copper.gms : Modeling Investment in the World Copper Industry


This model has been used to analyze investment requirements
in the world copper sector.

Large Model of Type : MIP

Category : GAMS Model library

Main file : copper.gms

$title Modeling Investments in the World Copper Sector (COPPER,SEQ=45)

$sTitle Problems and Notes

This model has been used to analyze investment requirements
in the world copper sector.

Dammert, A, and Palaniappan, S, Modeling Investments in the World
Copper Sector. The University of Texas Press, Austin, Texas, 1985.

Scenario Definitions:

  Base Case: With tariffs, minimum wire production level (at installed
             capacity) for year 2000

  Expt. 1:   No tariffs

  Expt. 2:   Reduce operating cost of medium level ore processing in
             Chile, Peru, and USSR by 25%

  Expt. 3:   No minimum wire production

  Expt. 4:   Increase operating costs in LDCs by 25%

  Expt. 5:   Increase investment costs in LDCs by 25%

  Expt. 6:   Dynamic version of base case with 5 year periods - 1985,
             1990, 1995, 2000.

Keywords: mixed integer linear programming, investment planning, copper industry,
          international trade

$sTitle Set Definitions
   irun    'mine smelter and refinery locations'
           / peru     , chile     , zambia   , zaire     , mex+cam
             s-africa , philipines, papua-ng , western-us, eastern-us
             canada   , ee+ussr   , australia, w-europe  , japan+kor  /
   i(irun) 'mine smelter and refinery location'
           / peru     , chile     , zambia   , zaire     , mex+cam
             s-africa , philipines, papua-ng , western-us, eastern-us
             canada   , ee+ussr   , australia, w-europe  , japan+kor  /
   jrun    'wire tube and sheet plant and market locations'
           / usa      , mex+cam   , es-america, ws-america
             w-europe , ee+ussr   , c-africa  , s-africa
             o-asia   , japan+kor , china     , australia, canada /
   j(jrun) 'wire tube and sheet plant and market locations'
           / usa      , mex+cam   , es-america, ws-america
             w-europe , ee+ussr   , c-africa  , s-africa
             o-asia   , japan+kor , china     , australia, canada /
   c       'commodities'
           / ore
             scrap-s    'scrap copper for smelting'
             scrap-r    'scrap copper for refining'
             refined-cu 'refined copper'
             scrap-sps  'scrap copper for sheets plates and strip fabrication'
             sheets+p+s 'sheets plates and strip'
             scrap-t    'scrap copper for tubes and rods fabrication'
             tubes+rods 'tubes and rods'                                       /
    cm(c)  'commodities in mining and processing'
           / ore, scrap-s, blister, scrap-r, refined-cu /
    cs(c)  'commodities at wire tube & sheet plants'
           / refined-cu, wire, scrap-t, tubes+rods, scrap-sps, sheets+p+s /
    cf(c)  'final products'
           / refined-cu, wire, tubes+rods, sheets+p+s /
    cfr(c) 'final products from processing'
           / refined-cu /
    cfs(c) 'final products from semi-manufacture'
           / wire, tubes+rods, sheets+p+s /
    cim(c) 'final products at mines and smelters'
           / ore, blister /
    cil(c) 'scrap types'
           / scrap-s, scrap-r, scrap-t, scrap-sps /
    p      'processes'
           / high-grade 'high grade ore mining by open pit and concentrator'
             med-grade  'medium grade ore mining by open pit and concentrator'
             smelting-o 'smelting using primary copper ore'
             smelting-s 'smelting using scrap copper'
             refining-b 'refining using blister'
             refining-s 'refining using scrap copper'
             wire-ref-c 'wire fabrication from refined copper'
             tube-ref-c 'tube and rod fabrication from refined copper'
             tube-scrap 'tube and rod fabrication from scrap copper'
             s-ref-c    'sheet plate and strip fabrication from refined copper'
             s-scrap    'sheet plate and strip fabrication from scrap copper'   /
   pm(p)   'process at mines smelters and refineries'
           / high-grade, med-grade , smelting-o
             smelting-s, refining-b, refining-s /
   pmh(p)  'high grade ore mining processes' / high-grade , med-grade /
   pmm(p)  'mining processes'                / high-grade, med-grade /
   ps(p)   'smelting processes'              / smelting-o  , smelting-s /
   pr(p)   'refining processes'              / refining-b  , refining-s /
   psm(p)  'semi-manufacturing process'
   pw(p)   'wire plant processes'            / wire-ref-c /
   ptr(p)  'tube and rod plant processes'    / tube-ref-c, tube-scrap /
   psh(p)  'sheet plant processes'           / s-ref-c, s-scrap /
   m       'productive units'
           / open-pit   'open pit mines and concentrators'
             wire       'wire fabrication plant'
             tubes+rods 'tube and rod fabrication plant'
             sheets+p+s 'sheet plate and strip fabrication plant' /
   mm(m)   'productive units at mining and processing plants'
           / open-pit, smelter, refinery/
   ms(m)   'productive units at semi-manufacture plants'
   tg      'time periods'         / 1980*2000 /
   t(tg)   'solution time period' / 2000 /
   tbase(tg)                      / 1980 /;

Alias (tg,tgp), (i,ip), (j,jp), (t,tp), (irun,irunp), (jrun,jrunp);

psm(p) = not pm(p);
ms(m)  = not mm(m);
display psm, pm;

* transform the set of year labels to numerical values and compute length of time periods used in model:
   ybase(tg)  'distance of year from base year'
   period(tg) 'interval length (used in objective function)'
   rph(tg)    'length of periods for reserves';

ybase(tg) = ord(tg) - smin(tgp$tbase(tgp), ord(tgp));
period(t) = ybase(t) - ybase(t-1);
rph(t)    = period(t);
display ybase, period, rph;

