Given estimates of the abundance of the population of a marine species at each stage (for example, nauplius, juvenile, adult) as a function of time, determine stage specific growth and mortality rates. This model is from the COPS benchmarking suite. See The number of discretization points can be specified using the command line parameter --nh. COPS performance tests have been reported for nh = 25, 50, 100, 200
Large Model of Type : NLP
Category : GAMS Model library
Main file : popdynm.gms includes :
$title Marine Population Dynamics COPS 2.0 #6 (POPDYNM,SEQ=234)
Given estimates of the abundance of the population of a marine species
at each stage (for example, nauplius, juvenile, adult) as a function
of time, determine stage specific growth and mortality rates.
This model is from the COPS benchmarking suite.
The number of discretization points can be specified using the command
line parameter --nh. COPS performance tests have been reported for nh
= 25, 50, 100, 200
Dolan, E D, and More, J J, Benchmarking Optimization
Software with COPS. Tech. rep., Mathematics and Computer
Science Division, 2000.
Rothschild, B J, Sharov, A F, and Bondarenko, A S,
Estimating Growth and Mortality in Stage-Structured
Populations. Journal of Plankton Research 19 (1997),
Keywords: nonlinear programming, mathematics, population growth rate, population
mortality rate, marine population, ecosystem dynamics
$if not set nh $set nh 25
ne 'differential equations' / ne1*ne8 /
nc 'collocation points' / nc1*nc2 /
nh 'partition intervals' / nh1*nh%nh% /
nm 'measurements' / 1*21 /;
tau(nm) 'times at which observations made'
tau(nm) = (ord(nm)-1)/2;
Table z(nm,ne) 'observation'
ne1 ne2 ne3 ne4 ne5 ne6 ne7 ne8
1 20000.0 17000.0 10000.0 15000.0 12000.0 9000.0 7000.0 3000.0
2 12445.0 15411.0 13040.0 13338.0 13484.0 8426.0 6615.0 4022.0
3 7705.0 13074.0 14623.0 11976.0 12453.0 9272.0 6891.0 5020.0
4 4664.0 8579.0 12434.0 12603.0 11738.0 9710.0 6821.0 5722.0
5 2977.0 7053.0 11219.0 11340.0 13665.0 8534.0 6242.0 5695.0
6 1769.0 5054.0 10065.0 11232.0 12112.0 9600.0 6647.0 7034.0
7 943.0 3907.0 9473.0 10334.0 11115.0 8826.0 6842.0 7348.0
8 581.0 2624.0 7421.0 10297.0 12427.0 8747.0 7199.0 7684.0
9 355.0 1744.0 5369.0 7748.0 10057.0 8698.0 6542.0 7410.0
10 223.0 1272.0 4713.0 6869.0 9564.0 8766.0 6810.0 6961.0
11 137.0 821.0 3451.0 6050.0 8671.0 8291.0 6827.0 7525.0
12 87.0 577.0 2649.0 5454.0 8430.0 7411.0 6423.0 8388.0
13 49.0 337.0 2058.0 4115.0 7435.0 7627.0 6268.0 7189.0
14 32.0 228.0 1440.0 3790.0 6474.0 6658.0 5859.0 7467.0
15 17.0 168.0 1178.0 3087.0 6524.0 5880.0 5562.0 7144.0
16 11.0 99.0 919.0 2596.0 5360.0 5762.0 4480.0 7256.0
17 7.0 65.0 647.0 1873.0 4556.0 5058.0 4944.0 7538.0
18 4.0 44.0 509.0 1571.0 4009.0 4527.0 4233.0 6649.0
19 2.0 27.0 345.0 1227.0 3677.0 4229.0 3805.0 6378.0
20 1.0 20.0 231.0 934.0 3197.0 3695.0 3159.0 6454.0
21 1.0 12.0 198.0 707.0 2562.0 3163.0 3232.0 5566.0;
bc(ne) = z('1',ne);
$batInclude nc2 21
Set nfl(ne) 'all but the first and last element of ne';
nfl(ne) = not sameas(ne,'ne1') and not sameas(ne,'ne8');
display nfl;
Positive Variable
g(ne) 'growth rates'
m(ne) 'mortality rates';
Duc[i,j,'ne1'] =e= -(m['ne1'] + g['ne1'])*uc[i,j,'ne1'];
Duc[i,j,s] =e= g[s-1]*uc[i,j,s-1] - (m[s] + g[s])*uc[i,j,s];
Duc[i,j,'ne8'] =e= g['ne7']*uc[i,j,'ne7'] - m['ne8']*uc[i,j,'ne8'];
Model popdynm / all /;
popdynm.scaleOpt = 1;
obj.scale = 1000;
$if set workSpace popdynm.workSpace = %workSpace%
solve popdynm minimizing obj using nlp;