* for increased comparability with 1973 dataset, we use a value
* of 1.75 for all households:
zta(hh) = 1.75;
Scalar els 'elasticity of labor supply' / 0.15 /;
pit(hh) 'income tax payments by household. (table 6.5)'
/ h1 4.70693e+03, h2 -4.78527e+01, h3 -4.83605e+02, h4 -1.38173e+03
h5 -8.30128e+02, h6 2.07466e+03, h7 5.51451e+03, h8 9.36992e+03
h9 2.08846e+04, h10 2.25915e+04, h11 3.28106e+04, h12 1.08714e+04
h13 1.28299e+04, h14 1.30979e+04 /
tau(hh) 'marginal tax rates by household. (table 5.8)'
/ h1 7.30000e-02, h2 1.00000e-03, h3 2.00000e-02, h4 6.10000e-02
h5 1.11000e-01, h6 1.39000e-01, h7 1.65000e-01, h8 1.95000e-01
h9 2.19000e-01, h10 2.56000e-01, h11 2.93000e-01, h12 3.43000e-01
h13 3.96000e-01, h14 4.01000e-01 /
trn(hh) 'transfer levels by household (from government). (table 6.5)'
/ h1 4.62898e+02, h2 7.16898e+02, h3 9.99424e+03, h4 2.82718e+04
h5 4.06371e+04, h6 4.04673e+04, h7 3.55249e+04, h8 2.80239e+04
h9 4.10061e+04, h10 2.63098e+04, h11 3.01152e+04, h12 7.94427e+03
h13 4.27825e+03, h14 8.37153e+02 /
tc(g) 'consumption tax payments by good. (table 5.4)'
/ food 1.02623e+02, alchl 3.43401e+01, tobac 4.92577e+01, util 5.27143e+01
frnsh 6.82659e+01, appl 5.61957e+01, clth 7.82538e+02, trnsp 1.29003e+00
vehcl 1.30150e+02, servc 8.53633e+00, readg 1.38249e+02, n_dur 9.66488e+01
petrl 7.99788e+01, hlth 4.19992e+01 /;
the following three vectors which appear in the 83 dataset are converted
to percentage rate form in table taxrate:
/ agri 5.42000e+02, mines 2.00500e+03, crude 1.61310e+04, const 2.34900e+03
food 1.12890e+04, textl 1.69000e+02, paper 7.52000e+02, refin 9.20100e+03
chem 1.45500e+03, lumbr 4.76000e+02, metls 2.48100e+03, equip 5.41000e+02
vehcl 7.61000e+02, trnsp 2.03530e+04, trade 8.50440e+04, fnanc 8.57600e+03
realt 1.76200e+04, srvcs 8.45000e+03 /
/ agri 1.01810e+04, mines 1.34009e+03, crude 5.18414e+03, const 4.60731e+03
food 7.47776e+03, textl 3.00226e+03, paper 5.31437e+03, refin 9.16883e+03
chem 7.16117e+03, lumbr 3.09542e+03, metls 1.15835e+04, equip 1.10355e+03
vehcl 1.35867e+03, trnsp 3.50988e+04, trade 2.69098e+04, fnanc 2.22403e+04
realt 1.09969e+05, srvcs 1.90732e+04, govt 3.35605e+03 /
/ agri 2.67400e+03, mines 1.26600e+03, crude 2.18700e+03, const 1.45680e+04
food 5.23400e+03, textl 4.68000e+03, paper 5.97300e+03, refin 7.68000e+02
chem 6.86600e+03, lumbr 1.18640e+04, metls 2.51540e+04, equip 3.27600e+03
vehcl 3.93400e+03, trnsp 1.86950e+04, trade 4.33670e+04, fnanc 1.29190e+04
realt 2.52100e+03, srvcs 4.43190e+04, govt 1.34930e+04 /;
Parameter taxrate(s,*) 'taxes (%) (tables 4.13 4.7 and 4.1 respectively)';
taxrate(s,"txo") = 100*txo(s)/y(s);
taxrate(s,"tl") = 100*tl(s)/dl(s);
taxrate(s,"tk") = 100*tk(s)/dk(s);
display taxrate;
Table tkval(s,*) 'sectoral capital tax rates in 73 and 83'
tk73 tk83
agri 54.0162 67.572
mines 95.0472 146.472
crude 101.5675 172.870
const 210.4031 92.300
food 346.9550 111.322
textl 253.4060 100.790
paper 162.5490 123.199
refin 46.3458 65.900
chem 186.6596 149.727
lumbr 91.2334 120.277
metls 171.6036 415.850
equip 2356.8627 76.986
vehcl 128.7486 544.917
trnsp 170.1676 106.019
trade 185.0761 97.024
fnanc 199.2051 762.262
realt 62.9748 69.681
srvcs 86.0299 65.695
govt 26.3711 27.239;
Table taxrate(s,*) 'taxes (%) (tables 4.13 4.7 and 4.1 respectively)'
txo tl tk
agri 0.311 13.923 67.572
mines 4.529 10.696 146.472
crude 19.296 11.350 172.870
const 0.775 12.996 92.300
food 4.016 14.633 111.322
textl 0.133 16.724 100.790
paper 0.454 13.583 123.199
refin 4.698 12.066 65.900
chem 0.618 14.967 149.727
lumbr 0.427 45.798 120.277
metls 0.337 13.817 415.850
equip 0.700 10.477 76.986
vehcl 0.682 15.647 544.917
trnsp 3.760 12.803 106.019
trade 12.991 13.838 97.024
fnanc 3.585 12.633 762.262
realt 3.650 14.931 69.681
srvcs 1.080 11.873 65.695
govt 43.847 27.239;
Parameter gse(s) 'government commodity endowments. (table 6.3)';
gse(s) = 0;
gd(s) 'government commodity demands. (table 6.4)'
/ agri 5.74182e+02, mines 1.55043e+02, crude 3.63664e+02, const 4.50692e+04
food 2.67746e+03, textl 8.95648e+02, paper 4.45026e+03, refin 5.48673e+03
chem 4.57070e+03, lumbr 1.12229e+03, metls 1.78503e+05, equip 1.93211e+04
vehcl 2.35552e+03, trnsp 1.46367e+04, trade 4.89975e+03, fnanc 3.05061e+03
realt 3.17531e+03, srvcs 3.04402e+04, govt 6.39613e+02 /
vm(s) 'import levels by sectoral commodity. (table 5.1)'
/ agri 3.84500e+03, mines 3.49000e+03, crude 6.61250e+04, food 1.39690e+04
textl 1.60500e+04, paper 6.58100e+03, refin 2.23780e+04, chem 1.53900e+04
lumbr 8.32600e+03, metls 1.01264e+05, equip 5.50100e+03, vehcl 2.90780e+04
trnsp 5.29900e+03, trade 7.80800e+03, fnanc 7.43000e+02, srvcs 1.74900e+03 /
vx(s) 'export levels by sectoral commodity. (table 5.1)'
/ agri 2.14831e+04, mines 5.09111e+03, crude 1.45680e+03, const 3.71680e+01
food 1.27640e+04, textl 4.89076e+03, paper 4.99139e+03, refin 5.75651e+03
chem 2.02557e+04, lumbr 5.10924e+03, metls 1.46532e+05, equip 1.51174e+04
vehcl 1.07298e+04, trnsp 1.52072e+04, trade 2.29182e+04, fnanc 8.49425e+02
realt 5.32137e+03, srvcs 9.01913e+03, govt 6.61772e+01 /
el(hh) 'elasticity between leisure and consumption. (table 6.8)'
/ h1 5.69000e-01, h2 6.74000e-01, h3 7.77000e-01, h4 8.38000e-01
h5 8.86000e-01, h6 9.48000e-01, h7 9.83000e-01, h8 9.90000e-01
h9 1.02700e+00, h10 1.00500e+00, h11 9.69000e-01, h12 7.38000e-01
h13 7.38000e-01, h14 7.38000e-01/
ec(hh) 'elasticity in current consumption. (table 6.9)'
/ h1 1.26791e+00, h2 1.27168e+00, h3 1.33304e+00, h4 1.40639e+00
h5 1.48221e+00, h6 1.53994e+00, h7 1.58088e+00, h8 1.61328e+00
h9 1.64773e+00, h10 1.68873e+00, h11 1.71083e+00, h12 1.69191e+00
h13 1.63084e+00, h14 1.34709e+00 /
ekl(s) 'labor-capital elasticity. (table 6.11)'