* for the static model we don't need to have the period length information.  therefore reset period to 1.
period(t) = 1;

Scalar lbperton 'conversion from lbs to tons' / 2240 /;

$sTitle Demand Data
   cgr         'consumption growth rate intervals' / g1, g2    /
   tg1(tg)     'interval 1 definition'             / 1980*1985 /
   tg2(tg)     'interval 2 definition'             / 1986*2000 /
   mgr(cgr,tg) 'map of interval to years'          / g1.(1980*1985), g2.(1986*2000) /;

Parameter demand(jrun,cf,tg) 'demand for refined copper and semi-manufactures (1000 tons)'

Table dem1980(jrun,*) 'consumption in 1980 and growth rates (1000 tons & %): table'
                       wire  tubes+rods  sheets+p+s  refined-cu       g1         g2
*                                                               (1980-85)(1986-2000)
   usa                 1385         690         555          40      1.3        2.2
   mex+cam               80          40          30           4      3.9        4
   es-america           195          95          80          16      3.9        4
   ws-america            40          20          15           3      3.9        4
   w-europe            2075        1160         500         205      1          2.2
   ee+ussr             1050         525         420          55      2.9        3
   c-africa              15           7           5           1      3.9        4
   s-africa              55          30          20           3      3.9        4
   o-asia                90          45          35           6      3.9        4
   japan+kor            875         440         350          45      3.4        3.7
   china                195         100          80          11      3.3        2.4
   australia             85          40          35           6      1.3        2.4
   canada               125          60          50           5      1.3        2.4;

demand(jrun,cf,tg1) = dem1980(jrun,cf)*(1 + sum(cgr$mgr(cgr,tg1), dem1980(jrun,cgr))/100)**(ord(tg1) - 1);
demand(jrun,cf,tg2) = demand(jrun,cf,"1985")*(1 + sum(cgr$mgr(cgr,tg2), dem1980(jrun,cgr))/100)**ord(tg2);
display demand;

$sTitle Technology Data
Table a(c,p) 'input-output coefficients'
              high-grade  med-grade  smelting-o  smelting-s  refining-b  refining-s
   ore                1.         1.       -1.03
   blister                                 1.          1.         -1.03
   refined-cu                                                      1.          1.
   scrap-s                                            -1.03
   scrap-r                                                                    -1.03

   +          wire-ref-c  tube-ref-c  tube-scrap  s-ref-c  s-scrap
   refined-cu     -1.007       -.718                -.772
   scrap-t                                 -.718
   scrap-sps                                                 -.772
   wire            1.
   tubes+rods                  1.          1.
   sheets+p+s                                       1.       1.   ;

Table b(m,p) 'capacity utilization matrix'
              high-grade  med-grade  smelting-o  smelting-s  refining-b  refining-s
   open-pit           1.        1.6
   smelter                                   1.         .32
   refinery                                                          1.          1.

   +          wire-ref-c  tube-ref-c  tube-scrap  s-ref-c  s-scrap
   wire               1.
   tubes+rods                     1.          1.
   sheets+p+s                                          1.       1.;

* in the base case minimum wire production level is set to the installed capacity.

$sTitle Scrap Data
* 1. scrap cost is added to the "base" process operating cost to give the operating cost of processing scrap
*    (see operating cost section).  the major component of scrap cost is collection.
* 2. scrap quality determines if it will be used in smelting, refining or semi-manufacturing.
* 3. 1980 use of scrap in refineries & smelters is known, and is expected to grow at a constant rate.
* 4. in the model we can restrict the scrap availability for semi-manufacturing at either the aggregate
*    semi-manufacturing level or at the particular process (tube and rods, and sheets) level.

   scrapi(irun,tg,c) 'scrap availability at refineries and smelters (1000 tons)'
   scrapj(jrun,tg,*) 'scrap availability at semi-manufacturers      (1000 tons)';

Table hds1(irun,*) 'scrap usage in 1980 at smelters and refineries  (1000 tons)'
                    scrap-s  scrap-r  growth
*                                      (%)
   western-us            48    193.6     4
   eastern-us            12    246.4     4
   w-europe             130    460       1.7
   japan+kor             50    141       4
   australia              5     28       1.1
   canada                       40       4
   mex+cam                       5       4  ;

Table hds2(jrun,*) 'scrap usage in semi-manufacturing in 1980       (1000 tons)'
                    scrap-t  scrap-sps  other  growth
*                                                 (%)
   usa                  440        340    100     1
   w-europe             490        210    220     3.5
   japan+kor            230        140     30     2.5
   canada                 5          4     10     3.5
   australia             21         18      4     1.1;

scrapi(irun,tg,cil)     = hds1(irun,cil)*(1 + hds1(irun,"growth")/100)**(ord(tg) - 1);
scrapj(jrun,tg,cil)     = hds2(jrun,cil)*(1 + hds2(jrun,"growth")/100)**(ord(tg) - 1);
scrapj(jrun,tg,"scrap") = sum(cil, scrapj(jrun,tg,cil));

display scrapi, scrapj;

   psi(p) 'refinery and smelter processes using scrap copper input'
   psj(p) 'wire tube and sheet processes using scrap copper input';

   mapic(irun,c) 'commodities at mines refineries and smelters'
   mapip(irun,p) 'processes at mines refineries and smelters'
   mapjc(jrun,c) 'commodities at wire tube and sheet plants'
   mapjp(jrun,p) 'processes ar wire tube and sheet plants';

* the subset of scrap using processes is identified as only those processes which utilize scrap materials as inputs:
psi(pm)  = yes$(sum(cil, a(cil,pm))  < 0);
psj(psm) = yes$(sum(cil, a(cil,psm)) < 0);

