This model studies the production, distribution, resource extraction and investment of the Mexican steel and associated mining sector. Exhaustion of domestic resources and nonlinearities in mining cost are considered.
Large Model of Type : MIP
Category : GAMS Model library
Main file : mexsd.gms
$title MEXICO Steel - Small Dynamic (MEXSD,SEQ=16)
This model studies the production, distribution, resource extraction
and investment of the Mexican steel and associated mining sector.
Exhaustion of domestic resources and nonlinearities in mining cost
are considered.
Kendrick, D, Meeraus, A, and Alatorre, J, The Planning of Investment
Programs in the Steel Industry. The Johns Hopkins University Press,
Baltimore and London, 1984.
A scanned version of this out-of-print book is accessible at
Keywords: mixed integer linear programming, production problem, distribution
problem, scheduling, investment planning, micro economics, steel
industry, mining
$sTitle Set Definitions
i 'steel plants' / ahmsa 'altos hornos - monclova'
fundidora 'monterrey'
sicartsa 'lazaro cardenas'
hylsa 'monterrey'
hylsap 'puebla'
tampico 'tampico'
coatza 'coatzacoalcos' /
im 'mines' / coahuila 'coal mining region'
ore-north 'northern iron-ore mines'
ore-south 'southern iron-ore mines' /
j 'markets' / mexico-df 'mexico city'
monterrey 'monterrey'
guadalaja 'guadalajara' /
c 'commodities' / pellets 'iron ore pellets - tons'
coke 'tons'
nat-gas 'natural gas - 1000 n cubic meters'
electric 'electricity - mwh'
scrap 'tons'
pig-iron 'molten pig iron - tons'
sponge 'sponge iron - tons'
steel 'tons' /
cf(c) 'final products' / steel /
ce(c) 'export product' / steel /
ci(c) 'intermediate products' / sponge /
cr(c) 'raw materials' / nat-gas, electric, scrap /
cm(c) 'mining products' / coke, pellets /
cv(c) 'raw materials imported' / coke, pellets /
p 'processes' / pig-iron 'pig iron production from pellets'
sponge 'sponge iron production'
steel-oh 'steel production in open hearth'
steel-el 'steel production in electric furnace'
steel-bof 'steel production in bof'
steel-bofs 'steel production in bof with high scrap' /
m 'productive units' / blast-furn 'blast furnaces'
openhearth 'open hearth furnaces'
bof 'basic oxygen furnaces'
direct-red 'direct reduction units'
elec-arc 'electric arc furnaces' /
me(m) 'expansion units' / blast-furn, bof, direct-red, elec-arc /
t 'time periods' / 1981-83, 1984-86, 1987-89, 1990-92, 1993-95 /
te(t) 'expansion periods' / 1984-86, 1987-89, 1990-92, 1993-95 /
energy(cr) / nat-gas, electric /
q 'cost levels' / 1*5 /
g 'investment function segments' / 1*4 /;
Alias (t,tau), (i,ip), (te,taue);
baseyear 'base year' / 1979 /
theta 'years per time period' / 3 /;
midyear(t) 'period mid-years'
ts(t,tau) 'time summation matrix';
midyear(t) = baseyear + theta*ord(t);
ts(te,taue)$(ord(taue) <= ord(te)) = 1;
display midyear, ts;
$sTitle Technology Data
Table a(c,p) 'input-output coefficients'
pig-iron sponge steel-oh steel-el steel-bof steel-bofs
pellets -1.58 -1.38
coke -.63
nat-gas -.38
electric -.68
scrap -.33 -.12 -.25
pig-iron 1.0 -.77 -.95 -.82
sponge 1.0 -1.09
steel 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 ;
two io coefficients were changed according to suggestions by hyls
nat-gas,sponge from -.57 to -.38
electric,steel-el from -.58 to -.68
these figures correspond to summer 1980 hylsap performance
Table b(m,p) 'capacity utilization'
pig-iron sponge steel-oh steel-el steel-bof steel-bofs
blast-furn 1.0
openhearth 1.0
bof 1.0 1.0
direct-red 1.0
elec-arc 1.0 ;
Table k(m,i) 'capacities of productive units (mill tons per year)'
ahmsa fundidora sicartsa hylsa hylsap
blast-furn 3.25 1.40 1.10
openhearth 1.50 .85