/ agri 1.92123e+00, mines 1.00000e+00, crude 1.00000e+00, const 1.00000e+00
food 1.68095e+00, textl 1.12108e+00, paper 1.11995e+00, refin 1.38332e+00
chem 1.04308e+00, lumbr 1.10632e+00, metls 1.55352e+00, equip 1.29132e+00
vehcl 1.09135e+00, trnsp 1.00000e+00, trade 1.00000e+00, fnanc 1.00000e+00
realt 1.00000e+00, srvcs 1.00000e+00, govt 1.00000e+00 /
ekl73(s) 'labor-capital elasticity. (table 6.11)'
/ agri 6.75900e-01, mines 1.00000e+00, crude 1.00000e+00, const 1.00000e+00
food 7.11700e-01, textl 9.02500e-01, paper 9.03300e-01, refin 7.83000e-01
chem 9.60300e-01, lumbr 9.12300e-01, metls 7.37300e-01, equip 8.15900e-01
vehcl 9.22800e-01, trnsp 1.00000e+00, trade 1.00000e+00, fnanc 1.00000e+00
realt 1.00000e+00, srvcs 1.00000e+00, govt 1.00000e+00 /
ekl83(s) 'labor-capital elasticity. (table 6.11)'
/ agri 1.92123e+00, mines 1.00000e+00, crude 1.00000e+00, const 1.00000e+00
food 1.68095e+00, textl 1.12108e+00, paper 1.11995e+00, refin 1.38332e+00
chem 1.04308e+00, lumbr 1.10632e+00, metls 1.55352e+00, equip 1.29132e+00
vehcl 1.09135e+00, trnsp 1.00000e+00, trade 1.00000e+00, fnanc 1.00000e+00
realt 1.00000e+00, srvcs 1.00000e+00, govt 1.00000e+00 /;
em(s) 'elasticity of import supply'
ex(s) 'elasticity of export demand';
em(s) = 0.465;
ex(s) = 10;
Parameter y(s) 'gross output level by sector. (table 4.13)'
/ agri 1.74055e+05, mines 4.42744e+04, crude 8.35975e+04, const 3.03029e+05
food 2.81073e+05, textl 1.26674e+05, paper 1.65760e+05, refin 1.95844e+05
chem 2.35265e+05, lumbr 1.11494e+05, metls 7.35374e+05, equip 7.72401e+04
vehcl 1.11519e+05, trnsp 5.41315e+05, trade 6.54613e+05, fnanc 2.39210e+05
realt 4.82737e+05, srvcs 7.82546e+05, govt 9.61957e+04 /;
Table z(s,g) 'consumption composition matrix. (table 4.10)'
food alchl tobac util housg frnsh
agri 3.49303e-02 3.49250e-02
mines 8.89490e-06
food 4.44127e-01 4.44162e-01 4.96879e-01
textl 1.51941e-01
paper 1.13370e-03
refin 2.57659e-05
chem 2.13478e-04 1.95293e-04
lumbr 2.60854e-01
metls 9.58233e-02
equip 7.98743e-04
trnsp 1.80389e-02 1.80321e-02 4.29918e-03 9.67120e-01 1.03579e-02
trade 2.34928e-01 2.34938e-01 4.98822e-01 4.79065e-01
fnanc 8.89490e-06
realt 9.63414e-01
srvcs 2.67745e-01 2.67747e-01 4.22719e-03 3.65864e-02
govt 2.86527e-02
+ appl clth trnsp vehcl servc bnkng
textl 1.96668e-04 4.22525e-01 2.43355e-04
paper 9.72015e-03
chem 2.17739e-02 9.63838e-03 4.00725e-02
lumbr 3.21973e-02 4.23618e-04 2.15520e-03
metls 5.17911e-01 5.98949e-02 1.54125e-02 2.28764e-04
equip 2.40200e-02
vehcl 4.15732e-01
trnsp 8.28815e-03 3.03563e-03 9.43310e-01 1.55927e-02 4.17193e-02
trade 4.18734e-01 4.71361e-01 2.05121e-01 1.32442e-03
fnanc 1.65312e-02 1.00000e+00
realt 6.51376e-03
srvcs 8.99053e-04 2.38251e-02 2.83382e-01 8.99115e-01
govt 5.66898e-02 3.24123e-02
+ readg n_dur petrl hlth educ savng
agri 4.41326e-02 6.14907e-04 -3.63988e-02
mines 6.47270e-04 3.66763e-03 2.50821e-03
crude 9.10418e-04
const 4.91561e-01
food -7.32829e-04
textl 8.28619e-03 2.39490e-03 2.14316e-03
paper 1.66921e-01 1.60038e-01 5.69271e-03 -4.07667e-04
refin 6.58331e-01 1.93630e-05 -1.18903e-03
chem 4.02524e-03 3.92213e-01 1.70587e-03 5.59009e-02 1.37297e-03
lumbr 3.46290e-03 1.80823e-03 1.71430e-02
metls 1.33159e-01 7.86757e-02 8.52937e-05 1.55000e-02 2.84313e-01
equip 9.83283e-02 3.99168e-02
vehcl 7.10858e-02
trnsp 1.06977e-01 2.17483e-02 2.67993e-02 1.04560e-03 1.71905e-02
trade 2.68150e-01 3.40205e-01 3.07603e-01 7.96495e-02 1.19901e-01
fnanc 5.43951e-05
realt 2.95876e-02
srvcs 1.55407e-01 8.42192e-01 1.00000e+00 -3.8905e-02
govt 1.45598e-02 ;
Table ras(s,s) 'adjusted input-output table. (tables 4.8 and 4.9)'
agri mines crude const food textl
agri 4.77039e+04 1.29167e+01 4.94328e+00 4.14308e+02 8.07202e+04 2.16489e+03
mines 3.19103e+02 6.05761e+03 1.28523e+01 1.74414e+03 1.58516e+02 6.93484e+01
crude 2.75040e+02 1.05530e+02 5.46406e+03 1.82005e+02 1.00093e+02 5.49454e+01
const 2.68590e+03 4.87043e+02 1.08872e+04 2.86600e+02 1.46124e+03 5.88429e+02
food 1.70603e+04 1.21148e+01 1.67424e+01 3.48826e+01 5.83569e+04 6.66520e+02
textl 3.42696e+02 1.02025e+02 2.83085e+01 1.67936e+03 1.22183e+02 4.95362e+04
paper 7.80488e+02 3.25057e+02 2.55315e+02 3.81202e+03 1.11966e+04 1.81391e+03
refin 9.88521e+03 2.35625e+03 1.24116e+03 6.24300e+03 1.93248e+03 1.25882e+03
chem 9.77087e+03 1.45763e+03 9.50792e+02 6.56288e+03 5.42140e+03 1.26869e+04
lumbr 4.56307e+02 4.98159e+02 5.60705e+01 3.76413e+04 4.69320e+03 3.62200e+02
metls 2.03185e+03 4.63286e+03 3.27433e+03 3.80960e+04 7.48649e+03 1.61303e+03
equip 5.35927e+02 1.06592e+02 5.83976e+01 5.32920e+02 2.83783e+01 4.00452e+01
vehcl 1.70121e+02 2.10930e+02 3.52576e+01 3.80755e+02 3.22277e+01 1.79056e+01
trnsp 6.02777e+03 3.34213e+03 2.53607e+03 9.87724e+03 1.02177e+04 3.74510e+03
trade 1.34513e+04 3.00750e+03 1.51076e+03 3.21204e+04 2.11882e+04 7.67672e+03
fnanc 2.55270e+03 6.17634e+02 7.68909e+02 2.51563e+03 1.28108e+03 6.32573e+02
realt 7.40672e+03 8.34401e+02 7.56553e+03 4.67231e+02 5.58298e+02 4.84227e+02
srvcs 3.93065e+03 2.15643e+03 2.06860e+03 2.08522e+04 7.80496e+03 3.21905e+03
govt 7.84913e+02 5.72576e+02 1.07121e+03 8.76811e+02 1.79685e+03 1.22383e+03
+ paper refin chem lumbr metls equip
agri 4.95558e+01 2.57982e+00 6.13878e+02 4.10659e+03 6.67960e+01 3.48058e+00
mines 4.80497e+02 2.99266e+02 3.97423e+03 2.06994e+03 1.49215e+04 1.39879e+01
crude 1.58425e+02 1.05766e+05 3.90772e+03 1.16685e+02 6.21400e+02 2.88911e+01
const 1.26204e+03 1.38001e+03 2.06264e+03 1.15375e+03 8.36066e+03 3.29064e+02
food 5.14232e+02 8.75865e+01 2.47313e+03 9.32015e+01 3.70207e+02 1.01664e+01
textl 1.63620e+03 3.74388e+01 3.27421e+03 1.87451e+03 2.84958e+03 4.06322e+02
paper 4.63469e+04 1.05641e+03 7.79450e+03 2.06093e+03 1.33010e+04 4.51683e+02
