U.S. CGE MODEL WITH 1982 DATA BASE, Billions of Dollars. USDA/ERS GNP Version, April 1990. Programmed by: Sherman Robinson, Kenneth Hanson, and Maureen Kilkenny. The model is based on GNP data, and includes exports and imports of factor services.
Small Model of Type : MCP
Category : GAMS Model library
Main file : ers82mcp.gms
$title USDA/ERS CGE Model of the US (ERS82MCP,SEQ=138)
U.S. CGE MODEL WITH 1982 DATA BASE, Billions of Dollars.
USDA/ERS GNP Version, April 1990. Programmed by: Sherman Robinson,
Kenneth Hanson, and Maureen Kilkenny.
The model is based on GNP data, and includes exports and imports of
factor services.
Robinson, S, Kilkenny, M, and Hanson, K, The USDA/ERS Computable
General Equilibrium (CGE) Model of the United States. Tech. rep.,
USDA/ERS, 1990.
Keywords: mixed complementarity problem, general equilibrium model, United States
economy, agricultural policy
i 'sectors' / lvstk 'dairy and meat'
expcrp 'grains and oilseeds'
othcrp 'other agriculture'
agproc 'agric processing'
aginp 'agric inputs'
intmnf 'interm manuf'
fdmnf 'final demand manuf'
trdtrn 'trade and transport'
service 'services'
resta 'real estate' /
f 'factors of production' / labor 'labor'
capital 'capital'
land 'agricultural land' /
ins 'institutions' / labr 'labor'
ent 'enterprises'
prop 'property' /
hh 'household type' / hhtrn 'transfer recipients'
hhlab 'wage earners'
hhcap 'rentiers' /
* the institution names and the factor names "capital" and "land"
* are referred to explicitly below. if changed, they must also be
* changed where referenced.
* the printing of the gnp accounts assume that there is a sector
* labeled "service."
* subsets defined below: "define indexes"
iag(i) 'ag sectors' / lvstk, expcrp, othcrp /
iagn(i) 'non ag sectors'
ie(i) 'export sectors'
ied(i) 'sectors with export demand eqn'
iedn(i) 'sectors with no export demand eqn'
ien(i) 'non export sectors'
im(i) 'import sectors'
imn(i) 'non import sectors';
Alias (i,j);
*for sam
isam 'categories' / commdty, activity, valuad
insttns, households, govt
kaccount, world, total /
isam1(isam) / total /
Alias (isam2,isam3);
Parameter sam(isam,isam) 'social accounting matrix';
isam2(isam) = not isam1(isam);
* read in parameters
* read in for initialization of variables
enttax0 'enterprise tax revenue'
entsav0 'enterprise savings'
exr0 'exchange rate'
e0(i) 'exports'
fbor0 'net foreign borrowing'
fsav0 'net foreign savings'
gdtot0 'total volume of government consumption'
gent0 'payments from government to enterprises'
govsav0 'government savings'
hhsav0 'household savings'
hht0 'household transfers'
invest0 'total investment'
m0(i) 'imports'
mps0(hh) 'household marginal propensity to save'
pd0(i) 'domestic goods price'
pe0(i) 'domestic price of exports'
pindex0 'gnp deflator'
pm0(i) 'domestic price of imports'
remit0 'net remittances from abroad'
sstax0 'social security tax revenue'
tothhtax0 'household tax revenue'
xd0(i) 'domestic output'
* read in table for initialization of variables (need not be declared)
* table fctres1(i,f) factor demand by sector
* table fctry(i,f) factor income by sector
* read in parameters as rates, shares, elasticities
depr(i) 'depreciation rates'
dstr(i) 'ratio of inventory investment to gross output'
esr 'enterprise savings rate'
etr 'enterprise tax rate'
gles(i) 'government consumption shares'
htax(hh) 'household tax rate'
itax(i) 'indirect tax rates'
kish(i) 'shares of investment by sector of destination'
rhsh(hh) 'household remittance share'
rhoc(i) 'Armington function exponent'
rhoe(i) 'export demand price elasticity'
rhot(i) 'cet function exponent'
sstr 'social security tax rate'
te(i) 'export subsidy rates'
tm(i) 'tariff rates on imports'
thsh(hh) 'household shares of government transfers'
* read in table of parameters (need not be declared)
* table cles(i,hh) household consumption shares
* table imat(i,j) capital composition matrix
* table io(i,j) input-output coefficients
* table sintyh(hh,ins) household distribution of institutional income
* computed parameters from read in data (calibration)
* computed parameters for initialization of variables
deprecia0 'total depreciation expenditure'
fd0(f) 'factor demand, aggregate'
fs0(f) 'factor supply, aggregate'
int0(i) 'intermediate input demand'
netsub0 'export duty revenue'
p0(i) 'price of composite good'
pk0(i) 'capital goods price by sector of destination'
pva0(i) 'value added price by sector'
pwm(i) 'world market price of imports (in dollars)'
pwe0(i) 'world price of exports'
pwse(i) 'world price of export substitutes'
px0(i) 'average output price'
var0(i) 'value added rate by sector'
wfdist(i,f) 'factor price sectoral proportionality constants'
wf0(f) 'factor price, aggregate average'
xxd0(i) 'domestic sales, volume'
x0(i) 'composite good supply, volume'
yfctr0(f) 'factor income summed over sector'
yfland0(i) 'factor income for land as fraction of capital income'
yfsect0(i) 'factor income by sector'
yh0(hh) 'household income'
yinst0(ins) 'institutional income'
* computed parameters as rates, shares
ac(i) 'Armington function shift parameter'
ad(i) 'production function shift parameter'
alpha(i,f) 'factor share parameter-production function'
at(i) 'cet function shift parameter'
delta(i) 'Armington function share parameter'
econst(i) 'export demand constant'
gamma(i) 'cet function share parameter'
pwts(i) 'price index weights'
qd(i) 'dummy variable for computing ad(i)'
rmd(i) 'ratio of imports to domestic sales'
sumsh 'sum of share correction parameter'
sumhhsh(hh) 'sum of share for hh cles'
sumimsh(i) 'sum of share for imat'
tereal(i) 'real export subsidy rate in 1982 dollars'
tmreal(i) 'real tariff rate in 1982 dollars';
* tables used for loading variable results
* table scalres(*) aggregate results
* table sectres(*,i) sectoral price and quantity results
* table fctres1(i,f) factor demand results
* table fctres2(*,f) factor wage, supply and income results
* table insres(*,ins) institutional income results
* table hhres(*,hh) household savings and income results
Table io(i,j) 'input-output coefficients'
lvstk expcrp othcrp agproc aginp
lvstk 0.168150 0.028372 0.008224 0.136023 0.000958
expcrp 0.271862 0.063924 0.003564 0.042413 0.010264
othcrp 0.001403 0.001924 0.034676 0.029118 0.000696
agproc 0.027162 0.001427 0.003346 0.219018 0.016157
aginp 0.215859 0.194453 0.141894 0.008308 0.127179
intmnf 0.007833 0.023602 0.042830 0.096847 0.488054
fdmnf 0.013962 0.014380 0.015201 0.037832 0.026911
trdtrn 0.064683 0.066275 0.057563 0.078776 0.086941
service 0.061396 0.076441 0.063132 0.068066 0.086447
resta 0.022761 0.101945 0.042404 0.003908 0.004418
+ intmnf fdmnf trdtrn service resta
lvstk 0.000265 0.000059 0.000069 0.000575 0.000000
expcrp 0.000124 0.000037 0.000086 0.000355 0.000005
othcrp 0.001697 0.000165 0.000072 0.000630 0.000078
agproc 0.005055 0.011437 0.001673 0.020583 0.000037
aginp 0.032723 0.012603 0.045185 0.020652 0.005944
intmnf 0.283883 0.167023 0.011284 0.069580 0.001440
fdmnf 0.048351 0.233953 0.031024 0.043826 0.008954
trdtrn 0.069999 0.070436 0.074135 0.040961 0.004047
service 0.106268 0.100089 0.156346 0.156056 0.091112
resta 0.023195 0.009930 0.026575 0.022218 0.070271;
Table imat(i,j) 'capital composition matrix'
lvstk expcrp othcrp agproc aginp
