cpack.gms : Packing identical size circles in the unit circle


Given the unit circle (of radius 1), find a set of identical
size circles with an optimized (maximal) radius r so that all
such circles are contained by the unit circle, in a non-overlapping

A test example from  the LGO library

Small Model of Type : QCP

Category : GAMS Model library

Main file : cpack.gms

$title Packing identical size circles in the unit circle (CPACK,SEQ=387)

Given the unit circle (of radius 1), find a set of identical
size circles with an optimized (maximal) radius r so that all
such circles are contained by the unit circle, in a non-overlapping

A test example from  the LGO library

Pinter, J D, Nonlinear optimization with GAMS/LGO.
Journal of Global Optimization 38 (2007), 79-101.

Keywords: quadratic constraint programming, circle packing problem, mathematics

$if not set k $set k 5
Set i / i1*i%k% /;

Alias (i,j);

* Here we define the set ij(i,j) of ordered pairs i,j i < j.
Set ij(i,j); ij(i,j)$(ord(i) < ord(j)) = yes;

   r    'radius of identical sized circles'
   x(i) 'x coordinate of circle i'
   y(i) 'y coordinate of circle i';

   circumscribe(i) 'enforce circle is enclosed in unit circle'
   nooverlap(i,j)  'enforce that circles do not overlap';

circumscribe(i)..    sqr(1 - r) =g= sqr(x(i)) + sqr(y(i));

nooverlap(ij(i,j)).. sqr(x(i) - x(j)) + sqr(y(i) - y(j)) =g= 4*sqr(r);

x.lo(i) = -1; x.up(i) = 1;
y.lo(i) = -1; y.up(i) = 1;

* starting values for local solvers such that some feasible solution is produced (at least with k=5)
x.l(i) = -0.2 + ord(i)*0.1;
y.l(i) = -0.2 + ord(i)*0.1;

* These bound are valid for k>=5
r.lo = 0.05; r.up = 0.4;

Model m / all /;

solve m using qcp maximizing r;

display r.l;