china.gms : Organic Fertilizer Use in Intensive Farming


Models the use of organic and chemical fertilizers for triple-cropping
in the southern Jiangsu province. Detailed attention is paid to removal
and replenishment of plant nutrients and humus.

Small Model of Type : LP

Category : GAMS Model library

Main file : china.gms

$title Organic Fertilizer Use in Intensive Farming (CHINA,SEQ=56)

Models the use of organic and chemical fertilizers for triple-cropping
in the southern Jiangsu province. Detailed attention is paid to removal
and replenishment of plant nutrients and humus.

Wiens, T B, The Economics of High-yield Agriculture in China: Triple-Cropping
at the Baimano Peoples' Commune. The World Bank, Washington DC, 1985.

Keywords: linear programming, agricultural economics, fertilizer industry

$sTitle Set Definitions
   ca 'all commodities'
      / barley,                            silt
        wheat,                             nightsoil
        e-rice    'early rice',            amm-water  'ammonia water'
        m-rice    'middle rice',           amm-bi     'ammonium bicarbonate'
        l-rice    'late rice',             ssp        'single superphosphate'
        l-sc-rice 'late single crop rice', pigs
        g-manure  'green manure',          shoats
        gm-seeds  'green manure seeds',    c-straw    'composted straw'
        rapeseed,                          c-gm       'composted green manure'
        azolla,                            c-hyacinth 'composted hyacinth'
        azolla-e  'early azolla',          pig-m      'pig-manure'
        fodder,                            straw-b    'straw bedding'
        g-feed    'grain feed',            rapes-c    'composted rape seed'
        straw,                             vegetable
        hyacinth                                                               /

    c(ca)  'crops'  / barley,   wheat,     e-rice,   m-rice
                      l-rice,   l-sc-rice, g-manure, gm-seeds
                      rapeseed, azolla,    azolla-e, fodder   /
    g(c)   'grains' / barley,   wheat,     e-rice,
                      m-rice,   l-rice,    l-sc-rice          /
    cu(ca) 'upland crops' / fodder,   vegetable                     /
    cp(ca) 'commodities purchased' / hyacinth,  pig-m,  silt, nightsoil
                                     amm-water, amm-bi, ssp             /
    cs(ca) 'commodities sold' / barley,  wheat,     e-rice,   m-rice
                                l-rice,  l-sc-rice, rapeseed, pigs
                                shoats,  straw,     vegetable            /
    s      'crop sequence'    / bar-r-r, bar-sr,    bar-r,    wh-sr
                                wh-r,    gm-r-r,    gm-sr,    gm-s-sr
                                gm-r,    rape-sr,   fallow-sr            /
    sh(s)  'sequences with higher fertilizer application' / bar-r-r, gm-r-r
                                                            wh-r,    bar-r  /
    cf(ca) 'fertilizers' / c-straw,   c-gm,      c-hyacinth, pig-m
                           straw-b,   nightsoil, azolla,     rapes-c
                           amm-water, amm-bi,    ssp                        /
    nh      'nutrients and humus'     / n, p2o5, k2o, humus /
    n(nh)   'nutrients'               / n, p2o5, k2o        /
    en      'effective nutrients'     / n-imm, n-tot, p2o5-eff, k2o-exch, humus /
    f       'fertilization intensity' / normal, high      /
    p       'pig raising activities'  / r-shoats, r-pigs  /
    ss(s,f) 'sequence possibilities'
    t       'time periods' / nov-1, nov-mar, mar-2, apr-1, apr-2
                             may-1, may-jun, jun-2, jul-1, jul-2
                             aug-1, aug-2,   sep,   oct-1, oct-2 /;

ss(s,"normal") = yes;
ss(sh,"high")  = yes;
display ss;

$sTitle Data
   paddy    'paddy land available                    (mu)' / 268.6 /
   upland   'upland available                        (mu)' /   7.8 /
   muperha  'conversion of mu to hectares (mu per hectar)' /  15   /
   jinperkg 'conversion of jin to kg         (jin per kg)' /   2.0 /
   yperd    'exchange rate              (yuan per dollar)' /   1.8 /;