lvstk 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
expcrp 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
othcrp 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
agproc 0.000024 0.000000 0.000000 0.000128 0.000048
aginp 0.107920 0.572183 0.572183 0.000449 0.045514
intmnf 0.021095 0.012547 0.012547 0.038457 0.054939
fdmnf 0.358399 0.109671 0.109671 0.852829 0.746376
trdtrn 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
service 0.512562 0.305599 0.305599 0.108137 0.153123
resta 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
+ intmnf fdmnf trdtrn service resta
lvstk 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
expcrp 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
othcrp 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
agproc 0.000039 0.000088 0.000326 0.003320 0.003957
aginp 0.001101 0.000340 0.000371 0.008710 0.011875
intmnf 0.043006 0.011048 0.007640 0.018766 0.000125
fdmnf 0.626612 0.886306 0.867568 0.235520 0.055912
trdtrn 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
service 0.329243 0.102218 0.124095 0.708126 0.891418
resta 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.025558 0.036713;
* factors of production
* labor in millions of employees
* capital in billions of 1982 $
* land in millions of acres
Table fctres1(i,f) 'factor demand by sector'
labor capital land
lvstk 0.415354 79.844060 0.000000
expcrp 0.389786 72.290527 342.600000
othcrp 0.495860 27.070413 85.650000
agproc 3.584813 90.828916 0.000000
aginp 0.887448 80.391908 0.000000
intmnf 5.635211 574.659325 0.000000
fdmnf 9.907532 291.267850 0.000000
trdtrn 18.648095 516.104860 0.000000
service 55.605901 3871.778753 0.000000
resta 1.070999 639.835386 0.000000;
* note, cropland income is read as a fraction of capital income
Table fctry(i,f) 'factor income by sector'
labor capital land
lvstk 4.792637 5.014664 0.000000
expcrp 3.323859 26.065318 0.630000
othcrp 4.906739 10.292489 0.630000
agproc 65.741305 32.884451 0.000000
aginp 20.248245 13.974888 0.000000
intmnf 153.872100 115.536383 0.000000
fdmnf 263.093487 49.561461 0.000000
trdtrn 330.332692 107.022255 0.000000
service 1048.780635 493.262171 0.000000
resta 11.908460 146.610508 0.000000;
* household parameters
Table cles(i,hh) 'household consumption shares'
hhtrn hhlab hhcap
lvstk 0.003931 0.003217 0.002309
expcrp 0.000326 0.000470 0.000494
othcrp 0.006344 0.005539 0.004931
agproc 0.119976 0.114408 0.097157
aginp 0.024630 0.028957 0.022995
intmnf 0.010660 0.011127 0.010686
fdmnf 0.089590 0.108451 0.113151
trdtrn 0.190825 0.188008 0.188198
service 0.516858 0.502351 0.518905
resta 0.036861 0.037470 0.041175;
* note, mps(hhcap) and htax(hhlab) are recomputed below from value data
Table hhpar(*,hh) 'miscellaneous household parameters'
hhtrn hhlab hhcap
thsh 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000
rhsh 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
htax 0.000000 0.125960 0.350000
mps 0.000000 0.061607 0.174295;
* institutional parameters
Table sintyh(hh,ins) 'household distribution of income'
labr ent prop
hhtrn 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
hhlab 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000
hhcap 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000;
* production sector parameters
Table sectres(*,i) 'sectoral quantities and prices'
lvstk expcrp othcrp agproc aginp
xd 77.115329 71.772915 26.543600 391.145476 265.279751
e 0.211590 17.906935 1.517508 18.226606 19.340732
m 0.653649 0.116664 2.782416 26.562680 23.669242
px 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
pe 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
pm 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
p 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
pd 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
pk 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
+ intmnf fdmnf trdtrn service resta
xd 691.752575 817.593692 785.067268 2609.047268 230.939170
e 46.868929 108.003057 37.123239 107.252244 5.449350
m 89.196218 151.445719 1.845284 47.928267 0.000000
px 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
pe 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
pm 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
p 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
pd 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
pk 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000;
* note, taxes are magnitudes and rates are computed
Table taxr(*,i) 'sectoral taxes'
lvstk expcrp othcrp agproc aginp
itax 1.368870 1.276232 0.386298 10.774114 6.092757
te 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
tm 0.008711 0.003304 0.099223 2.746818 0.062378
+ intmnf fdmnf trdtrn service resta
itax 26.965991 9.696082 75.726551 87.474192 30.415138
te 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
tm 1.601493 4.028613 0.049061 0.000400 0.000000;
Table parm(*,i) 'miscellaneous parameters'
lvstk expcrp othcrp agproc aginp
depr 0.108183 0.108183 0.108183 0.095055 0.084635
dstr 0.000811 -0.006647 -0.004847 -0.006132 -0.008088
gles 0.000671 0.011649 0.001061 0.014240 0.019479
kish 0.012787 0.011577 0.004335 0.014547 0.012875
+ intmnf fdmnf trdtrn service resta
depr 0.111027 0.094561 0.093504 0.046913 0.042354
dstr -0.006272 -0.010781 -0.003641 -0.001304 0.000000
gles 0.019867 0.152708 0.044819 0.725589 0.009918
kish 0.092033 0.046648 0.082656 0.620072 0.102470;
Parameter scalres(*)
* macro totals: tax: transfer: save:
/ exr 1.000000, sstax 269.535402, remit -1.250000, entsav 20.030311
pindex 1.000000, enttax 63.079602, gent 47.530000, hhsav 153.907922
gdtot 641.700000, tothhtax 409.335747, hht 396.249995, govsav -110.833017
invest 447.300122, fbor -26.080000, fsav 1.029951 /;
Table elasticity(*,i) 'sectoral elasticities'
lvstk expcrp othcrp agproc aginp
rhoc 4.0 4.0 4.0 2.0 0.75
rhot 0.5 4.0 2.0 2.0 2.0
rhoe 3.0 3.0 3.0
+ intmnf fdmnf trdtrn service resta
rhoc 0.75 0.9 1.1 0.2 0.5
rhot 2.0 1.5 2.0 0.6 0.6
rhoe ;
* parameters from scalres(*)
entsav0 = scalres("entsav");
enttax0 = scalres("enttax");
exr0 = scalres("exr");
fbor0 = scalres("fbor");
fsav0 = scalres("fsav");
gdtot0 = scalres("gdtot");
gent0 = scalres("gent");
govsav0 = scalres("govsav");
hhsav0 = scalres("hhsav");
hht0 = scalres("hht");
invest0 = scalres("invest");
pindex0 = scalres("pindex");
remit0 = scalres("remit");
sstax0 = scalres("sstax");
tothhtax0 = scalres("tothhtax");
* other table values of parameters
e0(i) = sectres("e",i);
econst(i) = sectres("e",i);
m0(i) = sectres("m",i);
px0(i) = sectres("px",i);
pe0(i) = sectres("pe",i);
pm0(i) = sectres("pm",i);
p0(i) = sectres("p",i);
pd0(i) = sectres("pd",i);
pk0(i) = sectres("pk",i);
xd0(i) = sectres("xd",i);
htax(hh) = hhpar("htax",hh);
mps0(hh) = hhpar("mps",hh);
rhsh(hh) = hhpar("rhsh",hh);
thsh(hh) = hhpar("thsh",hh);
itax(i) = taxr("itax",i)/(px0(i)*xd0(i));
rhoc(i) = (1/elasticity("rhoc",i)) - 1;
rhoe(i) = elasticity("rhoe",i);
rhot(i) = (1/elasticity("rhot",i)) + 1;
depr(i) = parm("depr",i);
dstr(i) = parm("dstr",i);
gles(i) = parm("gles",i);
kish(i) = parm("kish",i);
* normalize share parameters to correct for roundoff error
* these parameters (cles, imat, kish, and gles) can be read in as values
* and coverted to shares here.