* first define all commodities to be available at all locations.  then, if no scrap is available at a location
* this scrap type is then defined to not exist at the given location.  similarly, first all processes are defined
* to exist at all locations; if the scrap commodity is not available at a location and if a process uses this
* scrap commodity as input, then this process is defined to not exist at the location.

mapic(irun,cm)                       = 1;
mapic(irun,cil)$(hds1(irun,cil) = 0) = 0;
mapip(irun,pm)                       = 1;
mapip(irun,psi)$(sum(cil, a(cil,psi)*mapic(irun,cil)) = 0) = 0;

mapjc(jrun,cs)                       = 1;
mapjc(jrun,cil)$(hds2(jrun,cil) = 0) = 0;
mapjp(jrun,psm)                      = 1;
mapjp(jrun,psj)$(sum(cil, a(cil,psj)*mapjc(jrun,cil)) = 0) = 0;

display mapic, mapip, mapjc, mapjp;

$sTitle Capacities and Reserves
Parameter resc(irun,p) 'annual extraction limits on medium and high grade ores (thousand tons)';

Table reserves(irun,p) 'ore reserves esitmates for next 20 years      (1980-81 - million tons)'
                high-grade  med-grade
   peru               1.67      18.8
   chile             55.77      17.29
   zambia            18.01       1.21
   zaire             16.97       1.48
   mex+cam            3.61      20.14
   s-africa           2.42        .76
   papua-ng                      9.5
   philipines         4.93       3.97
   western-us        19.38      25.87
   eastern-us                    5.35
   canada             8.33       9.6
   ee+ussr           38         17
   australia          6           .8
   w-europe                      7.87
   japan+kor                     1.4 ;

resc(irun,pmh) = 1000*reserves(irun,pmh)/20;
display resc;

Table caps(jrun,m) 'existing capacity in semi-manufacturing in 1980           (1000 tons)'
                    wire  tubes+rods  sheets+p+s
   usa              2100         900        1000
   mex+cam           105          40          15
   es-america        270          65          30
   ws-america         55          15           9
   w-europe         1900        1200         900
   ee+ussr          1200         600         350
   c-africa           15           5           7
   s-africa           55          40          25
   o-asia            125          30           4
   japan+kor        1200         600         410
   china             250          85          60
   australia         130          70          70
   canada            200          50          60;

Table capm(irun,m) 'estimates of mine smelter and refinery capacities in 1980 (1000 tons)'
                    open-pit  smelter  refinery
   peru                  590      350       230
   chile                1330      950       810
   zambia                550      601       610
   zaire                 630      430       140
   mex+cam               324       86       100
   s-africa              490      280       150
   philipines            492
   papua-ng              256
   western-us           1675     1510       480
   eastern-us            576      540      1670
   canada               1254      610       610
   ee+ussr              1720     1720      1600
   australia             260      220       210
   w-europe              608      820      1440
   japan+kor             112     1180      1220;

$sTitle Investment Data
   ih(irun)     'refineries & smelters with high cost'
                / peru , chile   , mex+cam , zambia
                  zaire, s-africa, papua-ng, philipines /
   il(irun)     'refineries & smelters with low cost'
   jh(jrun)     'semi-manufacturing locations with high cost'
                / mex+cam , es-america, ws-america, c-africa
                  s-africa, o-asia    , china                /
   jl(jrun)     'semi-manufacturing locations with low cost'
   it           'copper processing classifiction'   / iih 'requiring high cost'
                                                      iil 'requiring low cost' /
   iit(it,irun) 'map of locations to classification'
   jt           'semi-manufacturing classification' / industrial, non-ind /
   jtj(jt,jrun) 'map of locations to classification';

il(irun) = not ih(irun);
jl(jrun) = not jh(jrun);
iit("iih",ih) = yes;
iit("iil",il) = yes;
jtj("industrial",jl) = yes;
jtj("non-ind",jh)    = yes;

display il, jl, iit, jtj;

   rho  'discount rate'       /   .1 /
   life 'life of units (yrs)' / 20   /;

   dis       'discount factor'
   sigma     'capital recovery factor'
   omegam    'scale cost of mining and processing plants                (10e3 us$ per tpy)'
   omegas    'scale cost of of semi-manuacturing plants                 (10e3 us$ per tpy)'
   num       'proportional capital cost of mining and processing plants (10e3 us$ per tpy)'
   nus       'proportional capital cost of semi-manuf plants            (10e3 us$ per tpy)'
   hbarm     'economies of scale size for processing plants                    (1000 tons)'
   hbars     'economies of scale size for semi-manuf plants                    (1000 tons)'
   hhatm     'maximum sizes for processing plants                              (1000 tons)'
   hhats     'maximum sizes for semi-manufacturing plants                      (1000 tons)'
   ts(t,tp)  'time summation matrix'
   sfi(irun) 'site factor for mining and processing plants'
   sfj(jrun) 'site factor for semi-manufacturing plants';

Table invm(irun,*) 'investment data for mines - 1980(1)'
                                           fixed         var     ec-scale
*                                      (mill us$)  (mill us$   (1000 tons)
*                                                  /1000 ton)
    philipines,papua-ng)                      40        5.6           100
   (zambia,zaire)                            120        5.8           380
    eastern-us,w-europe,japan+kor)            40        5.06           75;

Table invs(jt,m,*) 'investment costs for semi-manufacturing - 1980'
                                fixed         var    ec-scale
*                           (mill us$)  (mill us$  (1000 tons)
*                                       /1000 ton)
   (industrial).wire             3.38        1.72          20
   (non-ind   ).wire             3.6         1.84          20
   (industrial).tubes+rods       5.64         .94          30
   (non-ind   ).tubes+rods       6           1             30
   (industrial).sheets+p+s       8.64        1.34          30
   (non-ind   ).sheets+p+s       9.2         1.44          30;

