A manufacturer can produce three different products requiring the storage of two raw materials. Expected profits change over time and remaining raw materials are valued.
Small Model of Type : LP
Category : GAMS Model library
Main file : robert.gms
$title Elementary Production and Inventory Model (ROBERT,SEQ=37)
A manufacturer can produce three different products requiring the
storage of two raw materials. Expected profits change over time and
remaining raw materials are valued.
Fourer, R, Modeling Languages versus Matrix Generators For Linear
Programming. ACM Transaction of Mathematical Software 9, 2 (1983),
Keywords: linear programming, production planning, inventory problem, manufacturing
p 'products' / low, medium, high /
r 'raw materials' / scrap, new /
tt 'long horizon' / 1*4 /
t(tt) 'short horizon' / 1*3 /;
Table a(r,p) 'input coefficients'
low medium high
scrap 5 3 1
new 1 2 3;
Table c(p,t) 'expected profits'
1 2 3
low 25 20 10
medium 50 50 50
high 75 80 100;
Table misc(*,r) 'other data'
scrap new
max-stock 400 275
storage-c .5 2
res-value 15 25;
Scalar m 'maximum production' / 40 /;
x(p,tt) 'production and sales'
s(r,tt) 'opening stocks'
Positive Variable x, s;
cc(t) 'capacity constraint'
sb(r,tt) 'stock balance'
pd 'profit definition';
cc(t).. sum(p, x(p,t)) =l= m;
sb(r,tt+1).. s(r,tt+1) =e= s(r,tt) - sum(p, a(r,p)*x(p,tt));
pd.. profit =e= sum(t, sum(p, c(p,t)*x(p,t)) - sum(r, misc("storage-c",r)*s(r,t)))
+ sum(r, misc("res-value",r)*s(r,"4"));
s.up(r,"1") = misc("max-stock",r);
Model robert / all /;
solve robert maximizing profit using lp;