sumhhsh(hh) = sum(i, cles(i,hh));
cles(i,hh) = cles(i,hh)/sumhhsh(hh);
sumimsh(j) = sum(i, imat(i,j));
imat(i,j) = imat(i,j)/sumimsh(j);
sumsh = sum(i, kish(i));
kish(i) = kish(i)/sumsh;
sumsh = sum(i, gles(i));
gles(i) = gles(i)/sumsh;
* define indexes based on read in data
iagn(i) = not iag(i);
ie(i) = yes$e0(i);
ied(i) = yes$rhoe(i);
iedn(i) = not ied(i);
ien(i) = not ie(i);
im(i) = yes$m0(i);
imn(i) = not im(i);
* specify parameters which depend on defined index im and ie
tm(imn) = 0.0 ;
tm(im) = taxr("tm",im)/(pm0(im)*m0(im) - taxr("tm",im));
te(ien) = 0.0;
te(ie) = taxr("te",ie)/(pe0(ie)*e0(ie) - taxr("te",ie));
* compute from initial data
int0(i) = sum(j, io(i,j)*xd0(j));
pva0(i) = px0(i) - sum(j, io(j,i)*p0(j)) - itax(i);
pwe0(i) = pe0(i)/((1+te(i))*exr0);
pwm(i) = pm0(i)/((1+tm(i))*exr0);
var0(i) = pva0(i) + itax(i);
xxd0(i) = xd0(i) - e0(i);
* for 1982 tmreal and tereal are derive from tm and te
* for other years read in tmreal and tereal
tmreal(i) = tm(i)*pwm(i)*exr0;
tereal(i) = te(i)*pwe0(i)*exr0;
netsub0 = sum(i, te(i)*e0(i)*pwe0(i))*exr0;
* calibration of parameters from data
* adjust factor income (capital) for farm land
yfland0(i) = fctry(i,"land");
fctry(i,"land") = fctry(i,"capital")*yfland0(i);
fctry(i,"capital") = fctry(i,"capital")*(1.0 - yfland0(i));
* factor market parameters
fs0(f) = sum(i,fctres1(i,f));
yfctr0(f) = sum(i, fctry(i,f));
yfsect0(i) = sum(f, fctry(i,f));
wf0(f) = yfctr0(f)/fs0(f);
wfdist(i,f)$fctres1(i,f) = (fctry(i,f)/fctres1(i,f))/wf0(f);
wfdist(i,f)$(fctres1(i,f) = 0) = 0.0;
display wfdist;
* institutional and household income, tax rate, and saving rate
deprecia0 = sum(i, depr(i)*pk0(i)*fctres1(i,"capital"));
sstr = sstax0/yfctr0("labor");
etr = enttax0/(yfctr0("capital") + gent0 - deprecia0);
esr = entsav0/(yfctr0("capital") - enttax0 + gent0 - deprecia0);
yinst0("labr") = (1.0 - sstr)*yfctr0("labor");
yinst0("ent") = yfctr0("capital") - entsav0 - enttax0 + gent0 - deprecia0;
yinst0("prop") = yfctr0("land");
* note, household income is from factors (yhva0) and transfers
* where, yhva0(hh) = sum(ins, sintyh(hh,ins)*yinst0(ins))
yh0(hh) = sum(ins, sintyh(hh,ins)*yinst0(ins)) + remit0*rhsh(hh)*exr0 + hht0*thsh(hh);
* compute htax(hhlab) given other hh tax rates and tothhtax0
* where, tothhtax0 = sum(hh, htax(hh)*yh0(hh))
htax("hhlab") = (tothhtax0 - htax("hhtrn")*yh0("hhtrn") - htax("hhcap")*yh0("hhcap"))/yh0("hhlab");
* compute mps0(hhcap) given other hh savings rates and hhsav0
* where, hhsav0 = sum(hh, mps0(hh)*yh0(hh)*(1.0 - htax(hh)))
mps0("hhcap") = (hhsav0 - mps0("hhtrn")*yh0("hhtrn")*(1.0-htax("hhtrn"))
- mps0("hhlab")*yh0("hhlab")*(1.0-htax("hhlab")))
/(yh0("hhcap")*(1.0 - htax("hhcap")));
display wfdist, wf0, fs0, yfsect0, yfctr0, yinst0, yh0, mps0, htax, etr, esr, sstr;
* calibration of shift and share parameters
* for imports-domestic composite
* get delta from costmin, xo from absorption, ac from armington
delta(i) = (pm0(i)/pd0(i))*(m0(i)/xxd0(i))**(1 + rhoc(i));
delta(i) = delta(i)/(1.0 + delta(i));
x0(i) = (pd0(i)*xxd0(i) + (pm0(i)*m0(i))$im(i))/p0(i);
rmd(i) = m0(i)/xxd0(i);
ac(i)$im(i) = x0(i)/(delta(i)*m0(i)**(-rhoc(i)) + (1 - delta(i))*xxd0(i)**(-rhoc(i)))**(-1/rhoc(i));
ac(i)$imn(i) = 1.0;
display delta, ac, rmd;
* for exports
* get gamma from esupply
gamma(ie) = 1/(1 + pd0(ie)/pe0(ie)*(e0(ie)/xxd0(ie))**(rhot(ie) - 1));
* get at from cet
at(ie) = xd0(ie)/(gamma(ie)*e0(ie)**rhot(ie) + (1 - gamma(ie))*xxd0(ie)**rhot(ie))**(1/rhot(ie));
display gamma, at;
* for factor demand
* get alpha from profit max (alpha for each i should sum to 1)
alpha(i,f) = (wfdist(i,f)*wf0(f)*fctres1(i,f))/yfsect0(i);
display alpha;
* get ad from output and fd0 from profitmax
qd(i) = prod(f, fctres1(i,f)**alpha(i,f));
ad(i) = xd0(i)/qd(i);
fd0(f) = sum(i,(xd0(i)*pva0(i)*alpha(i,f)/(wfdist(i,f)*wf0(f)))$wfdist(i,f));
display ad, qd, fd0;
* specify weights for producer price index
pwts(i) = xd0(i)/sum(j, xd0(j));
* end of calibration
display xd0, x0, xxd0, pva0, pd0, pe0, pwe0, pm0, pwm, tm, pwts;
* price block
exr 'exchange rate ($ per world $)'
p(i) 'price of composite goods'
pd(i) 'domestic prices'
pe(i) 'domestic price of exports'
pindex 'gnp deflator'
pk(i) 'price of capital goods by sector of destination'
pm(i) 'domestic price of imports'
pva(i) 'value added price'
pwe(i) 'world price of exports'
px(i) 'average output price'
* production block
e(i) 'exports (82 bill $)'
m(i) 'imports (82 bill $)'
x(i) 'composite goods supply (82 bill $)'
xd(i) 'domestic output (82 bill $)'
xxd(i) 'domestic sales (82 bill $)'
* factor block
fs(f) 'factor supply'
fdsc(i,f) 'factor demand by sector'
wf(f) 'average factor price'
yfctr(f) 'factor income (bill $)'
* income and expenditure block
cd(i) 'final demand for private consumption (82 bill $)'
deprecia 'total depreciation expenditure (bill $)'
dk(i) 'volume of investment by sector of destination (82 bill $)'
dst(i) 'inventory investment by sector (82 bill $)'
entsav 'enterprise savings (bill $)'
enttax 'enterprise tax revenue (bill $)'
fbor 'net foreign borrowing (bill world $)'
fsav 'net foreign savings (bill world $)'
fxdinv 'fixed capital investment (bill $)'
gd(i) 'final demand for government consumption (82 bill $)'
gdtot 'total volume of government consumption (82 bill $)'
gent 'payments from govt to ent (bill $)'
govsav 'government savings (bill $)'
gr 'government revenue (bill $)'
hhsav 'total household savings (bill $)'
hht 'household transfers (bill $)'
id(i) 'final demand for productive investment (82 bill $)'
indtax 'indirect tax revenue (bill $)'
int(i) 'intermediates uses (82 bill $)'
invest 'total investment (bill $)'
mps(hh) 'marginal propensity to save by household type'
netsub 'export duty revenue (bill $)'
