Calendar Function Examples
Small Model of Type : GAMS
Category : GAMS Model library
Main file : calendar.gms
$title Calendar Function Examples (CALENDAR,SEQ=183)
Calendar Function Examples
GAMS Development Corporation, Formulation and Language Example.
The Date and Time Functions are:
Serial = Jstart (start of Gams Job)
Serial = JNow (current date/time stamp)
Year = GYear (serial)
Month = GMonth (serial)
Day = GDay (serial)
Hours = GHour (serial)
Minute = GMinute(serial)
Second = GSecond(serial)
DoW = GDoW (serial) (1=Monday,2=Tuesday,..)
Leap = GLeap (serial) (0=no leap year, 1=leap year)
DSerial = JDate(Year,Month,Day) (full days)
TSerial = JTime(Hour,Minute,Second); (fraction of day)
Inputs to the J(ulian) Functions are Gregorian dates and the
G(regorian) Functions are days since January 1, 1900.
The Jstart/Jnow return a serial number that measures the time
elapsed since January 1, 1900, at 00:00:00 in days.
Note the relationship below:
jstart == jdate(gyear(jstart),gmonth (jstart),gday (jstart))
+ Jtime(ghour(jstart),gminute(jstart),gsecond(jstart))
Keywords: GAMS language features, calendar functions
$eolCom //
start 'date + time at start of GAMS job'
now 'current date + time';
year, month, day, hour, minute, second, dow,
leap, date, time, diff, sdate, stime, diff;
start = jstart;
now = jnow;
year = gyear(start); month = gmonth (start); day = gday (start);
hour = ghour(start); minute = gminute(start); second = gsecond(start);
dow = gdow (start);
leap = gleap(start);
display start, now, year, month, day, hour, minute, second, dow, leap;
date = jdate(year,month,day);
time = jtime(hour,minute,second);
diff = start - (date + time);
sdate = floor(start);
stime = mod(start,1);
display date, time, diff, sdate, stime;
* get resolution of jnow by looking at the first 5 changes
Scalar test, i, old, new, sec;
new = jnow;
for(i = 1 to 5,
old = new;
while(old = new, new = jnow;); // burn time until Jnow changes
test = new - old;
display test;
sec = gsecond(new) - gsecond(old);
display sec;
* now we want to know when to celebrate the year 2000
Scalar s2000, days2000, hours2000, min2000, sec2000;
s2000 = jdate(2000,1,1) - jnow;
days2000 = floor(s2000);
hours2000 = floor(mod(s2000,1)*24);
min2000 = floor(mod(s2000*24,1)*60);
sec2000 = mod(s2000*24*60,1)*60;
display 'all truncated numbers', days2000, hours2000, min2000, sec2000;
days2000 = s2000;
hours2000 = mod(days2000,1)*24;
min2000 = mod(hours2000,1)*60;
sec2000 = mod(min2000,1)*60;
display 'all fractional numbers', days2000, hours2000, min2000, sec2000;
* print a calendar for a number of years
w / Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun /
m / January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December /
y / 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 /;
dim(y,m) 'days in month'
ym(y) 'year'
sm(m) 'next month';
sm(m--1) = ord(m);
ym(y) = ord(y) + 1996;
dim(y,m) = jdate(ym(y) + (card(m) = ord(m)),sm(m),1) - jdate(ym(y),ord(m),1)
display sm, dim;
File calendar;
put calendar @12 'C a l e n d a r' /
@12 '---------------' /;
put / / @13 'Year = '
put / / @15 , /;
loop(w, put>5;);
old = 1;
for(i = 1 to dim(y,m),
date = jdate(ym(y),ord(m),i);
put$old / ;
put @((gdow(date) - 1)*5 + 1) i:5:0;
old = >= card(w)*5;
* print a calendar from today for 400 days
File calendar;
put / / / / @12 'C a l e n d a r' /
@12 '---------------' /;
month = 0;
for(i = jstart to jstart + 400,
if(month <> gmonth(i),
month = gmonth(i);
put / / @15 ,month:2:0 '/' gyear(i):4:0 /;
loop(w, put>5;);
put /;
put$( >= card(w)*5) /;
put @((gdow(i) - 1)*5 + 1) gday(i):5:0;