The objective of this model is to allocate aircrafts to routes to maximize the expected profit when traffic demand is uncertain. Several problems are solved with standard LP solvers and DECIS: - fixed demand - expected value - deterministic equivalent DECIS formulation with sampling - exact (deterministic equivalent) - expected value Also see models AIRCRAFT and AIRSP.
Large Model of Types : DECIS lp
Category : GAMS Model library
Main file : airsp2.gms
$title Aircraft Allocation - Stochastic Optimization with DECIS (AIRSP2,SEQ=196)
The objective of this model is to allocate aircrafts to routes to maximize
the expected profit when traffic demand is uncertain. Several problems
are solved with standard LP solvers and DECIS:
- fixed demand
- expected value
- deterministic equivalent
DECIS formulation with sampling
- exact (deterministic equivalent)
- expected value
Also see models AIRCRAFT and AIRSP.
Dantzig, G B, Chapter 28. In Linear Programming and Extensions.
Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey, 1963.
Keywords: linear programming, stochastic programming, aircraft allocation, routing
$if not set decisalg $set decisalg decism
i 'aircraft types and unassigned passengers' / a, b, c, d /
j 'assigned and unassigned routes' / route-1*route-5 /;
Table c(i,j) 'costs per aircraft (1000s)'
route-1 route-2 route-3 route-4 route-5
a 18 21 18 16 10
b 15 16 14 9
c 10 9 6
d 17 16 17 15 10;
Table pcap(i,j) 'passenger capacity of aircraft i on route j'
route-1 route-2 route-3 route-4 route-5
a 16 15 28 23 81
b 10 14 15 57
c 5 7 29
d 9 11 22 17 55;
aircraft(i) 'aircraft availability'
/ a 10
b 19
c 25
d 15 /
fixeddemand(j) 'fixed demand (passengers in hundreds)'
/ route-1 250
route-2 120
route-3 180
route-4 90
route-5 600 /
costbumped(j) 'costs associated with bumping passengers'
/ route-1 13
route-2 13
route-3 7
route-4 7
route-5 1 /;
* First we solve the "fixed demand" (deterministic demand) case.
* Notice that Dantzig reports a slightly different optimal solution
* for this problem in table 28-2-II on page 583. The solution
* reported there is slightly infeasible.
Positive Variable
x(i,j) 'number of aircraft type i assigned to route j'
bumped(j) 'passengers bumped';
Variable z 'objective variable';
avail(i) 'aircraft availability constraints'
demand(j) 'demand constraints'
cost 'objective';
cost.. z =e= sum((i,j), c(i,j)*x(i,j)) + sum(j, costbumped(j)*bumped(j));
avail(i).. sum(j, x(i,j)) =l= aircraft(i);
demand(j).. sum(i, pcap(i,j)*x(i,j)) + bumped(j) =g= fixeddemand(j);
Model fixed / cost, avail, demand /;
solve fixed using lp minimizing z;
results(*,i,j) 'first stage results'
results('Fixed demand',i,j) = x.l(i,j);
obj('Fixed demand') = z.l;
* Now introduce stochastic demand
option limCol = 0, limRow = 0;
Set k 'possible outcomes' / k1*k5 /;
Table stochasticdemand(j,k) 'demand distribution on route j'
k1 k2 k3 k4 k5
route-1 200 220 250 270 300
route-2 50 150
route-3 140 160 180 200 220
route-4 10 50 80 100 340
route-5 580 600 620 ;
Table probability(j,k) 'probabilities corresponding to sd(j,k)'
k1 k2 k3 k4 k5
route-1 .2 .05 .35 .2 .2
route-2 .3 .7
route-3 .1 .2 .4 .2 .1
route-4 .2 .2 .3 .2 .1
route-5 .1 .8 .1 ;
* Solve expected value problem directly. Expected value of demand is
* slightly different from fixed demand.
Parameter expdemand(j) 'expected value demand';
expdemand(j) = sum(k, probability(j,k)*stochasticdemand(j,k));
display expdemand, fixeddemand;
Equation expvaldemand(j);
expvaldemand(j).. sum(i, pcap(i,j)*x(i,j)) + bumped(j) =g= expdemand(j);
Model expval / cost, avail, expvaldemand /;
solve expval using lp minimizing z;
results('Expected value problem',i,j) = x.l(i,j);
obj('Expected value problem') = z.l;
display results;
* Solve deterministic equivalent problem
* There are 750 scenario's.
