camshape.gms : Shape optimization of a cam COPS 2.0 #4


Maximize the area of the valve opening for one rotation of a
convex cam with constraints on the curvature and on the radius
of the cam.

This model is from the COPS benchmarking suite.

The number of discretization points can be specified using the command
line parameter --n. COPS performance tests have been reported for n =
100, 200, 400, 800

Large Model of Type : NLP

Category : GAMS Model library

Main file : camshape.gms

$title Shape Optimization of a Cam COPS 2.0 #4 (CAMSHAPE,SEQ=232)

Maximize the area of the valve opening for one rotation of a
convex cam with constraints on the curvature and on the radius
of the cam.

This model is from the COPS benchmarking suite.

The number of discretization points can be specified using the command
line parameter --n. COPS performance tests have been reported for n =
100, 200, 400, 800

Dolan, E D, and More, J J, Benchmarking Optimization
Software with COPS. Tech. rep., Mathematics and Computer
Science Division, 2000.

Anitescu, M, and Serban, R, A Sparse Superlinearly
Convergent SQP with Applications to Two-Dimensional Shape
Optimization. Tech. rep., Argonne National Laboratory, 1998.

Keywords: nonlinear programming, engineering, shape optimization, cam design problem

$if not set n $set n 100

Set i 'discretization points' / i1*i%n% /;

Alias (i,j);

   R_v     'design parameter related to the valve shape' / 1 /
   R_max   'maximum allowed radius of the cam'           / 2 /
   R_min   'minimum allowed radius of the cam'           / 1 /
   alpha   'curvature limit parameter'                   / 1.5 /
   d_theta 'angle between discretization points';

d_theta = 2*pi/(5*(%n% + 1));

Set first(i), last(i), middle(i);

first('i1')   = yes;
last('i%n%')  = yes;
middle(i)     = yes;
middle(first) = no;
middle(last)  = no;

   r(i)     'radius of the cam at discretization points'
   rdiff(i) 'intermediate'
   area     'valve area';

   obj      'objective'

obj.. area =e= ((pi*R_v)/%n%) * sum(i, r(i));

convexity(middle(i))..   -r(i-1)*r(i) - r(i)*r(i+1) + 2*r(i-1)*r(i+1)*cos(d_theta) =l= 0;

convex_edge1(first(i)).. -R_min*r(i)  - r(i)*r(i+1) + 2*R_min*r(i+1)*cos(d_theta)  =l= 0;

convex_edge3(last(i))..  -r(i-1)*r(i) - r(i)*R_max  + 2*r(i-1)*R_max*cos(d_theta)  =l= 0;

convex_edge4(last(i))..  -2*R_max*r(i) + 2*sqr(r(i))*cos(d_theta) =l= 0;

eqrdiff(j(i+1))..        rdiff(i) =e= r(i+1) - r(i);

r.lo(i) = R_min;
r.up(i) = R_max;

rdiff.lo(i(j+1)) = -alpha*d_theta;
rdiff.up(i(j+1)) =  alpha*d_theta;

r.lo('i1') = max(-alpha*d_theta + R_min, r.lo('i1'));
r.up('i1') = min( alpha*d_theta + R_min, r.up('i1'));

r.lo('i%n%') =  max(R_max - alpha*d_theta, r.lo('i%n%'));
r.up('i%n%') =  min(R_max + alpha*d_theta, r.up('i%n%'));

r.up('i1') = min(R_min/(2*cos(d_theta) - 1), r.up('i1'));
r.l(i)     = (R_min+R_max)/2;

Model camshape / all /;

$if set workSpace camshape.workSpace = %workSpace%

solve camshape using nlp maximizing area;