knp.gms : Kissing Number Problem using Variable Neighborhood Search


Determining the maximum number of k-dimensional spheres of radius
r that can be adjacent to a central sphere of radius r is known
as the Kissing Number Problem (KNP). The problem has been solved
for 2 (6), 3 (12) and very recently for 4 (24) dimensions. Here
is a nonlinear (nonconvex) mathematical programming model known
as the distance formulation for the solution of the KNP. We solve
the problem by using the Variable Neighbourhood Search Algorithm.

Kucherenko, S, Belotti, P, Liberti, L, and Maculan, N,
New formulations for the Kissing Number Problem.
Discrete Applied Mathematics, 155:14, 1837--1841, 2007.

Keywords: nonlinear programming, kissing number problem, variable neighborhood search,
          global optimization, sphere packing, mathematics

Large Model of Type : NLP

Category : GAMS Model library

Main file : knp.gms

$title Kissing Number Problem using Variable Neighborhood Search (KNP,SEQ=321)

Determining the maximum number of k-dimensional spheres of radius
r that can be adjacent to a central sphere of radius r is known
as the Kissing Number Problem (KNP). The problem has been solved
for 2 (6), 3 (12) and very recently for 4 (24) dimensions. Here
is a nonlinear (nonconvex) mathematical programming model known
as the distance formulation for the solution of the KNP. We solve
the problem by using the Variable Neighbourhood Search Algorithm.

Kucherenko, S, Belotti, P, Liberti, L, and Maculan, N,
New formulations for the Kissing Number Problem.
Discrete Applied Mathematics, 155:14, 1837--1841, 2007.

Keywords: nonlinear programming, kissing number problem, variable neighborhood search,
          global optimization, sphere packing, mathematics

$eolCom //

$if not set dim      $set dim 4
$if not set nspheres $set nspheres 24

   k 'dimension' / k1*k%dim%      /
   i 'spheres'   / s1*s%nspheres% /;

Alias (i,j);

   x(i,k) 'position of the center of the i-th sphere around the central sphere'
   z      'feasibility indicator';

   eq1(i)   'sphere centers have distance 2 from the center sphere'
   eq2(i,j) 'minimum pairwise sphere separation distance';

eq1(i)..                     sum(k, sqr(x(i,k))) =e= 4;

eq2(i,j)$(ord(i) < ord(j)).. sum(k, sqr(x(i,k) - x(j,k))) =g= 4*z;

Model kissing / all /;

   lo / -2 /
   up /  2 /;

x.lo(i,k) = lo;
x.up(i,k) = up;
x.l(i,k)  = uniform(lo,up);

   p(i,k)  'center points of best solution'
   bestobj 'feasibility indicator of best solution' /   0 /
   bestbnd 'best bound on optimal value'            / inf /
   maxnk   'major iteration limit (search space)'   /  20 /
   maxns   'minor iteration limit (random starts)'  /   5 /
   nk      'major iteration'                        /   1 /
   ns      'minor iteration';

kissing.solveLink = %solveLink.callScript%;

solve kissing max z using nlp;

* Store solution as best solution
if(kissing.modelStat = %modelStat.locallyOptimal% or
   kissing.modelStat = %modelStat.optimal%        or
   kissing.modelStat = %modelStat.feasibleSolution%,
   bestobj = z.l;
   p(i,k)  = x.l(i,k);
* Do not start VNS, if we have no solution
   maxnk = 0;

* Store dual bound, if available
bestbnd$(kissing.objEst <> na) = min(bestbnd, kissing.objEst);

* Variable Neighborhood Search Algorithm
option solPrint = off, limRow = 0, limCol = 0;

while(nk <= maxnk and bestobj < 1 and bestbnd >= 1 and kissing.solveStat <> %solveStat.userInterrupt%,
   ns = 1;
      // Sample a new point in the neighborhood of best point
      x.l(i,k) = uniform(p(i,k) - nk*(p(i,k) - lo)/maxnk, p(i,k) + nk*(up - p(i,k))/maxnk);

      solve kissing max z using nlp;

      // in case we have no solution make sure z.l is small enough to avoid update of bestobj
      z.l$(kissing.modelStat <> %modelStat.optimal%          and
           kissing.modelStat <> %modelStat.feasibleSolution% and
           kissing.modelStat <> %modelStat.locallyOptimal%) = bestobj - 1;

      // update dual bound
      bestbnd$(kissing.objEst <> na) = min(bestbnd,kissing.objEst);
      ns = ns + 1;
   until(ns = maxns + 1) or (z.l > bestobj) or (bestbnd < 1) or (kissing.solveStat = %solveStat.userInterrupt%);

   if(z.l <= bestobj,
      // enlarge neighborhood and do minor iterations again
      nk = nk + 1;
      // update best bound, recenter neighborhood, and restart with small neighborhood
      bestobj = z.l;
      p(i,k)  = x.l(i,k);
      nk      = 1;
   display bestbnd, bestobj;

if(bestobj >= 1,
   display 'KNP(%dim%) >= %nspheres%';
elseIf bestbnd < 1,
   display 'KNP(%dim%) < %nspheres%';
elseIf nk > maxnk,
   display 'Most likely: KNP(%dim%) < %nspheres%';
elseIf maxnk = 0,
   display 'Could not solve initial NLP';
   display 'VNS was interrupted';