This is an investment planning model for the Turkish power sector to determine the least cost expansion pattern.
Large Model of Type : LP
Category : GAMS Model library
Main file : turkpow.gms
$title Turkey Power Planning Model (TURKPOW,SEQ=54)
This is an investment planning model for the Turkish power
sector to determine the least cost expansion pattern.
Turvey, R, and Anderson, D, Chapter 8: Electricity Development in Turkey:
A Case Study using Linear Programming. In Electricity Economics: Essays
and Case Studies. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore and London,
Keywords: linear programming, investment planning, energy economics
$sTitle Set Definitions
time 'time periods' / 1975*2005 /
te(time) 'extended time horizon' / 1975, 1978, 1983, 1988, 1993, 1998, 2005 /
t(te) 'time periods excluding base year' / 1978, 1983, 1988, 1993, 1998, 2005 /
b 'load blocks' / peak, high, medium, low /
m 'plant types' / hydro-1*hydro-13, gas-t, oil, lignite-1*lignite-3, nuclear /
mh(m) 'hydro units' / hydro-1*hydro-13 /
mt(m) 'thermal units - with vintage'
mc(m) 'thermal units with limitations on total new capacity' / lignite-1*lignite-3 /;
Alias (t,v), (b,bp);
mt(m) = not mh(m);
display mt;
$sTitle Data:
Set labels 'for plant data'
/ initcap 'initial capacities (mw)'
avail 'operational availability'
e-fact 'energy factor for hydro plants'
opcost 'operating costs (mill tl per mw-year)'
opcost-g 'annual rate of decrease in operating costs (%)'
capcost 'capital costs (mill tl per mw)'
capcost-g 'annual rate of decrease in capital costs (%)'
life 'life of units (years)'
maxcap 'maximum capacity - on total new capacity (mw)' /;
Table mdatah(m,labels) 'data for hydro plants'
initcap avail e-fact opcost capcost life maxcap
* (mw) (mill tl (mill tl (years) (mw)
* per mw-yr) per mw)
hydro-1 .9 .4 .09 1.4 50 684
hydro-2 .9 .4 .09 4 50 1484
hydro-3 .9 .4 .09 6.5 50 844
hydro-4 .9 .4 .09 7 50 250
hydro-5 1829 .9 .6 .09 3 50 2000
hydro-6 .9 .6 .09 6.8 50 814
hydro-7 .9 .8 .09 4.3 50 890
hydro-8 .9 .4 .09 2.7 50 1366
hydro-9 .9 .4 .09 4.6 50 656
hydro-10 .9 .4 .09 6.1 50 192
hydro-11 .9 .6 .09 3.9 50 1002
hydro-12 .9 .6 .09 5.6 50 947
hydro-13 .9 .8 .09 6.1 50 81;
Table mdatat(m,labels) 'data for thermal plants'
initcap avail opcost opcost-g capcost capcost-g life maxcap
* (mw) (mill tl (%) (mill tl (%) (years) (mw)
* per mw-yr) per mw)
gas-t 120 .8 1.7 -.005 2.5 30 +inf
oil 847 .9 1.1 -.005 4.5 -.01 30 +inf
lignite-1 960 .8 .6 -.005 5 -.01 30
lignite-2 .8 .2 -.005 7 -.01 30 2500
lignite-3 .8 .2 -.005 7 -.01 30 3500
nuclear .8 .3 -.005 9 -.02 30 +inf;
hlo(m,te) 'lower bound: hydro unit expansions (mw)'
/ hydro-4.1978 250 /
hup(m,te) 'upper bound: hydro unit expansions (mw)'
/ (hydro-1*hydro-3, hydro-5*hydro-7).(1978,1983) inf
(hydro-1*hydro-13).(1988,1993,1998,2005) inf
hydro-4.1978 250 /
tlo(m,te) 'lower bound: thermal unit expansions (mw)'
/ gas-t.1983 100, gas-t.1988 200, gas-t.1993 360
gas-t.1998 600, gas-t.2005 1600 /;
Table tup(m,te) 'upper bound on thermal unit expansions (mw)'
1978 1983 1988 1993 1998 2005
gas-t 230 390 650 1110 1580 3580
nuclear 600 2500 5000 10000 inf
lignite-3 inf inf inf inf
(oil,lignite-1,lignite-2) inf inf inf inf inf inf;
Table dd(b,*) 'demand data for 1975'
* In the reference the data presented in the tables actually use two sets of growth
* rates for determining future demand, and not one as stated in the text. Here the
* single growth rate (11% annually) is used.
