Eight univariate test models with simple box constraints. Compares the performance on eight models. More information at
Small Model of Type : DNLP
Category : GAMS Model library
Main file : mathopt5.gms
$title MathOptimizer Example 5 (MATHOPT5,SEQ=259)
Eight univariate test models with simple box constraints. Compares
the performance on eight models.
More information at
Mathematica, MathOptimizer - An Advanced Modeling and Optimization System
for Mathematica Users,
Janos D Pinter, Global Optimization in Action, Kluwer Academic Publishers,
Dordrecht/Boston/London, 1996.
Janos D Pinter, Computational Global Optimization in Nonlinear Systems,
Lionheart Publishing, Inc., Atlanta, GA, 2001
Keywords: nonlinear programming, discontinuous derivatives, mathematics, global
$eolCom //
ff / f1*f8 /
k / k0*k6 /
k5(k) / k1*k5 /
f(ff) 'dynamic version of ff'
frun(ff) 'models that are to be run';
$if set frun set frun / %frun% /;
$if not set frun frun(ff) = yes;
c4(k) / k4 2, k3 -13, k2 18, k1 -10, k0 3 /
c7(k) / k5 0.2, k4 -1.6995, k3 0.998266, k2 -0.0218343, k1 -0.000089248 /
c8(k) / k2 2, k4 -1.05, k6 0.1666667, k1 -1 /;
* Instead of defining eight different models we combine the
* the models into one single objective function. Note the use
* of the dynamic set f and the function sameas() which allows
* us to select any component at runtime. The equation objdef is
* declared using the domain ff, but defined with the dynamic set f.
* This will permit convenient testing of all eight models.
Variable x, obj;
Equation objdef(ff);
obj =e= (exp(-x) - power(Sin(x),3) )$sameas('f1',f)
+ (sqr(x) - cos(18*x) )$sameas('f2',f)
+ (sin(x)*sqr(cos(x) - sin(x)) )$sameas('f3',f)
+ (sqr(sum(k, c4(k)*power(x,ord(k)-1))) )$sameas('f4',f)
+ (sum(k5, ord(k5)*sin((ord(k5)+1)*x+ord(k5))))$sameas('f5',f)
+ (0.1*x + sqrt(abs(x))*sqr(sin(x)) )$sameas('f6',f)
+ (0.01*sum(k, c7(k)*power(x,ord(k)-1)) )$sameas('f7',f)
+ (sum(k, c8(k)*power(x,ord(k)-1)) )$sameas('f8',f);
Model m / objdef /;
* You could use the convert option to expand all equation to allow
* better verification with the original source.
* f(ff) = yes; option dnlp = convert; solve m using dnlp min obj;
Table bounds(ff,*) 'bounds and starting values used by J Pinter'
lo up l
f1 -5 10 1
f2 -5 5 2
f3 0 10 3
f4 -1 4 3
f5 -10 10 5
f6 -10 5 6
f7 0 8 2
f8 -2 2.5 1;
Set col / x_initial, f_solver, f_global, f_reldiff, x_solver, x_global, status /;
Acronym global, local, failed, capability;
Scalar stat;
* note that in some cases we have multiple global optima. For
* example f5 has three global optima spaced 2*pi apart.
* the x_global is just used a possible starting point for
* local optimizers.
Table data(ff,col) 'solution summary'
x_global f_global
f1 7.85411102 -0.99961182
f2 0 -1
f3 5.22405862 -1.61642493
f4 1
f5 -7.39728499 -14.83795000
f6 -9.44104654 -0.94329150
f7 6.32565486 -4.43672834
f8 1.75767181 -0.68607228;
* Solve for each component of the objective function and collect
* the result to report performance.
f(ff) = no;
x.lo = bounds(ff,'lo');
x.up = bounds(ff,'up');
x.l = bounds(ff,'l');
* try different starting points
* x.l = uniform(x.lo,x.up);
* x.l = bounds(ff,'l');
* x.l = data(ff,'x_global');
* x.l = 0;
data(ff,'x_initial') = x.l;
f(ff) = yes;
solve m using dnlp min obj;
f(ff) = no;
if(m.modelStat=%modelStat.optimal% or
m.modelStat=%modelStat.locallyOptimal% or
m.modelStat=%modelStat.feasibleSolution%, // good return
data(ff,'f_reldiff') = abs(data(ff,'f_global') - obj.l)/(1 + abs(data(ff,'f_global')));
if(data(ff,'f_reldiff') < 1e-6,
stat = global;
stat = local;
data(ff,'x_solver') = x.l;
data(ff,'f_solver') = obj.l;
data(ff,'f_reldiff') = na;
if(m.solveStat = %solveStat.capabilityProblems%,
stat = capability;
stat = failed;
data(ff,'x_solver') = na;
data(ff,'f_solver') = na;
data(ff,'status') = stat;
option decimals = 7;
display data;