remit 'net remittances from abroad (bill world $)'
savings 'total savings (bill $)'
sstax 'social security tax revenue (bill $)'
tariff 'tariff revenue (bill $)'
tothhtax 'household tax revenue (bill $)'
yh(hh) 'household income (bill $)'
yinst(ins) 'institutional income (bill $)'
* gnp calculations
rgnp 'real gnp (82 bill $)'
gnpva 'value added in market prices gnp (bill $)';
* use initial values of variables (from parameter specification)
exr.l = exr0;
fbor.l = fbor0;
fsav.l = fsav0;
gdtot.l = gdtot0;
gent.l = gent0;
govsav.l = govsav0;
hht.l = hht0;
invest.l = invest0;
pindex.l = pindex0;
remit.l = remit0;
mps.l(hh) = mps0(hh);
pd.l(i) = pd0(i);
p.l(i) = p0(i);
px.l(i) = px0(i);
pm.l(i) = pm0(i);
pe.l(i) = pe0(i);
xd.l(i) = xd0(i);
e.l(i) = e0(i);
m.l(i) = m0(i);
fdsc.l(i,f) = fctres1(i,f);
yfctr.l(f) = sum(i, fctry(i,f));
* compute initial values for other variables
* output and price
xxd.l(i) = xd.l(i) - e.l(i);
x.l(i) = (pd.l(i)*xxd.l(i) + (pm.l(i)*m.l(i))$im(i))/p.l(i);
pk.l(i) = sum(j, p.l(j)*imat(j,i));
pwe.l(i) = pe.l(i)/((1.0 + te(i))*exr.l);
pwse(i) = pwe.l(i);
pva.l(i) = px.l(i) - sum(j, io(j,i)*p.l(j)) - itax(i);
* value added and the flow of factor income
fs.l(f) = sum(i, fdsc.l(i,f));
wf.l(f) = yfctr.l(f)/fs.l(f);
netsub.l = sum(ie, te(ie)*e.l(ie)*pwe.l(ie))*exr.l;
tariff.l = sum(im, pwm(im)*m.l(im)*tm(im))*exr.l;
sstax.l = sstr*yfctr.l("labor");
indtax.l = sum(i, itax(i)*px.l(i)*xd.l(i));
deprecia.l = sum(i, depr(i)*pk.l(i)*fdsc.l(i,"capital"));
enttax.l = etr*(yfctr.l("capital") + gent.l - deprecia.l);
entsav.l = esr*(yfctr.l("capital") + gent.l - (enttax.l + deprecia.l));
yinst.l("labr") = yfctr.l("labor") - sstax.l;
yinst.l("ent") = yfctr.l("capital") + gent.l - (entsav.l + enttax.l + deprecia.l);
yinst.l("prop") = yfctr.l("land");
yh.l(hh) = sum(ins, sintyh(hh,ins)*yinst.l(ins)) + remit.l*rhsh(hh)*exr.l + hht.l*thsh(hh);
tothhtax.l = sum(hh, htax(hh)*yh.l(hh));
hhsav.l = sum(hh, mps.l(hh)*yh.l(hh)*(1.0 - htax(hh)));
* final demand
int.l(i) = sum(j,io(i,j)*xd.l(j));
cd.l(i) = sum(hh, cles(i,hh)*(1.0 - mps.l(hh))*yh.l(hh)*(1.0 - htax(hh)))/p.l(i);
gd.l(i) = gles(i)*gdtot.l;
dst.l(i) = dstr(i)*xd.l(i);
fxdinv.l = invest.l - sum(i, dst.l(i)*p.l(i));
dk.l(i) = (kish(i)*fxdinv.l)/pk.l(i);
id.l(i) = sum(j, imat(i,j)*dk.l(j));
gr.l = tariff.l - netsub.l + indtax.l + tothhtax.l + sstax.l + enttax.l + fbor.l*exr.l;
savings.l = hhsav.l + govsav.l + deprecia.l + fsav.l*exr.l + entsav.l;
* gnp
gnpva.l = sum(i, pva.l(i)*xd.l(i)) + indtax.l + tariff.l - netsub.l;
rgnp.l = sum(i, cd.l(i) + dst.l(i) + id.l(i) + gd.l(i))
+ sum(ie, (1.0 - tereal(ie))*e.l(ie))
- sum(im, (1.0 - tmreal(im))*m.l(im));
pindex.l = gnpva.l/rgnp.l;
* alternatively, set pindex to the producer price index
* pindex.l = sum(i, pwts(i)*px(i));
display yfctr.l, yinst.l, yh.l, gnpva.l, rgnp.l, pindex.l, int.l, cd.l, gd.l, id.l, dst.l, dk.l;
* to check for data consistency, display initial sam
* social accounting matrix
sam("commdty","activity") = sum(i,(p.l(i)*int.l(i)));
sam("commdty","households") = sum(i,(p.l(i)*cd.l(i)));
sam("commdty","kaccount") = sum(i,(p.l(i)*(dst.l(i) + id.l(i))));
sam("commdty","govt") = sum(i,(p.l(i)*gd.l(i)));
sam("activity","world") = sum(i,((exr.l*pwe.l(i))*e.l(i)));
sam("activity","commdty") = sum(i, (px.l(i)*xd.l(i)) - (pe.l(i)*e.l(i)));
sam("activity","govt") = netsub.l;
sam("valuad","activity") = sum(f, yfctr.l(f));
sam("insttns","valuad") = sum(f,yfctr.l(f)) - sstax.l;
sam("insttns","govt") = gent.l;
sam("households","insttns") = sum((ins,hh),sintyh(hh,ins)*yinst.l(ins));
sam("households","govt") = hht.l;
sam("kaccount","insttns") = entsav.l + deprecia.l;
sam("kaccount","households") = hhsav.l;
sam("kaccount","govt") = govsav.l;
sam("govt","commdty") = tariff.l;
sam("govt","activity") = indtax.l;
sam("govt","valuad") = sstax.l;
sam("govt","insttns") = enttax.l;
sam("govt","households") = tothhtax.l;
sam("world","commdty") = sum(i,((pwm(i)*exr.l)*m.l(i)));
sam("world","households") = - remit.l*exr.l;
sam("world","govt") = - fbor.l*exr.l;
sam("world","kaccount") = - fsav.l*exr.l;
sam("total","commdty") = sum(isam2,sam(isam2,"commdty"));
sam("total","activity") = sum(isam2,sam(isam2,"activity"));
sam("total","valuad") = sum(isam2,sam(isam2,"valuad"));
sam("total","insttns") = sum(isam2,sam(isam2,"insttns"));
sam("total","households") = sum(isam2,sam(isam2,"households"));
sam("total","kaccount") = sum(isam2,sam(isam2,"kaccount"));
sam("total","govt") = sum(isam2,sam(isam2,"govt"));
sam("total","world") = sum(isam2,sam(isam2,"world"));
sam(isam3,"total") = sum(isam2,sam(isam3,isam2));
option decimals = 2;
display sam;
option decimals = 3;
* price block
pmdef(i) 'definition of domestic import prices'
pedef(i) 'definition of domestic export prices'
absorption(i) 'value of domestic sales'
sales(i) 'value of domestic output'
actp(i) 'definition of activity prices'
pkdef(i) 'definition of capital goods price'
pindexdef 'definition of general price level'
* production block
activity(i) 'production function'
profitmax(i,f) 'first order conditions for profit maximum'
inteq(i) 'total intermediate uses'
cet(i) 'cet function'
cet2(i) 'domestic sales for nontraded sectors'
esupply(i) 'export supply'
edemand(i) 'export demand functions'
armington(i) 'composite good aggregation function'
armington2(i) 'composite good agg. for nontraded sectors'
costmin(i) 'f.o.c. for cost minimization of composite good'
* income block
yfctreq(f) 'factor income'
labory 'labor income'
propy 'property income'
enty 'enterprise income'
hhy(hh) 'household income'
tariffdef 'tariff revenue'
indtaxdef 'indirect taxes on domestic production'
netsubdef 'export subsidies'
taxss 'social security tax'
etax 'enterprise tax'
hhtaxdef 'total household taxes collected by govt.'