refin 4.06976e+03 2.00380e+04 1.46170e+04 2.50776e+03 1.02380e+04 5.87484e+02
chem 7.17832e+03 4.89943e+03 6.65589e+04 3.88466e+03 3.24850e+04 8.95859e+02
lumbr 4.95827e+03 3.82156e+02 2.35622e+03 2.37056e+04 1.14772e+04 1.31904e+03
metls 3.45937e+03 9.70241e+02 8.31886e+03 4.95921e+03 2.42505e+05 1.21644e+04
equip 1.68734e+02 9.82306e+00 7.99628e+01 9.83550e+01 3.14783e+03 1.27697e+04
vehcl 6.40378e+01 1.51190e+02 8.71123e+01 1.75502e+02 2.81914e+03 4.12245e+02
trnsp 1.03269e+04 1.16825e+04 1.82501e+04 8.00805e+03 4.25135e+04 2.19451e+03
trade 1.16057e+04 5.01511e+03 1.57178e+04 7.18179e+03 7.46440e+04 3.26569e+03
fnanc 1.02228e+03 8.44861e+02 1.48315e+03 8.28850e+02 6.18708e+03 6.20171e+02
realt 1.11894e+03 2.62709e+02 1.58982e+03 4.76650e+02 5.53245e+03 3.65087e+02
srvcs 6.83419e+03 2.35907e+03 1.23156e+04 3.00436e+03 2.84889e+04 2.54310e+03
govt 4.15367e+03 1.17168e+03 3.63197e+03 1.21178e+03 1.07284e+04 1.23522e+03
+ vehcl trnsp trade fnanc realt srvcs
agri 1.52082e+00 4.91644e+01 8.73337e+02 4.84854e+00 4.31162e+03 2.60626e+03
mines 4.38196e+01 9.75567e+03 4.67007e+00 5.24419e-01 2.40127e+01 1.13320e+02
crude 2.61194e+01 2.93924e+04 4.70898e+02 7.15163e+01 1.70123e+02 6.09765e+02
const 3.25754e+02 2.40091e+04 3.86461e+03 7.62033e+02 7.12670e+04 1.33394e+04
food 2.69740e+01 1.64303e+02 4.83188e+02 1.47578e+01 9.62752e+00 6.62090e+03
textl 2.61111e+03 4.85133e+02 3.71442e+02 1.64973e+02 2.33814e+01 4.00854e+03
paper 6.22244e+02 3.04369e+03 1.11278e+04 6.03662e+03 3.09007e+03 2.12056e+04
refin 4.10666e+02 4.84692e+04 1.10733e+04 1.18735e+03 1.89838e+03 1.40215e+04
chem 5.36451e+03 3.25176e+03 1.62399e+03 1.35312e+02 1.27542e+03 1.83553e+04
lumbr 2.10358e+03 4.08367e+02 9.40659e+02 2.70518e+01 7.10703e+01 2.67436e+03
metls 2.38947e+04 8.37612e+03 2.37642e+03 7.60264e+02 8.25374e+02 2.00537e+04
equip 4.30563e+02 6.16430e+03 3.06914e+01 6.41174e+01 1.09553e+01 1.25107e+03
vehcl 3.01012e+04 9.05646e+02 4.43927e+02 3.53968e+01 4.16257e+01 8.12870e+03
trnsp 2.25330e+03 9.36376e+04 2.96017e+04 9.49454e+03 9.99490e+03 4.07070e+04
trade 8.26929e+03 1.55832e+04 1.22973e+04 1.42583e+03 3.51304e+03 2.94769e+04
fnanc 3.80231e+02 5.55400e+03 7.08814e+03 4.20652e+04 2.05804e+04 8.10357e+03
realt 1.13128e+02 4.24392e+03 1.37242e+04 3.72805e+03 3.96620e+04 2.46183e+04
srvcs 2.60763e+03 2.19662e+04 4.69394e+04 1.75710e+04 1.53004e+04 7.48002e+04
govt 4.79289e+02 1.17297e+04 1.42000e+04 6.69891e+03 5.80996e+03 1.74284e+04;
Table rcs(g,hh) 'adjusted consumption matrix. (tables 5.2 and 5.3)'
h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6
food 2.43154e+03 8.31012e+02 5.20838e+03 1.59696e+04 3.11945e+04 3.68235e+04
alchl 5.99531e+02 7.09930e+01 4.47408e+02 1.47625e+03 3.10355e+03 3.85386e+03
tobac 3.00241e+02 3.55527e+01 2.24052e+02 7.39320e+02 1.55420e+03 1.92995e+03
util 8.09773e+02 2.90719e+02 1.91339e+03 6.31809e+03 1.27338e+04 1.49690e+04
housg 6.12199e+03 1.58282e+03 9.48922e+03 2.39017e+04 4.04763e+04 4.36047e+04
frnsh 6.29848e+02 7.45854e+01 4.70031e+02 1.55093e+03 3.26043e+03 4.04867e+03
appl 5.18472e+02 1.02586e+02 5.15702e+02 1.73699e+03 3.94353e+03 4.88070e+03
clth 7.22029e+03 1.94843e+02 1.20325e+03 3.92543e+03 8.34312e+03 1.02651e+04
trnsp 1.10486e+02 4.72766e+01 3.05804e+02 9.45871e+02 1.87616e+03 2.21232e+03
vehcl 1.20089e+03 2.59688e+02 1.40132e+03 5.15694e+03 1.18923e+04 1.47618e+04
servc 7.30451e+02 8.64961e+01 5.45119e+02 1.79866e+03 3.78124e+03 4.69536e+03
bnkng 1.60339e+03 1.89865e+02 1.19656e+03 3.94812e+03 8.30000e+03 1.03067e+04
readg 1.27226e+03 1.50655e+02 9.49461e+02 3.13278e+03 6.58597e+03 8.17810e+03
n_dur 8.91740e+02 6.01011e+01 3.35115e+02 1.09765e+03 2.25039e+03 2.69641e+03
petrl 5.46878e+02 1.12026e+02 7.24765e+02 2.64345e+03 5.97935e+03 7.57259e+03
hlth 3.59269e+03 3.64276e+02 2.89157e+03 9.48352e+03 1.84661e+04 2.22962e+04
educ 4.10709e+02 4.86350e+01 3.06502e+02 1.01128e+03 2.12606e+03 2.64005e+03
savng -4.6884e+04 -2.8102e+03 -1.2384e+04 -2.7382e+04 -3.3634e+04 -1.7098e+04
+ h7 h8 h9 h10 h11 h12
food 3.72263e+04 3.64173e+04 6.22303e+04 4.77327e+04 5.55705e+04 1.43476e+04
alchl 4.09038e+03 4.27672e+03 7.88731e+03 6.63555e+03 8.87697e+03 3.07807e+03
tobac 2.04850e+03 2.14176e+03 3.94985e+03 3.32301e+03 4.44547e+03 1.54143e+03
util 1.49085e+04 1.44047e+04 2.47844e+04 1.92801e+04 2.31262e+04 6.46643e+03
housg 4.07999e+04 3.67105e+04 5.06882e+04 3.22039e+04 3.40273e+04 9.89624e+03
frnsh 4.29734e+03 4.49303e+03 8.28624e+03 6.97116e+03 9.32584e+03 3.23370e+03
appl 5.31140e+03 5.50475e+03 9.62492e+03 7.56886e+03 9.51822e+03 2.77065e+03
clth 1.07248e+04 1.10415e+04 1.98779e+04 1.64221e+04 2.13323e+04 7.18989e+03
trnsp 2.24502e+03 2.23530e+03 3.80079e+03 2.91343e+03 3.50719e+03 9.92770e+02
vehcl 1.65255e+04 1.69002e+04 2.91693e+04 2.27302e+04 2.85742e+04 8.05782e+03
servc 4.98369e+03 5.21064e+03 9.60965e+03 8.08456e+03 1.08154e+04 3.75019e+03
bnkng 1.09396e+04 1.14377e+04 2.10939e+04 1.77463e+04 2.37406e+04 8.23194e+03
readg 8.68036e+03 9.07556e+03 1.67376e+04 1.40813e+04 1.88378e+04 6.53186e+03
n_dur 2.77299e+03 2.88574e+03 5.33512e+03 4.58741e+03 6.38517e+03 2.59914e+03
petrl 8.00777e+03 8.11209e+03 1.44354e+04 1.14639e+04 1.36132e+04 3.64777e+03
hlth 2.30433e+04 2.30927e+04 4.00924e+04 3.17075e+04 3.96004e+04 1.21082e+04
educ 2.80215e+03 2.92981e+03 5.40313e+03 4.54572e+03 6.08121e+03 2.10860e+03
savng -1.49995e+03 1.01676e+04 4.23748e+04 5.79356e+04 1.13118e+05 4.77507e+04
+ h13 h14
food 8.11929e+03 5.24818e+02
alchl 3.30288e+03 1.53387e+03
tobac 1.65404e+03 7.68143e+02
util 4.23549e+03 3.88370e+02
housg 1.15294e+04 2.68036e+04
frnsh 3.46990e+03 1.61143e+03
appl 2.03276e+03 2.66599e+02
clth 7.94568e+03 1.13218e+04
trnsp 6.56467e+02 7.65529e+01
vehcl 6.14244e+03 1.59609e+03
