yemcem.gms : Yemen Cement Model


A simple model of the cement sector for the Yemen Arab Republic
can be used to explore expansion plans under various assumptions
about domestic and world markets and cost structures.

Large Model of Type : MIP

Category : GAMS Model library

Main file : yemcem.gms

$title Y E M E N  Cement Model (YEMCEM,SEQ=51)

A simple model of the cement sector for the Yemen Arab Republic
can be used to explore expansion plans under various assumptions
about domestic and world markets and cost structures.

World Bank, Yemen Arab Republic - Manufacturing Industry: Performance,
Policies and Prospectives. Tech. rep., The World Bank, 1982.

Kexwords: mixed integer linear programming, micro economics, cement industry

$sTitle Set Definitions
   i  'plants'           / amran, baijil, mafrak                               /
   j  'markets'          / sanaa, hodeideh, taizz, ibb, dhamar                 /
   m  'productive units' / dry-kiln 'dry process kiln and ancillaries'
                           wet-kiln 'wet process kiln and ancillaries'
                           mills    'clinker-gypsum mills storage and packing' /

   ms(m)  'productive units with economies of scale'
   mp(m)  'productive units without economies of scale'
   p      'process'         / dry        'dry process clinker production'
                              wet        'wet process clinker production'
                              grind      'clinker grinding'                    /
   ca     'all commodities' / limestone  'tons'
                              clay       'tons'
                              gypsum     'tons'
                              fuel       '1000*liter'
                              petrol     '1000*liter'
                              explosives 'kg'
                              grindparts 'kg'
                              refractory 'kg'
                              bags       'bag'
                              clinker    'tons'
                              cement     'tons'                                /
   c(ca)  'commodities for material balance constraints' / cement,clinker,fuel /
   cf(c)  'final products'                               / cement              /
   ci(c)  'imported intermediate products'               / clinker, fuel       /
   cr(ca) 'local materials'   / limestone,  clay, gypsum, petrol, explosives
                                grindparts, refractory,   bags                 /
   t      'time periods'      / 1983-85, 1986-88, 1989-91, 1992-94             /
   te(t)  'expansion periods' / 1986-88, 1989-91, 1992-94                      /
   s      'kiln sizes'        / small, medium, large                           /;

Alias (te,tp);

$sTitle Parameters and Data Modifications
   pd(cr)  'domestic prices      (yr per unit)'
           / limestone   5.0, clay          2.0
             gypsum     24.6, petrol     1175.0
             explosives  4.0, grindparts    3.328
             refractory  4.0, bags          1.31  /
   pv(ca)  'import prices         (yr per ton)'
   pe(ca)  'export prices         (yr per ton)'
   ebu(t)  'upper bound on exports  (1000 tpy)'
   vbu(t)  'upper bound on imports  (1000 tpy)'
   vibu(t) 'bound on klinker import (1000 tpy)';

pv("cement ") = 280;
pv("clinker") = .8*pv("cement");
pv("fuel   ") = 600;
pe(c)         = .75*pv(c);
ebu(t)        = 1000;
vbu(t)        = 3000;
vibu(t)       = na;

display pd, pv, pe;

Table a(ca,p)  'input-output coefficients'
                 dry       wet        grind
   limestone    -1.3      -1.3
   clay          -.3       -.3
   gypsum                             -.04
   petrol        -.00147   -.00147
   explosives    -.192     -.192
   grindparts                         -.385
   refractory    -.152     -.152
   bags                             -20.0
   fuel          -.1127    -.1465
   clinker        .96       .96       -.96
   cement                             1.0  ;

Table b(m,p)   'capacity utilization'
                dry  wet  grind
   dry-kiln     1.0
   wet-kiln          1.0
   mills                    1.0;

Table k(m,i)   'capacities as of 1982 (1000 tpy)'
                amran  baijil  mafrak
   dry-kiln     500.0
   wet-kiln             320.0
   mills        500.0   320.0        ;

Table inv(m,*) 'capital investment data'
* cost  millions yr (1978)
* size  1000 tpy
* scale scale factor - cost = constant*size**scale
                   cost   size  scale
   dry-kiln     526.296  500.0   .53
   wet-kiln     447.352  500.0   .56
   mills        105.259  500.0   1.00;

   site(i)    'site factor'                             / amran  1.2
                                                          baijil 1.15
                                                          mafrak 1.05 /
   size(s)    'kiln size                    (1000 tpy)' / small   500
                                                          medium  750
                                                          large  1000 /
   klim(i)    'limit of total kiln capacity (1000 tpy)'
   ts(t,t)    'time summation matrix'
   delta(t)   'discount factor'
   rc(p)      'recurrent cost    (yr per process unit)'
   fc(m)      'fixed cost                 (yr per ton)' / dry-kiln 55.8
                                                          wet-kiln 60 /;

   sigma 'capital recovery factor'
   zeta  'life of productive units (years)'
   rho   'discount rate';

ms(m)$(inv(m,"scale") <> 1) = yes;
mp(m)          = not ms(m);
inv(ms,s)      = inv(ms,"cost")*(size(s)/inv(ms,"size"))**inv(ms,"scale");
inv(mp,"prop") = inv(mp,"cost")/inv(mp,"size");
klim(i)        = 2000;
midyear(t)     = 1981 + 3*ord(t);
ts(te,tp)$(ord(te) >= ord(tp)) = 1;
zeta     = 30;
rho      = .1;
sigma    = rho/(1 - (1 + rho)**(-zeta));
delta(t) = (1 + rho)**(1982 - midyear(t));
rc(p)    = - sum(cr, a(cr,p)*pd(cr));

display ms, mp, midyear, ts, sigma, delta, inv, rc;