depreq 'depreciation expenditure'
esave 'enterprise savings'
hhsaveq 'household savings'
greq 'government revenue'
totsav 'total savings'
* expenditure block
cdeq(i) 'private consumption behavior'
gdeqi(i) 'govt consumption of commodities'
gruse 'government savings'
dsteq(i) 'inventory investment'
fixedinv 'fixed investment net of inventory'
prodinv(i) 'investment by sector of destination'
ieq(i) 'investment by sector of origin'
* market clearing
equil(i) 'goods market equilibrium'
fmequil(f) 'factor market equilibrium'
caeq 'current account balance (bill dollars)'
* walras 'savings investment equilibrium'
* the walras equation is redundant,
* given that the model satisfies walras' law.
* in this case, we drop the savings-investment balance equation.
* gross national product
gnpy 'total value added including indtax'
gnpr 'real gnp';
* price block
pmdef(im).. pm(im) =e= pwm(im)*exr*(1 + tm(im));
pedef(ie).. pe(ie) =e= pwe(ie)*(1 + te(ie))*exr;
absorption(i).. p(i)*x(i) =e= pd(i)*xxd(i) + (pm(i)*m(i))$im(i);
sales(i).. px(i)*xd(i) =e= pd(i)*xxd(i) + (pe(i)*e(i))$ie(i);
actp(i).. pva(i) =e= px(i)*(1.0 - itax(i)) - sum(j,io(j,i)*p(j));
pkdef(i).. pk(i) =e= sum(j, p(j)*imat(j,i));
pindexdef.. pindex =e= gnpva/rgnp;
* production block
activity(i).. xd(i) =e= ad(i)*prod(f$alpha(i,f), fdsc(i,f)**alpha(i,f));
profitmax(i,f)$wfdist(i,f).. wf(f)*wfdist(i,f)*fdsc(i,f) =e= xd(i)*pva(i)*alpha(i,f);
inteq(i).. int(i) =e= sum(j, io(i,j)*xd(j));
cet(ie).. xd(ie) =e= at(ie)*(gamma(ie)*e(ie)**rhot(ie) + (1 - gamma(ie))*xxd(ie)**rhot(ie))**(1/rhot(ie));
cet2(ien).. xd(ien) =e= xxd(ien);
esupply(ie).. e(ie) =e= xxd(ie)*(pe(ie)/pd(ie)*(1 - gamma(ie))/gamma(ie))**(1/(rhot(ie) - 1));
edemand(ied).. e(ied) =e= econst(ied)*((pwe(ied)/pwse(ied))**(-rhoe(ied)));
armington(im).. x(im) =e= ac(im)*(delta(im)*m(im)**(-rhoc(im)) + (1 - delta(im))*xxd(im)**(-rhoc(im)))**(-1/rhoc(im));
armington2(imn).. x(imn) =e= xxd(imn);
costmin(im).. m(im)/xxd(im) =e= (pd(im)/pm(im)*delta(im)/(1 - delta(im)))**(1/(1 + rhoc(im)));
* income block
yfctreq(f).. yfctr(f) =e= sum(i, wf(f)*wfdist(i,f)*fdsc(i,f));
labory.. yinst("labr") =e= yfctr("labor") - sstax;
propy.. yinst("prop") =e= yfctr("land");
enty.. yinst("ent") =e= yfctr("capital") + gent - (entsav + enttax + deprecia);
hhy(hh).. yh(hh) =e= sum(ins, sintyh(hh,ins)*yinst(ins)) + remit*rhsh(hh)*exr + hht*thsh(hh);
tariffdef.. tariff =e= sum(im, tm(im)*m(im)*pwm(im))*exr;
indtaxdef.. indtax =e= sum(i, itax(i)*px(i)*xd(i));
netsubdef.. netsub =e= sum(ie, te(ie)*e(ie)*pwe(ie))*exr;
taxss.. sstax =e= sstr*yfctr("labor");
etax.. enttax =e= etr*(yfctr("capital") - deprecia + gent);
hhtaxdef.. tothhtax =e= sum(hh, htax(hh)*yh(hh));
depreq.. deprecia =e= sum(i, depr(i)*pk(i)*fdsc(i,"capital"));
esave.. entsav =e= esr*(yfctr("capital")+gent-enttax-deprecia);
hhsaveq.. hhsav =e= sum(hh, mps(hh)*yh(hh)*(1 - htax(hh)));
greq.. gr =e= tariff - netsub + indtax +tothhtax + sstax + enttax + fbor*exr;
totsav.. savings =e= hhsav + govsav + deprecia + fsav*exr + entsav;
* expenditure block
cdeq(i).. p(i)*cd(i) =e= sum(hh, cles(i,hh)*(1 - mps(hh))*yh(hh)*(1 - htax(hh)));
gdeqi(i).. gd(i) =e= gles(i)*gdtot;
gruse.. gr =e= sum(i, p(i)*gd(i)) + govsav + gent + hht;
dsteq(i).. dst(i) =e= dstr(i)*xd(i);
fixedinv.. fxdinv =e= invest - sum(i, dst(i)*p(i));
prodinv(i).. pk(i)*dk(i) =e= kish(i)*fxdinv;
ieq(i).. id(i) =e= sum(j, imat(i,j)*dk(j));
* market clearing
equil(i).. x(i) =e= int(i) + cd(i) + gd(i) + id(i) + dst(i);
fmequil(f).. sum(i, fdsc(i,f)) =e= fs(f);
caeq.. sum(im, pwm(im)*m(im)) =e= sum(ie, pwe(ie)*e(ie)) + fsav + remit + fbor;
* walras.. savings =e= invest;
* gross national product
gnpy.. gnpva =e= sum(i,pva(i)*xd(i)) + indtax + tariff - netsub;
gnpr.. rgnp =e= sum(i,cd(i) + dst(i) + id(i) + gd(i))
+ sum(ie,(1.0 - tereal(ie))*e(ie))
- sum(im,(1.0 - tmreal(im))*m(im));
* additional restrictions corresponding to equations
* pmdef, pedef, edemand, esupply, costmin, and profitmax
* for non-traded sectors and sectors with fixed world export prices
pm.fx(imn) = pm0(imn);
pe.fx(ien) = pe0(ien);
pwe.fx(iedn) = pwe.l(iedn);
e.fx(ien) = 0;
m.fx(imn) = 0;
fdsc.fx(i,f)$(wfdist(i,f) = 0) = 0;
* variable bounds
* these are included to improve algorithm performance. they are not
* necessary for model specification.
* p.lo(i) = 0.0; pd.lo(i) = 0.0; pm.lo(im) = 0.0;
* pk.lo(i) = 0.0; px.lo(i) = 0.0; x.lo(i) = 0.0;
* xd.lo(i) = 0.0; m.lo(im) = 0.0; xxd.lo(i) = 0.0;
* wf.lo(f) = 0.0; int.lo(i) = 0.0; e.lo(ie) = 0.0;
* fdsc.lo(i,f)$(fdsc.l(i,f) <> 0) = 0.0;
* pva.lo(i) = 0.0;
* foreign exchange market closure
* in this version, the balance of trade (current account balance) is
* fixed exogenously and the exchange rate is the equilibrating variable.