servc 4.02413e+03 1.86881e+03
bnkng 8.83324e+03 4.10219e+03
readg 7.00898e+03 3.25500e+03
n_dur 3.92681e+03 1.30495e+04
petrl 2.33556e+03 3.01442e+02
hlth 9.46404e+03 1.86004e+03
educ 2.26261e+03 1.05077e+03
savng 4.67953e+04 3.21618e+04;
* convert into units consistent with the 1973 data:
gdk = 1.e-5*gdk;
gsk = 1.e-5*gsk;
gdl = 1.e-5*gdl;
gtl = 1.e-5*gtl;
dk(s) = 1.e-5*dk(s);
sk(hh) = 1.e-5*sk(hh);
dl(s) = 1.e-5*dl(s);
sl(hh) = 1.e-5*sl(hh);
pit(hh) = 1.e-5*pit(hh);
trn(hh) = 1.e-5*trn(hh);
tc(g) = 1.e-5*tc(g);
gd(s) = 1.e-5*gd(s);
vm(s) = 1.e-5*vm(s);
vx(s) = 1.e-5*vx(s);
y(s) = 1.e-5*y(s);
rcs(g,hh) = 1.e-5*rcs(g,hh);
ras(s,ss) = 1.e-5*ras(s,ss);
taubmk(*) 'benchmark marginal tax'
tauave(*) 'average tax'
cc(h) 'current consumption value (market + leisure)'
leisure(h) 'leisure demand in benchmark'
gc 'government consumption'
cp(h) 'value of private consumption'
eg(h) 'elasticity of substitution - private vs public'
govsav 'exogenous (government) savings'
cg(h) 'consumption plus public goods valuation'
vpg(h) 'benchmark valuation of public goods';
Set hfix(dh) 'households omitted from the aggregation';
Alias (hp,h);
* identify households from the disaggregated data set which are not assigned:
hfix(dh) = yes$(sum(h$hmap(dh,h), 1) = 0);
txo(s) 'production output taxes (total value)'
tk(s) 'capital taxes (total value)'
tl(s) 'labor taxes (total value)'
plref(s) 'labor reference price'
pkref(s) 'capital reference price'
incadj(hh) 'income adjustment transfer';
incadj(hh) = 0;
txo(s) = 0.01*taxrate(s,"txo")*y(s);
tk(s) = 0.01*taxrate(s,"tk")*dk(s);
tl(s) = 0.01*taxrate(s,"tl")*dl(s);
plref(s) = 1 + 0.01*taxrate(s,"tl");
pkref(s) = 1 + 0.01*taxrate(s,"tk");
Parameter gce(g) 'gross consumption expenditure by good. (table 6.6)';
excs / y, inter, netexp, findem, check /
hcol / expend, inc_tax, labor, capital, transf, check /
prft / y, va, tax, inter, check /
gcol / endowment, l_tax, k_tax, prod_tax, con_tax, inc_tax
revenue, transf, expend, outlay, deficit /
vcol / labor, capital, inter, total /
tcol / output, labor, capital, total /
govt(s) 'government sectors' / govt /
ccg(g) 'current consumption goods';
ccg(g) = yes;
ccg("savng") = no;
* check consistency of the disaggregated data.
cd(s) 'consumer demand'
fd(s) 'final demand'
va(s) 'value-added'
labmkt 'labor market clearance'
capmkt 'capital market clearance'
pmchk(s,*) 'profit and market clearance check'
budget(hh,*) 'budget balance'
gbdgt(*) 'government budget balance'
zchk 'check of consumer goods transformation matrix'
zsum(g) 'transformation check sum'
expend(hh) 'benchmark consumption expenditure'
saving(hh) 'benchmark savings'
profit(s,*) 'benchmark profit check'
excess(*,*) 'excess demand check'
bdgtbal(hh,*) 'budget balance calculation'
pctprofit(s,*) 'benchmark profit check (percent)'
pctva(*,*) 'value-added allocation'
pctexcess(s,*) 'excess demand check (percent)'
pctbudget(hh,*) 'budget balance calculation (percent)'
pctrcs(g,hh) 'consumption as percentage of expenditure'
pctras(ss,s) 'intermediate input as percentage of output value'
government(*,*) 'government budget summary (percent)'
valueadded(s,*) 'value-added summary'
taxpayment(s,*) 'tax payment summary';
* perform some quick data checks:
zsum(g) = sum(s, z(s,g));
zchk = sum(g, abs(zsum(g)) - 1);
abort$(abs(zchk) > 1.e-5) " z matrix error: ", zsum;
gce(g) = sum(dh, rcs(g,dh));
cd(s) = sum(g, z(s,g)*(gce(g) - tc(g)));
fd(s) = gd(s) + cd(s) + vx(s) - gse(s) - vm(s);
va(s) = dl(s) + dk(s) + tl(s) + tk(s);
labmkt = sum(s, dl(s)) + gdl - sum(dh, sl(dh));
capmkt = sum(s, dk(s)) + gdk - sum(dh, sk(dh)) - gsk;
pmchk(s,"profit") = y(s) - sum(ss,ras(ss,s)) - (dl(s) + dk(s) + tl(s) + tk(s) + txo(s));
pmchk(s,"profit%") = 100*pmchk(s,"profit")/y(s);
pmchk(s,"excess") = fd(s) + sum(ss,ras(s,ss)) - y(s);
pmchk(s,"excess%") = 100*(fd(s) + sum(ss,ras(s,ss)) - y(s))/y(s);
* include some other statistics for a complete report:
gexpend / trnsfr, adj, gc, sav /
grevenu / gse, gsk, pit, tl, tk, txo, tc, hfix /;
gbdgt("trnsfr") = sum(dh, trn(dh));
gbdgt("adj") = sum(dh, incadj(dh));
gbdgt("gc") = sum(s, gd(s)) + gdk + gdl + gtl;
gbdgt("gse") = sum(s,gse(s));
gbdgt("gsk") = gsk;
gbdgt("pit") = sum(dh, pit(dh));
gbdgt("tl") = sum(s, tl(s)) + gtl;
gbdgt("tk") = sum(s, tk(s));
gbdgt("txo") = sum(s, txo(s));
gbdgt("tc") = sum(g, tc(g));
gbdgt("revenue") = sum(grevenu, gbdgt(grevenu));
gbdgt("outlay") = sum(gexpend, gbdgt(gexpend));
gbdgt("deficit") = gbdgt("outlay") - gbdgt("revenue");
expend(dh) = sum(ccg, rcs(ccg,dh));
saving(dh) = rcs("savng",dh);
bdgtbal(dh,"expend") = expend(dh);
bdgtbal(dh,"saving") = saving(dh);
bdgtbal(dh,"inc_tax") = pit(dh);
bdgtbal(dh,"labor") = sl(dh);
bdgtbal(dh,"capital") = sk(dh);
bdgtbal(dh,"transf") = trn(dh);
bdgtbal(dh,"check") = expend(dh) + saving(dh) - (sl(dh) + sk(dh) + trn(dh) - pit(dh));
pctbudget(dh,"expend") = 100;
pctbudget(dh,"saving") = 100*bdgtbal(dh,"saving")/expend(dh);
pctbudget(dh,"inc_tax") = 100*bdgtbal(dh,"inc_tax")/expend(dh);
pctbudget(dh,"labor") = 100*bdgtbal(dh,"labor")/expend(dh);
pctbudget(dh,"capital") = 100*bdgtbal(dh,"capital")/expend(dh);
pctbudget(dh,"transf") = 100*bdgtbal(dh,"transf")/expend(dh);
pctbudget(dh,"check") = 100*bdgtbal(dh,"check")/expend(dh);
display zchk, labmkt, capmkt, pmchk, gbdgt, pctbudget, bdgtbal;
* make adjustments to balance budgets:
* first, remove any negative income taxes:
pit(dh) = max(0, pit(dh));
incadj(dh) = sum(g, rcs(g,dh)) - (sl(dh) + sk(dh) + trn(dh) - pit(dh));
* make adjustments to balance profits:
y(s) = y(s) - pmchk(s,"profit");
* adjustments to balance sectoral markets:
gse(s) = gse(s) + fd(s) + sum(ss,ras(s,ss)) - y(s);
* recheck the central variables:
fd(s) = gd(s) + cd(s) + vx(s) - gse(s) - vm(s);
