sipres.gms : Global optimization of semi-infinite programs via restriction of the right-hand side


This model provides an algorithm for the global solution of a
semi-infinite program (SIP) without convexity assumptions.
It terminates finitely with a guaranteed feasible point, and a
certificate of eps^f-optimality. The only assumptions are continuity
of the functions and existence of an eps^f-optimal SIP-Slater point.
The lower and upper bounds are obtained by the solution of two nonconvex
nonlinear programs (NLP) each, thus shifting the nonconvexity to the
global NLP solver.

This example provides a solution to the SIP

min{(x_1,x_2) in [-1000,1000]^2} 1/3*sqr(x_1) + sqr(x_2) + 1/2*x_1;
 sqr(1 - sqr(x_1)*sqr(y)) - x_1*sqr(y) - sqr(x_2) + x_2 <= 0 for all y in [0,1]

Model has been contributed by Alexander Mitsos, June 2009
Please use the citation below in derived work.

Large Model of Type : NLP

Category : GAMS Model library

Main file : sipres.gms

$title Global Optimization of semi-infinite Programs via Restriction of the right-hand side (SIPRES,SEQ=372)

This model provides an algorithm for the global solution of a
semi-infinite program (SIP) without convexity assumptions.
It terminates finitely with a guaranteed feasible point, and a
certificate of eps^f-optimality. The only assumptions are continuity
of the functions and existence of an eps^f-optimal SIP-Slater point.
The lower and upper bounds are obtained by the solution of two nonconvex
nonlinear programs (NLP) each, thus shifting the nonconvexity to the
global NLP solver.

This example provides a solution to the SIP

min{(x_1,x_2) in [-1000,1000]^2} 1/3*sqr(x_1) + sqr(x_2) + 1/2*x_1;
 sqr(1 - sqr(x_1)*sqr(y)) - x_1*sqr(y) - sqr(x_2) + x_2 <= 0 for all y in [0,1]

Model has been contributed by Alexander Mitsos, June 2009
Please use the citation below in derived work.

Mitsos, A, Global Optimization of Semi-Infinite Programs via
Restriction of the Right Hand Side. Optimization 60, 7 (2010).

Keywords: nonlinear programming, global optimization, semi-infinite programming,

* Test only with deterministic global codes
$ifI %gams.nlp%==antigone    $goTo cont
$ifI %gams.nlp%==baron       $goTo cont
$ifI %gams.nlp%==lindoglobal $goTo cont
$ifI %gams.nlp%==scip        $goTo cont
$log %gams.nlp% does not provide deterministic global optimization
$label cont

   myoptR    'relative termination criteria for SIP' / 1e-3 /
   myoptA    'absolute termination criteria for SIP' / 1e-3 /
   epsilon   'initial value for epsilon'             / 1    /
   epsfactor 'division factor of epsilon'            / 2    /;

   disc                                          / 1*30 /
   dlbd(disc) 'discretization of lower-bounding' / /
   dubd(disc) 'discretization of upper-bounding' / /;

* dimensionality >= expected number of iterations
Scalar maxiter;
maxiter = card(disc);

Set xset, yset;

   ylbd(yset,disc) 'lower bound discretization'
   yubd(yset,disc) 'upper bound discretizationl';

   x(xset) 'variable for upper bounding and lower bounding problem'
   y(yset) 'variables for lower-level'
   obj     'upper-level objective function'
   vio     'constraint violation for lower-level program';

Model lowmod, ubdmod, lbdmod;

* Problem spefic definitions
   eqobj          'upper-level objective function'
   eqconlow       'SIP constraint'
   eqconlbd(disc) 'discretized constraints for lower bounding problem'
   eqconubd(disc) 'discretized constraints for upper bounding problem';

   xset / 1*2 /
   yset / 1*1 /;

$macro resetBoundsOnX x.lo(xset) = -1000; x.up(xset) = 1000
y.lo(yset) = 0;
y.up(yset) = 1;

eqobj..          obj =e= 1/3*sqr[x('1')] + sqr[x('2')] + 1/2*x('1');

$macro eqcon(y)  sqr{1 - sqr[x('1')]*sqr[y]} - x('1')*sqr[y] - sqr[x('2')] + x('2')

eqconlow..       eqcon(y('1')) =e= vio;

eqconlbd(dlbd).. eqcon(ylbd('1',dlbd)) =l= 0;

eqconubd(dubd).. eqcon(yubd('1',dubd)) =l= -epsilon;

* the three subproblems
   lowmod / eqconlow        /
   ubdmod / eqobj, eqconubd /
   lbdmod / eqobj, eqconlbd /;

* end of problem specific declarations

File output where results go / 'ex2res.txt' /;
put  output;

lowmod.holdFixed = 1;

option solPrint = off, limRow = 0, limCol = 0, optCa = 1e-6, optCr = 1e-4;

   LBD     'lower bound'       / -1e10 /
   UBD     'upper bound'       / +1e10 /
   UBD_LBD 'absolute gap'
   iter    'iteration counter' /     0 /
   cpulbd                      /     0 /
   cpulbdlow                   /     0 /
   cpuubd                      /     0 /
   cpuubdlow                   /     0 /

Parameter xstar(xset) 'solution';

* dummy initialization just in case
ylbd(yset,dlbd) = 6e66;
yubd(yset,dubd) = 6e66;