bof 2.07 1.50 1.30
direct-red .98 1.00
elec-arc 1.13 .56;
Table km(cm,im,*) 'mining capacity data'
* p-low : low price (us$ per ton)
* p-high: high price (us$ per ton)
* wmax : maximum mine capacity (million tons)
p-low p-high wmax expo
coke.coahuila 52 100 230 1.3
pellets.ore-north 18.7 38 60 1.3
pellets.ore-south 18.7 38 115 1.3;
wbar(cm,im) 'stock of mine products (million tons)'
pw(cm,q,im) 'purchase price of mine products (us $ per ton)';
wbar(cm,im) = km(cm,im,"wmax")/card(q);
pw(cm,q,im)$km(cm,im,"wmax") = km(cm,im,"p-low")
+ (km(cm,im,"p-high") - km(cm,im,"p-low"))
* ((ord(q)-1)/(card(q)-1))**km(cm,im,"expo");
display wbar, pw;
dt 'total demand for final goods in 1979 (million tons)' / 5.2 /
rse 'raw steel equivalence (percent)' / 40 /
gd 'annual growth rate of demand (percent)' / 10 /;
dd(j) 'distribution of demand' / mexico-df .55, monterrey .3, guadalaja .15 /
d(cf,j,t) 'demand for steel (mill tpy)'
eu(t) 'export bound: upper';
d("steel",j,t) = dt*(1 + rse/100)*dd(j)*(1 + gd/100)**(midyear(t) - baseyear);
eu(t) = .2;
display d;
$sTitle Transportation Data
Table rd(*,*) 'rail distances from plants to markets (km)'
mexico-df monterrey guadalaja export
ahmsa 1204 218 1125 739
fundidora 1017 1030 521
sicartsa 819 1305 704
hylsa 1017 1030 521
hylsap 185 1085 760 315
tampico 941 521 995
coatza 900 1756 1100
import 428 521 300 ;
Table ri(i,ip) 'interplant rail distances (km)'
ahmsa fundidora sicartsa hylsa hylsap tampico coatza
fundidora 218
sicartsa 1416 1322
hylsa 218 10 1327
hylsap 1300 1159 995 1159
tampico 739 521 1319 521 1111
coatza 1850 1756 1638 1756 671 1702 ;
Table rm(im,i) 'rail distances from mines to plants (km)'
ahmsa fundidora sicartsa hylsa hylsap tampico coatza
coahuila 120 400 1500 400 1420 900 2100
ore-north 219 563 1613 563 1411 1048 2195
ore-south 1490 1396 1396 1116 1338 1500;
* hercules used as the center of the norhern ore district
* pena colorado used as the center for the southern ore district
* except sicartsa which uses las truchas distances
muf(i,j) 'transport cost: final products (us $ per ton)'
mun(i,ip) 'transport cost: interplant shipments (us $ per ton)'
mum(im,i) 'transport cost: mine to plant (us $ per ton)'
muv(j) 'transport cost: imports (us $ per ton)'
mue(i) 'transport cost: exports (us $ per ton)';
ri(i,ip) = max(ri(i,ip),ri(ip,i));
muf(i,j) = (2.48 + .0084*rd(i,j)) $rd(i,j);
mun(i,ip) = (2.48 + .0084*ri(i,ip)) $ri(i,ip);
mum(im,i) = (2.48 + .0084*rm(im,i)) $rm(im,i);
muv(j) = (2.48 + .0084*rd("import",j))$rd("import",j);
mue(i) = (2.48 + .0084*rd(i,"export"))$rd(i,"export");
display muf, mun, mum, muv, mue;
$sTitle Investment and Price Data
Table inv(me,*) 'investment cost table'
* hhat : economies of scale size (mill tons/yr)
* phihat: cost of plant of size hhat (mill us$)
* beta : scale factor: phihat = xx*hhat**beta
* according to r.j. kuhl, steel times intern, june 1979
hhat phihat beta
blast-furn 1.5 250 .6
bof 1.5 120 .6
direct-red .8 100 .6
elec-arc .5 42 .6;
site(i) 'site factor' / (fundidora,hylsa) 1.1, (sicartsa,hylsap,ahmsa) 1, (tampico,coatza) 1.2 /
omega(me,g,i) 'plant cost at segment (million us$)'
sb(me,g) 'segment size (million tons per year)'
zeta 'life of productive unit (years)'
rho 'discount rate'
sigma 'capital recovery factor'
delta(t) 'discount factor';
inv(me,"fixed") = inv(me,"phihat")*(.5**(inv(me,"beta")-1)-1);
omega(me,"1",i) = inv(me,"fixed")*site(i);
omega(me,"2",i) = inv(me,"phihat")*site(i);
omega(me,"3",i) = omega(me,"2",i)*3;
omega(me,"4",i) = omega(me,"2",i)*6*1.25;
sb(me,"1") = 0;
sb(me,"2") = inv(me,"hhat");
sb(me,"3") = sb(me,"2")*3;
sb(me,"4") = sb(me,"2")*6;
zeta = 20;
rho = .1;
sigma = rho/(1-(1+rho)**(-zeta));