* exr.fx = exr.l;
fsav.fx = fsav.l;
remit.fx = remit.l;
fbor.fx = fbor.l;
* investment-savings closure
* this version specifies neoclassical closure. aggregate investment is
* determined by aggregate savings; the model is savings driven.
mps.fx(hh) = mps.l(hh);
* invest.fx = invest.l;
* exogenous govt expenditure
* and govt closure rule
* real government spending (gdtot) is fixed exogenously. the government
* deficit (govsav) is determined residually.
gdtot.fx = gdtot.l;
gent.fx = gent.l;
hht.fx = hht.l;
* govsav.fx = govsav.l;
* factor market closure
* in this version, all factors, including capital, are mobile.
* commented equations allow a version with fixed wage for labor.
* the model then solves for aggregate employment.
fs.fx(f) = fs.l(f);
* wf.fx("labor") = wf.l("labor");
* fs.lo("labor") = -inf;
* fs.up("labor") = +inf;
* numeraire price index
* in this case, the gnp deflator.
pindex.fx = pindex.l;
option iterLim = 1000, limRow = 0, limCol = 0, solPrint = off;
* randomize the import prices to make the solution more challenging:
option seed = 1203;
pwm(i) = uniform(0.2,2.0)*pwm(i);
Model us82 / all /;
solve us82 using mcp;
* solution reports and output
* three report and output blocks
* 1) tables of results for variables in model
* 2) tables of results for display
* 3) tables of results for restart solution ratio tables
* use $onText and $offText to turn off reports not wanted.
* 1) tables of results for variables in the model
* macro aggregate results
scalres("exr") = exr.l;
scalres("pindex") = pindex.l;
scalres("rgnp") = rgnp.l;
scalres("gnpva") = gnpva.l;
scalres("invest") = invest.l;
scalres("fxdinv") = fxdinv.l;
scalres("gdtot") = gdtot.l;
scalres("gr") = gr.l;
scalres("sstax") = sstax.l;
scalres("tariff") = tariff.l;
scalres("indtax") = indtax.l;
scalres("enttax") = enttax.l;
scalres("tothhtax") = tothhtax.l;
scalres("netsub") = netsub.l;
scalres("remit") = remit.l;
scalres("gent") = gent.l;
scalres("hht") = hht.l;
scalres("fbor") = fbor.l;
scalres("savings") = savings.l;
scalres("entsav") = entsav.l;
scalres("deprecia") = deprecia.l;
scalres("hhsav") = hhsav.l;
scalres("govsav") = govsav.l;
scalres("fsav") = fsav.l;
* factor of production results
fctres1(i,f) = fdsc.l(i,f);
* table fctres2(*,f) miscellaneous factor variable results ;
Set ifvar / wf, fs, yfctr /;
Parameter fctres2(ifvar,f) 'miscellaneous factor variable results';
fctres2("wf",f) = wf.l(f);
fctres2("fs",f) = fs.l(f);
fctres2("yfctr",f) = yfctr.l(f);
* sectoral price and quantity results
sectres("p",i) = p.l(i);
sectres("pd",i) = pd.l(i);
sectres("pe",i) = pe.l(i);
sectres("pk",i) = pk.l(i);
sectres("pm",i) = pm.l(i);
sectres("pva",i) = pva.l(i);
sectres("pwe",i) = pwe.l(i);
sectres("px",i) = px.l(i);
sectres("x",i) = x.l(i);
sectres("xd",i) = xd.l(i);
sectres("xxd",i) = xxd.l(i);
sectres("e",i) = e.l(i);
sectres("m",i) = m.l(i);
sectres("int",i) = int.l(i);
sectres("cd",i) = cd.l(i);
sectres("gd",i) = gd.l(i);
sectres("id",i) = id.l(i);
sectres("dst",i) = dst.l(i);
sectres("dk",i) = dk.l(i);
* institutional results
* table insres(*,ins) institutional income results
Set insvar / yinst /;
Parameter insres(insvar,ins) 'institutional income results';
insres("yinst",ins) = yinst.l(ins);
* household results
* table hhres(*,hh) miscellaneous household results
Set hhvar / mps, yh /;
Parameter hhres(hhvar,hh) 'miscellaneous household results';
hhres("mps",hh) = mps.l(hh);
hhres("yh",hh) = yh.l(hh);
option decimals = 6;
display scalres, fctres1, fctres2, sectres, insres, hhres;
option decimals = 3;
* 2) tables of results for display
* define sets for solution report tables
* for gnp tabulations
ignp 'rows' / consmpt, investment, inventory, government, exports, imports, gnp /
ignp1(ignp) / gnp /
jgnp 'columns' / nominal, real, nomshare, realshare, deflator /;
ignp2(ignp) = not ignp1(ignp);
gnptab(ignp,jgnp) 'gnp accounts'
gnptab2(i,jgnp) 'sectoral value added'
sumgnp(jgnp) 'aggregate gnp'
gnpratio 'gnp value added correction factor';
* for absorb
rar 'rows' / ag, non-ag, total /
rac 'columns' / gnp, c, i, g, e, m, nete-m, t-g, absorb /;
Parameter absorb(rar,rac) 'absorption table (real)';
* for factors
Set rf / yf, yfcap, profit, rental, rdist, wdcap
yflabor, wdlabor, yfland, wdland, pint, intinp /;
Parameter factors(i,rf) 'factor returns distributive parameters';
* for coeffs (shift and share coefficients)
Set rc / alphal, alphac, alphap, rmd, delta, ad /;
coeffs(i,rc) 'shift'
share 'and distributive parameters';
* define extra parameters for solution report tables
agtotfd 'agricultural terms of trade'
agtotva 'ag terms of trade value added'
agtote 'ag terms of trade world export price'
agtotm 'ag terms of trade world import price'
avgprofit 'average profit rate'
avgwf 'average factor price current weights'
bot 'nominal balance of trade'
botr 'real balance of trade'
colind 'cost of living index'
esum 'real exports'
exrind 'real exchange rate index'
hold1 'holds value for end calculation'
indhold 'holds value for end calculation'
intinp(i) 'intermediate input demand by sector i'
intinpn(i) 'nominal intermediate input demand by sector i'
msum 'real imports'
ncdtot 'nominal cdtot'
nex 'nominal exports'
nim 'nominal imports'
ngdtot 'nominal govt demand'
ngnp 'nominal gnp'
pnagind 'nonag price index'
pagind 'ag price index'
pmind 'domestic import price index'
peind 'domestic export price index'
pweind 'world export price index'
pwmind 'world import price index'
psav 'private savings'
pxind 'producer price index'
pdind 'domestic supply price index'
pind 'composite good price index'
pint(i) 'cost per unit of intermediate inputs'
profit(i) 'profit rate'
rdist(i) 'capital rental proportionality factor'
rental(i) 'rental rate of capital'
shconsump 'consumption share of nominal gnp'
shinvest 'investment share of nominal gnp'
shex 'export share of nominal gnp'
shim 'import share of nominal gnp'
shgdtot 'govt consumption share of nominal gnp'
shbot 'balance of trade share of nominal gnp'
shfsav 'foreign saving share of investment'
shgsav 'government saving share of investment'
shpsav 'private saving share of investment'
valadd(i) 'value added at market price'
sectory(i) 'value added at factor cost'
wtd(i) 'base year wt domestic in total domestic sales'
wtm(i) 'base year wt of imports in total trade'
wtx(i) 'base year wt of exports in total trade'
yf(i,f) 'factor income';
* specify extra parameters for solution report tables
* ag terms of trade
pagind = sum(iag,px.l(iag)*xd.l(iag))/sum(iag,xd.l(iag));
pnagind = sum(iagn,px.l(iagn)*xd.l(iagn))/sum(iagn,xd.l(iagn));
agtotfd = 100*pagind/pnagind;
pagind = sum(iag,pva.l(iag)*xd.l(iag))/sum(iag,xd.l(iag));
pnagind = sum(iagn,pva.l(iagn)*xd.l(iagn))/sum(iagn,xd.l(iagn));
agtotva = 100*pagind/pnagind;
pagind = sum(iag,pwe.l(iag)*e.l(iag))/sum(iag,e.l(iag));
pnagind = sum(iagn,pwe.l(iagn)*e.l(iagn))/sum(iagn,e.l(iagn));
agtote = 100*pagind/pnagind;
pagind = sum(iag,pwm(iag)*m.l(iag))/sum(iag,m.l(iag));
pnagind = sum(iagn,pwm(iagn)*m.l(iagn))/sum(iagn,m.l(iagn));
agtotm = 100*pagind/pnagind;
display agtotfd, agtotva, agtotm, agtote;
* macro balances
ncdtot = sum(i,cd.l(i)*p.l(i));
ngdtot = sum(i,gd.l(i)*p.l(i));
ngnp = sum(i, p.l(i)*(cd.l(i) + dst.l(i) + id.l(i) + gd.l(i))
+ pe.l(i)*e.l(i) - pwm(i)*exr.l*m.l(i));
nex = sum(ie,e.l(ie)*exr.l*pwe.l(ie));
nim = sum(im,m.l(im)*exr.l*pwm(im));
bot = nex-nim;
botr = sum(i,e.l(i)) - sum(i,m.l(i));
esum = sum(i,e.l(i));
msum = sum(i,m.l(i));
psav = invest.l - fsav.l - govsav.l;
shbot = 100*bot/gnpva.l;
shconsump = 100*ncdtot/gnpva.l;
shex = 100*nex/gnpva.l;
shfsav = 100*fsav.l/invest.l;
shim = 100*nim/gnpva.l;
shinvest = 100*invest.l/gnpva.l;
shgdtot = 100*ngdtot/gnpva.l;
shgsav = 100*govsav.l/invest.l;
shpsav = 100*psav/invest.l;
display bot, botr, nex, esum, nim, msum, shconsump, shinvest,
shgdtot, shex, shim, shbot, shfsav, shgsav, shpsav;
* indexes
* note that cost of living index (colind) is the simple average over
* households. card(hh) is the "cardinal" function which counts number
* of entries in the set.