Set ds 'demand scenarios (base year demand and growth rates)'
       / bg-700-06, bg-700-11, bg-900-06, bg-900-11 /;

   dt(ds,t)  'total demand for cement    (1000 tpy)'
   d(j,t,cf) 'regional demand for cement (1000 tpy)'
   dd(j)     'demand distribution'
             / sanaa 28, hodeideh 27, taizz 20, ibb 12.5, dhamar 12.5 /;

dt("bg-700-06",t) = 700*1.06**(midyear(t) - 1980);
dt("bg-700-11",t) = 700*1.11**(midyear(t) - 1980);
dt("bg-900-06",t) = 900*1.06**(midyear(t) - 1980);
dt("bg-900-11",t) = 900*1.11**(midyear(t) - 1980);
d(j,t,"cement")   = na;

display dd, dt;

Table rd(*,*) 'road distances from plants to markets (km)'
               sanaa  taizz  hodeideh  dhamar  ibb  port
   amran          48    304       279     146  209   279
   baijil        171    294        60     270  332    60
   mafrak        319     63       213     220  157   213
   port          231    276         5     329  371      ;

Table f(*,*)  'cost increase factors for motor transport'
               sanaa  hodeideh  taizz  dhamar   ibb  port
   amran        1.15      1.14   1.16    1.14  1.16  1.14
   baijil       1.14      1.11   1.13    1.13  1.14  1.11
   mafrak       1.16      1.11   1.17    1.17  1.16  1.11
   port         1.14      1.0    1.14    1.16  1.15  1.0 ;

   muf(i,j)  'cement transport cost              (yr per ton)'
   muv(j)    'import transport cost              (yr per ton)'
   mui(ci,i) 'import intermediate transport cost (yr per ton)'
   mue(i)    'export transport cost              (yr per ton)';

muf(i,j)  = 30 + .47*f(i,j)*rd(i,j);
muv(j)    = 30 + .47*f("port",j)*rd("port",j);
mue(i)    = 30 + .47*f(i,"port")*rd(i,"port");
mui(ci,i) = 30 + .35*f(i,"port")*rd(i,"port");
mui("fuel   ",i) = 1.5*mui("clinker",i);

display muf, muv, mue, mui;

$sTitle Breakeven Analysis
   tpn(i,*) 'transport protection               (yr per ton)'
   vc       'variable cost of cement production (yr per ton)'
   fxc(i,s) 'fixed cost of cement production    (yr per ton)'
   ac(i,s)  'average cost of cement production  (yr per ton)'
   mbe(i,*) 'marginal breakeven price           (yr per ton)'
   abe(i,*) 'average breakeven price            (yr per ton)';

tpn(i,"v-inputs")   = -a("fuel","dry")*mui("fuel",i);
tpn(i,"plant-gate") = mue(i) - tpn(i,"v-inputs");
tpn(i,j)            = muv(j) - (tpn(i,"v-inputs") + muf(i,j));

vc       = 1.025*(-a("fuel","dry")*pv("fuel") + rc("dry") + rc("grind"));
fxc(i,s) = 1000*sigma*site(i)*(inv("dry-kiln",s)/size(s)
         + inv("mills","prop")) + 1.025*(fc("dry-kiln") + fc("mills"));
ac(i,s)  = vc + fxc(i,s);

mbe(i,j)            = vc - tpn(i,j);
mbe(i,"plant-gate") = vc - tpn(i,"plant-gate");
abe(i,j)            = ac(i,"small") - tpn(i,j);
abe(i,"plant-gate") = ac(i,"small") - tpn(i,"plant-gate");

display tpn, vc, fxc, ac, mbe, abe;

$sTitle  Model Specification
   z(p,i,t)    'process level            (1000 units per year)'
   x(c,i,j,t)  'shipment of cement                  (1000 tpy)'
   v(cf,j,t)   'imports of cement                   (1000 tpy)'
   vi(c,i,t)   'imports of intermediates (1000 units per year)'
   e(c,i,t)    'export of cement                    (1000 tpy)'
   h(m,i,te)   'capacity expansion                  (1000 tpy)'
   y(m,i,s,te) 'binary variable'
   phi         'total discounted cost'
   phikap(t)   'capital investment charge   (mill yr per year)'
   phipsi(t)   'recurrent cost              (mill yr per year)'
   philam(t)   'transport cost              (mill yr per year)'
   phipi (t)   'import cost                 (mill yr per year)'
   phieps(t)   'export revenue              (mill yr per year)'
   phiw  (t)   'working capital charge      (mill yr per year)';