Table mcp(s,c) 'multi cropping patterns for paddy land (mu)'
                barley  wheat  e-rice  m-rice  l-rice  l-sc-rice  g-manure  gm-seeds  rapeseed  azolla  azolla-e  fodder
   bar-r-r        .704   .193    .807             1.0
   gm-r-r                .193    .807             1.0                 .704
   bar-sr         .859                                       1.0      .141                         1.0      .859
   wh-sr                 .859                                1.0      .141                         1.0
   gm-sr                                                     1.0     1.0                           1.0      .859
   rape-sr                                                   1.0      .141                .859     1.0
   fallow-sr                                                 1.0      .141                                          .859
   gm-s-sr                                                   1.0      .1          .9
   bar-r          .9                      1.0                         .1                           1.0
   wh-r                  .9               1.0                         .1
   gm-r                                   1.0                        1.0                           1.0                  ;

Table cdata(ca,*) 'crop data'
* yield     : paddy land yield in jin per mu
* cash-cost : yuan per mu
* straw-y   : kg per kg output
* proc-price: yuan per ton
* quota-sale: tons
                yield  cash-cost  straw-y  proc-price  quota-sale
   barley       427.6       11.0      1.0       226.0
   wheat        530.3       11.0      1.1       316.0
   e-rice       690.3       14.9       .8       232.0
   m-rice       962.7       23.6      1.0       238.0
   l-rice       558.2       18.9       .8       272.0
   l-sc-rice    857.7       25.2      1.0       233.0
   g-manure    4968.1        2.3
   rapeseed     221.1        9.8      1.5       720.0         4
   azolla      1149.0
   azolla-e    1149.0
   fodder      1200
   straw                                          44.0        1.2
   pigs                                         1200.0        4
   shoats                                       1800.0
   vegetable                                     375.0           ;

   yield(ca)      'paddy land crop yields    (ton per mu)'
   yieldu(ca)     'upland yields             (ton per mu)' / fodder .3, vegetable .24 /
   cxcrop(s)      'cash cost by sequence    (yuan per mu)'
   aqsprice(ca)   'above quota sales price (yuan per ton)';

Scalar grainquota 'grain sales quota (tons)' / 100 /;

yield(ca)    = cdata(ca,"yield")/jinperkg/1000;
cxcrop(s)    = sum(c, cdata(c,"cash-cost")*mcp(s,c));
aqsprice(ca) = 1.1*cdata(ca,"proc-price");
aqsprice(c)  = 1.5*cdata(c,"proc-price");

display yield, yieldu, cxcrop, aqsprice;

Table purdata(ca,*) 'purchase prices and limits'
                  price  quantity
*            (yuan/ton)    (tons)
   amm-water         30
   amm-bi           123
   nightsoil         20         7
   ssp              100       500
   pig-m             12     10000
   hyacinth                    15;

Table pigio(ca,p) 'pig raising input output relations'
             r-shoats  r-pigs
   shoats        1      -0.12
   pigs                  1
   straw-b       8       8
   g-feed       -3.3    -2.6
   straw        -8.8    -8.8
   fodder       -0.55   -0.50;

   cxpig(p)  'pig raising cash cost  (yuan per ton)' / r-shoats 90, r-pigs 60 /
   gio(ca,g) 'grain feed mixing recipes (kg per kg)';

gio(g,g)        = -1;
gio("g-feed",g) =  1;