$eolCom //
$macro putsol(v) loop(v&set, put ' ' v.l(v&set):20:15)
$macro putstat(m) put 'm solveStat=' m.solveStat ' modelStat=' m.modelStat

   iter = iter + 1;
   if(iter > maxiter,
      put 'was not expecting iter=' iter /;
      abort 'too many iterations';
   put '####' / 'running at iter=' iter:5:0 ' LBD=' LBD:20:15 ' UBD=' UBD:20:15 /;

   solve lbdmod minimizing obj using nlp;  // lower bounding problem
   cpulbd = cpulbd + lbdmod.resUsd;

   if(lbdmod.solveStat <> %solveStat.normalCompletion%  or
     (lbdmod.modelStat <> %modelStat.optimal%          and
      lbdmod.modelStat <> %modelStat.feasibleSolution% and
      lbdmod.modelStat <> %modelStat.locallyOptimal%),
      put ' unexpected failed lbdmod' /;
      if(LBD < lbdmod.objEst, LBD = lbdmod.objEst;);
      LBD = lbdmod.objEst;
   put ' lbd obj=' obj.l:20:15 ' best possible=' lbdmod.objEst:20:15,' x='; putsol(x);
   put /;

*  lower-level problem for fixed parameters (assuming all good so far)
   x.fx(xset) = x.l(xset);
   solve lowmod maximizing vio using nlp;
   cpulbdlow = cpulbdlow + lowmod.resUsd;

   if(lowmod.solveStat = %solveStat.normalCompletion% and
     (lowmod.modelStat = %modelStat.optimal%           or
      lowmod.modelStat = %modelStat.feasibleSolution%  or
      lowmod.modelStat = %modelStat.locallyOptimal%),
      put ' normal vio=' vio.l:20:15 '  best possible=' lowmod.objEst:20:15 ' y='; putsol(y);
      put /;
      if(lowmod.objEst <= 0,
         put 'lower bounding problem found feasible point but will not use' /;
         dlbd(disc) = yes;
         ylbd(yset,disc) = y.l(yset);

*  upper bounding problem
   solve ubdmod minimizing obj using nlp;
   cpuubd = cpuubd + ubdmod.resUsd;

   if(ubdmod.solveStat <> %solveStat.normalCompletion%,
      put   'abnormal' /;
      abort 'failed ubdmod';
   elseIf(ubdmod.modelStat = %modelStat.infeasible% or
          ubdmod.modelStat = %modelStat.infeasibleNoSolution%),
      put ' infeasible epsilon=' epsilon:20:15 /;
      epsilon = epsilon/epsfactor;
   elseIf(ubdmod.modelStat <> %modelStat.optimal%          and
          ubdmod.modelStat <> %modelStat.feasibleSolution% and
          ubdmod.modelStat <> %modelStat.locallyOptimal%),
      put   'unexpected' /;
      abort "unexpected ubdmod.modelstat";
      put ' optimal candidate obj=' obj.l:20:15 ' best possible=' ubdmod.objEst:20:15 ' x='; putsol(x);
      put ' epsilon=' epsilon:20:15 /;

*    lower level problem for fixed parameters
     x.fx(xset) = x.l(xset);
     solve lowmod maximizing vio using nlp;
     cpuubdlow = cpuubdlow + lowmod.resUsd;

     if(lowmod.solveStat <> %solveStat.normalCompletion%  or
       (lowmod.modelStat <> %modelStat.optimal%          and
        lowmod.modelStat <> %modelStat.feasibleSolution% and
        lowmod.modelStat <> %modelStat.locallyOptimal%),
        put   'unexpected' /;
        abort 'failed lowmod';
        put ' normal vio=' vio.l:20:15 ' best possible=' lowmod.objEst:20:15 ' y='; putsol(y);
        put /;
        if(lowmod.objEst <= 0,
           epsilon = epsilon/epsfactor;
           if(obj.l < UBD,
              UBD = obj.l;
              xstar(xset) = x.l(xset));
*          add point to discretization
           dubd(disc) = yes;
           yubd(yset,disc) = y.l(yset));

*  check that lower bound is below upper bound (otherwise sth is wrong)
   if(UBD_LBD < 0,
      put 'UBD=' UBD:20:15 ' should be larger than LBD=' LBD:20:15 /;
      abort 'unexpected UBD < LBD';

*  check if termination has occured
   if(UBD_LBD < myoptA or LBD > UBD - myoptR*abs(UBD),
      put 'converged with UBD=' UBD:10:7 ' LBD=' LBD:10:7 ' difference=' UBD_LBD:10:7 ' xstar=';
      loop(xset, put ' ' xstar(xset):20:15;);
      put /;

* printout discretization for upper and lower bounding problem
put / '##' / 'discretization for lbd' /;
   put dlbd(disc);
   if(dlbd(disc), loop(yset, put ' ' ylbd(yset,disc):20:15););
   put /;
put / '##' / 'discretization for ubd' /;
   put dubd(disc);
   if(dubd(disc), loop(yset, put ' ' yubd(yset,disc):20:15););
   put /;

* printout CPU time and solution
cputot = cpulbd + cpulbdlow + cpuubd + cpuubdlow;
put / '##' / 'Solution'
    / cputot:10:2
    / cpulbd:10:2
    / cpulbdlow:10:2
    / cpuubd:10:2
    / cpuubdlow:10:2
    / LBD:10:5
    / UBD:10:5 /;
loop(xset, put xstar(xset):20:15 /;);