Positive Variable z, x, v, vi, e, h;
Binary   Variable y;

   mb(c,i,t)   'material balances        (1000 units per year)'
   cc(m,i,t)   'capacity constraints                (1000 tpy)'
   id(m,i,te)  'investment definition'
   ich(m,i,te) 'investment choice'
   limit(i)    'capacity limit(i)                   (1000 tpy)'
   mr(cf,j,t)  'market requirement                  (1000 tpy)'
   eb(t)       'export limit                        (1000 tpy)'
   vb(t)       'import limit: cement                (1000 tpy)'
   vib(t)      'import limit: clinker               (1000 tpy)'
   obj         'total discounted costs'
   apsi(t)     'recurrent cost acct         (mill yr per year)'
   akap(t)     'investment cost acct        (mill yr per year)'
   alam(t)     'transport cost acct         (mill yr per year)'
   api (t)     'import cost acct            (mill yr per year)'
   aeps(t)     'export revenue acct         (mill yr per year)'
   aw  (t)     'working capital acct        (mill yr per year)';

mb(c,i,t)..    sum(p, a(c,p)*z(p,i,t)) + vi(c,i,t)$ci(c) =g= (sum(j, x(c,i,j,t)) + e(c,i,t))$cf(c);

cc(m,i,t)..    sum(p, b(m,p)*z(p,i,t)) =l= k(m,i) + sum(tp$ts(t,tp), h(m,i,tp));

id(ms,i,te)..  h(ms,i,te) =e= sum(s, size(s)*y(ms,i,s,te));

ich(ms,i,te).. sum(s, y(ms,i,s,te)) =l= 1.0;

limit(i)..     sum(ms, k(ms,i) + sum(te, h(ms,i,te))) =l= klim(i);

mr(cf,j,t)..   sum(i, x(cf,i,j,t)) + v(cf,j,t) =g= d(j,t,cf);

eb(t)..        sum((cf,i), e(cf,i,t))    =l= ebu(t);

vb(t)..        sum((cf,j), v(cf,j,t))    =l= vbu(t);

vib(t)..       sum(i, vi("clinker",i,t)) =l= vibu(t);

obj..      phi       =e= sum(t, delta(t)*(phikap(t) + phipsi(t) + philam(t)
                      +  phipi(t) + phiw(t) - phieps(t)));

apsi(t)..  phipsi(t) =e= .001*(sum((p,i), rc(p)*z(p,i,t))
                      +  sum((i,m), fc(m)*(k(m,i) + sum(tp$ts(t,tp), h(m,i,tp)))));

akap(t)..  phikap(t) =e= sigma*sum(tp$ts(t,tp),  sum((ms,i,s), site(i)*inv(ms,s)*y(ms,i,s,tp))
                                               + sum((mp,i),   site(i)*inv(mp,"prop")*h(mp,i,tp)));

alam(t)..  philam(t) =e= .001*(sum(cf,  sum((i,j), muf(i,j)*x(cf,i,j,t))
                                      + sum(j, muv(j)*v(cf,j,t))
                                      + sum(i, mue(i)*e(cf,i,t)))
                             + sum((ci,i), mui(ci,i)*vi(ci,i,t)));

aeps(t)..  phieps(t) =e= .001*sum((cf,i), e(cf,i,t));

api(t)..   phipi(t)  =e= .001*(sum((cf,j), pv(cf)*v(cf,j,t)) + sum((ci,i), pv(ci)*vi(ci,i,t)));

aw(t)..    phiw(t)   =e= .25*.1*(phipsi(t) + phipi(t));

Model yemen 'Yemen cement model' / all /;

* Definition of scenario number 16:
d(j,t,"cement") = dt("bg-900-11",t)*dd(j)/100;
vibu(t)         = 0;
y.fx("dry-kiln","mafrak","small","1986-88") = 1;

solve yemen minimizing phi using mip;

display z.l, h.l;

   xx(i,*,t)  'cement shipments                 (1000 tpy)'
   kh(*,t)    'total kiln capacity              (1000 tpy)'
   mcc(i,t,m) 'shadow price on capacity - undiscounted'
   mmr(j,t)   'shadow price on requirements - undiscounted';

xx(i,j,t)     = x.l("cement",i,j,t); xx(i,"**total**",t) = sum(j, xx(i,j,t));
kh(i,t)       = sum(ms, k(ms,i) + sum(tp$ts(t,tp), h.l(ms,i,tp)));
kh("total",t) = sum(i, kh(i,t));
mcc(i,t,m)    = cc.m(m,i,t)/delta(t)*1000;
mmr(j,t)      = mr.m("cement",j,t)/delta(t)*1000;

display xx, kh, mcc, mmr;