Set s 'scenarios' / scen1*scen750 /;
Alias (k,k1,k2,k3,k4,k5);
Set ss(s) 'auxiliary set';
jprob 'joint probabilities'
cnt 'counter';
scenprob(s) 'scenario probabilities'
scendemand(s,j) 'demand for route j under scenario s';
cnt = 0;
jprob = probability('route-1',k1)*probability('route-2',k2)
* probability('route-3',k3)*probability('route-4',k4)
* probability('route-5',k5);
cnt = cnt + 1;
* set ss to current element
ss(s) = no;
ss(s)$(ord(s) = cnt) = yes;
scenprob(ss) = jprob;
scendemand(ss,'route-1') = stochasticdemand('route-1',k1);
scendemand(ss,'route-2') = stochasticdemand('route-2',k2);
scendemand(ss,'route-3') = stochasticdemand('route-3',k3);
scendemand(ss,'route-4') = stochasticdemand('route-4',k4);
scendemand(ss,'route-5') = stochasticdemand('route-5',k5);
Scalar sumprob;
sumprob = sum(s,scenprob(s));
display sumprob;
abort$(abs(sumprob - 1) > 0.001) "Error in probabilities";
Positive Variable scenbumped(s, j) 'passengers bumped under scenario s';
Variable capacityuse(j) 'intermediate variables to reduce number of nonzeroes';
deteqobj .. z =e= sum((i,j), c(i,j)*x(i,j))
+ sum(s, scenprob(s)*sum(j, costbumped(j)*scenbumped(s,j)));
* deteqdemand(s,j).. sum(i, pcap(i,j)*x(i,j)) + scenbumped(s,j) =g= scendemand(s,j);
* the above formulation is intuitive but repeats sum(i, pcap(i,j)*x(i,j)) for
* every s, we introduce the intermediate variable capacityuse instead.
deteqdemand(s,j).. capacityuse(j) + scenbumped(s,j) =g= scendemand(s,j);
defcap(j).. capacityuse(j) =e= sum(i, pcap(i,j)*x(i,j));
Model deteq / deteqobj, avail, deteqdemand, defcap /;
solve deteq using lp minimizing z;
results('Deterministic equivalent',i,j) = x.l(i,j);
obj('Deterministic equivalent') = z.l;
* Output stochastic file
File stg / MODEL.STG /;
put stg "INDEP DISCRETE"/;
loop((j,k)$probability(j,k), put "RHS demand ",," ",stochasticdemand(j,k)," PERIOD2 ",probability(j,k)/;);
The file MODEL.STG will look like:
RHS demand route-1 200.00 PERIOD2 0.20
RHS demand route-1 220.00 PERIOD2 0.05
RHS demand route-5 600.00 PERIOD2 0.80
RHS demand route-5 620.00 PERIOD2 0.10
* Define stages
x.stage(i,j) = 1;
bumped.stage(j) = 2;
avail.stage(i) = 1;
demand.stage(j) = 2;
* Output a MINOS option file
File mopt / MINOS.SPC /;
put mopt;
put "begin"/;
put "rows 250"/;
put "columns 250"/;
put "elements 10000"/;
put "end"/;
* solve the stochastic model
option lp = %decisalg%;
solve fixed using lp minimizing z;
results('DECIS default sampling',i,j) = x.l(i,j);
obj('DECIS default sampling') = z.l;
* Let DECIS solve the model exactly
* Stochastic Universe option: 4 "ISTRAT"
File decopt / %decisalg%.opt /;
put decopt;
put '4 "ISTRAT"'/;
fixed.optFile = 1;
solve fixed using lp minimizing z;
results('DECIS universe problem',i,j) = x.l(i,j);
obj('DECIS universe problem') = z.l;
* Solve expected value problem using DECIS
put decopt;
put '1 "ISTRAT"'/;
option lp = %decisalg%;
solve fixed using lp minimizing z;
results('DECIS expected value problem',i,j) = x.l(i,j);
obj('DECIS expected value problem') = z.l;
option obj:2:0:1;
display obj;
option results:2:1:2;
display results;