Table invrs(it,m,*) 'investment costs for refinery and smelter - 1980(1)'
                     fixed         var    ec-scale
*                (mill us$)  (mill us$  (1000 tons)
*                            /1000 ton)
   iih.smelter       50          2.166         150
   iil.smelter       40          1.832         150
   iih.refinery       5.02        .718         150
   iil.refinery       4.02        .574         150;

hbarm(irun,m)          = sum(it$iit(it,irun), invrs(it,m,"ec-scale"));
hbarm(irun,"open-pit") = invm(irun,"ec-scale");
hbars(jrun,m)          = sum(jt$jtj(jt,jrun), invs(jt,m,"ec-scale"));
hhatm(irun,m)          = 40*hbarm(irun,m);
hhats(jrun,m)          = 40*hbars(jrun,m);

omegam(irun,m)$hbarm(irun,m)                   = sum(it$iit(it,irun), invrs(it,m,"fixed"))/hbarm(irun,m);
omegam(irun,"open-pit")$hbarm(irun,"open-pit") = invm(irun,"fixed")/hbarm(irun,"open-pit");
omegas(jrun,m)$hbars(jrun,m)                   = sum(jt$jtj(jt,jrun), invs(jt,m,"fixed"))/hbars(jrun,m);

num(irun,m)          = omegam(irun,m) + sum(it$iit(it,irun), invrs(it,m,"var"));
num(irun,"open-pit") = omegam(irun,"open-pit") + invm(irun,"var");
nus(jrun,m)          = omegas(jrun,m) + sum(jt$jtj(jt,jrun), invs(jt,m,"var"));

sfi(irun) = 1;
sfj(jrun) = 1;

dis(t) = (1 + rho)**(-ybase(t));
dis(t) = 1;
sigma  = rho*(1 + rho)**life/((1 + rho)**life - 1);

ts(t,tp) = 1$(ord(t) >= ord(tp));
display hbarm, hbars, omegam, omegas, num, nus, ts, dis, sigma;

$sTitle Operating Costs
   opm(irun,p) 'mining and processing costs in 1980(1)  (us$ per ton of copper content)'
   spr         'scap prices (at copper price of us$2000 a ton)'
               / semi  1800, smelting-s  1200, refining-s  1700 /
   om(irun)    'mine operating cost in 1980(1)          (us$ per ton of copper content)'
               /(peru,mex+cam,s-africa)                        840
                 chile                                        1028
                 zambia                                       1044
                 zaire                                         681
                 philipines                                   1054
                 papua-ng                                      295
                (western-us,eastern-us)                        771
                (canada,ee+ussr,australia,w-europe,japan+kor)  914 /
   os(irun)    'smelter operating cost in 1980(1)       (us$ per ton of copper content)'
               / (peru,mex+cam,s-africa,philipines,papua-ng,chile,zambia,zaire)      250
                 (western-us,eastern-us,canada,japan+kor,australia,w-europe,ee+ussr) 300 /
   opr(irun)   'refinery operating cost in 1980(1)      (us$ per ton of copper content)'
               / (peru,mex+cam,s-africa,philipines,papua-ng,chile,zambia,zaire)      150
                 (western-us,eastern-us,canada,japan+kor,australia,w-europe,ee+ussr) 170 /
   opi(irun)   'operating cost escalator for mining and processing locations'
   opj(jrun)   'operating cost escalator for semi-manufacturing locations';

Table ops(jrun,p) 'operating costs for semi-manufacturing in 1980(1) (1000 us$ per ton)'
                                   wire-ref-c  tube-ref-c  s-ref-c
    japan+kor,australia,canada)          1.87       1.687     2.36
    ws-america,c-africa,s-africa)        1.33       1.507     2.09
   (china,o-asia)                        1.15       1.447     2   ;

opm(irun,pmm)$mapip(irun,pmm) = om(irun);
opm(irun,ps)$mapip(irun,ps)   = os(irun);
opm(irun,pr)$mapip(irun,pr)   = opr(irun);

* the operating cost for locations with scrap process are adjusted as follows:
* the coefficients 1.03, .718, .772 are the scrap input requirements in these processes.  this
* is necessary as the scrap collection costs for these processes (parameter spr) are given in
* terms of the price of copper.

opm(irun,pm)$mapip(irun,pm)       = opm(irun,pm) + 1.03*spr(pm);
opm(irun,pm)$(not mapip(irun,pm)) = 0;
opm(irun,pm)                      = sum(m, b(m,pm)*opm(irun,pm));

ops(jrun,"tube-scrap") = ops(jrun,"tube-ref-c") + spr("semi")*.718/1000;
ops(jrun,"s-scrap")    = ops(jrun,"s-ref-c")    + spr("semi")*.772/1000;
ops(jrun,p)            = sum(m, b(m,p)*ops(jrun,p));

opi(irun) = 1;
opj(jrun) = 1;

display opm, ops;

$sTitle Transport
* the following ports were used for computing distances:
* australia             : bunbury         c-africa,zaire,zambia : banana
* canada,eastern-us,usa : new-york        chile,ws-america      : valparaiso
* china                 : shanghai        ee+ussr               : leningrad
* es-america            : rio-de-janerio  japan+kor             : tokyo
* mex+cam               : veracruz        o-asia                : bombay/calcutta
* papua-ng              : port moresby    philipines            : manila
* peru                  : callao          s-africa              : richmund bay
* w-europe              : rotterdam       western-us            : portland

Set n 'of nodes - all locations';
n(irun) = yes;
n(jrun) = yes;

Alias (n,np,npp);

Table uc(*,*) 'transport cost of semi-manufactures and all other types of intermediates'
               ocean-fix      ocean-var           rail
*           (us$ per ton)  (us$ per ton   (us$ per ton
*                          per naut. mi)      per mile)
   ore                 3           .007            .04
   b+r                 4           .01             .05
   semi                8           .02             .1 ;

* the distance matrix below is a little confusing as it represents distances between all nodes
* (union of irun and jrun).