duration demand
* hrs per yr) (mw)
peak 526 3365
high 2540 2550
medium 3066 2050
low 2628 1520;
rho 'interest rate' / .11 /
prr 'peak reserve requirement (%)' / .05 /
r 'maximum aggregate hydro capacity' / .5 /
g 'demand growth rate (annual %)' / .11 /;
length(time) 'distance from base year'
d(b,te) 'power demand by block (mw)'
dur(b) 'load duration of block (fraction of year)'
opcostt(m,v,t) 'operating cost for thermal units (million tl per mw-yr)'
capcostt(m,v,t) 'capital cost for thermal units (million tl per mw)'
sigma(m) 'capital recovery factor'
delta(t) 'discount factor'
bs(b,b) 'load order matrix'
vs(t,v) 'vintage time matrix'
kit(m,v) 'initial capacity for thermal units (mw)';
length(time) = ord(time) - 1;
bs(b,bp) = (ord(b) >= ord(bp));
vs(t,v) = (ord(t) >= ord(v));
opcostt(m,v,t)$vs(t,v) = mdatat(m,"opcost")* (1 + mdatat(m,"opcost-g"))**length(v);
capcostt(m,v,t)$vs(t,v) = mdatat(m,"capcost")*(1 + mdatat(m,"capcost-g"))**length(v);
d(b,te) = round(dd(b,"demand")*(1 + g)**length(te),0);
dur(b) = sum(bp$bs(b,bp), dd(bp,"duration"))/sum(bp, dd(bp,"duration"));
delta(t) = (1 + rho)**(-length(t));
sigma(mt) = rho/(1 - (1 + rho)**(-mdatat(mt,"life")));
sigma(mh) = rho/(1 - (1 + rho)**(-mdatah(mh,"life")));
kit(mt,"1978") = mdatat(mt,"initcap");
display length, bs, vs, opcostt, capcostt, dd, d, dur, delta, sigma;
$sTitle Model Definition
phi 'total discounted cost (million tl)'
phic(te) 'capital charges (million tl)'
phio(te) 'operating costs (million tl)'
hh(m,te) 'capacity additions: hydro units (mw)'
ht(m,v) 'capacity additions: thermal units (mw)'
htt(m) 'capacity additions: total thermal unit over time (mw)'
zh(m,b,t) 'power output: hydro (mw)'
zt(m,v,b,t) 'power output: thermal (mw)';
Positive Variable zh, zt, hh, ht;
db(b,te) 'demand balance (mw)'
pr(te) 'peak and reserve requirements (mw)'
cch(m,te) 'capacity constraint: hydro (mw)'
cct(m,v,te) 'capacity constraint: thermal (mw)'
ech(m,te) 'hydro energy constraint (mw-yr)'
hcc(te) 'hydro capacity constraint (mw)'
rch(m) 'resource constraint: maximum new capacity on hydros (mw)'
cat(m) 'capacity accounting: total new capacity for unit (mw)'
ak(te) 'accounting: capital charges (million tl)'
ao(te) 'accounting: operating costs (million tl)'
obj 'total discounted cost (million tl)';
db(b,t).. sum(bp$bs(bp,b), sum(mh, zh(mh,bp,t))
