The Gas Trade Model (GTM) models interrelated gas markets. Prices may be free to move as to equilibrate supplies and demand. Disequilibria can be introduced with controls over prices and/or quantities traded.
Small Model of Type : NLP
Category : GAMS Model library
Main file : gtm.gms
$title An International Gas Trade Model (GTM,SEQ=53)
The Gas Trade Model (GTM) models interrelated gas markets.
Prices may be free to move as to equilibrate supplies and
demand. Disequilibria can be introduced with controls over
prices and/or quantities traded.
Manne, A S, and Beltramo, M A, GTM: An International Gas Trade Model ,
International Energy Program Report. Stanford University, 1984.
Keywords: nonlinear programming, gas trade, price elasticity, energy economics,
international trade
i 'supply regions' / mexico, alberta-bc, atlantic, appalacia
us-gulf, mid-cont, permian-b, rockies
pacific, alaska /
j 'demand regions' / mexico, west-can, ont-quebec, atlantic
new-engl, ny-nj, mid-atl, south-atl
midwest, south-west, central, n-central
west, n-west /
jfx(j) 'regions with fixed demand' / mexico, west-can, ont-quebec, atlantic /
ij(i,j) 'feasible links';
Table sdat(i,*) 'supply data'
ref-p1 ref-q1 ref-p2 ref-q2 limit
* ($/mcf) (tcf) ($/mcf) (tcf) (tcf)
mexico 2.0 .5 2.5
alberta-bc 3.0 1.6 3.75
atlantic .25 .03 .3
appalacia 3.5 .58 7.0 .65 .72
us-gulf 3.5 7.88 7.0 8.82 9.75
mid-cont 3.5 2.07 7.0 2.31 2.55
permian-b 3.5 1.39 7.0 1.55 1.72
rockies 3.5 1.16 7.0 1.30 1.44
pacific 3.5 .42 7.0 .47 .52
alaska 2.0 .80 2.0 .1 inf;
Table ddat(j,*) 'demand data'
ref-p ref-q elas tax ex-dem
* ($/mcf) (tcf) ($/mcf) (tcf)
mexico 1.0 2.2 -.5
west-can 3.0 1.47 -.5
ont-quebec 3.5 1.38 -.5
atlantic 3.5 .20 -.5
new-engl 9.37 .76 -.60
ny-nj 8.33 1.18 -.66
mid-atl 8.26 .89 -.65
south-atl 8.07 1.62 -.89
midwest 8.01 2.96 -.65
south-west 7.29 6.04 -.84
central 7.79 1.17 -.67
n-central 8.06 1.51 -.54
west 8.18 2.10 -.43
n-west 9.39 .36 -.57;
supa(i) 'supply constant a'
supb(i) 'supply constant b'
supc(i) 'supply capacity'
dema(j) 'demand constant a'
demb(j) 'demand constant b';
supc(i) = sdat(i,"limit");
supb(i) = ((sdat(i,"ref-p1") - sdat(i,"ref-p2"))
/ (1/(supc(i) - sdat(i,"ref-q1"))-1/(supc(i) - sdat(i,"ref-q2"))))
$ (supc(i) <> inf);
supa(i) = sdat(i,"ref-p1") - supb(i)/(supc(i) - sdat(i,"ref-q1"));
* we rely on supa(i) evaluating to exactly zero in some cases
supa(i) = round(supa(i),4);
supc(i)$(supc(i) = inf) = 100;
sdat(i,"sup-a") = supa(i);
sdat(i,"sup-b") = supb(i);
display sdat;
demb(j) = 1/ddat(j,"elas") + 1;
dema(j) = ddat(j,"ref-p")/demb(j)/ddat(j,"ref-q")**(demb(j) - 1);
ddat(j,"dem-a") = dema(j);
ddat(j,"dem-b") = demb(j);
display ddat;
Table utc(i,j) 'unit transport cost ($ per mcf)'
mexico west-can ont-quebec atlantic new-engl ny-nj mid-atl south-atl midwest south-west
mexico .25 2.29 2.22 2.03 1.96 1.25
alberta-bc .40 .90 1.15 1.10 1.10 1.55 .80 1.25
atlantic 1.50
appalacia .72 .46
us-gulf 2.12 1.08 1.01 .82 .75 .04
mid-cont .86 .14
permian-b .83 .77 .05
rockies .53
alaska 6.0
+ central n-central west n-west
mexico 2.13
alberta-bc .80 .65 .70 .65
us-gulf .54
mid-cont .64
permian-b .55 .94
rockies .31 .58 .70 1.91
pacific .43 ;
Table pc(i,j) 'pipeline capacities (tcf)'
mexico west-can ont-quebec atlantic new-engl ny-nj mid-atl south-atl midwest south-west
mexico inf .067 .067 .067 .067
alberta-bc inf inf .30 .150 .10 inf
atlantic inf inf
appalacia .34 .35
us-gulf inf 1.390 1.060 2.0 2.62 3.73
mid-cont .62 2.30
permian-b .12 1.45
rockies .48
alaska .80
+ central n-central west n-west
mexico .033
alberta-bc inf inf inf inf
mid-cont 1.03
permian-b 1.46
rockies .14 inf .10 inf
pacific .48 ;
check1(i,j) 'supply links with zero cost and non-zero capacity'
check2(i,j) 'supply links with nonzero cost but zero capacity';
check1(i,j) = yes$(utc(i,j) = 0 and pc(i,j) <> 0);
check2(i,j) = yes$(utc(i,j) <> 0 and pc(i,j) = 0);
ij(i,j) = yes$pc(i,j);
display check1, check2;
x(i,j) 'shipment of natural gas (tcf)'
s(i) 'regional supply (tcf)'
d(j) 'regional demand (tcf)'
benefit 'consumers benefits minus cost';
Positive Variable x, s, d;
sb(i) 'supply balance (tcf)'
db(j) 'demand balance (tcf)'
bdef 'benefit definition';
sb(i).. sum(j$ij(i,j), x(i,j)) =l= s(i);
db(j).. sum(i$ij(i,j), x(i,j)) =g= d(j);
bdef.. benefit =e= sum(j, dema(j)*d(j)**demb(j))
- sum(i, supa(i)*s(i) - supb(i)*log((supc(i) - s(i))/supc(i)))
- sum((i,j)$ij(i,j), utc(i,j)*x(i,j));
x.up(i,j) = pc(i,j);
d.lo(j) = .2;
d.fx(jfx) = ddat(jfx,"ref-q");
s.up(i) = 0.99*supc(i);
Model gtm 'gas transport model' / all /;
solve gtm maximizing benefit using nlp;
report1(i,*) 'supply summary report'
report2(j,*) 'demand summary report';
report1(i,"supply") = s.l(i);
report1(i,"capacity") = s.up(i);
report1(i,"price") = sb.m(i);
report2(j,"demand") = d.l(j);
report2(j,"price") = -db.m(j);
display report1, report2, x.l;