For a given set of circles determine the minimum area rectangle which hosts all circles. The problem requires a global solver.
Small Model of Type : NLP
Category : GAMS Model library
Main file : circpack.gms
$title Pack Circles in the smallest possible Rectangle (CIRCPACK,SEQ=401)
For a given set of circles determine the minimum area rectangle which hosts
all circles.
The problem requires a global solver.
Kallrath, J. Cutting Circles and Polygons from Area-Minimizing Rectangles.
Journal of Global Optimization 43 (2009), 299-328
Keywords: nonlinear programming, global optimization, cutting stock problem,
circle packing problem, shape constraints, non-overlap constraints,
design problem
d 'dimensions' / 1, 2 /
i 'items=circles' / i1*i6 /;
sizeLB(d) 'lower bounds on rectangle size' / 1 1, 2 1 /
sizeUB(d) 'upper bounds on rectangle size' / 1 4, 2 8 /
R(i) 'radius of circles' / i1 1.2, i2 0.6, i3 0.8
i4 1.7, i5 1.3, i6 0.5 /;
* The NLP model for solving the circle packing problem
Alias (i,ii);
a 'area of the rectangle'
xP(d) 'the width (d=1) and length (d=2) of the rectangle'
x(i,d) 'the center of circle i'
z 'objective function';
Positive Variable a, xP, x;
objective 'trimloss'
area 'the area of the rectangle'
disjun(i,ii) 'non-overlap condition for the circles'
ULx(i,d) 'upper limit on x(i) le w - R(i)';
objective.. z =e= a - sum(i, pi*sqr(R(i)));
* compute the area of the design rectangle (bilinear version)
area.. a =e= prod(d, xP(d));
* upper limit on the coordinates of the center of the circles
ULx(i,d).. x(i,d) =l= xP(d) - R(i);
* DISJUN(i,ii)$(not sameas(i,ii))..
disjun(i,ii)$(i.pos > ii.pos).. sum(d, sqr(x(i,d)-x(ii,d))) =g= sqr(R(i)+R(ii));
Model Circpack / all /;
* lower and upper bounds on the centre of the circles
x.lo(i,d) = R(i);
x.up(i,d) = sizeUB(d) - R(i);
* upper bound on the area
a.up = prod(d,sizeUB(d));
* upper bounds on the width and length of the rectangle
xP.up(d) = sizeUB(d);
* A simple scheme (such as below) for setting the starting point does not
* lead to a feasible solution when using a local solver. This problem requires
* a global code
x.l(i,d) = uniform(x.lo(i,d), x.up(i,d));
xP.l(d) = sizeUB(d);
a.l = a.up;
option resLim = 60, optCr = 0;
solve Circpack using nlp minimizing z;
display a.l, xP.l, z.l, x.l;
* produce some nice looking output
$ifThen set gnuplot
* create the output file: result.out which can be fed into GnuPlot
File fresultout / result.out /;
put fresultout;
put ' output ' /
'set parametric' /
'set trange [0:',(2*PI):11:8,']' /
@21, ' plot ';
put x.l(i,"2"):4:2,'+',R(i):4:2,'*cos(t),', x.l(i,"1"):4:2,'+',R(i):4:2,'*sin(t),';
put ' ' /;
put ' ' /;
put ' Verschnitt in qm : ', (a.l - sum(i, R(i))):5:2 /;
$ifThen set latex
* produce tex output-file to show the result
* create the output file: graphics.tex
File fgraphics / graphics.tex /;
put fgraphics;
% "graphics.tex" %
% written by Josef Kallrath and Steffen Rebennack %
* calculate the size of the figure
* -> find out the maximum coordinates
maxX 'maximum x coordinate'
maxY 'maximum y coordinate'
step '1 pt is step cm in the picture';
maxX = smax(i, x.l(i,"2") + R(i));
maxY = smax(i, x.l(i,"1") + R(i));
step = 20/(max(maxX,maxY) + 2);
* print the size of the figure
put ' \psset{xunit=' , step:4:2 , 'cm,yunit=' , step:4:2 , 'cm}' /
' \begin{pspicture}(0,0)(' , maxX:4:0 , ',' , maxY:4:0 , ')' /
' \psaxes{<->}' , '(0,0)(-.5,-.5)(' , maxX:4:0 , ',' , maxY:4:0 , ')' /
' % ' /;
* print all circles
put ' \psellipse[linewidth=1pt,linecolor=black]'
'(' , x.l(i,"2"):4:2 , ',' , x.l(i,"1"):4:2 , ')'
'(' , R(i):4:2 , ',' , R(i):4:2 , ')' /;
put ' % ' /;
* draw rectangle
put ' \psline[linewidth=1pt,linecolor=blue]'
'(' , 0:6:2 , ',' , 0:6:2, ')'
'(' , xP.l('2'):6:2 , ',' , 0:6:2, ')' /
' \psline[linewidth=1pt,linecolor=blue]'
'(' , xP.l('2'):6:2 , ',' , 0:6:2, ')'
'(' , xP.l('2'):6:2 , ',' , xP.l('1'):6:2, ')' /
' \psline[linewidth=1pt,linecolor=blue]'
'(' , xP.l('2'):6:2 , ',' , xP.l('1'):6:2, ')'
'(' , 0:6:2 , ',' , xP.l('1'):6:2, ')' /
' \psline[linewidth=1pt,linecolor=blue]'
'(' , 0:6:2 , ',' , xP.l('1'):6:2, ')'
'(' , 0:6:2 , ',' , 0:6:2, ')' /;
put ' %' /
' \end{pspicture}' /
' \end{figure}' /
' %' /
'\end{document}' /;
* produce a PostScript and a PDF file (works only with a LaTeX compiler)
execute 'latex graphics.tex && dvips graphics.dvi && ps2pdf';
execute 'rm -f graphics.aux graphics.dvi graphics.log';