$sTitle Labor Use and Supply
Table lu(t,c) 'labor use for crops                   (gongs per mu per period)'
               barley  wheat  e-rice  m-rice  l-rice  l-sc-rice  g-manure  gm-seeds  rapeseed
   nov-1         8.15   8.15                    3.17       3.00                         14.90
   nov-mar       7.45   7.45    7.75    5.57    6.33      13.07      1.00      1.00     15.15
   mar-2         1.10   1.10    2.03     .74                .74                          1.85
   apr-1          .4     .4     3.25     .70                .70
   apr-2          .9     .9     3.36     .70                .70                          1.0
   may-1          .2     .2     8.20    2.92               4.42      3.00                .9
   may-jun      10.80   8.80   13.58   12.12    1.50      5.27                 6.70     8.40
   jun-2                2.00   2.35     4.40    3.00       8.99
   jul-1                        2.48    5.41    3.00       5.00
   jul-2                         .70    5.59    3.00       4.50
   aug-1                        8.42    1.00    9.35       1.42
   aug-2                        1.88    3.65    4.92      4.54
   sep           1.30   1.30            3.20    5.09       4.15                          1.00
   oct-1         1.30   1.30            6.13    1.52                 1.25      1.25       .50
   oct-2         1.25   1.25            4.37     .12                 1.0       1.00       .30;

   lab(t,s)  'labor requirements for crop sequences    (gongs per day per mu)'
   dlab(t,c) 'daily labor requirements for single crop (gongs per day per mu)'
   labj(t)   'labor adjustment coefficient                       (proportion)'
             / aug-1 .12 /
   days(t)   'number of days in periods                                (days)'
             / nov-1 22,   nov-mar 120, mar-2 16, (apr-1,apr-2) 15, may-1 14
               may-jun 32, jun-2 15,    jul-1 15, jul-2    12,      aug-1 14
               aug-2   21, sep   30,    oct-1 14, oct-2 10                   /;

   tday 'total number of days in all periods (days)'
   lsup 'labor supply               (gongs per day)' / 137 /;

tday      = sum(t, days(t));
dlab(t,c) = lu(t,c)/days(t);
lab(t,s)  = sum(c, dlab(t,c)*mcp(s,c));
display lab, dlab, tday;

$sTitle Fertilizer Requiremets and Supply
Table nc(cf,nh)  'nutrient composition       (pct weight)'
                  n   p2o5   k2o  humus
   c-straw      .63   .11    .85  21.4
   c-gm         .40    .11   .35   2.34
   c-hyacinth   .24    .07   .11   2.64
   pig-m        .35    .32   .75
   straw-b      .60    .20   .80  15.9
   azolla       .34    .02   .12   2.58
   nightsoil    .65    .30   .25
   rapes-c     4.60   2.50  1.40
   amm-water   3.75
   amm-bi     17.00
   ssp               15.00             ;

Table nu(cf,nh,en) 'fertilizer utilization rates    (pct)'
                              n.n-imm  n.n-tot  p2o5.p2o5-eff  k2o.k2o-exch  humus.humus
   (c-straw,c-gm,c-hyacinth)       10       76             20            14          100
   (pig-m,straw-b,nightsoil)        9       76              8            16          100
   azolla                          20       76             20            14          100
   rapes-c                         10       76             20            14
   amm-water                       20       40
   amm-bi                          22       45
   ssp                                                     25                           ;

Table pno(c,n) 'plant nutrient offtake      (pct weight of output)'
                n    p2o5   k2o
   barley      3.0   1.0   2.0
   wheat       2.75  1.2   2.4
   e-rice      1.9   0.8   2.7
   m-rice      2.1   1.0   2.9
   l-rice      2.05  0.9   2.75
   l-sc-rice   1.9   0.9   3.0
   g-manure          0.11  0.35
   rapeseed    7.0   3.6   7.1 ;

Table nup(cu,en) 'upland cropping nutrient requirement (kg per mu)'
                  n-imm  n-tot  p2o5-eff  k2o-exch  humus
   fodder          2.0   11.0       1.0       2.5
   vegetable       4.58  21.35      2.57      3.93       ;