pmchk(s,"profit") = y(s) - sum(ss,ras(ss,s)) - (dl(s) + dk(s) + tl(s) + tk(s) + txo(s));
pmchk(s,"profit%") = 100*pmchk(s,"profit")/y(s);
budget(dh,"value") = sum(g, rcs(g,dh)) - (sl(dh) + sk(dh) + trn(dh) - pit(dh));
budget(dh,"percent") = 100*budget(dh,"value")/sum(g, rcs(g,dh));
pmchk(s,"excess") = fd(s) + sum(ss,ras(s,ss)) - y(s);
pmchk(s,"excess%") = 100*(fd(s) + sum(ss,ras(s,ss)) - y(s))/y(s);
* recalculate the government budget statistics:
gbdgt("trnsfr") = sum(dh, trn(dh));
gbdgt("adj") = sum(dh, incadj(dh));
gbdgt("gc") = sum(s, gd(s)) + gdk + gdl + gtl;
gbdgt("gse") = sum(s,gse(s));
gbdgt("gsk") = gsk;
gbdgt("pit") = sum(dh, pit(dh));
gbdgt("tl") = sum(s, tl(s)) + gtl;
gbdgt("tk") = sum(s, tk(s));
gbdgt("txo") = sum(s, txo(s));
gbdgt("tc") = sum(g, tc(g));
gbdgt("revenue") = sum(grevenu, gbdgt(grevenu));
gbdgt("outlay") = sum(gexpend, gbdgt(gexpend));
gbdgt("deficit") = gbdgt("outlay") - gbdgt("revenue");
display pmchk, gbdgt;
expend(dh) = sum(ccg, rcs(ccg,dh));
saving(dh) = rcs("savng",dh);
profit(s,"y") = y(s);
profit(s,"va") = dl(s) + dk(s);
profit(s,"tax") = tl(s) + tk(s) + txo(s);
profit(s,"inter") = sum(ss,ras(ss,s));
profit(s,"check") = y(s) - sum(ss,ras(ss,s)) - (dl(s) + dk(s) + tl(s) + tk(s) + txo(s));
pctprofit(s,"y") = 100;
pctprofit(s,"va") = 100*profit(s,"va")/profit(s,"y");
pctprofit(s,"tax") = 100*profit(s,"tax")/profit(s,"y");
pctprofit(s,"inter") = 100*profit(s,"inter")/profit(s,"y");
pctprofit(s,"check") = 100*profit(s,"check")/profit(s,"y");
pctva(s,"k") = 100*dk(s)/va(s);
pctva(s,"l") = 100*dl(s)/va(s);
pctva(s,"tl") = 100*tl(s)/va(s);
pctva(s,"tk") = 100*tk(s)/va(s);
pctva("total","k") = 100*sum(s, dk(s))/sum(s, va(s));
pctva("total","l") = 100*sum(s, dl(s))/sum(s,va(s));
pctva("total","tl") = 100*sum(s, tl(s))/sum(s,va(s));
pctva("total","tk") = 100*sum(s, tk(s))/sum(s,va(s));
excess(s,"y") = y(s);
excess(s,"inter") = sum(ss,ras(s,ss));
excess(s,"netexp") = vx(s) - vm(s);
excess("total","netexp") = sum(s, vx(s) - vm(s));
excess(s,"findem") = gd(s) + cd(s) - gse(s);
excess(s,"check") = fd(s) + sum(ss,ras(s,ss)) - y(s);
pctexcess(s,"y") = 100;
pctexcess(s,"inter") = 100*excess(s,"inter")/excess(s,"y");
pctexcess(s,"netexp") = 100*excess(s,"netexp")/excess(s,"y");
pctexcess(s,"findem") = 100*excess(s,"findem")/excess(s,"y");
pctexcess(s,"check") = 100*excess(s,"check")/excess(s,"y");
bdgtbal(dh,"expend") = expend(dh);
bdgtbal(dh,"saving") = saving(dh);
bdgtbal(dh,"inc_tax") = pit(dh);
bdgtbal(dh,"labor") = sl(dh);
bdgtbal(dh,"capital") = sk(dh);
bdgtbal(dh,"transf") = trn(dh);
bdgtbal(dh,"check") = expend(dh) + saving(dh) - (sl(dh) + sk(dh) + trn(dh) - pit(dh));
pctbudget(dh,"expend") = 100;
pctbudget(dh,"saving") = 100*bdgtbal(dh,"saving")/bdgtbal(dh,"expend");
pctbudget(dh,"inc_tax") = 100*bdgtbal(dh,"inc_tax")/bdgtbal(dh,"expend");
pctbudget(dh,"labor") = 100*bdgtbal(dh,"labor")/bdgtbal(dh,"expend");
pctbudget(dh,"capital") = 100*bdgtbal(dh,"capital")/bdgtbal(dh,"expend");
pctbudget(dh,"transf") = 100*bdgtbal(dh,"transf")/bdgtbal(dh,"expend");
pctbudget(dh,"check") = 100*bdgtbal(dh,"check")/bdgtbal(dh,"expend");
government("endowment","level") = gsk + sum(s, gse(s));
government("l_tax","level") = sum(s, tl(s));
government("k_tax","level") = sum(s, tk(s));
government("prod_tax","level") = sum(s, txo(s));
government("con_tax","level") = sum(g, tc(g));
government("inc_tax","level") = sum(dh, pit(dh));
government("revenue","level") = gsk + sum(s, gse(s))
+ sum(s, tl(s) + tk(s) + txo(s))
+ sum(g, tc(g)) + sum(dh, pit(dh));
government("transf","level") = sum(dh, trn(dh));
government("incadj","level") = sum(dh, incadj(dh));
government("expend","level") = sum(s, gd(s)) + gdl + gdk + gtl;
government("outlay","level") = sum(dh, trn(dh)) + sum(s, gd(s)) + gdl + gdk + gtl;
government("deficit","level") = government("outlay","level") - government("revenue","level");
government("endowment","percent") = 100*government("endowment","level")/government("revenue","level");
government("l_tax","percent") = 100*government("l_tax","level")/government("revenue","level");
government("k_tax","percent") = 100*government("k_tax","level")/government("revenue","level");
government("prod_tax","percent") = 100*government("prod_tax","level")/government("revenue","level");
government("con_tax","percent") = 100*government("con_tax","level")/government("revenue","level");
government("inc_tax","percent") = 100*government("inc_tax","level")/government("revenue","level");
government("revenue","percent") = 100;
government("transf","percent") = 100*government("transf","level")/government("revenue","level");
government("incadj","percent") = 100*government("incadj","level")/government("revenue","level");
government("expend","percent") = 100*government("expend","level")/government("revenue","level");
government("outlay","percent") = 100*government("outlay","level")/government("revenue","level");
government("deficit","percent") = 100*government("deficit","level")/government("revenue","level");
pctrcs(g,dh) = 100*rcs(g,dh)/expend(dh);
pctras(ss,s) = 100*ras(ss,s)/y(s);
valueadded(s,"labor") = dl(s);
valueadded(s,"capital") = dk(s);
valueadded(s,"inter") = sum(ss, ras(ss,s));
valueadded(s,"total") = dl(s) + dk(s) + sum(ss, ras(ss,s));
taxpayment(s,"output") = txo(s);
taxpayment(s,"labor") = tl(s);
taxpayment(s,"capital") = tk(s);
taxpayment(s,"total") = txo(s) + tl(s) + tk(s);
display profit, excess, bdgtbal, pctprofit, pctva, pctexcess, pctbudget, government, taxpayment;
option pctrcs:1, pctras:1;
* display valueadded, pctrcs, pctras;
* display tax rates before aggregation:
tauave(dh) = pit(dh)/(sl(dh) + sk(dh));
display tau, tauave;
tauave(dh) = 0;
* check the aggregation.
