feedtray.gms : Optimum Feed Plate Location


This model determines the optimum location of feed plates in
a distillation column with 7 ideal stages, a total condenser and
a kettle-type reboiler. The feed consists of a mixture of benzene
and toluene entering at bubble point.

Large Model of Type : MINLP

Category : GAMS Model library

Main file : feedtray.gms

$title Optimum Feed Plate Location (FEEDTRAY,SEQ=122)

This model determines the optimum location of feed plates in
a distillation column with 7 ideal stages, a total condenser and
a kettle-type reboiler. The feed consists of a mixture of benzene
and toluene entering at bubble point.

Morari, M, and Grossmann, I E, Eds, Chemical Engineering Optimization
Models with GAMS. Computer Aids for Chemical Engineering Corporation,

Vishwanathan, J, and Grossmann, I E, A Combined Penalty Function and
Outer Approximation Method for Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programming.
Computers and Chemical Engineering 14, 7 (1990), 769-782.

                        Section 1
                        Basic Data

Basic Thermodynamic Data have been taken from

R.C. Reid, J.M. Prausnitz and B.E. Poling :

"The Properties of gases and liquids"

4th Edition, McGraw-Hill (1987)

Units:  Pressure : in bars i.e. 0.1 Mpa
        Temperature : in kelvins
        Heat capacity : kJ/kmol K
Abbreviations: mm   Molar mass
               Tb   Normal boiling point
               Tc   Critical temperature
               Pc   Critical Pressure

Keywords: mixed integer nonlinear programming, feed plate location, chemical

$sTitle System  ---  Benzene - Toluene at about 1 bar
Set j 'components' / benzene, toluene /;

Table  prcon (j,*) 'basic physical properties'
                 mm     tb     tc    pc  omega  liq-den  tden
   benzene   78.114  353.2  562.2  48.9  0.212    0.885   289
   toluene   92.141  383.8  591.8  41.0  0.263    0.867   293;

Table  vpcon(j,*)  'constants in the weird equation for vap.pressure'
                    a        b         c         d  tmin
   benzene   -6.98273  1.33213  -2.62863  -3.33399   288
   toluene   -7.28607  1.38091  -2.83433  -2.79168   309;

Table  cpcon(j,*)  'constants for the isobaric heat capacity equation'
                     a         b          c         d
   benzene   -3.392e+1  4.739e-1  -3.017e-4  7.130e-8
   toluene   -2.435e+1  5.125e-1  -2.765e-4  4.911e-8;

   treb 'guess temperature for reboiler'
   tbot 'guess temperature for bottom-most tray'
   ttop 'guess temperature for top-most tray'
   tcon 'guess temperature for condenser';

treb = 380;
tbot = 375;
ttop = 360;
tcon = 355;

Scalar rg 'universal gas constant' / 8.314 /;

Parameter h0(j) 'integration constant for enthalpy';
h0(j) = tcon*(cpcon(j,'a')   + tcon*(cpcon(j,'b')/2
      + tcon*(cpcon(j,'c')/3 + tcon* cpcon(j,'d')/4)));

                        section 2
                thermal condition of the feed stream

   f    'total no. of moles of feed'
   tf   'temperature of the feed (in kelvins)'
   pf   'pressure of the feed stream'
   vf   'vapour fraction in feed(before expansion)'
   shf  'specific enthalpy of feed'
   preb 'pressure in the reboiler'
   pbot 'pressure in the bottom-most tray'
   ptop 'pressure in the top-most tray'
   pcon 'pressure in the condenser';

f    = 100;
preb = 1.2;
pbot = 1.12;
ptop = 1.08;
pcon = 1.05;
pf   = 1.12;
vf   = 0.0;

Parameter xf(j) 'molefractions in feed-stream' / benzene 0.70, toluene 0.30 /;

Assume that feed enters at bubble point determination of bubble temperature
use nlp to solve equation commented out for convenience.