Table distance(*,*) 'sea distances in nautical miles'
                australia  c-africa  canada  chile  china  eastern-us  ee+ussr  es-america  japan+kor  mex+cam
   c-africa          9477
   canada           11409      5325
   chile             8358      7795    4634
   china             3766     10205   10584  10148
   eastern-us       11409      5325           4634  10584
   ee+ussr          10361      5897    4711   8692  12068        4711
   es-america       10238      4125    4770   3670  11109        4770     6538
   japan+kor         4354     10974    9700   9280   1117        9700    12772       11513
   mex+cam          10854      6017    2023   4079   9463        2023     6522        4079       9155
   o-asia            4156      7103   11398  10275   4648       11398    12063        7848       4538    11927
   papua-ng          1754      9184   10388   8400   2166       10388    11600        9945       2600     9100
   peru              9597      7096    3368   1306   8872        3368     7430        4976       8934     2813
   philipines        2600      9284   11388   9400   1166       11388    10952       10009       1770    10000
   s-africa          6971      2506    6801   5694   7908        6801     7482        3267       8478     7346
   usa              11409      5325           4634  10584                 4711        4770       9700     2023
   w-europe          9700      4657    3473   7454  10880        3473     2146        5300      11484     5284
   western-us        8742      9615    5887   5764   5440        5887     9949        8353       4323     5332
   ws-america        8358      7795    4634         10148        4634     8692        3670       9280     4079
   zaire             9477              5325   7795  10205        5325     5897        4125      10974     6017
   zambia            9477              5325   7795  10205        5325     5897        4125      10974     6017

   +            o-asia  papua-ng  peru  philipines  s-africa   usa  w-europe  western-us  ws-america
   papua-ng       5900
   peru          11581     9100
   philipines     5900     1000   7706
   s-africa       4581     6678   7000        6742
   usa           11398    10388   3368       11388      6801
   w-europe      11066    10400   6192        9714      6244  3473
   western-us     7509     6923   4611        6024     10377  5887      8711
   ws-america    10275     8710   1306        9400      5694  4634      7454        5764
   zaire          7104     9184   7096        9284      2506  5325      4657        9615        7795
   zambia         7104     9184   7096        9284      2506  5325      4657        9615        7795;

Table drail 'rail distances (km)'
                zambia  zaire  ee+ussr  canada
   mex+cam        1002    902
   s-africa       1125    902
   canada         1002    902     1800
   western-us     1002    902
   eastern-us     1002    902              350
   ee+ussr        1002    902
   australia      1250   1350     1800
   w-europe       1002    902
   japan+kor      1250   1350     1800
   usa            1002    902              350
   es-america     1002    902
   ws-america     1002    902
   c-africa       1250   1350
   o-asia         1250   1350     1800
   china          1250   1350     1800
   papua-ng       1250   1350
   philipines     1250   1350                 ;

distance(n,np) = max(distance(n,np), distance(np,n));
drail(n,np)    = max(drail(n,np)   , drail(np,n));
display distance, drail;

* the distance matrix above has some errors (inconsistencies in distances) as the distances were computed by
* hand.  for example if there are 3 points (a,b,c), it was found that the distance between a and c is much
* greater than by going from a to c through b.  there might also be numerous such intermediate points b for
* some (a,c) combination.  thus we determine the largest such discrepancy and reduce the direct distance between
* a and c by this value.  this method only removes the first level errors.  the following computation does this:

distance(n,np) = distance(n,np) - smax(npp, max(0, distance(n,np) - distance(n,npp) - distance(npp,np)));

   mur(irun,irun,cim) 'transport cost: raw material & intermediate goods                  (us$ per ton)'
   mui(irun,jrun)     'transport cost: refined copper to semi-manufacture and markets     (us$ per ton)'
   mufs(jrun,jrun)    'transport cost: final: semi-manufactures from locations to markets (us$ per ton)';

mur(irun,irunp,"ore") = uc("ore","ocean-fix")$distance(irun,irunp)
                      + uc("ore","ocean-var")*distance(irun,irunp)
                      + uc("ore","rail")*drail(irun,irunp);

mur(irun,irunp,"blister") = uc("b+r","ocean-fix")$distance(irun,irunp)
                          + uc("b+r","ocean-var")*distance(irun,irunp)
                          + uc("b+r","rail")*drail(irun,irunp);

mui(irun,jrun)   = uc("b+r","ocean-fix")$distance(irun,jrun)
                 + uc("b+r","ocean-var")*distance(irun,jrun)
                 + uc("b+r","rail")*drail(irun,jrun);

mufs(jrun,jrunp) = uc("semi","ocean-fix")$distance(jrun,jrunp)
                 + uc("semi","ocean-var")*distance(jrun,jrunp)
                 + uc("semi","rail")*drail(jrun,jrunp);

display mur, mui, mufs;

$sTitle Prices and Tariffs
Set ntfr(i,j) 'no tariffs on refined copper between'
              /(peru,chile).ws-america    ,(zambia,zaire).c-africa
                mex+cam.mex+cam           , s-africa.s-africa
               (western-us,eastern-us).usa, canada.canada
                 , australia.australia
                w-europe.w-europe         , japan+kor.japan+kor    /;

   pc           'commodity prices                                      (us$ per ton)'
                / refined-cu 2000, semi 2200 /
   tariffr(i,j) 'tariffs on refined copper           (us$ per ton of copper content)'
   tariffs(j,j) 'tariffs on semi-manufactured goods  (us$ per ton of copper content)';