colind = sum(i,p.l(i)*(sum(hh,cles(i,hh))))*100/card(hh);
wtd(i) = xxd0(i)/sum(j,xxd0(j));
wtm(i) = m0(i)/sum(j,(m0(j) + e0(j)));
wtx(i) = e0(i)/sum(j,(m0(j) + e0(j)));
exrind = sum(i,wtd(i)*pd.l(i))/sum(i,(wtm(i)*pm.l(i)) + (wtx(i)*pe.l(i)))*100;
pdind = sum(i,xxd0(i)*pd.l(i))/sum(j,xxd0(j))*100;
peind = sum(i,e0(i)*pe.l(i))/sum(j,e0(j))*100;
pind = sum(i,x0(i)*p.l(i))/sum(j,x0(j))*100;
pmind = sum(i,m0(i)*pm.l(i))/sum(j,m0(j))*100;
pweind = sum(i,e0(i)*pwe.l(i))/sum(i,e0(i))*100;
pwmind = sum(i,m0(i)*pwm(i))/sum(i,m0(i))*100;
pxind = sum(i,pwts(i)*px.l(i))*100;
display colind, exrind, ngnp, pdind, pind, peind, pmind, pweind, pwmind, pxind;
* specify solution report tables
* gnp tables
* note treatment of tariffs.
* in u.s. nipa, tariffs are included in the service sector.
* in the u.n. sna, tariffs are treated separately.
* treatment below follows u.s. nipa practice.
* note that real gnp from expenditure side provides the control total,
* and sectoral real value addeds are adjusted
* to match total using gnpratio.
gnptab("consmpt","nominal") = sum(i,p.l(i)*cd.l(i));
gnptab("consmpt","real") = sum(i,cd.l(i));
gnptab("investment","nominal") = sum(i,p.l(i)*id.l(i));
gnptab("investment","real") = sum(i,id.l(i));
gnptab("inventory","nominal") = sum(i,p.l(i)*dst.l(i));
gnptab("inventory","real") = sum(i,dst.l(i));
gnptab("government","nominal") = sum(i,p.l(i)*gd.l(i));
gnptab("government","real") = sum(i,gd.l(i));
gnptab("exports","nominal") = sum(i,pwe.l(i)*e.l(i))*exr.l;
gnptab("exports","real") = sum(i,(1.0 - tereal(i))*e.l(i));
gnptab("imports","nominal") = -sum(i,pwm(i)*m.l(i))*exr.l;
gnptab("imports","real") = -sum(i,(1.0 - tmreal(i))*m.l(i));
gnptab("gnp","nominal") = sum(ignp2,gnptab(ignp2,"nominal"));
gnptab("gnp","real") = sum(ignp2,gnptab(ignp2,"real"));
gnptab(ignp,"nomshare") = 100.*gnptab(ignp,"nominal")/gnptab("gnp","nominal");
gnptab(ignp,"realshare") = 100.*gnptab(ignp,"real")/gnptab("gnp","real");
gnptab(ignp,"deflator") = 100.*gnptab(ignp,"nominal")/gnptab(ignp,"real");
gnptab2(i,"nominal") = pva.l(i)*xd.l(i) + itax(i)*px.l(i)*xd.l(i) - te(i)*pwe.l(i)*e.l(i)*exr.l;
gnptab2("service","nominal") = gnptab2("service","nominal") + tariff.l;
gnptab2(i,"real") = var0(i)*xd.l(i);
gnptab2("service","real") = gnptab2("service","real") + sum(i,tmreal(i)*m.l(i));
sumgnp("nominal") = sum(i,gnptab2(i,"nominal"));
sumgnp("real") = sum(i,gnptab2(i,"real"));
gnpratio = gnptab("gnp","real")/sumgnp("real");
gnptab2(i,"real") = gnpratio*gnptab2(i,"real");
sumgnp("real") = sum(i,gnptab2(i,"real"));
gnptab2(i,"nomshare") = 100*gnptab2(i,"nominal")/sumgnp("nominal");
gnptab2(i,"realshare") = 100*gnptab2(i,"real")/sumgnp("real");
sumgnp("nomshare") = sum(i,gnptab2(i,"nomshare"));
sumgnp("realshare") = sum(i,gnptab2(i,"realshare"));
gnptab2(i,"deflator") = 100.*gnptab2(i,"nominal")/gnptab2(i,"real");
display gnptab, gnptab2, sumgnp, gnpratio;
* report absorption
absorb("ag","c") = sum(iag,cd.l(iag));
absorb("non-ag","c") = sum(iagn,cd.l(iagn));
absorb("total","c") = sum(i,cd.l(i));
absorb("ag","i") = sum(iag,id.l(iag));
absorb("non-ag","i") = sum(iagn,id.l(iagn));
absorb("total","i") = sum(i,id.l(i));
absorb("ag","g") = sum(iag,gd.l(iag));
absorb("non-ag","g") = sum(iagn,gd.l(iagn));
absorb("total","g") = sum(i,gd.l(i));
absorb("ag","e") = sum(iag,e.l(iag));
absorb("non-ag","e") = sum(iagn,e.l(iagn));
absorb("total","e") = sum(i,e.l(i));
absorb("ag","m") = sum(iag,m.l(iag));
absorb("non-ag","m") = sum(iagn,m.l(iagn));
absorb("total","m") = sum(i,m.l(i));
absorb("ag","nete-m") = sum(iag,e.l(iag)) - sum(iag,m.l(iag));
absorb("non-ag","nete-m") = sum(iagn,e.l(iagn)) - sum(iagn,m.l(iagn));
absorb("total","nete-m") = esum - msum;
absorb("total","t-g") = govsav.l;
absorb("ag","gnp") = sum(iag,cd.l(iag) + dst.l(iag) + id.l(iag) + gd.l(iag) + e.l(iag) - m.l(iag));
absorb("non-ag","gnp") = rgnp.l - absorb("ag","gnp");
absorb("total","gnp") = rgnp.l;
absorb("ag","absorb") = sum(iag,cd.l(iag) + id.l(iag) + gd.l(iag));
absorb("non-ag","absorb") = sum(iagn,cd.l(iagn) + id.l(iagn) + gd.l(iagn));
absorb("total","absorb") = sum(i, cd.l(i) + id.l(i) + gd.l(i));
display absorb;
* calculate and report selected parameters and coefficients
intinp(j) = sum(i, io(i,j)*xd.l(j));
intinpn(j) = sum(i, p.l(i)*io(i,j)*xd.l(j));
pint(i) = sum(j, io(j,i)*p.l(j));
yf(i,f) = wfdist(i,f)*wf.l(f)*fdsc.l(i,f);
profit(i) = (wfdist(i,"capital")*wf.l("capital")*fdsc.l(i,"capital"))/(fdsc.l(i,"capital")*pk.l(i));
avgprofit = sum(i, wfdist(i,"capital")*wf.l("capital")*fdsc.l(i,"capital"))/sum(i, fdsc.l(i,"capital")*pk.l(i));
avgwf(f) = yfctr.l(f)/fs.l(f);
rental(i) = (wfdist(i,"capital")*wf.l("capital")*fdsc.l(i,"capital"))/fdsc.l(i,"capital");
rdist(i) = rental(i)/avgwf("capital");
valadd(i) = (pva.l(i) + (itax(i)*px.l(i)))*xd.l(i);
sectory(i) = (pva.l(i))*xd.l(i);