abort$(smax(dh, sum(h$hmap(dh,h), 1) - 1) > 0) "invalid mapping.";
* perform the aggregation
Parameter popshr(h) 'share of population';
count(h) = sum(dh$hmap(dh,h), count(dh));
popshr(h) = count(h)/sum(hp, count(hp));
sk(h) = sum(dh$hmap(dh,h), sk(dh));
sl(h) = sum(dh$hmap(dh,h), sl(dh));
pit(h) = sum(dh$hmap(dh,h), pit(dh));
incadj(h) = sum(dh$hmap(dh,h), incadj(dh));
trn(h) = sum(dh$hmap(dh,h), trn(dh));
tau(h)$pit(h) = sum(dh$hmap(dh,h), pit(dh)*tau(dh))/pit(h);
rcs(g,h) = sum(dh$hmap(dh,h), rcs(g,dh));
zta(h) = sum(dh$hmap(dh,h), sl(dh)*zta(dh))/sum(dh$hmap(dh,h), sl(dh));
* fix elasticities:
el(h) = sum(dh$hmap(dh,h), el(dh)*sl(dh))/sum(dh$hmap(dh,h), sl(dh));
ec(h) = 1.5;
taubmk(h) = tau(h);
tauave(h) = pit(h)/(sl(h) + sk(h));
leisure(h) = sl(h)*(zta(h) - 1);
cc(h) = sum(g$ccg(g), rcs(g,h)) + leisure(h);
gc = sum(s, gd(s)) + gdk + gdl + gtl;
* set savings levels to zero for households with negative savings
* and make according income adjustment:
saving(h) = sum(g$(not ccg(g)), rcs(g,h));
expend(h) = sum(ccg, rcs(ccg,h));
govsav = sum(h$(saving(h) < 0), saving(h));
incadj(h)$(saving(h) < 0) = incadj(h) - saving(h);
loop(g$(not ccg(g)), rcs(g,h)$(saving(h) < 0) = 0;);
saving(h) = sum(g$(not ccg(g)), rcs(g,h));
display govsav, saving;
bdgtbal(dh,"expend") = 0;
bdgtbal(dh,"saving") = 0;
bdgtbal(dh,"inc_tax") = 0;
bdgtbal(dh,"labor") = 0;
bdgtbal(dh,"capital") = 0;
bdgtbal(dh,"transf") = 0;
bdgtbal(dh,"check") = 0;
pctbudget(dh,"expend") = 0;
pctbudget(dh,"saving") = 0;
pctbudget(dh,"inc_tax") = 0;
pctbudget(dh,"labor") = 0;
pctbudget(dh,"capital") = 0;
pctbudget(dh,"transf") = 0;
pctbudget(dh,"check") = 0;
bdgtbal(h,"expend") = expend(h);
bdgtbal(h,"saving") = saving(h);
bdgtbal(h,"inc_tax") = pit(h);
bdgtbal(h,"labor") = sl(h);
bdgtbal(h,"capital") = sk(h);
bdgtbal(h,"incadj") = incadj(h);
bdgtbal(h,"transf") = trn(h);
bdgtbal(h,"check") = expend(h) + saving(h) - (sl(h) + sk(h) + trn(h) + incadj(h) - pit(h));
pctbudget(h,"expend") = 100;
pctbudget(h,"saving") = 100*bdgtbal(h,"saving")/bdgtbal(h,"expend");
pctbudget(h,"inc_tax") = 100*bdgtbal(h,"inc_tax")/bdgtbal(h,"expend");
pctbudget(h,"labor") = 100*bdgtbal(h,"labor")/bdgtbal(h,"expend");
pctbudget(h,"capital") = 100*bdgtbal(h,"capital")/bdgtbal(h,"expend");
pctbudget(h,"transf") = 100*bdgtbal(h,"transf")/bdgtbal(h,"expend");
pctbudget(h,"incadj") = 100*bdgtbal(h,"incadj")/bdgtbal(h,"expend");
pctbudget(h,"check") = 100*bdgtbal(h,"check")/bdgtbal(h,"expend");
display popshr, bdgtbal, pctbudget;
Parameter share(h,*);
share(h,"l/k") = sl(h)/sk(h);
share(h,"saving") = 100*saving(h)/sum(hp, saving(hp));
share(h,"sl") = 100*sl(h)/sum(hp, sl(hp));
share(h,"sk") = 100*sk(h)/sum(hp, sk(hp));
share(h,"tr") = 100*trn(h)/sum(hp, trn(hp));
share(h,"pit") = 100*pit(h)/sum(hp, pit(hp));
share(h,"expend") = 100*expend(h)/sum(hp, expend(hp));
display share;
government("endowment","level") = gsk + sum(s, gse(s));
government("l_tax","level") = sum(s, tl(s)) + gtl;
government("k_tax","level") = sum(s, tk(s));
government("prod_tax","level") = sum(s, txo(s));
government("con_tax","level") = sum(g, tc(g));
government("inc_tax","level") = sum(h, pit(h));
government("trd_bal","level") = sum(s, vm(s) - vx(s));
government("revenue","level") = gsk + sum(s, gse(s))
+ sum(s, tl(s) + tk(s) + txo(s)) + gtl
+ sum(s, vm(s) - vx(s))
+ sum(g, tc(g)) + sum(h, pit(h));
government("transf","level") = sum(h, trn(h));
government("incadj","level") = sum(h, incadj(h));
government("hfix","level") = sum(hfix, sum(g, rcs(g,hfix)) - sl(hfix) - sk(hfix));
government("expend","level") = sum(s, gd(s)) + gdl + gdk + gtl;
government("outlay","level") = sum(h, trn(h) + incadj(h)) + government("hfix","level")
+ sum(s, gd(s)) + gdl + gdk + gtl;
government("deficit","level") = government("outlay", "level") - government("revenue","level");
government("endowment","percent") = 100*government("endowment","level")/government("revenue","level");
government("l_tax","percent") = 100*government("l_tax","level")/government("revenue","level");
government("k_tax","percent") = 100*government("k_tax","level")/government("revenue","level");
government("prod_tax","percent") = 100*government("prod_tax","level")/government("revenue","level");
government("con_tax","percent") = 100*government("con_tax","level")/government("revenue","level");
government("inc_tax","percent") = 100*government("inc_tax","level")/government("revenue","level");
government("revenue","percent") = 100;
government("transf","percent") = 100*government("transf","level")/government("revenue","level");
government("incadj","percent") = 100*government("incadj","level")/government("revenue","level");
government("hfix","percent") = 100*government("hfix","level")/government("revenue","level");
government("expend","percent") = 100*government("expend","level")/government("revenue","level");
government("outlay","percent") = 100*government("outlay","level")/government("revenue","level");
government("deficit","percent") = 100*government("deficit","level")/government("revenue","level");
display government;
* recalculate the government budget statistics:
gbdgt("trnsfr") = sum(h, trn(h));
gbdgt("adj") = sum(h, incadj(h));
gbdgt("gc") = sum(s, gd(s)) + gdk + gdl + gtl;
gbdgt("sav") = govsav;
gbdgt("hfix") = sum(hfix, sl(hfix)+sk(hfix) - sum(g, rcs(g,hfix)));
gbdgt("gse") = sum(s,gse(s));
gbdgt("gsk") = gsk;
gbdgt("pit") = sum(h, pit(h));
gbdgt("tl") = sum(s, tl(s)) + gtl;
gbdgt("tk") = sum(s, tk(s));
gbdgt("txo") = sum(s, txo(s));
gbdgt("tc") = sum(g, tc(g));
gbdgt("revenue") = sum(grevenu, gbdgt(grevenu));
gbdgt("outlay") = sum(gexpend, gbdgt(gexpend));
gbdgt("deficit") = gbdgt("outlay") - gbdgt("revenue");
display gbdgt;
tikave 'average capital-income tax rate'
tiave 'average income tax rate'
tlave 'average labor tax rate'