Table itp(j,*)  'import tariffs (%)'
                 refined-cu  semi
   usa                  1       6
   mex+cam             15      15
   es-america          15      15
   ws-america          15      15
   w-europe                     8
   ee+ussr             15      15
   c-africa            15      15
   s-africa            15      15
   o-asia              15      15
   japan+kor            8.5    15
   china               15      15
   australia                   15
   canada                       6;

tariffs(jp,j) = pc("semi")*itp(j,"semi")/100;
tariffs(j,j)  = 0;
tariffr(i,j)$(not ntfr(i,j)) = pc("refined-cu")*itp(j,"refined-cu")/100;

display tariffs, tariffr;

$sTitle Model Definition
   zm(p,i,t)    'process level: mines smelters and refineries                        (1000 tpy)'
   zs(p,j,t)    'process level: wire sheet and tube plants                           (1000 tpy)'
   xi(c,i,i,t)  'interplant shipments of ore and blister                             (1000 tpy)'
   xir(i,j,t)   'shipments: refined copper from smelters to semi-manufacturers       (1000 tpy)'
   xfr(i,j,t)   'shipments: refined copper to markets for end use                    (1000 tpy)'
   xfs(c,j,j,t) 'shipments: semi-manufactures to markets                             (1000 tpy)'
   ssr(c,i,t)   'scrap supply: smelters and refineries                               (1000 tpy)'
   ssm(c,j,t)   'scrap supply: sheet and tube plants                                 (1000 tpy)'
   ssa(j,t)     'scrap supply: semi-manufacturing                                    (1000 tpy)'
   hm(m,i,t)    'capacity expansion: mines smelters and refineries                   (1000 tpy)'
   sm(m,i,t)    'unused economies-of-scale expansion: mines smelters and refineries  (1000 tpy)'
   hs(m,j,t)    'capacity expansion: wire tube and sheet plants                      (1000 tpy)'
   ss(m,j,t)    'unused economies-of-scale expansion: wire tube and sheet plants     (1000 tpy)'
   ym(m,i,t)    'expansion decision variable: mines smelters and refineries'
   ys(m,j,t)    'expansion decision variable: wire tube and sheets plants'
   phikm(t)     'costs: capital charges at mines smelters and refineries          (million us$)'
   phiks(t)     'costs: capital charges at wire tube and sheet plants             (million us$)'
   phiom(t)     'costs: operating costs at mines smelters and refineries          (million us$)'
   phios(t)     'costs: operating costs at wire tube and sheet plants             (million us$)'
   phit(t)      'costs: transport costs                                           (million us$)'
   phitf(t)     'costs: tariff costs                                              (million us$)'
   phiu(t)      'costs: total annual undiscounted cost                            (million us$)'
   phiutf(t)    'costs: total annual undiscounted cost with tariffs               (million us$)'
   phi1         'total cost                                                       (million us$)'
   phi2         'total cost with tariffs                                          (million us$)';

Positive Variable zm, zs, xi, xir, xfr, xfs, ssr, ssm, ssa, hm, hs, sm, ss;
Binary   Variable ym, ys;

   mbm(c,i,t)   'material balance: mines smelters and refineries                     (1000 tpy)'
   mbs(c,j,t)   'material balance: semi-manufacturing                                (1000 tpy)'
   mr(c,j,t)    'market requirements                                                 (1000 tpy)'
   orec(p,i)    'high-grade ore mining limitations                                   (1000 tpy)'
   sbs(j,t)     'scrap balance at semi-manufacturing locations                       (1000 tpy)'
   ccm(m,i,t)   'capacity constraint: mines smelters and refineries                  (1000 tpy)'
   ccs(m,j,t)   'capacity constraint: semi-manufacturing                             (1000 tpy)'
   icm1(m,i,t)  'maximum expansion: mines smelters and refineries                    (1000 tpy)'
   icm2(m,i,t)  'limits to economies-of-scale: mines smelters and refineries         (1000 tpy)'
   ics1(m,j,t)  'maximum expansion: wire tube and sheet plants                       (1000 tpy)'
   ics2(m,j,t)  'limits to economies-of-scale: wire tube and sheet plants            (1000 tpy)'
   akm(t)       'accounting: capital charges for mines smelters and refineries    (million us$)'
   aks(t)       'accounting: capital charges for wire tube and sheet plants       (million us$)'
   aom(t)       'accounting: operating cost for mines smelters and refineries     (million us$)'
   aos(t)       'accounting: opearting cost for wire tube and sheet plants        (million us$)'
   aot(t)       'accounting: transport                                            (million us$)'
   aotf(t)      'accounting: tariffs                                              (million us$)'
   au(t)        'accounting: undiscounted annual cost                             (million us$)'
   autf(t)      'accounting: undiscounted annual cost with tarifsf                (million us$)'
   aobj         'objective function                                               (million us$)'
   aobjtf       'objective function with tariffs                                  (million us$)';

       sum(pm$mapip(i,pm), a(cm,pm)*zm(pm,i,t))
    +  sum(ip, xi(cm,ip,i,t))$cim(cm) + ssr(cm,i,t)$cil(cm)
   =g= sum(j, xfr(i,j,t))$cfr(cm) + sum(ip, xi(cm,i,ip,t))$cim(cm)
    +  sum(j, xir(i,j,t))$cfr(cm);

       sum(psm$mapjp(j,psm), a(cs,psm)*zs(psm,j,t))
    +  sum(i, xir(i,j,t))$cfr(cs)
    +  ssm(cs,j,t)$cil(cs)
   =g= sum(jp, xfs(cs,j,jp,t))$cfs(cs);

mr(cf,j,t)..   sum(i, xfr(i,j,t))$cfr(cf) + sum(jp, xfs(cf,jp,j,t))$cfs(cf) =g= demand(j,cf,t);

ccm(mm,i,t)..  sum(pm$mapip(i,pm), b(mm,pm)*zm(pm,i,t)) =l= capm(i,mm) + sum(tp$ts(t,tp), hm(mm,i,tp));