Variable tbub, z1;

Equation bubble, obj1;

bubble..    sum(j, xf(j)*prcon(j,'pc')*exp(prcon(j,'tc')/tbub
         * (vpcon(j,'a')*(1 - tbub/prcon(j,'tc'))
         +  vpcon(j,'b')*(1 - tbub/prcon(j,'tc'))**1.5
         +  vpcon(j,'c')*(1 - tbub/prcon(j,'tc'))**3
         +  vpcon(j,'d')*(1 - tbub/prcon(j,'tc'))**6))/pf)
        =e= 1;

obj1..  z1 =e= 1;

tbub.lo = prcon('benzene','tb');
tbub.up = prcon('toluene','tb');
tbub.l  = 0.5*(tbub.lo +tbub.up);

Model bubt / all /;

solve bubt minimizing z1 using nlp;

* Note: Solution of the above step indicates tbub = 363.368
tf  = 363.368;
shf =   sum(j, xf(j)*(tf*(cpcon(j,'a') + tf*(cpcon(j,'b')/2
             + tf*(cpcon(j,'c')/3      + tf*cpcon(j,'d')/4))) - h0(j)
             + rg* prcon(j,'tc')*(vpcon(j,'a')*(1 - tf/prcon(j,'tc'))
             + vpcon(j,'b')*(1 - tf/prcon(j,'tc'))**1.5
             + vpcon(j,'c')*(1 - tf/prcon(j,'tc'))**3
             + vpcon(j,'d')*(1 - tf/prcon(j,'tc'))**6)
             + rg*tf*(vpcon(j,'a')
             + 1.5*vpcon(j,'b')*(1 - tf/prcon(j,'tc'))**0.5
             + 3*vpcon(j,'c')*(1 - tf/prcon(j,'tc'))**2
             + 6*vpcon(j,'d')*(1 - tf/prcon(j,'tc'))**5)));

display shf;

                        section 3

                  modeling equations
               description of the column

Note: the stages are numbered bottom upwards (like the
floors of a building). Reboiler is stage (tray) no. 1 and the
condenser is the last tray.

   i         'stages' / 1*9 /
   reb(i)    'reboiler'
   con(i)    'condenser'
   col(i)    'stages in the col'
   floc(i)   'possible locations of feed stage' / 2*8 /
   abovef(i) 'stages above the feed stage'
   belowf(i) 'feed stage and those below it';

reb(i) = yes$(ord(i) = 1);
con(i) = yes$(ord(i) = card(i));
col(i) = yes - (reb(i) + con(i));

Parameter p(i) 'pressure prevailing in tray i';
p(i)$reb(i) = preb;
p(i)$con(i) = pcon;
p(i)$col(i) = pbot - ((pbot - ptop)/(card(i) - 1 - 2))*(ord(i) - 2);

   hllo   'limit on enthalpies and scaling'
   hlhi   'limit on enthalpies and scaling'
   hvlo   'limit on enthalpies and scaling'
   hvhi   'limit on enthalpies and scaling'
   hscale 'limit on enthalpies and scaling';

hllo = tcon*(cpcon('benzene','a')    + tcon*(cpcon('benzene','b')/2
     + tcon*( cpcon('benzene','c')/3 + tcon* cpcon('benzene','d')/4)))
     - h0('benzene') + rg*prcon('benzene','tc')
     * (vpcon('benzene','a')*(1 - tcon/prcon('benzene','tc'))
     + vpcon('benzene','b')*(1 - tcon/prcon('benzene','tc'))**1.5
     + vpcon('benzene','c')*(1 - tcon/prcon('benzene','tc'))**3
     + vpcon('benzene','d')*(1 - tcon/prcon('benzene','tc'))**6)
     + rg*tcon*(vpcon('benzene','a')
     + 1.5*vpcon('benzene','b')*(1 - tcon/prcon('benzene','tc'))**0.5
     + 3*vpcon('benzene','c')*(1 - tcon/prcon('benzene','tc'))**2
     + 6*vpcon('benzene','d')*(1 - tcon/prcon('benzene','tc'))**5);

hlhi = treb*(cpcon('toluene','a')   + treb*(cpcon('toluene','b')/2
     + treb*(cpcon('toluene','c')/3 + treb*cpcon('toluene','d')/4)))
     - h0('toluene') + rg*prcon('toluene','tc')
     * (vpcon('toluene','a')*(1 - treb/prcon('toluene','tc'))
     + vpcon('toluene','b')*(1 - treb/prcon('toluene','tc'))**1.5
     + vpcon('toluene','c')*(1 - treb/prcon('toluene','tc'))**3
     + vpcon('toluene','d')*(1 - treb/prcon('toluene','tc'))**6)
     + rg*treb*(vpcon('toluene','a')
     + 1.5*vpcon('toluene','b')*(1 - treb/prcon('toluene','tc'))**0.5
     + 3*vpcon('toluene','c')*(1 - treb/prcon('toluene','tc'))**2
     + 6*vpcon('toluene','d')*(1 - treb/prcon('toluene','tc'))**5);

hvlo = tcon*(cpcon('benzene','a')   + tcon*(cpcon('benzene','b')/2
     + tcon*(cpcon('benzene','c')/3 + tcon*cpcon('benzene','d')/4)))
     - h0('benzene');

hvhi = treb*(cpcon('toluene','a')   + treb*(cpcon('toluene','b')/2
     + treb*(cpcon('toluene','c')/3 + treb*cpcon('toluene','d')/4)))
     - h0('toluene');

hscale = max(abs(hllo), abs(hlhi), abs(hvlo), abs(hvhi));