delta(t) = (1+rho)**(baseyear-midyear(t));
rlev 'resource level' / 1 /
iron 'iron production bound (million tons per year)' / 30 /
pd(cr,i,t) 'domestic prices'
region(i) 'locations with energy subsidy' / (coatza,sicartsa,tampico) .3 /
pdb(cr) 'base price of domestic materials (pesos per ton)' / nat-gas 14, electric 26, scrap 105 /
pv(c) 'import prices (us$ per ton)' / coke 60, pellets 40, steel 150 /
pe(ce) 'export prices (us$ per ton)' / steel 140 / ;
pd(cr,i,t) = pdb(cr);
pd("nat-gas",i,t) = min(128, pdb("nat-gas") + (128-pdb("nat-gas"))/4*(ord(t)-1));
pd(energy,i,t) = pd(energy,i,t)*(1-region(i));
display omega, sigma, delta, inv, sb, pd, iron, rlev;
$sTitle Model Definition
z(p,i,t) 'process level (mill tpy)'
w(cm,q,im,t) 'production of mining products (mill tpy)'
x(c,i,j,t) 'shipment of final products (mill tpy)'
xn(c,i,ip,t) 'interplant shipments (mill tpy)'
xm(c,im,i,t) 'shipment of mining products (mill tpy)'
u(c,i,t) 'purchase of domestic materials (mill units per year)'
h(m,i,t) 'capacity expansion (mill tpy)'
s(me,g,i,t) 'investment function segment'
y(me,i,te) 'binary variable'
v(cf,j,t) 'imports (mill tpy)'
vr(c,i,t) 'imports of raw materials (mill tpy)'
e(c,i,t) 'exports (mill tpy)'
phi 'total cost (discounted) (mill us$)'
phikap(t) 'capital cost (mill us$)'
phipsi(t) 'raw material cost (mill us$)'
philam(t) 'transport cost (mill us$)'
phipi(t) 'import cost (mill us$)'
phieps(t) 'export revenue (mill us$)';
Positive Variable z, w, x, xn, xm, u, h, s, v, vr, e;
Binary Variable y;
mb(c,i,t) 'material balance: steel plants (mill tpy)'
mbm(cm,im,t) 'material balance: mines (mill tpy)'
cc(m,i,t) 'capacity constraint: steel plants (mill tpy)'
ccm(cm,q,im) 'capacity constraint: mines (mill tpy)'
ih(me,i,te) 'definition of h'
ic(me,i,te) 'convex combination and 0-1 constr'
mr(cf,j,t) 'market requirements (mill tpy)'
eb(t) 'export bounds (mill tpy)'
zb(i,t) 'limit on steel production (mill tpy)'
obj 'accounting: total discounted cost (mill us$)'
akap(t) 'accounting: investment cost charges (mill us$)'
apsi(t) 'accounting: raw materials (mill us$)'
alam(t) 'accounting: transport (mill us$)'
api(t) 'accounting: import cost (mill us$)'
aeps(t) 'accounting: export revenue (mill us$)';
mb(c,i,t).. sum(p, a(c,p)*z(p,i,t)) + u(c,i,t)$cr(c)
+ sum(im, xm(c,im,i,t))$cm(c) + vr(c,i,t)$cv(c)
+ sum(ip, xn(c,ip,i,t))$ci(c)
=g= sum(ip, xn(c,i,ip,t))$ci(c) + sum(j, x(c,i,j,t))$cf(c) + e(c,i,t)$ce(c);
mbm(cm,im,t).. sum(q, w(cm,q,im,t)) =g= sum(i, xm(cm,im,i,t));
cc(m,i,t).. sum(p, b(m,p)*z(p,i,t)) =l= k(m,i) + sum(tau$ts(t,tau), h(m,i,tau)$me(m));
ccm(cm,q,im).. sum(t, w(cm,q,im,t)) =l= rlev*wbar(cm,im)/theta;
ih(me,i,te).. h(me,i,te) =e= sum(g, sb(me,g)*s(me,g,i,te));
ic(me,i,te).. y(me,i,te) =e= sum(g, s(me,g,i,te));
mr(cf,j,t).. sum(i, x(cf,i,j,t)) + v(cf,j,t) =g= d(cf,j,t);
eb(t).. sum((ce,i), e(ce,i,t)) =l= eu(t);
zb(i,t).. z("pig-iron",i,t) + z("sponge",i,t) =l= iron;
obj.. phi =e= sum(t, delta(t)*theta*(phikap(t) + phipsi(t) + philam(t) + phipi(t) - phieps(t)));
akap(t).. phikap(t) =e= sigma*sum(tau$ts(t,tau), sum((me,g,i), omega(me,g,i)*s(me,g,i,tau)));
apsi(t).. phipsi(t) =e= sum((cr,i), pd(cr,i,t)*u(cr,i,t)) + sum((cm,q,im), pw(cm,q,im)*w(cm,q,im,t));
alam(t).. philam(t) =e= sum(cf, sum((i,j), muf(i,j)*x(cf,i,j,t)) + sum(j, muv(j)*v(cf,j,t)))
+ sum((cm,im,i), mum(im,i)*xm(cm,im,i,t)) + sum((ce,i), mue(i)*e(ce,i,t))
+ sum((ci,i,ip), mun(i,ip)*xn(ci,i,ip,t)) + sum((cv,i), mue(i)*vr(cv,i,t));
api(t).. phipi(t) =e= sum((cf,j), pv(cf)*v(cf,j,t)) + sum((cv,i), pv(cv)*vr(cv,i,t));
aeps(t).. phieps(t) =e= sum((ce,i), pe(ce)*e(ce,i,t));
Model mexsd 'small dynamic steel problem' / all /;
solve mexsd minimizing phi using mip;