tkave 'average capital tax rate'
gbench 'benchmark provision';
tlave = sum(s, tl(s))/sum(s, dl(s) + tl(s));
tiave = sum(h, pit(h))/sum(h, sl(h) + sk(h));
tkave = sum(s, tk(s))/sum(s, dk(s) + tk(s));
tikave = (sum(h, pit(h)) + sum(s, tk(s)))/(sum(h, pit(h) + sl(h) + sk(h)) + sum(s, dk(s) + tk(s)));
gbench = (gdl + gtl + gdk + sum(s, gd(s)))/ sum((g,h), rcs(g,h));
display tiave, tlave, tikave, tkave, gbench, tauave, taubmk;
static 'switch for fixed capital stock' / 1 /
redist 'switch for endogenous income redistribution' / 1 /
efks 'elasticity of foreign capital supply' / 0.25 /
vscale 'scale factor on valuation of public good' / 1 /;
Alias (hp,h);
option limRow = 0, limCol = 0;
$offSymList offSymXRef offUElList offUElXRef
qref_ls(h) 'reference level of labor supply - net of tax'
qref_z(s,g) 'reference level of consumer goods formation net tax'
qref_va(s) 'refreence level of value-added'
qref_i(h) 'reference level of household income-expenditure'
qref_gc 'reference level of government consumption'
qref_trn 'reference level of transfers'
qref_adj 'reference level of income adjustments'
qref_ginc 'reference level of government income'
pref_ls(h) 'reference price of leisure'
pref_l(s) 'reference price of labor'
pref_k(s) 'reference price of capital services'
t_l(s) 'labor tax'
t_k(s) 'capital tax'
t_y(s) 'output tax'
t_i(h) 'income tax (marginal rate)'
t_iave(h) 'income tax (average rate)'
t_c(g) 'tax rates on consumption'
t_gdl 'tax rate on government labor demand'
theta(h) 'weights applied in synthetic objective';
qref_ls(h) = sl(h)*(1 - taubmk(h));
pref_ls(h) = 1 + taubmk(h)/(1 - taubmk(h));
t_i(h) = taubmk(h)/(1 - taubmk(h));
t_iave(h) = pit(h)/(sl(h) + sk(h));
qref_z(s,g) = z(s,g)*(gce(g) - tc(g));
t_c(g) = tc(g)/gce(g);
qref_va(s) = dl(s) + tl(s) + dk(s) + tk(s);
pref_l(s) = 1 + tl(s)/dl(s);
t_l(s) = tl(s)/dl(s);
pref_k(s) = 1 + tk(s)/dk(s);
t_k(s) = tk(s)/dk(s);
t_y(s) = txo(s)/y(s);
qref_gc = gdl + gtl + gdk + sum(s, gd(s));
vpg(h) = vscale*qref_gc*sum(ccg, rcs(ccg,h))/sum((ccg,hp), rcs(ccg,hp));
cp(h) = sum(g$ccg(g), rcs(g,h));
cg(h) = cp(h) + vpg(h);
qref_i(h) = cg(h) + leisure(h);
t_gdl = gtl/gdl;
qref_trn = sum(h, trn(h));
qref_adj = sum(h, incadj(h));
qref_ginc = qref_trn + qref_adj + qref_gc;
* calibrate the top level elasticity of leisure vs. consumption:
el(h) = (leisure(h)/(qref_i(h) - leisure(h)) + 0.15/(zta(h) - 1))/(1 - qref_ls(h)/(qref_i(h) - leisure(h)));
el(dh) = 0;
eg(h) = 0.5;
vpg(h) = qref_gc*popshr(h);
cg(h) = sum(ccg, rcs(ccg,h)) + vpg(h);
qref_i(h) = cg(h) + leisure(h);
el(h) = (els/(zta(h) - 1) + qref_ls(h)/qref_i(h))/(1 - leisure(h)/qref_i(h));
display el;
Alias (hp,h);
option solPrint = off, limRow=0, limCol=0;
$offSymList offSymXRef offUElList offUElXRef
* gemtap model in mcp format.
p_l 'wage index'
p_k 'capital return index'
p_ls(h) 'leisure price'
p_c(g) 'consumption goods price'
p_cc(h) 'current consumption price'
p_w(h) 'welfare price index'
p_gc 'government consumption price'
p_cp(h) 'private consumption price'
p_g(h) 'household valuation of public good'
p_y(s) 'sectoral goods price'
p_va(s) 'value-added price index'
p_trn 'transfer price index'
p_fx 'the real exchange rate'
a_gc 'government consumption'
a_invest 'investment-capital stock'
a_y(s) 'production index'
a_va(s) 'value added index'
a_w(h) 'welfare index'
a_cc(h) 'current consumption'
a_cp(h) 'private consumption aggregate'
a_c(g) 'aggregate consumption index'
a_ls(h) 'labor supply'
i_gov 'governemtn income'
i_h(h) 'household income (total)'
i_e(h) 'endowment income'
tau_l 'labor tax instrument'
tau_k 'capital and income tax instrument'
tau_pl 'instrument for compute labour supply elasticity'
a_km 'net capital inflow';
mkt_l 'labor market - endogenous taxes'
mkt_k 'capital market - endogenous taxes'
mkt_ls(h) 'leisure - labor market'
mkt_c(g) 'consumption good market'
mkt_cc(h) 'current consumption market'
mkt_w(h) 'supply-demand for welfare'
mkt_gc 'government consumption'
mkt_cp(h) 'private consumption aggregate'
mkt_g(h) 'household valuation of public good'
mkt_va(s) 'value-added supply-demand'
mkt_y(s) 'sectoral output markets'
mkt_trn 'transfer balance'
mkt_fx 'foreign exchange market'
prf_gc 'government consumption (leontief)'
prf_invest 'zero profit for investment'
prf_y(s) 'sectoral cost function (leontief)'
prf_va(s) 'value-added cost function (ces) - endogenous taxes'
prf_w(h) 'welfare index (ces)'
prf_cc(h) 'current consumption (ces)'
prf_cp(h) 'zero profit condition for private consumption'
prf_c(g) 'consumption good formation (leontief)'
prf_ls(h) 'labor supply (leontief)'
kmdef 'capital import definition'
totinc(h) 'household income definition - total'
income(h) 'household endowment income'
govinc 'government income';
* labor supply condition:
prf_ls(h).. p_ls(h)*(1 + t_i(h))/pref_ls(h) =e= p_l + tau_pl*p_trn;
prf_c(g).. sum(s$z(s,g), p_y(s)*qref_z(s,g)) =e= p_c(g)*gce(g)*(1 - t_c(g));
prf_cp(h).. (sum(g$ccg(g), rcs(g,h)*p_c(g)**(1 - ec(h))) - cp(h)*p_cp(h)**(1 - ec(h)))$(ec(h) <> 1)
+ (sum(g$ccg(g), rcs(g,h)*log(p_c(g))) - cp(h)*log(p_cp(h)))$(ec(h) = 1)
=e= 0;
prf_cc(h).. ((vpg(h)*p_g(h)**(1 - eg(h)))$vpg(h) + cp(h)*p_cp(h)**(1 - eg(h)) - cg(h)*p_cc(h)**(1 - eg(h)))$(eg(h) <> 1)
+ ((vpg(h)*log(p_g(h)))$vpg(h) + cp(h)*log(p_cp(h)) - cg(h)*log(p_cc(h)))$(eg(h) = 1)
=e= 0;
prf_w(h).. (cg(h)*p_cc(h)**(1 - el(h)) + leisure(h)*p_ls(h)**(1 - el(h)) - qref_i(h)*p_w(h)**(1 - el(h)))$(el(h) <> 1)
+ (cg(h)*log(p_cc(h)) + leisure(h)*log(p_ls(h)) - qref_i(h)*log(p_w(h)))$(el(h) = 1)
=e= 0;
prf_gc.. p_l*(1 + t_gdl)*gdl + p_k*gdk + sum(s$gd(s), p_y(s)*gd(s)) =e= p_gc*qref_gc;
prf_va(s).. ( (p_l*(1 + tau_l*t_l(s))/pref_l(s))**(1 - ekl(s))*dl(s)*pref_l(s)
+ (p_k*(1 + tau_k*t_k(s))/pref_k(s))**(1 - ekl(s))*dk(s)*pref_k(s)
- p_va(s)**(1-ekl(s))*qref_va(s))$(ekl(s) <> 1)