rmd(i) = m.l(i)/xxd.l(i);
display avgwf, avgprofit, valadd, sectory;
factors(i,"yf") = sum(f,yf(i,f));
factors(i,"yfcap") = yf(i,"capital");
factors(i,"profit") = profit(i);
factors(i,"rental") = rental(i);
factors(i,"rdist") = rdist(i);
factors(i,"wdcap") = wfdist(i,"capital");
factors(i,"yflabor") = yf(i,"labor");
factors(i,"wdlabor") = wfdist(i,"labor");
factors(i,"yfland") = yf(i,"land");
factors(i,"wdland") = wfdist(i,"land");
factors(i,"pint") = pint(i);
factors(i,"intinp") = intinp(i);
coeffs(i,"alphal") = alpha(i,"labor");
coeffs(i,"alphap") = alpha(i,"land");
coeffs(i,"alphac") = alpha(i,"capital");
coeffs(i,"rmd") = rmd(i);
coeffs(i,"delta") = delta(i);
coeffs(i,"ad") = ad(i);
display factors, coeffs;
* 3) tables of results for restart solution ratio tables
* define sets for restart solution ratio tables ####
* for scalres1,scalres2,rscale
Set sc / exr, pindex, rgnp, gnpva, invest, fxdinv, gdtot
gr, sstax, tariff, indtax, enttax, tothhtax, netsub
remit, gent, hht, fbor, savings, entsav, deprecia
hhsav, govsav, fsav /;
scalres1(sc) 'aggregate variables'
scalres2(sc) 'restart scalar results'
rscale(sc) 'percent change from base scalars';
* for pricres
Set rp / px, pva, pe, pwe, pm, pwm, pd, p, profit, rental, pint /;
pricres1(i,rp) 'price results by sector'
pricres2(i,rp) 'restart price results'
rprice(i,rp) 'percent change from base price results';
* for quantres
Set rq / xd, valadd, sectory, e, m, labor, capital, land, x, xxd /;
quantres1(i,rq) 'quantity results by sector'
quantres2(i,rq) 'restart quantity results'
rquant(i,rq) 'percent change from base quantity results';
* specify tables for restart ratio solution reports
pricres1(i,"px") = px.l(i);
pricres1(i,"pva") = pva.l(i);
pricres1(i,"pe") = pe.l(i);
pricres1(i,"pwe") = pwe.l(i);
pricres1(i,"pm") = pm.l(i);
pricres1(i,"pwm") = pwm(i);
pricres1(i,"pd") = pd.l(i);
pricres1(i,"p") = p.l(i);
pricres1(i,"profit") = profit(i);
pricres1(i,"rental") = rental(i);
pricres1(i,"pint") = pint(i);
quantres1(i,"xd") = xd.l(i);
quantres1(i,"valadd") = valadd(i);
quantres1(i,"sectory") = sectory(i);
quantres1(i,"e") = e.l(i);
quantres1(i,"m") = m.l(i);
quantres1(i,"labor") = fdsc.l(i,"labor");
quantres1(i,"capital") = fdsc.l(i,"capital");
quantres1(i,"land") = fdsc.l(i,"land");
quantres1(i,"x") = x.l(i);
quantres1(i,"xxd") = xxd.l(i);
* macro aggregate results
scalres1("exr") = exr.l;
scalres1("pindex") = pindex.l;
scalres1("rgnp") = rgnp.l;
scalres1("gnpva") = gnpva.l;
scalres1("invest") = invest.l;
scalres1("fxdinv") = fxdinv.l;
scalres1("gdtot") = gdtot.l;
scalres1("gr") = gr.l;
scalres1("sstax") = sstax.l;
scalres1("tariff") = tariff.l;
scalres1("indtax") = indtax.l;
scalres1("enttax") = enttax.l;
scalres1("tothhtax") = tothhtax.l;
scalres1("netsub") = netsub.l;
scalres1("remit") = remit.l;
scalres1("gent") = gent.l;
scalres1("hht") = hht.l;
scalres1("fbor") = fbor.l;
scalres1("savings") = savings.l;
scalres1("entsav") = entsav.l;
scalres1("deprecia") = deprecia.l;
scalres1("hhsav") = hhsav.l;
scalres1("govsav") = govsav.l;
scalres1("fsav") = fsav.l;
display pricres1, quantres1, scalres1;
* social accounting matrix
sam("commdty","activity") = sum(i, (p.l(i)*int.l(i)));
sam("commdty","households") = sum(i, (p.l(i)*cd.l(i)));
sam("commdty","kaccount") = sum(i, (p.l(i)*(dst.l(i)+id.l(i))));
sam("commdty","govt") = sum(i, (p.l(i)*gd.l(i)));
sam("activity","world") = sum(i, ((exr.l*pwe.l(i))*e.l(i)));
sam("activity","commdty") = sum(i, (px.l(i)*xd.l(i)) - (pe.l(i)*e.l(i)));
sam("activity","govt") = netsub.l;
sam("valuad","activity") = sum(f, yfctr.l(f));
sam("insttns","valuad") = sum(f, yfctr.l(f)) - sstax.l;
sam("insttns","govt") = gent.l;
sam("households","insttns") = sum((ins,hh), sintyh(hh,ins)*yinst.l(ins));
sam("households","govt") = hht.l;
sam("kaccount","insttns") = entsav.l + deprecia.l;
sam("kaccount","households") = hhsav.l;
sam("kaccount","govt") = govsav.l;
sam("govt","commdty") = tariff.l;
sam("govt","activity") = indtax.l;
sam("govt","valuad") = sstax.l;
sam("govt","insttns") = enttax.l;
sam("govt","households") = tothhtax.l;
sam("world","commdty") = sum(i, ((pwm(i)*exr.l)*m.l(i)));
sam("world","households") = - remit.l*exr.l;
sam("world","govt") = - fbor.l*exr.l;
sam("world","kaccount") = - fsav.l*exr.l;
sam("total","commdty") = sum(isam2, sam(isam2,"commdty"));
sam("total","activity") = sum(isam2, sam(isam2,"activity"));
sam("total","valuad") = sum(isam2, sam(isam2,"valuad"));
sam("total","insttns") = sum(isam2, sam(isam2,"insttns"));
sam("total","households") = sum(isam2, sam(isam2,"households"));
sam("total","kaccount") = sum(isam2, sam(isam2,"kaccount"));
sam("total","govt") = sum(isam2, sam(isam2,"govt"));
sam("total","world") = sum(isam2, sam(isam2,"world"));
sam(isam3,"total") = sum(isam2, sam(isam3,isam2));
option decimals = 3;
display sam;