Positive Variable
   x(i,j)    'mole-fraction of j-th component in liquid on i-th tray'
   y(i,j)    'mole-fraction of j-th component in vapour on i-th tray'
   l(i)      'molar flow rate of liquid leaving tray i'
   v(i)      'molar flow rate of vapour leaving tray i'
   t(i)      'temperature of tray i'
   feed(i)   'feed stream entering tray i'
   r         'reflux ratio'
   p1        'top product rate'
   p2        'bottom product rate';

   hl(i)     'molar sp.enthalpy of liquid in tray i'
   hv(i)     'molar sp.enthalpy of vapour in tray i';

   phe(i,j)  'phase equilibrium relation'
   errk(i)   'phase equilibrium error function'
   cmb(i,j)  'component material balance(1<i<n)'
   cmb1(i,j) 'component material balance(i=1)'
   cmbn(i,j) 'component material balance(i=n)'
   tmb(i)    'total material balance for trays in the column'
   tmb1(i)   'total material balance for reboiler'
   tmbn(i)   'total material balance for condenser'
   defln(i)  'definition of l(n)'
   defp2(i)  'definition of p2'
   defhl(i)  'definition of hl(i)'
   defhv(i)  'definition of hv(i)'
   eb(i)     'enthalpy balance'
   purcon    'purity constraint'
   sumf      'sum of feeds';

phe(i,j)..    y(i,j)*p(i) - x(i,j)*prcon(j,'pc')*exp(prcon(j,'tc')/t(i)
           * (vpcon(j,'a')*(1 - t(i)/prcon(j,'tc'))
           +  vpcon(j,'b')*(1 - t(i)/prcon(j,'tc'))**1.5
           +  vpcon(j,'c')*(1 - t(i)/prcon(j,'tc'))**3
           +  vpcon(j,'d')*(1 - t(i)/prcon(j,'tc'))**6))
          =e= 0;

errk(i).. sum(j,y(i,j)) - sum(j,x(i,j)) =e= 0;

cmb(i,j)$col(i)..     l(i)*x(i,j) + v(i)*y(i,j) - l(i+1)*x(i+1,j)
                   -  v(i-1)*y(i-1,j) - (feed(i)*xf(j))$floc(i)    =e= 0;

cmb1(i,j)$reb(i).. l(i)*x(i,j) + v(i)*y(i,j) - l(i+1)*x(i+1,j)     =e= 0;

cmbn(i,j)$con(i).. (l(i)+ p1)*x(i,j) - v(i-1)*y(i-1,j)             =e= 0;

tmb(i)$col(i)..    l(i) + v(i) - l(i+1) - v(i-1) - feed(i)$floc(i) =e= 0;

tmb1(i)$reb(i)..   l(i) + v(i) - l(i+1) =e= 0;

tmbn(i)$con(i)..   l(i) + p1   - v(i-1) =e= 0;

defln(i)$con(i)..  l(i)      =e= r*p1;

defp2(i)$reb(i)..  l(i) - p2 =e= 0;

defhl(i).. hl(i) - sum(j, x(i,j)*(t(i)*(cpcon(j,'a') + t(i)*(cpcon(j,'b')/2
                        + t(i)*(cpcon(j,'c')/3 + t(i)*cpcon(j,'d')/4))) - h0(j)
                        + rg*prcon(j,'tc')*(vpcon(j,'a')*(1 - t(i)/prcon(j,'tc'))
                        + vpcon(j,'b')*(1 - t(i)/prcon(j,'tc'))**1.5
                        + vpcon(j,'c')*(1 - t(i)/prcon(j,'tc'))**3
                        + vpcon(j,'d')*(1 - t(i)/prcon(j,'tc'))**6)
                        + rg*t(i)*(vpcon(j,'a')
                        + 1.5*vpcon(j,'b')*(1 - t(i)/prcon(j,'tc'))**0.5
                        + 3  *vpcon(j,'c')*(1 - t(i)/prcon(j,'tc'))**2
                        + 6  *vpcon(j,'d')*(1 - t(i)/prcon(j,'tc'))**5)))/hscale
                       =e= 0;

defhv(i).. hv(i) - sum(j, y(i,j)*(t(i)*(cpcon(j,'a') + t(i)*( cpcon(j,'b')/2
                        + t(i)*(cpcon(j,'c')/3 + t(i)*cpcon(j,'d')/4))) - h0(j)))/hscale
                       =e= 0;

eb(i)$col(i)..     l(i)*hl(i) + v(i)*hv(i) - l(i+1)*hl(i+1) - v(i-1)*hv(i-1)
                - (feed(i)*shf/hscale)$floc(i) =e=  0;

purcon.. x('9','benzene')        =g= 0.95;

sumf..   sum(i$floc(i), feed(i)) =e= f;