ccs(ms,j,t)..  sum(psm$mapjp(j,psm), b(ms,psm)*zs(psm,j,t)) =l= caps(j,ms) + sum(tp$ts(t,tp), hs(ms,j,tp));

icm1(mm,i,t).. hm(mm,i,t) =l= hhatm(i,mm)*ym(mm,i,t);

ics1(ms,j,t).. hs(ms,j,t) =l= hhats(j,ms)*ys(ms,j,t);

icm2(mm,i,t).. hm(mm,i,t) + sm(mm,i,t) =g= hbarm(i,mm)*ym(mm,i,t);

ics2(ms,j,t).. hs(ms,j,t) + ss(ms,j,t) =g= hbars(j,ms)*ys(ms,j,t);

orec(pmm,i)..  sum(t, rph(t)*zm(pmm,i,t)) =l= 1000*reserves(i,pmm);

sbs(j,t)..     ssa(j,t) =e= sum(cil, ssm(cil,j,t));

akm(t)..  phikm(t) =e= sigma*sum(tp$ts(t,tp), sum((i,mm), sfi(i)*(omegam(i,mm)*sm(mm,i,tp) + num(i,mm)*hm(mm,i,tp))));

aks(t)..  phiks(t) =e= sigma*sum(tp$ts(t,tp), sum((j,ms), sfj(j)*(omegas(j,ms)*ss(ms,j,tp) + nus(j,ms)*hs(ms,j,tp))));

aom(t)..  phiom(t) =e= sum((pm,i)$mapip(i,pm), opi(i)*opm(i,pm)*zm(pm,i,t))/1000;

aos(t)..  phios(t) =e= sum((psm,j), opj(j)*ops(j,psm)*zs(psm,j,t));

aot(t)..  phit(t)  =e= (sum((cim,i,ip), mur(i,ip,cim)*xi(cim,i,ip,t)) + sum((cfs,j,jp), mufs(j,jp)*xfs(cfs,j,jp,t))
                    +   sum((i,j), mui(i,j)*(xir(i,j,t) + xfr(i,j,t))))/1000;

aotf(t).. phitf(t) =e= sum(j, sum(i, tariffr(i,j)*(xfr(i,j,t) + xir(i,j,t)))
                            + sum((cfs,jp), tariffs(jp,j)*xfs(cfs,jp,j,t)))/1000;

au(t)..   phiu(t)   =e= phikm(t) + phiks(t) + phiom(t) + phios(t) + phit(t);

autf(t).. phiutf(t) =e= phikm(t) + phiks(t) + phiom(t) + phios(t) + phit(t) + phitf(t);

aobj..    phi1      =e= sum(t, period(t)*dis(t)*phiu(t));

aobjtf..  phi2      =e= sum(t, period(t)*dis(t)*phiutf(t));

* bounds
zm.up(pmh,i,t)          = resc(i,pmh);
zs.lo("wire-ref-c",j,t) = caps(j,"wire");
ssr.up(cil,i,t)         = scrapi(i,t,cil);

* depending on semi-manufacturing scrap formulation use either:
* ssm.up(cil,j,t) = scrapj(j,t,cil);
* or:
ssa.up(j,t) = scrapj(j,t,"scrap");

Model copper / all /;

solve copper minimizing phi2 using mip;

$sTitle Report
Set cps / exist-cap, new-cap, total-cap, production, shipped, slack /;

   xii(*,*,*) 'shipments of inputs (ore-blister-refined copper - 1000 tons)'
   xfd(*,*,c) 'shipments of final products: disaggregated       (1000 tons)'
   cpdm       'capacity-production at mines                     (1000 tons)'
   cpds       'capacity-production at smelters                  (1000 tons)'
   cpdr       'capactiy-production at refineries                (1000 tons)'
   cpdw       'capacity-production at wire plants               (1000 tons)'
   cpdt       'capacity-production at tube plants               (1000 tons)'
   cpdsh      'capacity-production at sheet plants              (1000 tons)';

xii(i,ip,cim)          = sum(t, xi.l(cim,i,ip,t));
xii(i,i,"ore")         = sum(t, sum(pmm, zm.l(pmm,i,t)) - sum(ip, xi.l("ore",i,ip,t)));
xii(i,i,"blister")     = sum(t, sum(ps, zm.l(ps,i,t))   - sum(ip, xi.l("blister",i,ip,t)));
xii(i,j,"refined-cu")  = sum(t, xir.l(i,j,t));
xii(i,"total",cim)     = sum(ip, xii(i,ip,cim));
xii(i,"total",cfr)     = sum(j, xii(i,j,cfr));
xii("total",i,cim)     = sum(ip, xii(ip,i,cim));
xii("total",j,cfr)     = sum(i, xii(i,j,cfr));
xii("total","total",c) = sum(i, xii(i,"total",c));
xfd(i,j,"refined-cu")  = sum(t, xfr.l(i,j,t));
xfd(j,jp,cfs)          = sum(t, xfs.l(cfs,j,jp,t));
xfd(i,"total",cfr)     = sum(j, xfd(i,j,cfr));
xfd("total",j,cfr)     = sum(i, xfd(i,j,cfr));
xfd(j,"total",cfs)     = sum(jp, xfd(j,jp,cfs));
xfd("total",j,cfs)     = sum(jp, xfd(jp,j,cfs));
xfd("total","total",c) = sum(j, xfd("total",j,c));
display xii, xfd;

