Given the eccentricity e of the journal bearing, find the pressure distribution in the lubricant separating the shaft from the bearing. This model is from the COPS benchmarking suite. See The number of internal grid points can be specified using the command line parameters --nx and --ny. COPS performance tests have been reported for nx-1 = 50, ny-1 = 25, 50, 75, 100
Large Model of Type : NLP
Category : GAMS Model library
Main file : jbearing.gms
$title Journal Bearing COPS 2.0 #16 (JBEARING,SEQ=244)
Given the eccentricity e of the journal bearing, find the pressure
distribution in the lubricant separating the shaft from the bearing.
This model is from the COPS benchmarking suite.
The number of internal grid points can be specified using the command
line parameters --nx and --ny. COPS performance tests have been
reported for nx-1 = 50, ny-1 = 25, 50, 75, 100
Dolan, E D, and More, J J, Benchmarking Optimization
Software with COPS. Tech. rep., Mathematics and Computer
Science Division, 2000.
Capriz, G, and Cimatti, G, Free Boundary Problems in the
Theory of Hydrodynamic Lubrication: A Survey. In Fasano, A,
and Primicerio, M, Eds, Resarch Notes in Mathematics. Pitman,
1983, pp. 613-635.
Averick, B M, Carter, R G, More, J J, and Xue, G L, The
MINPACK-2 Test Problem Collection. Tech. rep., Mathematics
and Computer Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory,
Keywords: nonlinear programming, engineering, journal bearing
$if not set nx $set nx 51
$if not set ny $set ny 51
nx / 0*%nx% /
ny / 0*%ny% /;
Alias (nx,i), (ny,j);
b 'grid is (0,2*pi)x(0,2*b)' / 10 /
e 'eccentricity' / 0.1 /
hx 'grid spacing'
hy 'grid spacing'
area 'area of triangle';
hx = 2*pi/%nx%;
hy = 2*b/%ny%;
area = 0.5*hx*hy;
Parameter wq(nx);
wq(nx) = power(1 + e*cos((ord(nx) - 1)*hx),3);
Positive Variable v(nx,ny);
Variable obj;
Equation defobj 'objective function';
obj =e= (hx*hy/12)*sum{(nx(i+1),ny(j+1)), (wq[i] + 2*wq[i+1])
*(sqr((v[i+1,j] - v[i,j])/hx) + sqr((v[i,j+1] - v[i,j])/hy))}
+ (hx*hy/12)*sum{(nx(i+1),ny(j+1)), (2*wq[i+1] + 2*wq[i])
*(sqr((v[i,j+1] - v[i+1,j+1])/hx) + sqr((v[i+1,j] - v[i+1,j+1])/hy))}
- hx*hy*sum{(nx,ny), e*sin((ord(nx) - 1)*hx)*v[nx,ny]};
* Starting point
v.l[nx,ny] = max(sin((ord(nx) - 1)*hx),0);
v.fx[nx, '0'] = 0;
v.fx[nx,'%ny%'] = 0;
v.fx[ '0',ny] = 0;
v.fx['%nx%',ny] = 0;
Model bearing / all /;
$if set workSpace bearing.workSpace = %workSpace%
bearing.workFactor = 2;
solve bearing minimizing obj using nlp;