+ sum((mt,v)$vs(t,v), zt(mt,v,bp,t))) =g= d(b,t);
pr(t).. sum(mh, mdatah(mh,"avail")*(mdatah(mh,"initcap") + sum(v$vs(t,v), hh(mh,v))))
+ sum(mt, mdatat(mt,"avail")*sum(v$vs(t,v), kit(mt,v) + ht(mt,v)))
=g= (1 + prr)*d("peak",t);
cch(mh,t).. sum(b, zh(mh,b,t)) =l= mdatah(mh,"avail")*(mdatah(mh,"initcap")
+ sum(v$vs(t,v), hh(mh,v)));
sum(b, zt(mt,v,b,t)) =l= mdatat(mt,"avail")*(kit(mt,v) + ht(mt,v));
ech(mh,t).. sum(b, dur(b)*zh(mh,b,t)) =l= mdatah(mh,"e-fact")*( mdatah(mh,"initcap")
+ sum(v$vs(t,v), hh(mh,v)));
hcc(t).. sum(mh, mdatah(mh,"initcap") + sum(v$vs(t,v), hh(mh,v))) =l= r*d("peak",t);
rch(mh).. sum(t, hh(mh,t)) =l= mdatah(mh,"maxcap");
cat(mt).. htt(mt) =e= sum(v, ht(mt,v));
ak(t).. phic(t) =e= sum(mh, sigma(mh)*mdatah(mh,"capcost")*sum(v$vs(t,v), hh(mh,v)))
+ sum(mt, sigma(mt)*sum(v, capcostt(mt,v,t)*ht(mt,v)));
ao(t).. phio(t) =e= sum(mh, mdatah(mh,"opcost")*sum(b, dur(b)*zh(mh,b,t)))
+ sum((mt,v)$vs(t,v), opcostt(mt,v,t)*sum(b, dur(b)*zt(mt,v,b,t)));
obj.. phi =e= sum(t, delta(t)*(phic(t) + phio(t)));
hh.lo(mh,t) = hlo(mh,t);
hh.up(mh,t) = hup(mh,t);
ht.lo(mt,t) = tlo(mt,t);
ht.up(mt,t) = tup(mt,t);
htt.up(mt) = mdatat(mt,"maxcap");
Model turkey / all /;
solve turkey minimizing phi using lp;
$sTitle Report
Parameter report 'summary report';
Set reporder / power, capacity, duration, energy, e-limit, op-cost /;
report(mt,b,t) = sum(v, zt.l(mt,v,b,t));
report(mh,b,t) = zh.l(mh,b,t);
report("power",b,t) = d(b,t);
report("duration",b,t) = dur(b);
report("power","power",t) = sum(b, report("power",b,t));
report(m,"power",t) = sum(b, report(m,b,t));
report(mt,"capacity",t) = sum(v$vs(t,v), kit(mt,v) + ht.l(mt,v));
report(mh,"capacity",t) = mdatah(mh,"initcap") + sum(v$vs(t,v), hh.l(mh,v));
report("energy",b,t) = report("power",b,t)*report("duration",b,t);
report("energy","energy",t) = sum(b, report("energy",b,t));
report(m,"energy",t) = sum(b, dur(b)*report(m,b,t));
report(mh,"e-limit",t) = report(mh,"capacity",t)*mdatah(mh,"e-fact");
report(mh,"op-cost",t) = report(mh,"energy",t)*mdatah(mh,"opcost");
report(mt,"op-cost",t) = sum(v$vs(t,v), opcostt(mt,v,t)*sum(b, dur(b)*zt.l(mt,v,b,t)));
report("op-cost","op-cost",t) = sum(m, report(m,"op-cost",t));
report("op-cost",b,t) = sum(mh, dur(b)*mdatah(mh,"opcost")*zh.l(mh,b,t))
+ sum((mt,v)$vs(t,v), dur(b)*opcostt(mt,v,t)*zt.l(mt,v,b,t));
display hh.l, ht.l, report;