Table soil(c,*)  'soil data - supplies of p2o5 k2o nitrogen requirement and irrigation water'
                  p2o5-eff  k2o-exch  inr    iwr
*                 (p r o p o r t i o n s)   (tons/ha)
   barley             .6         .3   .47   4125
   wheat              .6         .3   .45   4125
   e-rice            -.1         .25  .45   4875
   m-rice             .2         .35  .45   6000
   l-rice             .6         .75  .3    4875
   l-sc-rice          .05        .25  .24   8250
   g-manure           .9        1
   rapeseed           .5         .4   .58       ;

   cno(c,n)     'crop nutrient offtake               (ton per mu)'
   enc(cf,en)   'effective nutrient content          (pct weight)'
   freq(c,en)   'effective nutrient requirements     (ton per mu)'
   sreq(s,en,f) 'crop sequence nutrient requirements (ton per mu)'
   cxfert(cf)   'fertilization cash cost           (yuan per ton)' / azolla  1.3
                                                                     rapes-c 200 /;

   kc  'k2o content of irrigation water       (ppm)' / 3.5 /
   hdr 'humus decomposition rate (kg per kg soil n)' / 9   /;

cno(c,n)   = pno(c,n)*yield(c)/100;
enc(cf,en) = sum(nh, nu(cf,nh,en)*nc(cf,nh))/100;
display nu, enc;

freq(c,"n-imm")     = cno(c,"n")*soil(c,"inr");
freq(c,"n-tot")     = cno(c,"n");
freq(c,"p2o5-eff")  = cno(c,"p2o5")*(1 - soil(c,"p2o5-eff"));
freq(c,"k2o-exch")  = cno(c,"k2o")*(1 - soil(c,"k2o-exch")) - soil(c,"iwr")*kc/muperha/1e6;
freq(c,"humus")     = hdr*(freq(c,"n-tot") - freq(c,"n-imm"));
sreq(s,en,"normal") = sum(c, freq(c,en)*mcp(s,c));

   mult(en)   'nutrient req factor' / n-imm 1.1,    n-tot 1.05, p2o5-eff 1.25
                                      k2o-exch 1.1, humus 1.0                 /
   hyield(c)  'yield for high fertilizer applications            (tons per mu)'
   hreq(c,en) 'nutrient requirements for high application rates  (tons per mu)';

hreq(c,en)        = freq(c,en)*mult(en);
hyield(c)         = yield(c)*1.07;
sreq(s,en,"high") = sum(c, hreq(c,en)*mcp(s,c));

   syield(ca,s,f) 'yield of crop sequence        (ton per mu)'
   sys(s,f)       'straw yield of crop sequences (ton per mu)';

syield(c,s,"normal") = yield(c)*mcp(s,c);
syield(c,s,"high")   = hyield(c)*mcp(s,c);
sys(s,f)             = sum(c, cdata(c,"straw-y")*syield(c,s,f));

* e-rice straw is plowed under immediately, adjust straw yields and fertilizer requirement
sys(s,f)     = sys(s,f) - syield("e-rice",s,f)*cdata("e-rice","straw-y");
sreq(s,en,f) = sreq(s,en,f) - cdata("e-rice","straw-y")*syield("e-rice",s,f)
             * enc("c-straw",en)/100*mcp(s,"e-rice");

syield("straw",s,f)   = sys(s,f);
syield("rapes-c",s,f) = .8*syield("rapeseed",s,f);

display cno, freq, sreq;

Table crec(ca,cf) 'composting and fertilizing recipes'
                   c-straw  c-gm  c-hyacinth  azolla
   straw               .12
   g-manure                  .12
   hyacinth                              .12
   pig-m               .05   .05         .05
   silt                .83   .83         .83
   azolla                                        1.0
   azolla-e                                       .2;

crec(cf,cf)$(not sum(ca, crec(ca,cf))) = 1;

display crec;

Table chemnall(ca,*) 'chemical nitrogen (ammonium bicarbonate) allocations'
* crops: kg ammonium bicarbonate per mu of crop planted
* qsa  : quota sales allocation for pigs (kg per kg)
* aqsa : above quota sales allocation (kg per kg)
                               crops   qsa  aqsa
   (barley,wheat)                 49        .17
   e-rice                         53        .17
   (m-rice,l-rice,l-sc-rice)      45        .17
   rapeseed                       45        .45
   g-manure                        4
   pigs                               .225  .225;