* Initialization of variables
Set ifeed(i) / 6 /;

belowf(i) = yes$(ord(i) le 6);
abovef(i) = yes - belowf(i);
feed.l(i)$ifeed(i) = f;

r.l  = 0.45; r.up  = 0.95;  r.lo  = 0.1;
p1.l = 60  ; p1.up = 80  ;  p1.lo =  50;
p2.l = 40  ; p2.up = 50  ;  p2.lo =  20;

x.up(i,j) = 1.0;
y.up(i,j) = 1.0;
v.l(i)    = ((r.l + 1)*p1.l);
l.l(i)$reb(i)    = p2.l;
l.l(i)$(belowf(i)- reb(i)) = p1.l*r.l + (1 - vf)*f;
l.l(i)$abovef(i) = p1.l*r.l;
t.l(i)$reb(i)    = treb;
t.l(i)$con(i)    = tcon;
t.l(i)$col(i)    = tbot + (ttop - tbot)*(ord(i) - 2)/(card(i) - 1 - 2);
t.lo(i) = tcon - 10;
t.up(i) = treb + 10;

x.l(i,'benzene') = 0.90 - 0.5*(ord(i) - card(i))/(1 - card(i));
x.l(i,'toluene') = 1 - x.l(i,'benzene');
y.l(i,'benzene') = 1.0 - 0.8*(ord(i) - card(i))/(1 - card(i));
y.l(i,'toluene') = 1 - y.l(i,'benzene');

hl.l(i) = sum(j, x.l(i,j)*(t.l(i)*(cpcon(j,'a') + t.l(i)*(cpcon(j,'b')/2
               + t.l(i)*( cpcon(j,'c')/3 + t.l(i) *cpcon(j,'d')/4)))  - h0(j)
               + rg*prcon(j,'tc')*(vpcon(j,'a')*(1 - t.l(i)/prcon(j,'tc'))
               + vpcon(j,'b')*(1 - t.l(i)/prcon(j,'tc'))**1.5
               + vpcon(j,'c')*(1 - t.l(i)/prcon(j,'tc'))**3
               + vpcon(j,'d')*(1 - t.l(i)/prcon(j,'tc'))**6)
               + rg*t.l(i)*(vpcon(j,'a')
               + 1.5*vpcon(j,'b')*(1 - t.l(i)/prcon(j,'tc'))**0.5
               + 3  *vpcon(j,'c')*(1 - t.l(i)/prcon(j,'tc'))**2
               + 6  *vpcon(j,'d')*(1 - t.l(i)/prcon(j,'tc'))**5)))/hscale;

hv.l(i) = sum(j, y.l(i,j)*(t.l(i)*(cpcon(j,'a') + t.l(i)*(cpcon(j,'b')/2
               + t.l(i)*(cpcon(j,'c')/3 + t.l(i)*cpcon(j,'d')/4))) - h0(j)))/hscale;

hl.lo(i) = (1 - 0.5*sign(hllo))*hllo/ hscale;
hv.lo(i) = (1 - 0.5*sign(hvlo))*hvlo/ hscale;
hl.up(i) = (1 + 0.5*sign(hlhi))*hlhi/ hscale;
hv.up(i) = (1 + 0.5*sign(hvhi))*hvhi/ hscale;

* Additional variables and equations for the feed tray location problem;
Binary Variable yf(i);

Variable zf;

   sumb       'sum of binary variables'
   confeed(i) 'constraint on feed'
   obj2       'second objective function';

sumb.. sum(i$floc(i),yf(i)) =e= 1;

confeed(i)$floc(i).. feed(i) - f*yf(i) =l= 0;

obj2.. zf =e= p1 - 50*r;

zf.up = 100;
yf.l(i)$floc(i)    = 1.0/7.0;
feed.l(i)$floc(i)  = f/7.0;
feed.up(i)$floc(i) = f;

Model column 'optimization case' / all /;

solve column using minlp maximizing zf;