rdata.gms : Sample Database of the US Economy


A mini relational data base of the us economy is used to demonstrate
some basic concepts of the relational data model. Data verification
and the use of math programming is shown as well.

Small Model of Type : MIP

Category : GAMS Model library

Main file : rdata.gms

$title Sample Data Base of the US Economy (RDATA,SEQ=38)

A mini relational data base of the us economy is used to demonstrate
some basic concepts of the relational data model. Data verification
and the use of math programming is shown as well.

Kendrick, D, Chapter 3: A Relational Database of the US Economy.
In Kindleberger, C P, and Ditella, G, Eds, Economics in the Long View,
Essays in the Honor of W W Rostow. Macmillan, London, 1982.

Keywords: mixed integer linear programming, US economy, relational data model

$sTitle Set Definitions
   plant      / sparrows, inland, comfort, rockdale, lansing   /
   city       / sparrows-p, rockdale, p-comfort, gary, lansing /
   state      / indiana, maryland, michigan, texas /
   region     / e-coast, g-coast, mid-west /
   governor   / bowen, clements, hughes, milliken  /
   party      / democrat, republican /
   company    / us-steel, alcoa, inld-steel, gm /
   union      / iam, ibew, ibt, uaw, usa /
   unit       / blast-furn, steel-shop, roll-mill, alumina, aluminum, stamping, assembly /
   commodity  / iron-ore, pig-iron, scrap-iron, steel, flat-steel, bauxite, alumina, aluminum, auto-body, automobile /
   process    / pig-iron, steel-pig, stl-scrap, rolling, alumina, aluminum, auto-body, auto-assm /
   industry   / steel, aluminum, automobile /
   sector     / p-metals, transp-equ  /
   geography(plant,city,state,region) / (sparrows.sparrows-p.maryland.e-coast
                                         inland  .gary      .indiana .mid-west
                                         comfort .p-comfort .texas   .g-coast
                                         rockdale.rockdale  .texas   .g-coast
                                         lansing .lansing   .michigan.mid-west) /
   govaff(state,governor,party)       / (indiana .bowen   .republican
                                         maryland.hughes  .democrat
                                         texas   .clements.republican) /
   ownership(company,plant)           / (alcoa     .(comfort,rockdale)
                                         gm        .lansing
                                         us-steel  .sparrows         ) /
   sic(sector,industry,commodity)     /  p-metals.(steel.(iron-ore,pig-iron,steel,flat-steel,scrap-iron)
                                         transp-equ.automobile.(auto-body,automobile)                    /
   indpl(industry,plant) 'classification of plants by industry';

$sTitle Data
Table a(commodity,process) 'input-output matrix'
                pig-iron  steel-pig  stl-scrap  rolling  alumina  aluminum  auto-body  auto-assm
   iron-ore          -1.
   pig-iron           1.        -.9        -.7
   scrap-iron                   -.2        -.4       .2
   steel                        1.         1.      -1.2
   flat-steel                                       1.                           -1.2
   bauxite                                                  -1.4
   alumina                                                   1.       -1.2
   aluminum                                                            1          -.2
   auto-body                                                                      1.         -1.
   automobile                                                                                 1.;

Table b(unit,process) 'capacity utilization matrix'
                pig-iron  steel-pig  stl-scrap  rolling  alumina  aluminum  auto-body  auto-assm
   blast-furn          1
   steel-shop                     1          1
   roll-mill                                          1
   alumina                                                     1
   aluminum                                                              1
   stamping                                                                         1
   assembly                                                                                    1;

Table k80(unit,plant) 'capacity in 1980 (millions of units)'
                sparrows  inland  comfort  rockdale  lansing
   blast-furn       2        2.5
   steel-shop       2.35     2.8
   roll-mill        1.9      2.4
   alumina                             .8
   aluminum                            .6        .5
   stamping                                               .6
   assembly                                               .6;

Table emp(plant,union) 'employment (thousands)'
              uaw  usa  ibew  ibt  iam
   sparrows        1.2         .3  .05
   inland           .4
   comfort          .7         .2
   rockdale         .5  .05
   lansing    1.2                     ;

$sTitle Data Manipulations
indpl(industry,plant) = yes$sum((sector,commodity,process,unit)$(sic(sector,industry,commodity)
                                                               $(a(commodity,process) > 0)$b(unit,process)
                                                               $k80(unit,plant)), 1);
display indpl;

   q1(union,company) 'employment by union and company          (thousands)'
   q2(unit,region)   'capacity by region               (millions of units)'
   q3(governor)      'employment in steel and automobiles      (thousands)'
   q4                'smallest number of union participation to build cars';

q1(union,company) = sum(plant$ownership(company,plant), emp(plant,union));
q2(unit,region)   = sum((plant,city,state)$geography(plant,city,state,region), k80(unit,plant));

Set ind3(industry) 'industry grouping for q3' / steel, automobile /;

q3(governor) = sum((state,party)$govaff(state,governor,party),
                         sum(union, emp(plant,union))));

display q1, q2, q3;

* Query number 4 requires the solution of a mixed integer problem. Some other parameters are
* are needed for the mip formulation.

   demand(commodity)       'in millions of units' / automobile .5 /
   ur(process,plant,union) 'union relationship to plant processes'
   mu(union)               'maximum';

Set rawmat(commodity) 'raw materials';

ur(process,plant,union) = sum(unit$k80(unit,plant), emp(plant,union)*b(unit,process));
mu(union)               = sum((process,plant), ur(process,plant,union));
rawmat(commodity)       = yes$(not sum(process, a(commodity,process) > 0));
rawmat("scrap-iron")    = yes;

display demand, ur, mu, rawmat;

$sTitle Model Definiton
   nunion           'number of unions                 (number)'
   z(process,plant) 'process level             (million units)'
   up(union)        'union participation'
   u(commodity)     'purchase of raw materials (million units)';

Positive Variable z;
Binary   Variable up;

   mb(commodity)  'material balance            (million units)'
   cc(unit,plant) 'capacity constraint         (million units)'
   ub(union)      'union balance'
   ud             'union definition';

mb(commodity)..    sum((process,plant), a(commodity,process)*z(process,plant))
                +  u(commodity)$rawmat(commodity)
               =e= demand(commodity);

cc(unit,plant).. sum(process, b(unit,process)*z(process,plant)) =l= k80(unit,plant);

ub(union)..      sum((process,plant), ur(process,plant,union)*z(process,plant)) =l= mu(union)*up(union);

ud..             nunion =e= sum(union, up(union));

Model david / all /;

solve david minimizing nunion using mip;

q4 = nunion.l;

display q4;