For a sample of 842 persons in Washington DC in the late 1960's Horowitz modeled the 'work-trip mode choice' decision (automobile or other) for the daily trip from home to work. We compute the max (weighted) score estimators using a MIP formulation due to Florios and Skouras.
Large Model of Type : MIP
Category : GAMS Model library
Main file : mws.gms includes :
$title Computation of Horowitz's work-trip mode choice model estimates (MWS,SEQ=331)
For a sample of 842 persons in Washington DC in the late 1960's Horowitz
modeled the 'work-trip mode choice' decision (automobile or other) for the
daily trip from home to work.
We compute the max (weighted) score estimators using a MIP formulation due to
Florios and Skouras.
Florios, K, and Skouras, S, A note on exact computation of max weighted score
estimators by mixed integer programming. Tech. rep., National Technical
University of Athens & Athens University of Economics and Business, 2007
Horowitz, J L, Semiparametric estimation of a work-trip mode choice model.
Journal of Econometrics 58(1-2), 49-70, 1993
Keywords: mixed integer linear programming, econometrics, estimator computation,
work-trip mode choice, maximum score
p 'explanatory variables'
/ DCOST "transit fare minus automobile travel cost"
CARS "cars owned by the traveler's household"
DOVTT "transit out-of-vehicle minus automobile out-of-vehicle time"
DIVTT "transit in-vehicle minus automobile in-vehicle time"
INTCPT "intercept" /
T 'sample size (households)' / 1*842 /;
Parameter y(T) 'value of binary dependent variable';
Table X(T,*) 'explanatory and dependent variables'
y(T) = X(T,'DEPEND');
$if not set normalize_X $set normalize_X 1
delta 'domain for every parameter to be estimated' / 10 /
Xnms(T,p) 'matrix X, normalized all variances equal to 1 if %normalizeX%==1'
mean(p) 'average of X(T.p) over T for mu sigma normalization'
stdev(p) 'stdev of X(T.p) over T etc'
omega(T) 'tight valid big M coefficient for disjunctive constraints';
mean(p) = sum(T, X(T,p))/card(T);
stdev(p) = sqrt(sum(T, sqr(X(T,p) - mean(p)))/(card(T) - 1));
Xnms(T,p) = X(T,p);
$if %normalize_X% == 1 Xnms(T,p) = 1; Xnms(T,p)$stdev(p) = (X(T,p) - mean(p))/stdev(p);
omega(T) = sum(p$(ord(p) = 1), abs(Xnms(T,p))) + delta*sum(p$(ord(p) > 1), abs(Xnms(T,p)));
z(T) 'indicates if sign coincidence for y and linear comb. of X'
beta(p) 'vector components to estimate in max weighted score'
mws 'objective variable';
Binary Variable z;
objfun 'objective function is (weighted) number of sign coincidences'
cosg(T) 'sign coincidence constraint between y and X*b';
objfun.. mws =e= sum(T, z(T));
cosg(T).. (1 - 2*y(T))*sum(p, beta(p)*Xnms(T,p)) =l= omega(T)*(1 - z(T));
Model MaxWeightedScore / all /;
beta.lo(p) = -delta;
beta.up(p) = delta;
beta.fx(p)$(ord(p) = 1) = 1;
option optCr = 0;
solve MaxWeightedScore using mip max mws;
Parameter ffbeta(p) 'parameter vector components';
ffbeta(p) = beta.l(p);
$if not %normalize_X% == 1 $goTo display
Parameter fbeta(p) 'intermediate vector';
Alias (p,pp);
fbeta(p) = -sum(pp$stdev(pp), beta.l(pp)*mean(pp)/stdev(pp)) + beta.l(p);
fbeta(p)$stdev(p) = beta.l(p)/stdev(p);
ffbeta(p) = fbeta(p)/sum(pp$(ord(pp) = 1), fbeta(pp));
$label display
display beta.l, ffbeta;