A simplified representation of the Mexican steel sector is used to introduce a process industry production and distribution scheduling problem.
Small Model of Type : LP
Category : GAMS Model library
Main file : mexss.gms
$title Mexico Steel - Small Static (MEXSS,SEQ=15)
A simplified representation of the Mexican steel sector is used
to introduce a process industry production and distribution
scheduling problem.
Kendrick, D, Meeraus, A, and Alatorre, J, The Planning of Investment
Programs in the Steel Industry. The Johns Hopkins University Press,
Baltimore and London, 1984.
A scanned version of this out-of-print book is accessible at
Keywords: linear programming, production problem, distribution problem, scheduling,
micro economics, steel industry
$sTitle Set Definitions
i 'steel plants' / ahmsa 'altos hornos - monclova'
fundidora 'monterrey'
sicartsa 'lazaro cardenas'
hylsa 'monterrey'
hylsap 'puebla' /
j 'markets' / mexico-df, monterrey, guadalaja /
c 'commodities' / pellets 'iron ore pellets - tons'
coke 'tons'
nat-gas 'natural gas - 1000 n cubic meters'
electric 'electricity - mwh'
scrap 'tons'
pig-iron 'molten pig iron - tons'
sponge 'sponge iron - tons'
steel 'tons' /
cf(c) 'final products' / steel /
ci(c) 'intermediate products' / sponge, pig-iron /
cr(c) 'raw materials' / pellets, coke, nat-gas, electric, scrap /
p 'processes' / pig-iron 'pig iron production from pellets'
sponge 'sponge iron production'
steel-oh 'steel production: open hearth'
steel-el 'steel production: electric furnace'
steel-bof 'steel production: bof' /
m 'productive units' / blast-furn 'blast furnaces'
openhearth 'open hearth furnaces'
bof 'basic oxygen converters'
direct-red 'direct reduction units'
elec-arc 'electric arc furnaces' /;
$sTitle Model Parameters
Table a(c,p) 'input-output coefficients'
pig-iron sponge steel-oh steel-el steel-bof
pellets -1.58 -1.38
coke -.63
nat-gas -.57
electric -.58
scrap -.33 -.12
pig-iron 1.0 -.77 -.95
sponge 1.0 -1.09
steel 1.0 1.0 1.0;
Table b(m,p) 'capacity utilization'
pig-iron sponge steel-oh steel-el steel-bof
blast-furn 1.0
openhearth 1.0
bof 1.0
direct-red 1.0
elec-arc 1.0 ;
Table k(m,i) 'capacities of productive units (mill tpy)'
ahmsa fundidora sicartsa hylsa hylsap
blast-furn 3.25 1.40 1.10
openhearth 1.50 .85
bof 2.07 1.50 1.30
direct-red .98 1.00
elec-arc 1.13 .56;
dt 'total demand for final goods in 1979 (million tons)' / 5.209 /
rse 'raw steel equivalence (percent)' / 40 /;
d(c,j) 'demand for steel in 1979 (mill tpy)'
dd(j) 'distribution of demand' / mexico-df 55, monterrey 30, guadalaja 15 /;
d("steel",j) = dt * (1 + rse/100) * dd(j)/100;
Table rd(*,*) 'rail distances from plants to markets (km)'
mexico-df monterrey guadalaja export
ahmsa 1204 218 1125 739
fundidora 1017 1030 521
sicartsa 819 1305 704
hylsa 1017 1030 521
hylsap 185 1085 760 315
import 428 521 300 ;
muf(i,j) 'transport rate: final products(us$ per ton)'
muv(j) 'transport rate: imports (us$ per ton)'
mue(i) 'transport rate: exports (us$ per ton)';
muf(i,j) = ( 2.48 + .0084*rd(i,j)) $rd(i,j);
muv(j) = ( 2.48 + .0084*rd("import",j))$rd("import",j);
mue(i) = ( 2.48 + .0084*rd(i,"export"))$rd(i,"export");
Table prices(c,*) 'product prices (us$ per unit)'
domestic import export
pellets 18.7
coke 52.17
nat-gas 14.0
electric 24.0
scrap 105.0
steel 150. 140.;
pd(c) 'domestic prices(us$ per unit)'
pv(c) 'import prices (us$ per unit)'
pe(c) 'export prices (us$ per unit)'
eb 'export bound (mill tpy)';
pd(c) = prices(c,"domestic");
pv(c) = prices(c,"import");
pe(c) = prices(c,"export");
eb = 1.0;
$sTitle Model Definition
z(p,i) 'process level (mill tpy)'
x(c,i,j) 'shipment of final products (mill tpy)'
u(c,i) 'purchase of domestic materials (mill units per year)'
v(c,j) 'imports (mill tpy)'
e(c,i) 'exports (mill tpy)'
phi 'total cost (mill us$)'
phipsi 'raw material cost (mill us$)'
philam 'transport cost (mill us$)'
phipi 'import cost (mill us$)'
phieps 'export revenue (mill us$)';
Positive Variable z, x, u, v, e;
mbf(c,i) 'material balances: final products (mill tpy)'
mbi(c,i) 'material balances: intermediates (mill tpy)'
mbr(c,i) 'material balances: raw materials (mill tpy)'
cc(m,i) 'capacity constraint (mill tpy)'
mr(c,j) 'market requirements (mill tpy)'
me(c) 'maximum export (mill tpy)'
obj 'accounting: total cost (mill us$)'
apsi 'accounting: raw material cost (mill us$)'
alam 'accounting: transport cost (mill us$)'
api 'accounting: import cost (mill us$)'
aeps 'accounting: export cost (mill us$)';
mbf(cf,i).. sum(p, a(cf,p)*z(p,i)) =g= sum(j, x(cf,i,j)) + e(cf,i);
mbi(ci,i).. sum(p, a(ci,p)*z(p,i)) =g= 0;
mbr(cr,i).. sum(p, a(cr,p)*z(p,i)) + u(cr,i) =g= 0;
cc(m,i).. sum(p, b(m,p)*z(p,i)) =l= k(m,i);
mr(cf,j).. sum(i, x(cf,i,j)) + v(cf,j) =g= d(cf,j);
me(cf).. sum(i, e(cf,i)) =l= eb;
obj.. phi =e= phipsi + philam + phipi - phieps;
apsi.. phipsi =e= sum((cr,i), pd(cr)*u(cr,i));
alam.. philam =e= sum((cf,i,j), muf(i,j)*x(cf,i,j))
+ sum((cf,j), muv(j)*v(cf,j))
+ sum((cf,i), mue(i)*e(cf,i));
api.. phipi =e= sum((cf,j), pv(cf)*v(cf,j));
aeps.. phieps =e= sum((cf,i), pe(cf)*e(cf,i));
Model mexss 'small static problem' / all /;
solve mexss using lp minimizing phi;