cpdm(i,"exist-cap")    = capm(i,"open-pit");
cpdm(i,"new-cap")      = sum(t, hm.l("open-pit",i,t));
cpdm(i,"total-cap")    = cpdm(i,"exist-cap") + cpdm(i,"new-cap");
cpdm(i,"production")   = sum((t,pmm), zm.l(pmm,i,t));
cpdm(i,"shipped")      = xii(i,"total","ore");
cpdm(i,"slack")        = round(cpdm(i,"total-cap") - sum((t,pmm), b("open-pit",pmm)*zm.l(pmm,i,t)),1);
cpdm(i,"cap-ut")$cpdm(i,"total-cap") = round(100*sum((t,pmm), b("open-pit",pmm)*zm.l(pmm,i,t))/cpdm(i,"total-cap"),1);
cpdm("**total**",cps)  = sum(i, cpdm(i,cps));

cpds(i,"exist-cap")    = capm(i,"smelter");
cpds(i,"new-cap")      = sum(t, hm.l("smelter",i,t));
cpds(i,"total-cap")    = cpds(i,"exist-cap") + cpds(i,"new-cap");
cpds(i,"production")   = sum((t,ps), zm.l(ps,i,t));
cpds(i,"shipped")      = xii(i,"total","blister");
cpds(i,"slack")        = round(cpds(i,"total-cap") - sum((t,ps), b("smelter",ps)*zm.l(ps,i,t)),1);
cpds(i,"cap-ut")$cpds(i,"total-cap") = round(100*sum((t,ps), b("smelter",ps)*zm.l(ps,i,t))/cpds(i,"total-cap"),1);
cpds("**total**",cps)  = sum(i, cpds(i,cps));

cpdr(i,"exist-cap")    = capm(i,"refinery");
cpdr(i,"new-cap")      = sum(t, hm.l("refinery",i,t));
cpdr(i,"total-cap")    = cpdr(i,"exist-cap") + cpdr(i,"new-cap");
cpdr(i,"production")   = sum((t,pr), zm.l(pr,i,t));
cpdr(i,"shipped")      = xii(i,"total","refined-cu") + xfd(i,"total","refined-cu");
cpdr(i,"slack")        = round(cpdr(i,"total-cap") - sum((t,pr), b("refinery",pr)*zm.l(pr,i,t)),1);
cpdr(i,"cap-ut")$cpdr(i,"total-cap") = round(100*sum((t,pr), b("refinery",pr)*zm.l(pr,i,t))/cpdr(i,"total-cap"),1);
cpdr("**total**",cps)  = sum(i, cpdr(i,cps));
display cpdm, cpds, cpdr;

cpdw(j,"exist-cap")    = caps(j,"wire");
cpdw(j,"new-cap")      = sum(t, hs.l("wire",j,t));
cpdw(j,"total-cap")    = cpdw(j,"exist-cap") + cpdw(j,"new-cap");
cpdw(j,"production")   = sum((t,pw), zs.l(pw,j,t));
cpdw(j,"shipped")      = xfd(j,"total","wire");
cpdw(j,"slack")        = round(cpdw(j,"production") - sum((t,pw), b("wire",pw)*zs.l(pw,j,t)),1);
cpdw(j,"cap-ut")$cpdw(j,"total-cap") = round(100*sum((t,pw), b("wire",pw)*zs.l(pw,j,t))/cpdw(j,"total-cap"),1);
cpdw("**total**",cps)  = sum(j, cpdw(j,cps));
display cpdw;

cpdt(j,"exist-cap")    = caps(j,"tubes+rods");
cpdt(j,"new-cap")      = sum(t, hs.l("tubes+rods",j,t));
cpdt(j,"total-cap")    = cpdt(j,"exist-cap") + cpdt(j,"new-cap");
cpdt(j,"production")   = sum((t,ptr), zs.l(ptr,j,t));
cpdt(j,"shipped")      = xfd(j,"total","tubes+rods");
cpdt(j,"slack")        = round(cpdt(j,"production") - sum((t,ptr), b("tubes+rods",ptr)*zs.l(ptr,j,t)),1);
cpdt(j,"cap-ut")$cpdt(j,"total-cap") = round(100*sum((t,ptr), b("tubes+rods",ptr)*zs.l(ptr,j,t))/cpdt(j,"total-cap"),1);
cpdt("**total**",cps)  = sum(j, cpdt(j,cps));
display cpdt;

cpdsh(j,"exist-cap")   = caps(j,"sheets+p+s");
cpdsh(j,"new-cap")     = sum(t, hs.l("sheets+p+s",j,t));
cpdsh(j,"total-cap")   = cpdsh(j,"exist-cap") + cpdsh(j,"new-cap") ;
cpdsh(j,"production")  = sum((t,psh), zs.l(psh,j,t));
cpdsh(j,"shipped")     = xfd(j,"total","sheets+p+s");
cpdsh(j,"slack")       = round(cpdsh(j,"production") - sum((t,psh), b("sheets+p+s",psh)*zs.l(psh,j,t)),1);
cpdsh(j,"cap-ut")$cpdsh(j,"total-cap") = round(100*sum((t,psh), b("sheets+p+s",psh)*zs.l(psh,j,t))/cpdsh(j,"total-cap"),1);
cpdsh("**total**",cps) = sum(j, cpdsh(j,cps));
display cpdsh;

   sprice(j,cf,*) 'shadow price of demand balance'
   costt(*)       'cost tabulation  (million us$)';

sprice(j,cf,"$-per-ton") = -1000*sum(t, mr.m(cf,j,t));
sprice(j,cf,"$-per-lb")  = sprice(j,cf,"$-per-ton")/lbperton;
display sprice;

costt("capital-i")  = sum(t, phikm.l(t));
costt("capital-j")  = sum(t, phiks.l(t));
costt("operate-i")  = sum(t, phiom.l(t));
costt("operate-j")  = sum(t, phios.l(t));
costt("transport")  = sum(t, phit.l(t));
costt("tariff")     = sum(t, phitf.l(t));
costt("total-cost") = phi2.l;
display costt;