+ ( dl(s)*pref_l(s)*log(p_l*(1 + tau_l*t_l(s))/pref_l(s))
+ dk(s)*pref_k(s)*log(p_k*(1 + tau_k*t_k(s))/pref_k(s))
- qref_va(s)*log(p_va(s)))$(ekl(s) = 1)
=e= 0;
prf_y(s).. p_va(s)*qref_va(s) + sum(ss$ras(ss,s), ras(ss,s)*p_y(ss)) =e= p_y(s)*y(s)*(1 - t_y(s));
prf_invest.. sum(g$(not ccg(g)), p_c(g)) =e= p_k;
kmdef.. a_km =e= 1 - (p_fx/p_k)**efks;
* foreign capital flows:
mkt_k.. a_invest*(sum(h, sk(h)) + gsk) + sum(hfix, sk(hfix)) + (sum(h, sk(h))*a_km)$efks
=e= sum(s, a_va(s)*dk(s)*(pref_k(s)/(1 + tau_k *t_k(s)))**ekl(s)*(p_va(s)/p_k)**ekl(s)) + a_gc*gdk;
mkt_l.. sum(h, a_ls(h)*sl(h)) + sum(hfix, sl(hfix))
=e= sum(s, a_va(s)*dl(s)*(pref_l(s)/(1 + tau_l*t_l(s)))**ekl(s)*(p_va(s)/p_l)**ekl(s)) + a_gc*gdl;
mkt_ls(h).. leisure(h) + qref_ls(h) =e= leisure(h)*a_w(h)*(p_w(h)/p_ls(h))**el(h) + qref_ls(h)*a_ls(h);
mkt_c(g).. gce(g)*a_c(g)
* exogenous household demand and saving:
=e= sum(hfix, rcs(g,hfix)) + govsav$(not ccg(g))
* current consumption goods:
+ sum(h, (a_cp(h)*rcs(g,h)*(p_cp(h)/p_c(g))**eg(h))$ccg(g)
* investment demand:
+ (a_invest*rcs(g,h))$(not ccg(g)));
mkt_cc(h).. a_cc(h) =e= a_w(h)*(p_w(h)/p_cc(h))**el(h);
mkt_cp(h).. a_cp(h) =e= a_cc(h)*(p_cc(h)/p_cp(h))**eg(h);
mkt_g(h).. a_gc =e= a_cc(h)*(p_cc(h)/p_g(h))**eg(h);
mkt_w(h).. a_w(h) =e= i_h(h)/p_w(h);
mkt_gc.. p_trn*(qref_trn + qref_adj) + p_gc*a_gc*qref_gc =e= i_gov*qref_ginc;
mkt_va(s).. a_va(s) =e= a_y(s);
* trade elasticity parameters (0.465 and 10) taken from p139 of bfsw:
mkt_y(s).. a_y(s)*y(s) + vm(s)*(p_y(s)/p_fx)**0.465 + gse(s)
=e= sum(ss, a_y(ss)*ras(s,ss))
+ sum(g, a_c(g)*qref_z(s,g)) + gd(s)*a_gc + vx(s)*(p_fx/p_y(s))**10;
mkt_fx.. sum(s, vm(s)*(p_y(s)/p_fx)**0.465 - vx(s)*(p_fx/p_y(s))**10)
* capital flows:
+ (sum(h, sk(h))*a_km)$efks =e= 0;
* hold real value of transfers constant:
mkt_trn.. p_trn =e= sum((h,ccg), rcs(ccg,h)*p_c(ccg))/sum((h,ccg), rcs(ccg,h));
* total income includes private valuation of public good:
totinc(h).. i_h(h)*qref_i(h) =e= i_e(h)*(qref_i(h) - vpg(h)) + (p_g(h)*vpg(h)*a_gc)$vpg(h);
income(h).. i_e(h)*(qref_i(h) - vpg(h))
* capital income:
=e= a_invest*(p_k*sk(h) - sum(g$(not ccg(g)), p_c(g)*saving(h)))
* labor income:
+ p_ls(h)*(qref_ls(h) + leisure(h))
* income taxes (average with marginal adjustment):
- t_iave(h)*(sl(h) + sk(h))*p_trn*tau_k
- t_i(h)*sk(h)*(p_k - p_trn)
+ t_i(h)*qref_ls(h)*p_trn
* transfers:
+ p_trn*(trn(h) + incadj(h));
govinc.. i_gov*qref_ginc
* income of exogenous households:
=e= sum(hfix, sl(hfix)*p_l + sk(hfix)*p_k - sum(g, rcs(g,hfix)*p_c(g)))
* savings (exogenous)
- sum(g$(not ccg(g)), p_c(g)*govsav)
* capital revenue:
+ a_invest*p_k*gsk
* government expenditures:
+ sum(s, p_y(s)*gse(s))
* tax receipts:
+ sum(h, t_iave(h)*(sl(h) + sk(h))*p_trn*tau_k + t_i(h)
* (qref_ls(h)*(a_ls(h)*p_ls(h) - p_trn) + sk(h)*(p_k-p_trn)))
+ sum(s, a_va(s)*p_l*dl(s)*tau_l*t_l(s)*(pref_l(s)/(1 + tau_l*t_l(s)))**ekl(s)
* (p_va(s)/p_l)**ekl(s))
+ sum(s, a_va(s)*p_k*dk(s)*tau_k*t_k(s)*(pref_k(s)/(1 + tau_k*t_k(s)))**ekl(s)
* (p_va(s)/p_k)**ekl(s))
+ sum(s, a_y(s)*p_y(s)*y(s)*t_y(s)) + a_gc*p_l*gdl*t_gdl
+ sum(g, a_c(g)*p_c(g)*gce(g)*t_c(g));
Model gemtap / mkt_l.p_l, mkt_k.p_k, mkt_ls.p_ls, mkt_c.p_c, mkt_cc.p_cc
mkt_w.p_w, mkt_gc.p_gc, mkt_cp.p_cp, mkt_g.p_g, mkt_va.p_va
mkt_y.p_y, mkt_trn.p_trn, mkt_fx.p_fx, prf_gc.a_gc, prf_invest.a_invest
prf_y.a_y, prf_va.a_va, prf_w.a_w, prf_cc.a_cc, prf_cp.a_cp
prf_c.a_c, prf_ls.a_ls, kmdef.a_km, totinc.i_h, income.i_e, govinc.i_gov /;
* default calibration: uniform attribubtion with -0.5 elasticity:
eg(h) = 0.5;
vpg(h) = qref_gc*popshr(h);
cg(h) = sum(ccg, rcs(ccg,h)) + vpg(h);
qref_i(h) = cg(h) + leisure(h);
Scalar peps / 1.e-5 /;
p_k.lo = peps;
p_l.lo = peps;
p_va.lo(s) = peps;
p_ls.lo(h) = peps;
p_c.lo(g) = peps;
p_cc.lo(h) = peps;
p_cp.lo(h) = peps;
p_g.lo(h) = peps;
p_w.lo(h) = peps;
p_fx.lo = peps;
p_y.lo(s) = peps;
* install benchmark:
a_cp.l(h) = 1;
p_cp.l(h) = 1;
a_gc.l = 1;
a_invest.l = 1;
a_y.l(s) = 1;
a_va.l(s) = 1;
a_w.l(h) = 1;
a_cc.l(h) = 1;
a_c.l(g) = 1;
a_ls.l(h) = 1;
p_l.l = 1;
p_k.l = 1;
p_gc.l = 1;
p_g.l(h) = 1;
p_trn.l = 1;
p_fx.l = 1;
p_ls.l(h) = 1;
p_w.l(h) = 1;
p_y.l(s) = 1;
p_va.l(s) = 1;
p_c.l(g) = 1;
p_cc.l(h) = 1;
i_gov.l = 1;
i_e.l(h) = 1;
i_h.l(h) = 1;
a_km.l = 0;
tau_l.l = 1;
tau_k.l = 1;
* fix indicator variables:
tau_pl.fx = 0;
tau_l.fx = 1;
tau_k.fx = 1;
* fix variables according to switches and benchmark values.
* n.b. this causes associated equations to drop.
a_invest.fx$static = 1;
a_km.fx$(efks = 0) = 1;
p_g.fx(h)$(vpg(h) = 0) = 0;
i_e.fx(h)$(not redist) = 1;
i_gov.fx$redist = 1;
solve gemtap using mcp;
Set sc 'scenarios' / bench 'benchmark replication'
itcut 'uniform (flat rate) income tax'
ktcut 'uniform capital tax'
ltcut 'uniform labor tax' /;
Parameter summary(*,*,sc) 'solution summary';
Table uniftax(sc,*) 'indicators for uniform'
k l i
bench 0 0 0
itcut 0 0 1
ktcut 1 0 0
ltcut 0 1 0;
* flat rate capital tax:
t_k(s) = sum(ss, tk(ss))/sum(ss, dk(ss));
t_k(s) = tk(s)/dk(s);
* flat rate labor tax:
t_l(s) = sum(ss, tl(ss))/sum(ss, dl(ss));
t_l(s) = tl(s)/dl(s);
* move to a flat rate income tax:
t_i(h) = tiave;
t_iave(h) = tiave;
t_i(h) = taubmk(h)/(1-taubmk(h));
t_iave(h) = pit(h)/(sl(h) + sk(h));
solve gemtap using mcp;
* report solution statistics:
summary("status","_", sc) = gemtap.modelstat;
summary("iters", "_", sc) = gemtap.iterusd;
summary("cpu", "_", sc) = gemtap.resusd;
* public goods provision:
summary("g","_",sc) = 100*(a_gc.l - 1);
summary("pk","_",sc) = 100*(p_k.l/p_trn.l - 1);
summary("pl","_",sc) = 100*(p_l.l/p_trn.l - 1);
summary("kmx","_",sc) = 100*a_km.l;
* report welare changes indices:
summary("ev",h,sc) = 100*(a_w.l(h) - 1);
* report current consumption:
summary("cc",h,sc) = 100*(a_cc.l(h) - 1);
* report private consumption:
summary("cp",h,sc) = 100*(a_cp.l(h) - 1);
display summary;