Parameter schem(s) 'chemical fertilizer allocation for crop sequences (tons amm-bi per mu)';
schem(s) = .001*sum(c, chemnall(c,"crops")*mcp(s,c));
display schem;

$sTitle Model Definition
   xcrop(s,f)   'paddy land cropping activities (mu)'
   xupland(ca)  'upland cropping activities     (mu)'
   xpig(p)      'pig raising activities        (ton)'
   xfeed(g)     'grain feed mixing             (ton)'
   xfert(ca)    'fertilization activities       (kg)'
   purchase(ca) 'purchasing activities         (ton)'
   sales(ca)    'quota sales                   (ton)'
   aqsales(ca)  'above quota sales             (ton)'
   ccost        'cash cost                    (yuan)'
   income       'brigade income               (yuan)';

Positive Variable xcrop, xupland, xpig, xfeed, xfert, purchase, sales, aqsales;

   labor(t) 'labor balance        (gong per day)'
   mb(ca)   'material balance              (ton)'
   fert(en) 'nutrient and humus balance    (ton)'
   chemn    'chemical nitrogen allocation  (ton)'
   landp    'paddy land constraint          (mu)'
   landu    'upland land constraint         (mu)'
   gmseed   'green manure seed requirements (mu)'
   grainq   'grain quota sales             (ton)'
   cdef     'cash cost definition         (yuan)'
   incdef   'income definition            (yuan)';

mb(ca)..     sum((s,f)$ss(s,f), syield(ca,s,f)*xcrop(s,f))
          +  sum(p, pigio(ca,p)*xpig(p)) + purchase(ca)$cp(ca)
          +  sum(g, gio(ca,g)*xfeed(g))  + yieldu(ca)*xupland(ca)$cu(ca)
         =g= (sales(ca) + aqsales(ca))$cs(ca) + sum(cf, crec(ca,cf)*xfert(cf));

labor(t)..   sum((s,f)$ss(s,f), lab(t,s)*xcrop(s,f)) =l= (1+labj(t))*lsup;

fert(en)..   sum((s,f)$ss(s,f), sreq(s,en,f)*xcrop(s,f))
          +  .001*sum(cu, nup(cu,en)*xupland(cu))
         =l= .01 *sum(cf, enc(cf,en)*xfert(cf));

chemn..      sum((s,f)$ss(s,f), schem(s)*xcrop(s,f))
          +  sum(cs, chemnall(cs,"qsa")*sales(cs)
          +  chemnall(cs,"aqsa")*aqsales(cs))
         =g= purchase("amm-bi");

landp..   sum((s,f)$ss(s,f), xcrop(s,f)) =l= paddy;

landu..   sum(cu, xupland(cu)) =l= upland;

gmseed..  sum((s,f)$ss(s,f), ((1-.16)*mcp(s,"gm-seeds") - .16*mcp(s,"g-manure"))*xcrop(s,f)) =g= 0;

grainq..  sum(g, sales(g)) =g= grainquota;

cdef..    ccost  =e= sum((s,f)$ss(s,f), cxcrop(s)*xcrop(s,f))
                  +  sum(p, cxpig(p)*xpig(p)) + sum(cf, cxfert(cf)*xfert(cf))
                  +  sum(cp, purdata(cp,"price")*purchase(cp));

incdef..  income =e= sum(cs, cdata(cs,"proc-price")*sales(cs) + aqsprice(cs)*aqsales(cs)) - ccost;

Model china 'brigade model' / all /;

sales.lo(cs) = cdata(cs,"quota-sale");
purchase.up(cp)$purdata(cp,"quantity") = purdata(cp,"quantity");

solve china maximizing income using lp;

$sTitle Solution Reports
Parameter frep(en,*) 'fertilization demand and supply summary';
frep(en,"demand ")  = .01*sum(cf, enc(cf,en)*xfert.l(cf)) + fert.l(en);
frep(en,"supply")   = .01*sum(cf, enc(cf,en)*xfert.l(cf));
frep(en,"s-price")  = -fert.m(en);
frep(en,cf)         = .01*enc(cf,en)*xfert.l(cf);

display frep;