sample.gms : Stratified Sample Design


The problem is to find a sampling plan that minimizes cost
and yields variances of the population less than an upper bound.
Table 10.1 in the book is not consistent with the equation
statements and the objective function value must be a misprint.

Small Model of Type : NLP

Category : GAMS Model library

Main file : sample.gms

$title Stratified Sample Design (SAMPLE,SEQ=27)

The problem is to find a sampling plan that minimizes cost
and yields variances of the population less than an upper bound.
Table 10.1 in the book is not consistent with the equation
statements and the objective function value must be a misprint.

Bracken, J, and McCormick, G P, Chapter 10.2. In Selected Applications
of Nonlinear Programming. John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1968.

Keywords: nonlinear programming, sample design, statistics

   h 'stratum' / 1*4  /
   j 'variate' / a, b /;

Table data(h,*)
          pop   a   b  cost
   1   400000  25   1     1
   2   300000  25   4     1
   3   200000  25  16     1
   4   100000  25  64     1;

   vmax(j) 'maximum variance'  / a .04, b .01 /
   w(h)    'stratum weight'
   tpop    'total population'
   k1(h,j) 'constant one'
   k2(j)   'constant two';

tpop    = sum(h, data(h,"pop"));
w(h)    = data(h,"pop")/tpop;
k1(h,j) = sqr(w(h))*data(h,j);
k2(j)   = sum(h, w(h)*data(h,j)/data(h,"pop"));

display tpop, w, k1,k2;

   n(h)     'sample - original formulation'
   nr(h)    'reciprocal of sample size'
   c        'cost';

   vbal(j)  'variance balance - original formulation'
   vbalr(j) 'reciprocal variance balance'
   cbal     'cost balance - original formulation'
   cbalr    'reciprocal formulation of cost balance';

vbal(j)..  sum(h, k1(h,j)/n(h)) - k2(j)  =l= vmax(j);

vbalr(j).. sum(h, k1(h,j)*nr(h)) - k2(j) =l= vmax(j);

cbal..     c =e= sum(h, data(h,"cost")*n(h));

cbalr..    c =e= sum(h, data(h,"cost")/nr(h));

   sample  'original formulation'   / vbal,  cbal  /
   sampler 'reciprocal formulation' / vbalr, cbalr /;

n.lo(h) = 100;
n.up(h) = data(h,"pop");
n.l(h)  = 200;
c.l     = sum(h, data(h,"cost")*n.l(h));

solve sample minimizing c using nlp;

nr.lo(h) = 1/data(h,"pop");
nr.up(h) = 1/100;
nr.l(h)  = 1/n.l(h);

solve sampler minimizing c using nlp;